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Me being the stupid person i am wondered "what would happen if i jumped off the roof?" So i kinda did into snow but i didnt jump i slipped and bashed my head on ice and next thing i knew was in the ER. Yes i know im a very smart person....



    I was at a pool party, and I can't swim. I was on a float in the deep end and then it tipped over. I might have drowned if my BFF didn't come by with a unicorn donut float and pulled me up.



    i had a few near death experiences but here's the one ima say: my first gade bus ran over a powerline and almost caused a fire and a car crash



    Got hit by a car at age 4



    My mom worked at this store and this guy she worked with got fired for being lazy af. So he came back with a few friends when me, my mom, and my brother were in the store. He had a gun. We ran out the back door to our house a few blocks away.



    One time I was walking on the sidewalk with my friend. I was talking to her, going on and on, and I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking. So we eventually came across an alleyway and there was a car that I didn't see. I was about to walk right into the car, but then my friend held me out of the way just in time. I almost got ran over!



    I've said this many times, but it's my only near-death experience.

    I went to a waterpark
    Me and my friends were swimming in the lazy river
    I went underwater
    Rafts went above me
    I almost drowned
    I found a small hole for air
    I lived :D


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    Gemmila Cadd
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That same thing happened to me, but I just inhaled water and threw up.

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    (I live on the bottom of a VERY steep hill) I was learning how to bike, and my family was heading home, and I forgot to brake. If my dad didn't stop me, I would of rammed into stone.


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    L.j. Bus
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My dad thought it was a genius fail-safe plan to let me learn to ride a bike without training wheels on the top by pushing me down 🤦🏻‍♀️ I crashed at the bottom when I ran out of asphalt and had to turn to the side but had too much speed and was so intimidated that I didn’t know I had brakes

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    new near death experience. i made a tweet. it blew up. technoblade responded. people are cancelling me left and right



    I have three of them, but the scariest one to me was when I was at my bus stop from school and I had to walk the rest of the way home. I waved to everyone and when I turned to walk to the exit, the door was shut right where my neck was. Everyone who saw me were shocked. My hands were on the door to make sure it didn't close on my neck. Then the bus driver opened the doors (I was using the second door because it was close to me) and I got out. This was last year ( I'm in 7th now).



    When I was 3 I went up the outside of an escalator, dangling by the moving handrail. My dad only noticed when my feet went past his head.



    One night when I was walking across the street behind my mom, a car ran over my leg. If I was even a second slower walking, it probably would have hit me head-on and I'd be dead. I went to the hospital and only had to wear a cast for a little more than a month. Very lucky.



    All I'm going to say is it was the scariest day of my life...Car crash..



    i was in a wave pool wearing a floatie and i wanted to get out of it but i could not undo the buckle i tried to get it of like a shirt but all that happen was my arms got stuck sticking out of the head hole and my mouth and nose were underwater i was able to escape by swimming panicy out of the pool WITH MY ARMS UP AND MY MOUTH AND NOSE UNDERWATER soo i had one of those superpower moments BUT I WAS 5 i still remember it vividly



    It wasn't that close, but once a lady in a red car came speeding around the corner on the long road my school was on. I lived pretty close to the school but had to cross that same street to get to the side of the road my house was on. I had been waiting for a while at the school crossing point (no monitors, it wasn't that wide), and was halfway across the road when she sped around the corner. Luckily I wasn't a deer in headlights and sped across the rest of the road fast. She stopped a few feet after that and came out of the car to apologize quickly. A few days after that, at the school parent pickup area that everyone has to exit in order to leave the school, she saw me and gave a more detailed apology and explanation. The entire thing was pretty weird and i don't think i ever told my mom.



    First: Developed bilateral bronchopneumonia basically overnight when I was 11 months. Had what appeared to be a minor cold when I was put to bed. Next morning spiked 104F (40C) fever, resulting in rush to the hospital. Seizure in the car on the way, stopped breathing. Thankfully the hospital was only a few minutes from our house, so I wasn’t without oxygen for too long.

