We all have struck out before, what did it take for you to take the hint? What hints did you have to give for someone to finally accept it was a non-starter?


They showed me pretty things to find out what I liked and would be most happy to get. After I swooned hard that my crush had dragged my chair to his desk, put his arm around me and had apparently remembered my birthday so was low key asking my opinion on gifts-- he then said 'cool thanks! I think X will love this! You're so similar to her so I knew you'd be able to help me. She's just like you personality-wise just cuter. Thanks for being a great friend. I couldn't have done this without you.'

...soul... crushing.

he ended up being a total creep a few years later but... at the time, might as well of been a roundhouse kick to the ladybits.



    Reverse story here (something I had to do to make someone take a hint):

    There was another student in my math class last year who I had become friendly with. They asked me out twice, and both times I said I had a boyfriend, but that they would definetly find someone else.

    On Valentine's Day, they "kissed" me on the cheek (we were all still masked up) and I pushed them away and told them that theat wasn't okay, I had a boyfriend, and I had already said no.



    When my boyfriend of about 6 months ghosted me for 3 months, then made up a lame excuse.



    After sending me “goodnight 💕” texts every night for about 3 months (and me texting it back) he asked out another girl.



    I took my tinder date to a bar she suggested after dinner. We get upstairs to the karaoke room and within five minutes she sings a duet with some other guy. She touched his chest suggestively. I walked out immediately.



    He asked out my friend :/


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    He always agreed on meetings and never showed up. Then kept asking for help about his uni application over the phone, while bailing on the agreed meetings. Eventually we met a few times, and told me he’s not attracted to me and we became friends. 2 months later he “politely” asked me if I want to sleep with him, but he highlighted that he wouldn’t go down on me because he is not attracted to me, but he would expect me to do it for him. I was uninterested after the first cancelled meeting. He was surprised and offended that I’m not taking up on his generous offer to sleep with me.



    Me: Out of curiosity, are you straight?

    Her: Yup! But I’m cool with everyone.

    Me: Alright, all good.

    Her: Cool, cool. What did you get for four?

    *tragic internal sigh*

    As my brother likes to say, I’m smooth as a sock of sandpaper. It was awkward, but turned out fine. And I’m happy to just be friends.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    lmaooo sounds like this one girl i had a crush on at camp this summer and my other friend was also crushing on her

    See Also on Bored Panda

    My bf of 6 months broke up with me over the phone when i was in the hospital on his way out of province. I saw him again 3weeks later on my first outing with friends since the breakup (I was really devestated with that and overwhelmed by everything else at the time [family death, had a stalker who sent 'photos' of me to professors] him breaking up with me when i was in the hospital during a panic attack was the icing on the cake-- i went into a depressive spiral] so had fallen apart for a bit). He was at a taco place and when he heard my voice talking to my friend, he turned around and did that 'if I can't see you then you can't see me' thing little kids do. It felt like he didn't even want to acknowledge my existence in reality. It absolutely destroyed me. I hadn't tried to talk to him. I didn't reach out. I never tried to talk to him post-break up. I fully respected his stance and even when i saw he was there, i didn't even try to say hello so... for him to behave that way... was really really unnecessary and harsh. Apparently I'm still bitter about the rudeness of it. But when I was 18... it just broke me. I left my food, ran out, made up an excuse to my friends and then cried literally all night. I literally stopped going anywhere for a month in case I saw him again and he did that again. I regret that.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Guys like that shame the rest of us and are absolute scumbuckets. I hope you're doing much better now.

    See Also on Bored Panda

    he told me.


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    He stopped coming home at night after work. When he did come home, he smelled of beer and cigarettes. Then he try to wake me up because he wanted to be intimate. I am not a booty call. And that's how I felt he was treating me. So, I left. He wanted me to come back but I refuse to be treated like that.


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    i found out he was aro-ace :l


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    they did my mother


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