Hey Pandas, What Misconceptions Do People Have About Your Country Or State? (Closed)
Place any misconceptions or stereotypes about your home country here.
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Hey, I'm back. I'm am back from my break of trolling. If you think i should stop trolling, upvote. If you think I should continue, downvote
USA is really not nearly as violent as everyone thinks it is. Yes, we have more gun violence but it’s not like we hear gunshots throughout the night and just roll over in bed like it’s normal.
Where in the US do you live? I got 26 bullets in my front yard just the other day…
Guess the country yourself. Here are some stereotypes i faced about my country in US.
1)We all are nerd.
2)We all have a weird accent.
3)Tech support and call centres.
4)Extreme poverty( though poverty is here but it isn't how much people think. Middle class still exists)
5)Spicy food
That everything here will kill you. I live in Australia and most of our deadly wildlife can be sorted with a shoe.
Oh and they're called Prawns not shrimp. We do not chuck shrimp on the Barbie, prawns yes (if your a fancy boy) but never a shrimp
We don’t walk around on clogs, we don’t ALL do drugs and the red light district isn’t as ‘prostitution is legal here’ as one might think. A lot of girls are forced.
We do love our cheese and chocolate sprinkle bread lunches though…
North Carolina has a few that are REALLY wrong.
1. We will fight you over Duke vs UNC
In reality, most of us either don't care, or root for other teams. Plus, most fans work with opposing fans, so you learn to be cordial.
2. NC is a state full of Republican gun nuts
The state legistlature has basically taken control of the state via gerrymandering, the majority of the population really doesn't want them to do what they do. Same goes for the NC delegation to the house, because the maps are drawn at the state level. This is a fairly large problem, since the Supreme Court seems poised to say that the courts have no discretion over voter maps (despite them being discriminatory) and bills that are HIGHLY opposed by the public, especially urban voters, are being proposed and since the Republicans are one vote short of a supermajority in the House, they changed the rules so that they don't have to give notice for an override vote.
Sorry for the rant, I'm just annoyed when people assume that I'm an a*s because of my state. I may be an a*****e, but I am a queer, pro-choice, pissed off because of politics a*****e.
May favorite are the Duke/UNC license plates that say "a house divided" 😁
We do not worship cheese in Wisconsin…ok, maybe just a little bit..
Wisconsin may not worship cheese, but cheese lovers do in fact worship Wisconsin. I should know, my friend started a "Cult of Wisconsin" in middle school.
we don't ride a horse everywhere, and most of us don't have a super thick texan accent.
We all don't wear cowboy hats, ride horses and carry guns! 🙄 That's all I got asked when I lived in Colorado for a short period of time.
CA- the fact its a blue state means ppl often think its very open minded. yeah no. if u drive to Los Angeles, on the way you will see lots of conservative stuff. my town alone has over 50 churches in less than 40 square miles. last year, my middle school was notorious for homophobia. so sadly, not as great as we are given credit for.
The most racism I ever experienced as a Latino in the US, was in San Francisco. So yeah, I believe you
China: It’s a REALLY REALLY big place and not everyone gets along with each other. We don’t all extremely HATE foreigners. We are not all hyperactive humans walking around in ancient Chinese costumes. We do not ALL live in extreme poverty, and we’re trying to do something about it. Most of us are shocked at the idea of eating cat and dog meat because it was a traditional food like WAY before.
Yes, we have A LOT of homework. We have LOTS of maths homework in particular. Also, not all of us are craziness/boringness in a nutshell, but you could look to my great-aunt for someone who actually IS. :) (Chinese person here and I’m in Beijing right now)
I’m…just shocked. For some reason I always thought you were a real hedgehog, but just teasing about the alien thing. Nice to know you, fellow human! I’ve visited Hong Kong. I know that’s not the real China, but I liked it.😃
That we shag sheep (from Wales, UK). I mean, maybe some do but generally we tend to stick to humans!
i dwell in hawaii not everything is sunshine, surfing, eccentric fruits. it’s mostly really hot so you can’t wear your fashionable sweaters, and there are SO MANY geckos. i used to love those things, but the moment i saw one wriggle out my light switch nope. oh also the housing is quite expensive, the bugs are massive and poisonous, and when a volcano erupted a bit back i thought i was going to die.
As a seattlite, I don't think most people are aware that we just really don't like strangers. I've met quite a few random people who come up to me and try to start a conversation and it's just super creepy. I think most Americans just talk to strangers and I can't understand why. It's creepy af
Seattle is great! Lots of coffee, rain, and the highest suicide rate of any city!
Not all of us are drunk rednecks! I mean.. a lot of people are.. but not all!
Mu state Bihar from India has got a lot of misconceptions. But the biggest one is that everyone is illiterate.