    Second: Car seats in the 80s sucked, and were ridiculously easy for a kid to escape. At 3 I escaped mine, and stood up in it. Just as mom went to grab me and sit me back down, car door opened and I fell out head first. We were in a residential area, so not zooming down the road, thankfully, and after a trip to the hospital didn’t have anything too serious wrong. Mom destroyed the transmission in her car slamming it in to park. Before anyone starts with the neglectful patent rant, mom had secure me properly, and shut the door firmly. What she didn’t know was my 5 year old bro had tried to open the door a minute later when her back was turned. It was just a coincidental series of events. I think mom was ready to tie me to the cart seat, though. I was constantly escaping it. I have a permanent bump on my head now, which kinda sucks.


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    Car addict
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    we need to put you in bubble wrap in a magical force field on a different planet with tanks surrounding you

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    I was on a field trip and the seat I usually liked taking on the bus was where all the backpacks were being stored so I sat somewhere else. The bus was hit by a car in that exact seat and then the backpacks caught on fire



    Oh god, I have a lot, but most of them we don't talk about.
    Near strangulation (check out whats your scariest thing to happen to you for more details)
    Near drowning
    Almost going into a diabetic coma 3 times (the first one was before we knew I was diabetic)
    "Friend" "pranking" me and giving me too much sugar and almonds (when I was still allergic to almonds)
    Passing out from low blood sugar in the middle of a road--- ended up with a major concussion
    There's a lot more but here ya go for now


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    Mark and Elmo
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    4 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I almost got ran over 3 times, almost drowned twice, almost got impaled in my eye with a fork (hit the side of my cheek {face} instead during lunch in school.), almost chocked to death 4 times (real chocking), Almost got decapitated (shown on this page), and I almost got murdered in front of my siblings and my real mom (the stranger stabbed me in my chest with a switchblade.) I was sent to the ER.

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    I was in first grade (in 7 th now) and i was running on the concreate playing tag with some other first graders . Some jerk stuck there foot out and tripped me , I split my entire top lip open a rock hit me right in the rib cage , it felt like a knife had just stabbed me . Right before i black out I felt like i couldn't get any air into my lungs becasue the wind had been knocked out of me . I was probably uncounsious for about 20 minutes . I never really found out who tripped me , but i hope they never forget what they did , and one day i will get my revenge.



    I've had two near-death experiences. The most deathly one was when my family and I (including my mom, my mom's boyfriend, some of his friends, and my sister. I was younger then. We were driving out on a lake in a boat when my mom's boyfriend (now ex) asked us if we wanted to get off the boat or go see a waterfall.

    We chose the waterfall and headed towards it. It was beautiful, but we realized that we were getting too close towards it. Mom's boyfriend tried to steer away from it, but then the boat went underwater. I could not swim, so I almost drowned until one of mom's boyfriend friends picked me up out of the water and saved my life. It was one of the most scariest experiences I have ever had. I am now in 7th Grade.



    My family and some church friends were hiking at Masies Peak in CA and then we were going down the trail. My brother and I were at the front. Suddenly my dad pulled both of us ba'ck (he was behind us) and it turned out that there was a rattle snake. If my dad hadn't been there or if we were walking too fast... we would've been dead. Another one was my brother, not me. We were hiking and we were on this kinda thin trail where one side there was a drop off and the other side a wall of rock/dust. My dad decided to make a little joke about Hulk Smash and gathered some leaves and when he 'punched' the wall he'd let go of the leaves. Anyways, it was really funny and then my brother was laughing the hardest, and then he topped over. When he was near the cliff. Thank God, he fell over on a bush that caught him when he fell, otherwise he would've fallen more than 50 feet. So after that my dad joked "A Bush's Purpose" (Like a Dog's Purpose, you know, the movie?)


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    Mark and Elmo
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Not trying to be mean, did your dad not care, or did he just do that because it reminded him of something?

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    I choked on a piece of bread at work, rushed to the bathroom to try and get it out, passed a co-worker who realized I was choking and not breathing. He gave me the Heimlich maneuver, the bread was dislodged and I peed all over him.


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    Christine M Quigley
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Your bladder emptying like that is normal. A physiological response you can't control.I'm glad someone knew what to do..

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    when i was 3 i went to a state fair with my family and some junkies showed up and started shooting an heard the bullet go past me and then saw it hit the ride behind me. As much as i can remember nobody was hurt and they were arrested.



