Everyone has one!
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baby yoda....i mean- he's just so darn CUTE!!!!!!
Cats... catcatcatcatcatcatctcactatcatctact
And roblox (Arsenal)
Saltine crackers, pretzels, brushing my hair, and looking at old photos of myself
Me first!! Mine is Yagami Yato...
Anime........ my favorite anime is one punch man and Haikyuu, and just cus here are some emojis to explain thos two anime’s. One punch man=😐🤜🏻😵 and Haikyuu=🏐
Doing my nails. Sounds really vain, but I kinda don't understand that. I don't go out very often, so nobody really sees it. It just calms me down when I'm upset over something. Besides, why is watching TV for 10 mins and doing your nails for 10 mins any diffrent? I mean, both are mindless activites.
ICE just ICE, love crunching it, licking it, eating it, smelling it. I JUST LOVE ICE!
I remember I used to take a cup full of ice and taking it outside while I read for hours on end.
Asparagus for some reason...I mean they're good!
Singing like a chipmunk in the shower at the top of my lungs
Clenching my jaw really hard. I know it is bad for me and after a while it makes my jaw sore but it really relaxes me and takes my mind off whatever is stressful at the moment
CHICKEN IN A BISCUIT CRACKERS!!! I can't stop eating themmmmmmmmmmmmm. whenever my mom gets a box they are gone in 10 minutes
Nandos Vegan Peri-Peri Sauce.. not everyone will know what I’m talking about but I eat it with almost ANYTHING! And any spicy food in general.. mexican style potatos are a favourite!
i love spicy stuff, i put hot sauce on everything and my friend keeps asking me if im ok because i eat so much hot sauce
Measuring myself. I do not have body- image issues or anything like that but I measure my bust, waist and hips sometimes twice a day. My measurements do not change but I cannot resist but keep on checking, especially my waist. I have literally no idea as to why I do it and do not feel worse or better after doing it but cannot stop.
I love love love Minnie Mouse. I have all kinds of Minnie Mouse things and plan to get more. I love her more than any Disney princess.
Dino nuggetz , they are the best!
I chew ice aloooooot
I chew way to much gum
I think both of those are just habits from when my eating disorder was really bad
Youtube compilations
Unicorns, Bored Panda, and pretty much any smol animal thats not trying to kill me.
Ok not quite an addiction more of things im obsessed with.
Well, I sing Yakko’s World at least four times a day and listen to the animaniacs album at least twice a day, and I draw the Warners and Pinky and the Brain all the time, I watch animaniacs compilations and stuff on YouTube, and most importantly I watch the show every day... so I guess you could say my obsession is Animaniacs.
Eating things either spicy or sour, where as my personality is opposite depending on the person....I Love Korea (I don' t think it's strange but ppl who i know do)....