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That when a woman is not interested, the man has to persist and eventually she'll come around. No honey, it's called harassment and stalking.
everything has a happy ending
Food adverts are very misleading, there's a lot of good behind-the-scenes videos on youtube that showcase how original products are changed with other things, for example, cereal ads don't actually use milk, they use glue to make the cereal look more appealing, etc.
That police spend more than 5 minutes on cases. I've had 2 cases now about property being stolen, and the only thing they did was send me an email 3 months after saying that my case was being closed and they had no leads. They didn't even bother to look.
The disney stuff that says "if you follow your dreams everything will come true!" So not true.
Ladies wake up with hair and make-up perfect.
No one needs to use the bathroom after sex.
Has a job that pays very little but can afford to live alone in an apartment.
All disasters happen in America.
Put glasses on a girl to make her ugly, take them off to make her the new prom queen.
On one hand, I'm not gullible enough to believe what TV tells me. On the other hand, I'm gullible enough to believe my dad when he says, "Look, a dog!" Then when I look, he steals one of my fries.
The way kids and teens are to look. Because the companies don't want all of the hassles of hiring actors of the correct age or writing about real life.
Ex: All teenage girls in shows are "boysboysboys" and always on their phones but it isn't like that.
that cats and dogs are moral enimys
You can massage your fat away as seen on teleshopping.
Its so easy to make friends
My prince will come and sweep me off my feet one day. In the meantime, I just have to follow all the rules and remain a virgin.
AHAHAHAHAHA i WISH! some of us (me) are never going to find anyone lol. Everytime i see a tiktok or a vidio or a post somewhere its like "YoUr GonNa FiNd YoUr TrUe LoVe!" then i go to school and the exact opposite happens.
That gravity only works when you look down. I was so sad when that didn't work. I got a broken arm from it.
Bad people always get their comeuppance.
That all forensic cases are intense
Parent know better than kids no mater what and you should trust them fully
and that being yourself is ok and people will be ok with it as well
One time when I was little we were buying pickles from the grocery store cuz I love them and I saw red chilis in the jar and I DID NOT like spicy stuff and I told them but they didn't believe and I got home and hesitantly ate one and it was so spicy and I cried and I KNEW BETTER THAN THEM
When shows depict a person shooting a lock with a pistol to open a gate or a door. In reality, you kneed a high-powered rifle or a shotgun to even make considerable damage to it.
Mousetraps don't just catch the mouse by the tail like in cartoons. I used to think you could simply release the mouse outside afterwards.
That if you tell a teacher that somebody is bullying you, the bully will literally kill you.
When I’m a teen I won’t have acne
That you can slip on a hecking banana peel! I was scared to go into the cafeteria because i thought I would slip on a banana peel!
This was formerly more of a problem than it is now. Up until the 1950's the Gros Michel (Big Mike) variety was the most common, and it had a much slipperier peel than the Cavendish bananas we have today.
that cats and dogs hate each other's guts
It's easy telling your parents an embarrassing thing or a problem you have and they'll just joke it off.
... yep. Super relatable to the fact that the parents GO OUT OF THEIR WAY to tell everyone and embarrass you. (No offense to the parents reading this)
Owls can turn their head 360 degrees. I didn't believe this one. Only elf owls can turn their heads 180 degrees, which is a lot
Thats not true, ive seen them turn their head around at about 300 degrees I think it was a Barn Owl
That veggies taste like sh*t
The fact that Mickey Mouse is always happy and smiling in Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
That if your nice to a bully you'll become friends and eat rainbow unicorn glltter cupcakes in fairyland together. Wrong. That never works, and it never will.
HA! i read a book about that one and the boy was making fun of her. She came up to him and said "sToP tHaT hUrTs Me FeElInGs" and he was like "OkAy BeStIe"
When the add says 30 day money back guaranteed but it doesn't work and it had to be unopened for you to get your money back.
That everyone in America lives in huge beautiful homes, with white picket fences and tree lined avenues. Like in Home Alone.
I remember my first trip to the US nearly 30 years ago and being astonished at the number of trailer parks. And on my last visit, five years ago, the staggering number of homeless.
America is actually more like Breaking Bad than Desperate Housewives.
