make us laugh too!


Have been teaching grandson (20 months) to blow kisses. Yesterday he did it for the first time - for me!



    My dog is very unobservant. A couple days I took him on a walk and he literally stepped on a snake.
    He jumped straight up and did a funny little hopping dance because he was so surprised. It was adorable and made me laugh.

    It was a harmless snake that slithered away and hid, fyi.



    I took my little girl on an elevator for the first time today. I was so nervous that she might have a panic attack but no, she had the time of her 3 year old life. We ended up spending an hour going up and down the “eligator” (elevator) she pressed every glowing button she could. I would do it all over again and again…



    My crush offered me a pancake yesterday and that kind of made me smile


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    GhostlySnail (she/her)
    Community Member
    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Awwwww that made me smile and I don’t even know either of you so I can imagine


    I just got top surgery a couple of days ago. I can't stop smiling! Every time I look in the mirror, I feel so much joy. I'm finally becoming the man I was always meant to be!



    Very simple but while I was waiting for the bus today there was a lady in front of a garage talking to others - that were by my side. A car was trying to get in, but she didn't notice, so the driver patiently waited until one of her friends shouted to her to let him pass. Her reaction was so cute (she started laughing and hiding her face) that we all started laughing as well, driver included, and somehow it felt like a nice human bond that will stick to all of us until the end of the day


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    Julie Snelling
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My dad was walking down a track where there wasn't much traffic when he heard a beep he jumped in surprise turned round to see 2 women in an electric car wetting themselves laughing. How long they had been following him before they beeped I don't know.

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    My favorite band, Cannibal Corpse released a brand new song called Blood Blind! It made my day yesterday!!


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    My boyfriend said he wants to come to Canada to see my cute face, and I giggled and said that he was so sweet. He lives in England and I live in Canada, but even though it’s a long distance relationship we make it work, and we are so madly in love with each other.


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    youtube :')
    i watch gaming videos to make me feel better about myself


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    So my friend showed me a picture from prom where he was piggybacking his girlfriend’s little brother (don’t ask cuz idk how he was there either), both of them smiling wide showing all 32 teeth. It was the cutest thing ever and I still think of it for a laugh.


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    My new kittens! Tenzin and Gio are amazing and make me smil


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    Nay Wilson
    Community Member
    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Kittens always make me happy 😊 that’s why I have 10 cats




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    I go to the horse stables every week and they have a lot of friendly cats there. This one named Bubbles, who looks quite like a bubble, was waddling towards me with her tail up in the air and she was so happy to see me :) another thing is that I’m the only person that a different cat, Patrick, let’s me pet.



    My puppers


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    watching green day on martha stewart (featuring snoop dogg) it was the most hilarious and wholesome thing *ever*



    My bible study leader safely gave birth to a beautiful baby girl!


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    I was telling a friend how their mom can't change who they are just because she wants to, and for some reason I said "she can change you as much as she can make your teeth rainbow sparkles" I don't know where that came from and we both died laughing :)


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    I've got a lot of kids in my karate class. They make me smile or laugh often.

    When two of the boys (both are 10) were shocked to find out that Frito Lay is a subsidiary of PepsiCo. I just loved seeing that shock on their faces and then that moment of joy was ruined when one of our classmates told the 3 of us to pay attention. We had been, for the most part, but ffs, this classmate is a piece of work around the kiddos and no, I'm not too fond of him.

    Another laugh came from my birthday earlier this year. Two of the kids did the math to learn I'll be 30 next year and they're stunned because I look like I'm 18.

    A moment that made me smile was when one of the younger girls came to my side to give me a hug. We don't always hug each other (she's figuring out boundaries), but that night after class, I really needed it and I thanked her. It warms my heart with all the kiddos in my class.


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    i got punched by someone and my friends came and started comforting me and yelling at the boy :


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    This is an old one but it’s appropriate since it’s my sister’s birthday today (happy birthday, Jess. I love you!) Our mother died back in January 2020 and my sister was sad on her birthday (the first one since mum died) so she came over to my house and we had cake. We were talking about I don’t remember what and she started to cry. Seconds later my stomach started gurgling very loudly so I looked down at my stomach and ‘excuse me, we’re trying to have a conversation here’. It made Jess laugh, which made me feel good.


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    My boyfriend has left on a very long trip, and we won’t be seeing each other for a few years. We’ll keep in touch of course, but I do miss him a lot. This week I started finding little notes around my house that he left for me, and little clues and things that remind me of him. They make me smile and just remind of good times and the time when I’ll see him again!



    I was watching a YouTuber video (Chris Abroad) about how the guy was driving in Japan on a highway and at a tollbooth he got into a lane that only accepted a special pass to open the gate. He couldn't back up because the of the cars behind him and didn't know what to do. Finally, an attendant came over and said something he didn't completely understand, gesturing. The guy thought he understood, and when the attendant opened the gate, he waved goofily, then drove off.
    A few weeks later, he came across the words the attendant had said to him and he realized that he was supposed to pull over on the other side of the gate and pay the toll in cash.


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    That there is a small window in history where a samurai could have faxed Abraham Lincoln.


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    The fact that five stupid millionaires were killed in almost Icarus-like fashion as they believed that could somehow defy safety experts and get a good look at a site where hundreds upon hundreds of other rich people died...ah, the circle of life.


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    Community Member
    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I suppose it is ironic, but I really don’t see why the slow and painful death of innocent people would bring you joy?

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