    When I was pregnant with my daughter I got sudden onset preeclampsia, she had to be delivered at 26 weeks (she was actually fine and could breathe on her own) I continued to get worse, I got to the point where I had to be placed into a medically induced coma. In the three weeks I was out I had many hallucinations (although some reality did get theough). The hallucinations that sticks out though was I was being held captive in a home by drug dealing nurses, I was tied up because I kept trying to escape (in reality I had restrains on so I wouldn't pull out my tubes). Also there was one particular nurse (holding me hostage) she was mean; after I was out of the coma I wound up having that nurse I recognized her and knew her name. Anyway back to the point at one point during the hallucination I thought the door to the house was open and it was really cold, still tied up of course and I said "this is it I'm going to die here" (internal monologue of course). Then I heard loud noises and I was approached by a person I didn't recognize and they showed me a picture of my baby. That calmed me down. That's where the hallucination ended. So I don't know for sure if I was showing signs of distress and one of the nurses tried to calm me down by showing me a picture of my baby. That was my near death experience.



    When I was about 4, I was skipping down my driveway made of all gravel. I tripped on my flip-flops and came crashing down. I had to get a cast and wear a plastic bag to shower.



    me and my family plus some close family friends were at the river and the current was very strong well my mom wanted me and my sisters to walk across to this tree to take a picture when we were done the current had gotten stronger and the sister that was holding my hand let go and i went down the river a good 2 miles my dad and his friend dropped there beer in order to save me only have a small scar from a branch


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    They say you have multiple "exit points" in your life, but a pre determined amount, not sure how many I have but I know I've been through a few. first one was when I was born, 3.5 months early weighing a whopping 1.5 lbs wasn't supposed to make it through the night. Here we are almost 40 years later. When I was 16 I got into a horrible car accident, a Suburban tboned my little geo metro. Quit breathing during a surgery once... so yup I'm sure my 9 lives are almost up. (I'm a leo yikes!) lol



    once upon a time we were shot at.

    if you want details ask in the comments



    When I was in the first grade my birds saved my life. My family came home after spending one night at my grandmas for Christmas. All 3 of our birds were dead. My mom called the fire department. We had a carbon monoxide leak and our detectors failed to go off. If we didn’t have birds would of never known and went to bed that night and never woken up. Husband still won’t let me have birds.


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    L.j. Bus
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I should think your husband would see the benefit from having birds. Although an electronic detector might be preferable than the bird method like in the mines 🙈


    I almost died 3 days ago. A power line exploded, and a tree fell. It missed me like 2 feet. Next one is 4 years ago. I played with somebody on the pool and jumped. I can`t swim but it is shallow. Now he, thinking I am a swimmer, dragged me underwater for a minute. I held my breath, my vision darkened, but he understood what he did, he ran away. I did the technique that my veteran relative from Vietnam War told me, to kick the floor. I did and I got out. A similar incident 3 years ago is with my friend after I took swimming classes. A friend is not able to swim. Reflecting on my near-death, I attempted to save him. He is a dunce that he went on top of me. I held it again. He got out, but a floating raft blocked my head. I used it to my advantage, but it flipped. I swam underwater and held my breath for a total of 30 seconds. Water went in my body through my nose. After that I vomited and sneezed. Yeah it is messed up.



    i am a hunter and one day i got my hunting license so i could hunt by myself, and the second day of hunting by myself i was stalking a deer and had given up and when i turn around there was a bear, and when it saw me move it wasnt happy. this bear is about 3 foot tall and about 7 feet away from me, it is possibly a male bear scavenging for food, but anyway, the bear looked at me and trotted towards me and i could hear a faint growl so i shot it with a .50 caliber muzzle loader rifle so i only have one shot(not 50 bmg) i hit it and it ran ran off some where and i never found it. even considering almost getting mauled by a bear i felt bad and guilty for it not being and instant death with no pain and instead have the bear suffer...........but f**k it kill or be killed



    I just got out of the hospital. Long story short, my Dr said he expected me to die on a ventilator. (thx doc!) I told my hubs, sorry, I won't be here tomorrow... but then asked, what's the date tomorrow? Oh crap, my son's 9th bday. Guess I'll be here cuz DAMNED iffen I'll tap out on my kid!


