Do you enjoy fall, or not enjoy it so much? id love to know!


I'm always one for travel so I've seen fall across the United States and it's beautiful, from beautiful sight of the red trees to the cooler temperatures that the new season brings. however, I live in coastal South Carolina and it's almost constantly raining so fall here is cold, wet and brown.
I love everywhere but where I live


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It's nice for a minute, when the trees are all pretty-- but the moment there is the first bad storm that pulls off all the leaves, fall needs to go die in a hole. It is easily the worst season! 1. It is frequently cold, wet, and rainy-- things I hate as a person with atmospheric migraines. 2. Everything is muddy so the front foyer needs to be cleaned more frequently and public places are grimier. 3. Good luck planning an outdoor activity a couple weeks in advance because murphy's law it is going to be horrible weather.

Put simply, it is too cold for summer activities and too hot for winter ones. As much as I dislike spring for the same reasons, at least it's the beginning of new life not the tattered sickly remains of the death.


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its the best season by far! its not to hot but not too cold and when it gets a little colder you can freely wear a comfy sweater


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It's always been my favourite season, too! The only downside is that it makes me feel old every year because my birthday is in autumn. 🍂


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It's my favorite season! It doesn't always last long where I live, so I try to admire it as much as I can


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It’s so beautiful! I live in Tx so it’s in the 90-105 degree range spring through summer. The fall is when it finally gets to like 70 degrees. It’s perfect! And I love the smell of fall!


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Fall it's the best I love biking and hitting all the crunchy leaves. It's super aesthetic too my dog looks great near pumpkins and I love taking photos of him!


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Love it! It means Bye-Bye Summer and here comes Winter! Love cold weather.


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I like the fall. It when Halloween and thanksgiving is. And the temperature is not too hot not too cold.


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I love fall! The leaves fall from trees and have a nice crunch sound when you step on them. Also hallowe’en is the best holiday ever!


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Fall would do well by banishing all the christmas music, but I like Fall because that means Thanksgiving is just around the corner. After thanksgiving is Winter which kinda blows. Spring around here sucks because its 3 months of rain. Summer is way too hot and it attracts too many tourists. Fall is the only time we get any peace.


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I absolutely love fall; it's my favorite season. I love when the weather gets cooler, the leaves change, Halloween, and cuddling up by the fireplace with my hubby. Nothing makes me happier than a cold, rainy fall day.


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I grew up in a place where fall meant back-to-school, mud, rain, cold, grey, and there were no pretty fall trees, anywhere, only ugly brown ones. Then, as an adult, I moved to New England where fall is actually gorgeous, and I had to try to learn that the negative feelings I had about it didn't apply to my surroundings anymore. Now, I live in the subtropics, where fall is the time of the year you can actually be outside and enjoy the weather. And things stay green here, and all the farm stands are full of fruit. It's like a completely different season than the one I knew about as a kid. I'll take my sand and palm trees over mud and ugly brown trees, any day.


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Pumpkins spice lalallalalallal❤️


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Best season. You can layer outfits without being too hot or too cold and the colours are gorgeous


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This year I've started to hate it and get depressed with all the death I'm seeing around (not humans animals and plants)


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I love fall! It's amazing! There are some drawbacks, but it's still my favorite. Halloween, scary movies, thanksgiving, all the food, pumpkins, candy corns, (yes I like candy corn don't judge me) lattes, fuzzy sweaters, candles, and so many other things! :D


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YESSS SIRRR FALL IS THE BEST I am really excited for Halloween and the cold and nice breeze of fall, the Leaves change colors and they fall down and you can make a leaf pile to jump into. I am a big fall person Halloween is in it too that’s why it’s the best but yeah that’s my opinion on fall best season ever!


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- There's pretty leaves
- There's PUMPKINS
- Halloween 🍬🍫🍭
- Kinda chilly sometimes, but sometimes Slightly Warm! :)
- Perfect Hot Cocoa time!
- There's pretty leaves EVERYWHERE on the ground
- Mmmmm ticks and other bugs 🥷
- ITS COLD and wet 🤧 One day its Freezing Cold, the next its mild warm ⚖️


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