I'm curious about what songs, pieces, bands, composers, or genre's you listen to that don't get a lot of attention.
I am studying music in college, and I already listen to a wide range of musical styles. But, I'm trying to get more suggestions to widen my palate.
Could be anything from moderately popular stuff to wildly avant-garde. I will give your suggestions a listen.
I look forward to seeing what you come up with.
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I listen to like people on yt..like living tombstone, DAGames, and etc..
Hmm not very obscure, but maybe not commonly known to Americans or Europeans. In the northeast of Brazil there is a musical genre called Forró. It is a fast paced Afro-Brazilian dance music with elements from samba to polka. It's fun to listen to, more fun to dance to. And very popular during Carnaval. Maybe the most famous singer is Luis Gonzaga (1912-1989). But I'm more partial to contemporary composers.
I love the Ink Spots
NOAHFINNCE and Addison Grace. both of them are amazing underrated artists who deserve more recognition.
NOAHFINNCE: fun, but so depressing 😭, probably make myself worse off than I already am listening to it too much. Addison Grace's sound is chill, cool
i have two people so im gonna say both anyway Boywithuke a 20yr who is insanely good at his music and Alec Benjamin i dont remember his age but he has some really good voice and guitar skills both are worth a listen
Not really obscure worldwide, but definitely in the US,
Symphonic Metal in the style of early Within Temptation or Visions of Atlantis.
Also, psalmody, (Corner Room or Brian Sauve) which is only obscure if, like me, you aren’t a Presbyterian.
My brother likes symphonic metal, so I've actually heard and like some stuff from both of those. Also, I'm nondenom, and psalmody is waaaay under appreciated there, so really appreciate the rec
My time has come!! Caravan Palace (they make electro swing), Sim Gretina (they made amazing music, but have stopped as of two years ago), The Living Tombstone, Yoasobi (I think they're very popular in Japan, but don't know if they are in the West), Bear Ghost, The Chalkeaters, Gogol Bordello, the pillows, Flying Lotus, Ichika Nito, Polyphia. Thanks for the question. I've been wanting to share my obscure music tastes for quite some time now lol
“King Africa” from the mountains of northern Argentina. This is a tropical Latin pop group that does fun dance music.
If you go to a Quince or Mexican wedding in Houston, Texas, you typically hear their song “Carnavalito“ which is really fun and funny sounding. (There is a video on Youtube.)
The guests will take meter long balloons, wave them in the air, and do a special line dance during the song. It is really fun to see and hear this
Keith Frank - fusing Louisiana zydeco with hip hop or R&B, unsure what word to use.
He and rapper ‘Lil Boosie have a song called “Haterz” which features an accordion improv that rocks like a guitar solo, and anyone can dance along with it
Found someone named Keith Franks on Spotify doing Gregorian chant and was like, 😂 wrong guy. Enjoyed the actual song once I found it, lol
novelists (fr). they effortlessly combine jazz and metalcore. downright virtuosos, really.
I don't do much music with screaming, but I do appreciate the virtuosity
Good Kid
Mother Mother
Almost Monday
Beach Bunny
Anson Seabra
Dark electronic
Funk electronic
Hype electronic
I only hear these types of musoc in the edit community and the animation meme community. Wish I could here these types of songs on the raidio more.
Music sorrry for the spelling erors was typing in a hurry
JT music and the living tombstone
The Mechanisms. They're a British steampunk band, and they're albums are like queer, sci-fi, tragedy versions of various myths, legends, and stories, such as greek mythology, and fairy tales.
I can go on and on.
The most underrated song from a famous band is Action This Day by Queen.
The most underrated instrumental is Orion from Metallica.
The most underrated song is Highway Star by Deep Purple
i don’t know a lot of obscure bands, but i do know of Lovejoy. i’m a little obsessed with their music. i didn’t really like it at first but one day it just hit different and now i like all their songs
The Happy Fits, love their songs, memorized most of them lol
MASA works design. He's a vocaloid producer, and all of his songs are in japanese, but translations are avaliable. He has quite a bit attention for his earlier works, but I think most of the recent ones are pretty good too.
The sisters tale, Onibi series, and Secret Goldfish trilogy all use traditional japanese elements, so I think they'd be good to look at.
But then again... You might actually not want to know the translations. There's some stuff in there I sure as hell wish I never read, lol.
Hindi songs.
It is just a partial stereotype that there are a bunch of random songs in bollywood movies. There are independent artists and some classic songs are way too good.
I'll recommend that yall listen to Kishore Kumar's classic songs. He is often considered best hindi artist.
Also other regional Indian music is great. Punjabi songs suit parties, south Indian music are great and music of Bengal and North East states is melodious.
I agree that some of the stuff of bollywood is high level cringe bur some is great. I highly recommend it.
Poi Dog Pondering. Chicago based band. Their live album Liquid White Light is great, and I don't usually like "live" albums. Also, they put on a great show with the "House-O-Matic dancers".
I highly recommend anything by the Killers, try A Dustland Fairytale, and Spaceman.
Sufjan Stevens, specifically his song Seven Swans
The Living Tombstone on Youtube
Da Games on YouTube
OR3O on YouTube
Blixemi on YouTube (her songs are all based off of Warrior Cats, so if you like Warrior Cats I would recommend her songs)
If I think of anymore, I'll add them in a reply