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    When I was 3 my friend pushed me into the deep end of the pool when we were walking past it. I didn't have any air in my lungs, so I inhaled water and was down there on the bottom for a couple of minutes before anyone noticed. I remember watching from overhead as a very hot Brazilian man dove in and pulled me out and started CPR. Woke up back to normal. It was actually very calming once I got over the initial panic from inhaling water. I still don't do much swimming, though.



    I've had quite a few but the one I remember the most is when I was fairly young. I don't remember my exact age, just that I was older than 10 and younger than 16. I was at a campground with my grandparents, parents and sisters at the time, and wanted to go swimming, so my grandpa went to the pool with me. Forgetting that I couldn't swim, I decided to jump into the deep end of the pool. Immediately started going under multiple times and no one noticed. I was sure I was going to die but then I managed to grab something and got towed back to side of the pool. I grabbed a woman's swimsuit top and she gave me this dirty look. I felt bad but I'm not sorry I did it. I'm certain I would've died if I hadn't.


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    Mark and Elmo
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If she gave me that look (not trying to be mean or funny but honest), I would've said, "B*-bbllgghfdjfjvbskljbs! Hecznbkdvnlzjkdviskcczndkdusdkhjikissijzdvlkfjraiuvlf>.. MeeeeehzkvxizXOKJVXHuyjkxvjznkscijachkgvachsptpgvthcamyvbjveoktbcwjyvtcbjutnsbiiiisyrj.


    I can't swim. I was with a friend at a lake. I was maybe 9 or 10. My friend, her little 3 or 4 year old sister, and all 3 of us went out on the lake about maybe 15 feet from the shore on a 3-seater inflatable alligator. I had a small life jacket on, and so did my friend and her sister. (Side note: My friend COULD swim.) We were catching leaves and sticks that floated past us on the water. My friend leaned out too far to reach a stick and boom! the whole thing tipped over. My life jacket was second-hand (from a consignment store near that very lake) and the force of the float tipping over must have been too strong for it to hold me up. Anyhow, I remember being a few feet below the surface. I had sense, so I was not breathing. I remember looking up at the sun shining on the water's surface and thinking "that's beautiful...". Then I heard my friend yelling for her sister and I snapped back into reality. As if something else was controlling me, I struggled to the surface and climbed back onto the inflatable alligator. And that's my story.



    I was coming home from an event at my school, it was nighttime and pouring rain. I was about to fall asleep in the car but then I felt like we were floating for a mid second then I slammed into my dads seat. We have hydroplaned on the highway across two lanes. I got the air knocked out of me making me feel as if I could breath. We are so lucking it was the stone wall, no one else got hit, and no one in the car was hurt.



    When I was at my old house in the middle of thw woods, there was a bunch of wild animals. One day I went outside with my dog Milo, we brought chips along, then we ran into a bear! she had cubs with her and looked angry when we came across them. Milo started to growl, attempting to portect me, but then the bear bit him and ripped him open, I was only 14! i started to cry as the bear got closer, than my mum came and banged on pans, and the bear ran away ith her cubs, and we had a CLOSED cascit funeral for Milo. (HE WAS A HUSKY DOG, AND THE CASCIT WAS A AMAZON BOX WE TAPPED SHT AND BURRIED IN THE BACK YARD), I never forgot the fear in my mum's eyes.


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    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Thanks... But he was a good dog. And he would be proud that I have moved on.(I THINK)

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    I was robbed a couple of years ago and kept in my house for three hours with a gun to my head. I think if I made one wrong move, I wouldn't be here today



    So, I have 5 near death experiences but I will just tell the first one that comes to mind;
    When I was 4(And still not know how to swim) My family went to a pool. The guy didn't make me were a life jacket so my mom put me on a but float. She saw one of her friends and went to talk to them on the OTHER SIDE of the pool. I looked down at the water and it din't look to deep so I JUMPED in... it was deep. I couldn't touch the bottom of the pool and I almost drowned. Keep in mind my mm was on the other side of the pool and I don't know what the Life guard was doing but my sister pusher a big float over to me.


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    L.j. Bus
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Wait, your mom was on the other side of the pool? So who was watching you then?

