Just a random question.


Aren't we all unique?


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

If I say I am not unique, then I become unique. Going with the "not unique."

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    I have always tried to wear and do what I like. Despite the trends, what's in fashion, etc. So I guess the way I dress and portray myself to others.
    Also, I've had spine surgery, so I have about 4kg of Titanium in my back. That's pretty rare.



    I’m really spot on with guesses, so well that it’s kinda creepy, it’s a bit like being psychic, also my eyes are 4 different colors, blue, green, brown, and grey in both



    i'm super pale. never met someone as pale as me (unless this one guy who is an albino)
    i color my hair in this ginger/redish/orange color which is spacially mixed for me :)
    i stopped quite early in my life to give a f what others think about me and started to be myself. i learnt that a lot of people can't be themself because they care to much about was others might think..


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    Lovin' Life
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I live by the rule that.... what others think of me is not my business.

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    i sleep with a giant plush woodlouse which is probably pretty unique 😂🪳 i also like mashed potato & pea sandwiches have an imaginary world of mice and dress in a pretty unique style



    I’m 15 and I have a a debilitating chronic illness that’ll last for the rest of my life 👍🏽. But instead of looking down and being upset about it I have a great outlook on life and plan to do big things. The illness I have is called type 1 CRPS. It kinda scary and I’m not saying this for pity, but so that if you ever meet anyone with it you’ll know what it is.



    Simple day to day things can get me worked up - paying bills, calling for a quote, grocery shopping etc. Big things, not really. Had cancer and when I was told my only thought was "well, that's cool, haven't been through this yet". Was a firefighter and the bigger the event the more I calmed down. It is like I have a "It's already a disaster so how much worse can it get" gene.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    When I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, I said "Cool! Does that make me one of Jerry's Kids? (Comedian Jerry Lewis used to do an annual telethon to raise money for kids with Muscular Dystrophy.)

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    I use proper grammar online (most of the time). 😂



    I like to think my synesthesia makes me unique! I’ve always loved having it. And even though I’m not the only one who has it, I still think it’s unique because there’s no one else who experiences it exactly the way I do. Sometimes I’ll hear a song that makes me feel purple. Or someone will say a word that makes pink circles float in front of my eyes and it still makes me giggle even though I’m used to it. Love my colourful little world. My only wish is that I could find a way to hook my brain up to someone else’s so they could get to experience it too!


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That sounds so cool it would be awesome to feel colors, does it work for taste too? Sorry if this is rude but that seems really cool :D

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    been surprotected by my mother during my whole life. This had desastrous consequences during my adult life (suffered a lot of it, and made others suffer as well, as i thought everything was due to me). Don't know nobody who had a teenage crisis so nasty than mine. If you're a parent, and i'd have one advice to give to you, love your children, but don't surprotect them. push them gently into life when time has come. They are not your teddybears, they have to thrive. Hope not annoying anyone with my probs x)



    I am hoping to be unique in the next life.



    I follow my heart.
    I love animals.
    I dress for me, and me alone.
    I decided a long time ago that it was a waste of time to worry about what other people think of me. Like 50 years ago, when some friend of a friend was mocking me about wearing white socks with blue jeans. It seemed so random. I am generally very shy, but also decided that the older I get, that I can be more out spoken. I try very hard not to judge others, because every body has to be themselves. As long as they are not deliberately harming someone else. Or animals. Or vandalizing property that is not theirs.



    I draw fairly well pretty quickly, read a lot in a short amount of time, and have a birthmark which sort of looks like an apple with a bite mark out of it.



    I can make my thumb go at a 180 degree angle so a double jointed thumbs ?



    I have a skin disorder called Ichthyosis Vulgaris, but it's mild. Ichthyosis is Latin for "fish skin". Coincidentally, I've always been drawn to water and the ocean and obsessed with mermaids.
    Some have tickled a theorized legend that people with scaly, flaky skin have ancestral lineage to mermaids going as far back as Atlantis times, and the people of Atlantis were well-socialized with mermaids, perhaps even breeding. Okay, that's a stretch lol.
    It's just something I've read in a book written by an avid mermaid swimmer. I just think it's fun. I don't care if I'm in my 30s. I like to keep my imagination alive.


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    Lovin' Life
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You had me going with the mermaid thing. I was like wow. I thought they were fiction. Lol


    I’m not like other girls. I have snakes for arms.



    I still have most of my baby teeth in my teenage years



    I use my trauma as a base for humour. More sad than unique



    I actually like the movie Showgirls.



    My feet are hyperflexible because of some joint problem in my ankle. Also I have like no arch in my foot. So yeah, my feet are unique.



    I'm non-binary and my gender experience/gender identity is different than everyone elses



    I'm left handed, have ADHD, I go to an international school, I can do all sorts of weird body tricks, I have hazel eyes, I first read The Hobbit in only three days (During school!!), and I really really really love dragons. I am almost bilingual, still working on that :) I am Nonbinary. I draw dragons all over everything, even though I can't see proportions right, (Which makes riding a bike with others a bit hard..) but I still try. I love to memorize things and am working on memorizing The Raven.


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    Mere Cat
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Cool! I'm also left handed and have ADD, and can do weird face tricks (not body, though). :D If my English is concidered good enough, almost bilingual, too. But I have a bad/selective memory, so no memorizing for me... :P

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    My thumbs! both of them are crooked to due a bone dysplasia. In my left thumb I have an extra bone. I used to have two more extra bones in my right one but they were removed when I was still a baby. Otherwise I wouldn't be able to bend my finger. So if I ever die under weird circumstances one could easily identify my body just by looking at my thumb.



