who do you have a crush on?
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... does my boyfriend count
someone from here...
My girlfriend
This has aged well, considering I have lost romantic feelings and now don't know what to do lmao
There’s this girl in my class and I feel kind of weird when I’m around her. I feel like I need to get her attention and I love talking to her. I don’t know if it’s a crush or if it’s just platonic or if it’s because I want to be like her
a person from the other side of the country who is awesome and i may have spoken about on here before
I’ve liked the same boy for over a year, fully knowing he never liked me the same way. we’re pretty good friends, and i think the crush is FINALLY dying down!
Mostly fictional characters but also one boy a year older than me and two girls who are my friends but they’re basically dating each other and every time I see them together I die inside but am also happy for them 🫠😭
I have a crush on this guy I talk to on discord but of course my dumb@$$ parents figured out and I haven’t been allowed to talk to him in 4 months. If I don’t talk to him by the end of the year I’m gonna either run away from home or I alive myself
a lot of boys heh heh...
I can’t have crushes on anyone because my parents force me into religious schools and of course, I’m an atheist and let’s be honest I’m not having a future with some hyper religious brain washed freaks (this doesn’t apply to all religious people, only the people I’m around)
*as a child of somewhat super christian parents and a **gay** christian myself* i fully apologize for any bullying, nasty commentts and everything in between from my fellow christians. the verse is "be kind to your neighbour" not "only be kind to your neighbour if their a cis straight white person"