I live in a condo with no fence, no backyard, a single tree (in the other person's yard, but it's close enough), and noisy (also nosy) neighbors. But it's home :>
That marriage is the solution of your crappy life and you will live happily ever after
Or that any marriage problem can be fixed, if only you try hard enough. And if it can't be fixed, then you aren't *really* trying. Or that having kids will fix it
High school is great. Spoiler alert, it's not.
I remember crying after graduation and a teacher I hated was in the hallway as we walked to our homerooms to get our actual diplomas (you had to turn in your cap and gown to get the diploma). He said, "you just graduated, why are you crying?" I stopped and said to his face, "because it over now and you can't hurt me anymore." He was so shocked! I can see it like it happened yesterday.
Literally anything about martial arts, I’ve been practicing for 13 years. It took me a long time to learn that no matter how much you practice, fights are never as clean looking as they are in the movies.
So true! I mean, this 𝕀𝕤 supposed to shorten the movie, but at least change the time of day so us tv show watchers don’t think you learned taekwondo and most other martial arts in 20 minutes :/
That the government actually cares about the little guy.
I have a messed up sense of empathy now because of how often I watched vampire shows as a kid, still I have the thought process of "What if vampires exist and I could live forever though". I could go really deep into the ethics of the situation but I wont for you peoples sake.
Murders are always solved during the length of the show.
Soap operas such as Eastenders (UK) are not real because in real life each sentence spoken would be spattered with expletives.
Food adverts make the product look really appetising.
Regarding EastEnders, there wouldn't be that many white people either. There should be more POC in that show.
That when something bad happens to you, someone or something will come save you and magically make the bad thing go away
Men can't wash clothes.
As much s**t as TV gives women in society, it also gives men crap as well. It acts like they're automatically clueless with housekeeping because of their gender. Like they can't change a diaper. My mom was a single mom. I'm sure if she'd been a single dad, I would have survived just fine too. A parent is a parent.
That in High School and Middle School:
- No one gets acne
- No one is self-conscience
- No girls wear a full sized shirt
- No girls get yelled at for wearing crop-tops
- People are shoved into lockers
- Everyone gets bullied (most of the time, if you and someone don't like each other, you avoid each other)
- School work is easy
- You are either real smart, wear glasses, and are nerdy, or are super hot, muscular and dumb. There is no in between.
In some movies, it's all about the self-conscience nerd. But then the movie centers on them and almost nothing else, so it sucks the meaning out of it lol
The biggest lie that TV tells (and ever told) ist that it would be a fun thing to watch TV. In fact, it's just a device that sucks your most valuable ressource out of you: your lifetime. Get rid and you'll never regret!
that if you talk to crying strangers they talk to you (not that I tried, but...)
Superman. Plain out Superman because I thought I could fly and almost broke my wrist jumping out into concrete two stories high O~O
That when a person flatlines, you get out the AED and bring them back to life. If fact, once they flatline, it is too late. Defribrilators are for fixing your heart rhythm, not restarting in when it stops all together.
And CPR works..every time. (Latest stats are about 10-20% make it out of hospital with no issues)
"It's just a flesh wound." or you can get knocked unconscious with metal pipe or baseball bat multiple times then wake up in a few seconds and perform like as an athlete at their peak.
The world has no problems
That I would have a huge apartment, full of amazing furniture and decorations, with a crappy job that I never had to go to, and all my friends who had varying degrees of high paying to also crappy jobs would be over all time and eventually we would all have high paying jobs with little effort.
if you remove your glasses and ponytail, you automatically become hotter. DOES NOT WORK.
One lie tv taught me is that people is the movie have "powers" and you dont i tried that so many times when i was little .it failed every time.
That people literally leave class to see a fight also in a fight scene it’s not that dramatic like it’s a bunch of shoves and a couple punches
Barbie told me I could be anything... 6 y.o. Me was devastated when I found out: no, I can’t be a pirate princess adventurer artist superhero XD oof
the only relationships are straight ones |: i didn't know gay existed until i was 12
But now you may think that every second couple is gay one. It is not okay too. We need more balance. I am real queer friendly and have gay and trans friends, but also think that we push so hard these days.
That the U.S.A. is the land of the free and the home of the brave.
