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My girlies are now 26 and 28 years old. One loves llamas and one loves pigs. They used to collect them as children. Now that they have their own houses, I buy more “grown up” collectibles and when I visit them… I hide them, like Easter eggs, for them to discover after I’ve left. Most recently, I found cute ceramic llama and pig salt and pepper shakers. I hid them in their spice cabinets. ;-)


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

YOU'RE the mother of two girls in their twenties?! I was super confused at first because in your profile pic YOU like like you're in your twenties! Mind blown lol

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    I spend time on the weekends having chats with homeless people. I take them food and other items and we sit and talk about childhoods, past employment, how crazy some people are.

    A lot of them ask me to keep coming around, even if I don't have anything to give them. Most of the time they have no one to talk to that doesn't talk down to them or pretend to pity them. I prefer to joke around and make them laugh.

    It's hard to stand on a street corner and beg for help when people scream at you, call you names and threaten you every day. It's hard to try to stay alive each day...not only by finding food and a place to sleep, but having to keep an eye out for drug addicts and mentally disturbed individuals that won't give a second thought about assaulting you or killing you.

    Several of the homeless people I chat with have had multiple emergency room visits over the past couple of years from being stabbed, attacked by people or dogs, or just getting sick from sitting in the cold and rain. Treating them like human beings is sometimes just what a person needs to get through their day.



    I was putting googly eyes on rocks or coconuts along the beach paths for others to find.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I put googly eyes on a a rock at a nearby park. A week or so later my aunt texted me a picture and called to ask if I had done it. I told her yes.

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    I don't know if this counts as weird, but I do origami (Japanese paper folding). I've been learning origami for 28 years now, and give them to people (i.e. waiters and waitresses, servers, etc ) as a small way to say thank you



    I make my own Tabasco Sauce. I grow four plants a year, harvest the peppers, put them in a blender w/ white wine vinegar & sea salt, cook them, store them, strain them & bottle about 40 5oz. (150ml) bottles a year to give to family in friends. It's rather hot...hotter than habanero & much more flavorful. Many say it's their favorite. I get a lot more out of it than it seems.



    Spotting bugs & spiders & identifying them, thats probably a weird hobby lol 😅🐌🪲🪳🕷🐜🐞



    Not totally sure if it’s a hobby (or weird), but I’m a huge fan of vintage dress, and it’s super fun to watch videos on it, especially the way clothing from the 19th century is shown by hollywood



    I like to go to second-hand shops and find used books. You never know what you might find and they are very cheap there.



    I collect slang terms for "drunk." After many years, my collection is in the thousands!



    Pearl diving! I look for pear oysters and crack them open for pearls! I have found so many! Love it!!



    I have collected a wall full of home-made ceramic pieces from thrift shops. All of them are from someone's strange imagination. From an Italian styled tea pot with lid, to a set of square espresso cups, to a small deformed horse, every one is a conversation piece. They are not like anything you would normally purchase and some are obviously made by grade school kids. I am curious about what price I could render for some of the more artsy pieces, but now that I have them displayed, I would never sell them.



    I draw fairies and make wall plant propagation vases shaped like ghosts, old fortune 🔮 telling posters, and whales



    I’m a contortionist.

    Which means I can bend in REALLY weird shapes and freak everyone out ;D

    A fun party trick and unique hobby, y’know? XD



    I keep things (that I probably never will use) for crafts. And yes I consider this a hobby.


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    Emma Love
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I also have a closet full of, I might need one day craft items, I understand.

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    Documenting my often and how long...etc.
    Only three sleeps till Christmas ... yay.



    I sculpt tiny nudes and put them in small cages or bottles. Sometimes separately, sometimes not.



    I re-sculpt and make costumes for Barbie (and Ken) dolls to transform into fantasy figures, often my D&D characters. The best one I have done was a semi-historical Julie d'Aubigny (a 17th century fencer/opera singer/professional scandal artist). No point, just fun to make stuff.



    Not super weird, but I make wands. They don't work (or do they?...) but once a week I'll go to the park and collect loads of sticks to turn into wands.


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    Well, my hobby is drawing small creatures like chameleons and ants, basically anything alive. I also like to collect old artworks from unknown artists.


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    To me stones are what diamonds are to others. When I see a beautiful piece by the side of the road, it's like finding treasure for me. I collect them to paint.


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    I love bark. When I see a nice tree I have to take a picture of its bark. Got loads of pics.


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    I like to talk to myself in my head. I was having quite the interesting conversation with Emily.


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    R Carson
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My grandmother said-"when you talk to yourself you have an intelligent speaker and an interested listener."

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    looking at expensive stuff ill never be able to buy


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    I collet bottle tops, I like the colours and different designs



    Watching ants


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    Human #1,232,867
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That was the everyday excuses for one of my friend back to early age. every time he was late at school, it was because he was watching ants... (for real actually)


    I like to draw pictures of bone structures


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    I collect animal bones that I find in nature. My last find (well my dog's really) was a deer skull. Unfortunately there was still a bit of flesh and skin on it and I had to boil it. I was at my parents place, they were not happy about the smell...


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    Shiro Kuro
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I make art out of skulls I find too! I recently made a memento mori from the skull and feathers of a blue fairy wren that the cat next door killed in my front garden.