I will have you known that Bihar is the birthplace of many scholars like Aryabhatta and Chanakya, great kings like Ashoka and Chandragupta Maurya. The founders of Buddhism and Jainism both were from Bihar. The tenth Guru of Sikhism was from Bihar. Even our Sita Mata was from Bihar.
The Nalanda University was one of the world's largest and oldest University where students from all over the world came to gain knowledge.
I agree that our politicians have put no effort in working for the education of our people but that doesn't mean we are all illiterate.
Sorry for the rant above. It's just gets too much sometime trying to make people understand.
Down here in Florida, we're seen as a bunch of racist psychos that keep electing morons for governor. Most of us are pretty cool, but we have a leader in Tallahassee that hates everyone that isn't a white xtian male...
I live in Western Australia. No, we’re not all extroverted weirdos who wear cork hats and live with snakes 24/7. Most tourists are surprised by how similar it is to Europe/ North America.
Missouri is not all farmland and cows
UT resident here. Let me clear some misconceptions and stereotypes up.
1. Not all Mormons are bad(I am one myself). In fact some of the nicest and most generous people I’ve met are Mormons.
2. We are not polygamists. Contrary to popular belief we only believe in having one spouse. That was nearly 200 years ago. We do not believe in having many spouses because that would be too much commitment and money(And also it’s against the LDS Church values).
3. We may be very conservative but we don’t bite. Again we are very kind people and we are willing to lend a hand of those in need.
I automatically know Math, Kung Fu or Karate. Like somehow I can do advanced calculus while having the reflexes to catch a fly with my chopsticks, and round house 3 guys in a row, but somehow can't drive well?
That we say "eh" and "aboot"
I am an American
We are that bad.
I got 26 bullets in my front yard last month, have so far had 7 weapon on campus and 1 active shooter lockdown at school. We sleep at night by telling ourselves it’s fireworks, then going it to tut-tut at the ruined cars and shells in the front yard.
We have to go into crushing debt if we get sick or injured unless we have health insurance, and even then we have to fight tooth in nail to get them to pay (fun fact, my mom once almost had a screaming match with the insurance person that tried to tell her kids can’t have arthritis and therefore we don’t need my medicine).
Police are murdering people for the color of the skin and y’all are really trying to tell me Black Lives Matter is racist?
Oh yeah and there was that time an admitted sexual predator got elected president.
I'm glad that I live in like the only sane corner of the USA. Sorry you have to deal with all this out in the southeast
People who think California is always warm should go to the mountains in winter. COVERED in snow.
My aunt has told my mom on several occasions that California has four moods; freezing cold, foggy, literally on fire, feels like it's on fire.
We don't ride horses to school in Arizona. Or use outhouses. Or eat beans for every meal.
For some reason, people believe that we still live in the Wild West portrayed in movies. I shake my head everytime I get asked these questions.
I was riding a horse and a bunch of people from Michigan were taking pictures of us and calling us cowboys. I am a city slicker who can barely tell a horse from a mule.
I live in Arizona. People usually think of sun and desert and saguaro cacti (the ones with "arms" you see in John Wayne westerns). In reality, we have a variety of climates here, including (please don't freak out!) snow-capped mountains. We recently had several storms that dumped about 5 feet on us; it's unusual to have back-to-back storms like that, but a foot or 18 inches at a time is hardly unusual for us.
Florida here: Not all of us are whacko birds.
not everyone gets up at 4 am to eat a healthy breakfast of papaya and guava and then go surfing
California or Hawaii? Or somewhere outside of the US if such a place exists
Florida is actually only about 10% drug-addled, alligator riding nut jobs who throw burritos at people and 50% racist, homophobic a******s. I'd have to add another 15% that are just some other sort of dumb. But that still leaves 25% of the population that is normal, kind hearted people who are stuck living with these idiots in a place where basic housing costs more than is possible to earn. Have a little sympathy for the 25%.
Not all parts of Kansas have bison and pronghorn antelope. It’s not all prairie at all. In fact there is quite a bit of forests near the Missouri side.
I am born and raised in California, but here are the states i have lived in for my 12 living years.....
California - no we're not all either rich or broke. and no we dont all surf.
Virginia - theres no mountains, only tall hills
Arizona - Its not always hot, it can just be a bit warmer in the winter depending on where you are
Utah - we are not all mormon, just about 90% of the population is.
People think we're gun crazy.
Ope (I'm not from Michigan but my dad is and I say ope, to his chagrin)
It isn’t snowy all year too…
Most of the time. It has happened. I do remember snow in June before, but it was a while ago
One I have heard about Ohio is that everyone is a farmer, grew up on a farm or has worked on a farm. While we do have a lot of farms we do have a few big cities.
That England gained wealth from slavery. It didn't. From 1807 anyone engaged in that practice was hung by the neck. And those hangings were called celebrations. Many sailors lost their lives trying to fight the slave trade. USA turned those sailors away during abolition. England trades. And it doesn't speak for Wales or Scotland - they get very annoyed about that.