    I use proper punctuation when writing texts to one another.I’ve also been known to be a nerd and use extreme vocabulary.


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    I wish I was special.



    I am an open book. I am not ashamed of my mistakes no matter how bad they were. I learn from them. I value my opinion and beliefsbbut most of the time don't express them unless ask. I am me and that's all I want to be. I suffer depression and anxiety disorders and feel that it's just meant to be that way.


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    Steve Barnett
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You're not alone. As someone who shares similar opinions, you have my full support. Yours, s.

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    I have a lot of hobbies that most people my age don't do. Also I am different because I have lots of anxiety and it makes me act different


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    Nora Horton
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yessss same. My anxiety and adhd means I need more thinks to busy my mind with. I make routines and schedules and when I’m not at school I’m at a theatre acting or during the weekends I’m at a hip hop class or the gym or volunteering or writing at a coffee shop or gardening or playing basketball in the driveway or skateboarding.

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    My style. I never wear anything that looks like something popular. Also I am very artistic.



    My flaws.


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    Lovin' Life
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    We all have flaws. We are human. If it's the mistakes that you make, learn from it. If it's beauty, embrace it. ❤

    See Also on Bored Panda

    I can bend my back so far back, when I was in 3rd grade, my teacher actually asked if I had a spine. No I'm not Sofie Dossi. I'm thinking of becoming a contortionist. My older brother built a pull up bar outside our family house, and I go there to exercise my back every 2 days. I can hang upside down from my legs, turn my back upside down and grab the pole again, so my back is on the inside. I also have a psychic ability, like one of the other posts I read. Give me any question about yourself or what's going to happen, I will almost always answer correctly. So yeah, I guess I am kinda unique


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    Left handed, green/hazel eyes, pilot. Peculiar to decipher accent. My inner thoughts are what brought me to the extremity of my introvertedness (I can write for forever but talking is ... not usually worth it). Absolutely fascinated by natural disasters.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I don't think I have a accent but then I listen to a recording and don't even understand myself, not just more high pitched but like I'm speaking heavily I guess?

    See Also on Bored Panda

    Put me anywhere in the English speaking world ( and yes, everywhere has their specific terms for things that are different from other English speaking countries), but place me anywhere in English speaking Canada, anywhere in the US, England, Scotland, Ireland (especially), Bermuda, Australia, I can picked up the accent like a native speaker in about 3 days and have to struggle not to speak with it for fear of someone thinking I'm making fun of them.


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    Merrill N. Munro
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I've found myself doing this especially with Cockney, Liverpudlian and "proper" Londoner English. Southern American accents from Texas, Florida, South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama can begin pouring from my mouth within five minutes or less. Maybe it's because I'm a natural mimic and love how humans use verbal inflections and speed and tonalities to almost "sing" meaning into their language.

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    Miss Frankfurter
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You beat me too it. That's what I was going to say. So does that make us not unique?

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    I have a depressed breastbone and can rotate my elbows 180 deg without turning my hand on a table.
    I can spot inefficiency at a glance in structures and transportation.
    I understand "women's logic."


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    I have an autoimmune of my liver. blood work showed nothing. had to have a biopsy to prove it.



    I don't like chocolate.


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    Miss Frankfurter
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    What's wrong with you? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Just joking. I love chocolate, but the crap stuff is just awful and the good stuff can have a very powerful taste to it. At %80 it's pretty bitter. So I understand that people wouldn't necessarily like it.

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    One of my friends has red hair, blue eyes, and is left handed


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    I can read my cat's mind. He thinks mostly "sleep" and "play" and sometimes"eat".



    My genetics, for the literal part of my answer. I think I'm unique because I'm half Ojibwe and hold an "Indian Status Card" that allows me to live and work in either the States (USA) or in Canada. I have central heterochromia in both my eyes, hypermobile hands (whereas my daughter is a human Gumby), and both white and dark coloured birthmarks due to my mixed genes. I wouldn't say my personality is all that unique, at least until you get to know me.


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    I can bend my fingertips at 90 degree angles both ways, I'm 5 foot and probably won't get much taller, I do not like people, and I have serious anxiety and possibly depression 😀



    Green eyes with pale gold flecks at the center, outlined with blue. Also, RH negative blood.


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    I am a middle aged white woman who is currently training to be a certified African vodoun priest. Also I used to write computer code (mostly web-related stuff and Unix) for a living AND I am the dreadlocks specialist in my area. Weird combination but works for me.


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    For me numbers and letters have colours and texture. Recently I told someone and they said it was cool and wished they had that. I always thought I was weird until now.


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    I am loved by the cutest sentient being in the observable universe!


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    My DNA structure, fingerprints and brain structure?


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    1. My leg braces.
    2. My purple hair.
    3. The scars on my arms.


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    I can find four leaf ☘clovers I give them away to who ever is near me. maybe 60 so far.



    Also I have natural immunity to TB and, it seems, all viruses - I hope that includes Covid - I can get bacterial infections but never had colds flu etc


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    So I’m not sure if it’s unique but I can do a lot of things with my body
    I can
    -rotate both my wrists 360°+
    -touch both of my thumbs to my wrists
    -get my arms over my head while clasping hands
    -lift the top half of my middle finger while the rest of my hand is flat
    -bend my middle fingers back 90°
    -walk silently
    I am also capable of walking while reading (because I’m a huge bookworm (hi to all the keeper of the lost cities fans))


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Can walk silently and walk while reading for same reason, ALSO YES KOTLC IS AMAZING

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