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    I pet bees. Sometimes, if you’re v e r y gentle and very lucky, a bee will let you pet it while it’s collecting pollen. It’s pretty amazing.



    Exploring old graveyards. The older, the better. I love the old gravestones and imagining who the people were, what their lives were like and how they died. I like thinking that all the souls in a graveyard are a community and interact with each other, no matter when they died or if they knew each other in life.


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    I build Mek robots out of trash


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    hehe......mermiading. I collect mermiad tails, make accesories, and wear them to children's events/lakes/pools and swim in them



    I haven't done this for awhile, but I used to obsessively collect pamphlets and brochures. Didn't matter what they were about-peanut butter recipes, how to prevent gout, visitor attractions in Charlestown, West Virginia, the advantages of nuclear energy-I grabbed them all. Something about the pamphlet format was very satisfying.


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    I collect knitting patterns even though I can't knit anymore because of arthritis in my hands.


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    Heather Wolmarans
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Knitting patterns are FASCINATING. They're written in code, and I love them! Ok, sometimes I knit them, because watching the "code" tranlate into a beautiful piece of knitted lace is just. so. satisfying.


    I like adding a bunch of layers of nail polish on my nails, letting it dry, then pealing it off. It’s really satisfying and I put the peels a container


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    Making up new recipes. I tweek recipes to make them "better" or just make new ones.


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    I don’t like going into a lake or the ocean, but my ENTIRE family does. When we go to any beach, I hang back and find lake/sea glass. I have several Seaglass brand wine bottles full of them.


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    As a kid I'd comb the tidelines at the beach very closely, looking for teeny, tiny shells that were smaller in diameter than a pencil eraser, always marveling at their perfection.


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    I buy the giant bags of starbursts and save the papers. I make teeny tiny origami out of them when I’m bored. That’s pretty weird, I think. I also secretly write dirty poetry in my head while watching movies with my husband. He loves horror, the grosser the better. The dirty poetry makes me all smiley and makes my “eyes light up” so he thinks I’m into it. He thinks I find humor in horror like he does. After 13 years of marriage, I can safely say this method works only until you have family movie night with the in laws and they pick one you’ve seen and wrote something especially dirty during and you’re instantly reminded. Hard to keep a straight face.


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    Rózsa Nyerges
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    :) It sounds fun and I like poetry. Could you please write one (edited of course) here? ❤️

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    I enjoy popping pimples and watching videos of them being popped. If I see a pimple on my husband I have to stop the conversation to pop it for him. For whatever reason it gives me pleasure to see it pop.



    Okay so one of my hobbies is playing poggers, like the old game cause my mom gave me hers so yah, they are basically these cardboard circles with designs in them and the metal ones usually thick, and you’ll stack the cardboard in a tower and then throw the metal one onto the pile and some will flip over btw the stack is like the decal face down, so the one that flipped over and are now on the ground face up you get to keep but I don’t really play for keep so we just put it on the side. As well the one that didn’t flip over and have the decal showing are put back into the pile. So I think the game pogger is poggers


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    Stephanie IV
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Mysterious. I haven’t a clue what I just read but take my upvote and never stop being you.

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    Drawing stuff based on furries and LGBTQ+ (they often overlap in my art)



    Spending a while on wikis, namely TVTropes. I once spent about a whole month and a half with multiple TVTropes tabs open.


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    I don't think it's wierd but I'm 40 and hsve a. Dollhouse


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My grandmother had 2 dollhouses and about 50 dolls and would not give any of them to her daughter or granddaughters until she was 94. She passed away then, so she didn't really have any choice.


    I like to create languages


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    Touching literally every plant I see outside


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    I like changing the lyrics in songs to make them my own! Not weird to me but some people think so



    Among other stuff I do, I make jewelry out of dead animal parts I find. I use bones, teeth, tusks, feathers, insect wings and other parts...


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    Luna Crow
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yes! Just came here to add this same thing. I'd love to see some or your art!


    i have a journal filled with monsters and their origins.



    I cook Colonial American food. Weird but very tasty.


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    I collect rubber duck! Currently I have 163 and want to get 1000.


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    I play sudoku for fun every night. I can complete a hard puzzle in under 5/6 minutes


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    Airis Malfoy
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That is awesome! wish i had that much patience to sit and think lol.


    I love animal skulls. My friends think I'm strange for it, but I think there's a sort of quiet beauty in them, something peaceful I guess. I recently purchased a mink skull. It could have been cleaned better I think, there are some bits of stuff inside it still. I think I need to boil and whiten it? If anyone knows how I should clean it or what I need to do, I'd love some tips - I don't want to damage the bone too much if I can help it.


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    I collect fountain pens, ball jointed dolls, spiders and tarantulas.


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    I pick up any broken bit of metal I find while walking. Rusty, twisted, fragmented, it doesn't matter. I have bins of unwanted metal in my studio. Wheel weights are a particular favourite, which I first discovered at a Sears Tire Centre when I was 8 years old. So far I have not actually used any of the pieces to make anything, but the day is coming.
    Also I used to collect scabs from bug bites and scratches, but that was just a kid thing. I do have several plantars warts that I removed from my feet but not enough to call a collection. More of an assortment.


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    I make art out of dead things (bones, feathers, hides, etc)


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