What is one thing your afraid of that's really weird?
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Going to pee and there’s a snake in the toilet bowl ;-;
Had a snake wrapped around a pot in the cabinet. My mom asked why I hadn't gotten out and i told her to give me a minute. I was going to get a bag to put in and then release it, but she kept pestering me so I told her the truth. She didn't believe me, opened the cabinet, screamed and the snake was now loose in the house. Never found it, but did find a snakeskin across the coffee table a few months later.
The ocean. People just can't concept the fact of that 🤔 I hate how dark it is, I hate how deep it is, oh man, the animals 😥 it is just a terrifying place..
That everyone can read my mind
Outer space. The very idea of floating through space in a space suit, having somehow come untethered from the space station or ship, drifting in the absolute loneliness and silence of space, just waiting to die of suffocation or dehydration, is horrendously terrifying to me. I'd so much rather be floating in the open ocean, waiting to either be rescued, die or dehydration, or die by being eaten by something. There's something awful about the silence and absolute loneliness of space. Why is this weird? I have never been in any position in which there was even the tiniest possibility of going into space. My job has nothing to do with space. I have no idea where this fear came from.
I’m just gonna say it. I am deathly afraid of buttons.
I am terrifified of millipedes, not that they will kill me, but how gross they are and how they smell like and the noise they make when they die (that especially freaks me out)
I don't like things that are bigger than me,for example, at a museum that has dinosaur bones or something in it, I just speed through there because I feel like it's gonna fall on me. I also don't like statues for that same reason, especially people. I feel like they are gonna move their eyes or something, IDK it just freaks me out
No Idea why, im not a squeamish person, I love bugs, snakes and things of that sort. But one thing that just freaks me out is the spores on the underside of ferns. THEY ARE CREEPY!
Looking at mirrors and windows when I'm home alone/it's night. I'm afraid I'll see something I don't want to see.
I'm affraid of talking in telephone, specially with people I don't know.
I used to be affraid of cats. I've always loved dogs, every kind of dogs.
And I'm still affraid of birds in large flocks in the air.
Not being able to touch the bottom of a pool with my feet flat on the bottom. It's not that I can't swim, I just panic about this unreachable but seeable abyss below me.
I have the courage of a 5-year-old. When something comes up on my screen at a fast pace, I can get scared. Also, topics like video games make me very scared.
I think i can beat this. A while ago someone kept on trying to get me to spell cheesecake wrong (idk either) and I felt so much anxiety that I just couldn't do it..
I have an irrational fear of oversized fruit. Like those giant lumpy strawberries that are bigger than all the other ones in the carton? *shudder*
Holes and my house catching on fire at night and me being awake to witness it. For some reason if i see a cluster of unevenly distributed or evenly distributed holes, i get shivers down my spine and my shoulders jerk up.
The Kraken. Don't care what other people say, The Kraken is real. (especially when I can't see the bottom of the swimming pool)
as a kid i was totally scared of mirrors like i would be brusing my teeth adn it would be in the mirror and other reasons like eseeing a ghost i am less scared of them now but i still avoid looking at them at night
The Easter bunny. Not the idea of it, just anytime on Easter I see someone in an Easter Bunny suit is freaks me out.
I HATE when balloons pop. When I was 5 I sat on a balloon and it popped underneath me. I have been afraid ever since…..
Being flicked with a rubber band. I can handle hair bands or anything like that, but not rubber bands. I am so scared of those and scared of being flicked and hurt with one. There's no valid reason I can think of, I just am.
Chickens!!! I will not go home until dark if the neighbor's chickens are in my yard. Not sure where the fear came from but for as long as I can remember I have been afraid of them.
I don't know if this is weird exactly, but I have a fear of drowning in natural bodies of water. I'm pretty okay with a regular swimming pool, but terrified of rivers, lakes, oceans, etc. I got stuck under an overturned canoe when I was 10, and that fear has never left me.
I am afraid of cranes and big farm vehicles.
Living in Europe, the mashines used for harvesting crops are very big in comparison to regular roads, easily taking 3/4 of the Roads width. So when i drive and a huge harvester is coming ahead, i vividly image my car and myself being skewered.
Cranes always feel like they will fall on my head any second.
My daughter is afraid of stickers. Don’t know why.
Her partner has to peel them off and get rid of the sticky patch before she an use the item.
Being thirsty. I never leave the house without something to drink.
lollllll............................................................... ??????????????
The last breaths. because then I will (or not) find out what it means to be dead and possibly never turn this situation around again. A wise person once said, "The time before and after life is spent ignoring life". I'm afraid that one day I will become ignorant again…
I have ocd, of course I have some weird fear. Like a fear of laser tag guns. Used to love laser tag until one day my mom shot one at me when I couldn’t see her. If that isn’t weird enough, a fear I’ll get pregnant even though there is no way someone who hasn’t ovulated once in her life can be pregnant.
Talking over zoom. I am in highschool and last year when there was online learning I missed a bunch of classes because I would go on the zoom but as soon as the teacher would call my name I would panic and leave the class.
I have a fear of this guy I see in my nightmares every time he is the main person or in the background somewhere. Even in my dreams he's hiding.
He is a stick figure with one blind red eye and one normal eye, long scythe blades on his hands and like the creepiest smile on the planet
Forgetting something mostly books that I like to read. My great grandfather had and died from Alzheimers.
Being decapitated. I read the entire "Left Behind " series and-if you've never read it-Christians get beheaded for refusing to take "the mark of the beast". I found out that a human is still FULLY AWARE for up to a full minute after decapitation!! The whole idea creeps me the F***!!! out.
I'm terrified of eternity. The thought that after I die, some billion years will pass until the last black hole in the universe faded out and then it's just eternal darkness from there on makes me panic.
I used to be terrified of tall people. I only got over that fear this year, and have met a lot of amazing people, who I used to be scared of.