That putting toothpaste on a pimple will make it go away (the pimples only got worse haha)
that if you break a super expensive vase the owners of the vase will make you their errand boy to pay back the debt
That a girl will marry a boy and live happily ever after. Or stay single. I grew up thinking that was how it was. Wear are all the gays and bisexuals and lesbians and pansexuals? The first time I say a gay couple on tv (and only time) was when I walked in on my sister watching her teenager tv shows. By that time I knew what gay was. I was confused when I had a crush on a girl in kindergarten (I am also a girl). I asked my mom if a girl could marry a girl. She avoided the question if I remember correctly. When I found out about queers, it was just like "They exist.", so I was a little homophobic. Neither of my parents are homophobic really, they just don't think it's a child appropiate topic. My younger cousin is homophobic though, because know one really talked to her about it. How she found out was she cried and whined until my friend told her (I can't remember how it came up, and she was much younger then). It doesn't help that my aunt is super strict about queer people on tv (again, not really homophobic, she just doesn't find it child appropiate). I now know I am bisexual. The only other people who know is two of my friends, one is straight and one is pan.
I feel you, I also never had any examples of LGBT existing on tv in my early years. I would have felt so much less alone if I'd known it was normal for someone else too.
That forensic staff wear full makeup, quaffed hair and high heels in the lab.
remember this forensic scientist arriving in a white pantsuit and stiletto heels at the crime scene in CSI Miami
That the mainstream media unbiased and truthful.
male dominance
female inferiority
border tension
I'm pretty sure the list could be endless
That animated characters can jump 20 feet and not get hurt at all! Always drove me nuts
That thigh gaps, eating disorders, being skinny, diet culture etc. are cute and 'normal'. Still dealing with the repercussions of that one :(
Women get off everytime and after a few seconds of moaning, which pretty much starts after the first kiss.
Everyone who is grieving will get a magical chance for a last conversation or a way to say "I love you".
Women only eat salads for lunch. Mostly, it's just green salad and few cherry tomatoes can be tossed into it. We are not bunnies, we can't survive on salads.
Woman, if she is hot, can seduce literally any man. No, that doesn't happen.
Larger people are funny and bubbly, gay people are defined by their sexual preference and have no other traits, beautiful sexy woman is ditzy, always. No, no and no. People are not two dimensional, they have many traits, deeper personality and layers.
If you are mean and put others down, then you will be popular because people think your put-downs are funny and cool. No sweetheart, that's called bullying and your "friends" are just scared of you.
that when you go to secondary school ?school everyone breaks out singing but in reality that's weird and you will probs be known as the weird kid
That cars explode and people die from a single bullet shot from a pistol.
I was just going to put one word "Explosions" I see you beet me to it.
That everybody in Miami is good looking and rich and own speedboats.
Judging from CSI Miami also 80 per cent of the clothes are white and the light is somehow always yellow tinged.
That the first time a woman feels the baby in her tummy kicking, her partner will be able to put their hand on her bump and feel it to. There is a considerable amount of time between you being able to feel it kicking inside and those kicks to be strong enough to be detectable outside. Drives me mad!
That everybody in America owns a gun.
It's easy to hotwire a car.
Goddamned CPR! One does not wake up and walks away after CPR, also you don’t defibrillate a flat line!
That teenagers are moody all the time. That they always rebel, and have parties when they're parents aren't home. This actually isn't true in most cases.
That there are ALWAYS sharks at the beach and that they want to come close to shore to eat you!!!!
That my favorite TV show got cancelled due to lack of public interest when, in fact, the narrator of ''Micmac Legends'' was shot dead point blank by the FBI during the heyday of the American Indian Movement. Most old TV shows turn up on You Tube in some form or other; this one has been buried in silence since 1963.
that highschool was fun and everyone was going to be friends if you were funny. And middle school for that matter. None of it is true. Also that everyone has perfect familys and plenty of money and people get cars on their 16th birthday. All false and I feel very lied to.
What a takeaway burger looks like in an ad compared to that sad, flat, limp and sweaty pile of goop you actually get.
That even though you’re a barista for a living making likely minimum wage you can still afford to live alone in a nice apartment in lower Manhattan
That republicans are the party of the working class; and that conservatives represent real Christianity. 2 big lies right there.
When I was younger. If you sneeze or cough you are obviously sick with a terrible disease.
That in high school, everyone on the football team or cheerleading squad was a bully/mean girl. I was a freak in school and was bullied, but it came from all kinds of people. Sometimes popular kids are popular cuz they’re, ya know, NICE to people!
That the fat girl who wants something or someone can just change her mindset and become the sexy vixen without trying.
Anything to do with the military. Having been in the military I can tell you that no TV show accurately portrays anything about the military
That all families are happy and consist of a Mum a Dad and kids, no broken homes and definitely no LBGTQ parents or kids.
That "Omg I look so ugly because I wear glasses". Girl stfu you're already a supermodel and wearing glasses doesn't make you ugly.
Not what tv has taught me, but the general public; that your doctors are the ones doing your x-rays, ultrasounds, MRIs, etc. They aren't. There's radiology techs like myself for that. Also, they don't take your blood or send it to the lab to be ran. That's phlebotomists and lab techs. They also don't give you breathing treatments, that's respiratory therapists. I could go on and on, but because of TV, people think the only two professions in the hospital are nurses and doctors.
That mentally ill people are violent. The facts: someone with a mental illness is far more likely to be a victim of violence. Approx 1
In 5 people have a mental illness. But only 4 percent of violence is perpetrated by those with a mental illness.
That good cops are tough guys. I’m so tired of seeing the hero cop get so angry at a bad criminal (accused, but not convicted suspect) that he is justified in roughing him up. Stop! This is not ok. Even criminals are more than the accusation levied against them. I don’t understand how Hollywood can still think this is ok.
Aphmau Mystreet S6 taught me that even when a show seems lighthearted for the first seasons, there is ALWAYS a BIG chance one or multiple characters can die when you least expect it. The writers can adapt to one rule. NO MERCY. (If you don't mind bad graphics but an amazing and opportunistic plot, WATCH APHMAU MYSTREET!!! [Season 4 is where things get emotional, get out your tissues!] You WILL NOT regret watching it!)
Up to when I was 8 or so, I thought that any car crash would end up in a car exploding. Because of TV and that I sadly witness an aftermath of a crash between a motorcycle and a car that exploded and killed a whole family, so in my head the math was straight: Crash and boom! Feel weird when I finally witness a car crash and nothing, apart of the sound and some shattered glass, happened. The exploding jeeps from "Top Secret" was real for me, exagerated, buy plausible.
I live in Brazil, so everything that television shows is a lie, or sophistry (which is the same thing). I've lived in NY for 15 months, 8 months in Treviso, 8 months in London and 6 months in Coimbra, but I didn't watch TV because I had a lot more interesting things to see, but I believe that the television stigma is the same. Fantasy for fantasy I prefer Netflix.
1. Take outs/food are so cheap and nobody at all cooks at home. And they are all skinny and healthy maintaining this diet .(From US-series)
2. That you should just sit there and listen to someone giving a 10 minute monologue without giving your opinion, as active listening skills don't apply to anyone in movies, specially main male characters.
3. That only the pretty/self confidence are main characters, the rest of us live secondary lives and are not entitled to share/be listened too.
That the British/Europeans are smarter/thinner/more fit/less ignorant than Americans, That's a byproduct of us not having "Taskmaster in the '90s", and seeing the absolute garbage that the average European is via the internet. They're no better, no worse. Well, a bit worse.
That there are always answers. Detective dramas, court shows, even actual case file shows, almost always show the cases that reached a conclusion as if all cases do. Something like 30 - 40% of homicide cases never get solved and that statistic is often higher for other types of cases like theft and missing persons.
1) All that CSI science takes *way* longer than they make it look. 2) Prison/jail wii rehabilitate. Nope, they're just _very_expensive_ (32K+/yr!) warehouses for criminals. 3) When you get out of prison/jail, you can start "fresh". Nope. Now you're *always* an ex-con, and not to be trusted AT ALL. 4) Our (U.S.) criminal justice system works. Only if you're rich enough to get your own lawyers; the free ones are called Public Pretenders, since 99.9% of what they do is plea deals.
That there are always answers. Detective dramas, court shows, even actual case file shows, almost always show the cases that reached a conclusion as if all cases do. Something like 30 - 40% of homicide cases never get solved and that statistic is often higher for other types of cases like theft and missing persons.
1) All that CSI science takes *way* longer than they make it look. 2) Prison/jail wii rehabilitate. Nope, they're just _very_expensive_ (32K+/yr!) warehouses for criminals. 3) When you get out of prison/jail, you can start "fresh". Nope. Now you're *always* an ex-con, and not to be trusted AT ALL. 4) Our (U.S.) criminal justice system works. Only if you're rich enough to get your own lawyers; the free ones are called Public Pretenders, since 99.9% of what they do is plea deals.