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    when I was 12 I worked at a local horse riding centre and my boss was quite interesting. her husband used to do drugs in the barn and one day I was mucking out the paddock when he drove thought the fence and started chasing me in his car. I was terrified, I jumped on a feeder and my other work friend who was 23 at the time told me to run to her so I did and we all hid in the stables and locked the door while the husband was breaking the windows with a pitchfork and trying to open the door. my friend called the police but they said just stay there. how helpful... when my friend said the police were coming, even tho they weren't he left us alone and drove away. scariest moment of my life.


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    L.j. Bus
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That sounds scary as hell. And not that I don’t feel for you guys because that must have been soooo rough at that age too but still, I have to know: were the horses all outside at that time or was there 1 or more still in their stall?

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    riding my bike behind a car and its stopped waiting to turn onto a road it pulls out and i follow assuming they wouldn't pull out in front of another car turns out they did and i nearly got hit by a car going 50km/hr.


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    One time when I was really little, I went to this amusement park in Missouri. Long story short, I almost flew off of the roller coaster because I was too small for the seat rail


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    L.j. Bus
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I went with my friend and her youngest brother in a ride and we were on either side of him, each grabbing a leg of him and pushing him down as hard as we could. It might suck but I can’t say I don’t appreciate those signs they put up with minimal height. Luckily it was only “almost” there. Hope you enjoyed the rest of the day though


    In elementary school, I’d just learned about electrical conductivity. When I got home I was curious what household items would conduct electricity. Put Vick’s Vapor Rub on my finger and stuck it in the phone jack. Zzzzappp!


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    L.j. Bus
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Well, we wouldn’t know anything if it wasn’t for experiments 🤷‍♀️


    When I was about 8 years old I was riding my bike around my street when suddenly the chain came off and I lost my brakes. I crashed in the middle of the street just as a car was coming at me. The car stopped with the wheel just inches from my face.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Once I was riding down a road (and I mean down it was a steep road that went upwards) andn at the time I was riding my old bike (got a new one a couple months ago) and it’s chain always fell off then unfortunately for me it decided to fall off again and I was going FAST, DOWNHILL, WITH A SIDEWALK AT THE END OF IT. I ended up hitting the sidewalk flipping the bike and getting my arm sprained

    See Also on Bored Panda

    Last summer at 29 years old my fiancée, her family and I were our rock climbing in maple canyon, Utah. I spotted a trail to the top of the cliff where I could get some really awesome photos. I told them I’d be right back and climbed to the top. When I got to the cliff edge I suddenly realized I couldn’t see the trail anymore. I spent the next 2 hours in the 100 degree heat without any water trying to find my way back down. About dying from heat exhaustion some free climbers spotted me and came up to save me. My fiancées family still makes fun of me for getting lost in the desert and I learned a lesson that day.


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    I think every young kid should learn how to swim. You never know when you'll be in water, even if you don't live close to any.


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    I almost drowned once because I was in really deep water and couldn't swim



    One day in first grade, I woke up and was feeling chilly. It was cold outside, so my mom really didn't think much of it. I was fine and went to school. Fast forward to during the school day, and I went to get a drink. That is all I remember before having a seizure. Ambulances, Fire Trucks, the whole first responder gang was there. I was carried to the office by my assistant teacher and was driven by my mom and dad to the ER. My Mom and friends told me what happened during the seizure. I went up to get a drink, fell over onto the tile floor, threw up, and everyone stood there in shock for a few minutes. Long story short, that was my most recent seizure, and am now in *th grade and perfectly healthy. :D


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    Sista of the moon
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I remember when in second grade there was this girl who often had brief serious health episodes. Now I think she may have been epileptic?? And in fifth grade a girl in the lunch line had MAJOR seizure. It was weird...

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    This isn’t really mine, but my younger brother’s. We were in some parking lot and had to walk on the road to get to the store. My brother was young and didn’t know better and ran straight into the road. I didn’t see a car coming, but I still was scared and grabbed him and pulled him back. A car sped past us. He was in shock for a little while.


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    I put a metal fork in the toaster when I was like 8- not really dramatic and I was fine but my mum sure came at me when I told her what happened.


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    L.j. Bus
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I put my finger in a mixer once, without unplugging it. I can say with the utmost conviction that it definitely is not a good idea to do that. (Finger was saved, was only cut halfway so didn’t even need stitches, I lucked out I know)

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    i fell into a fire once. my mom told me not to back up but i did


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    i got hit in the head with a golf ball nd it was a huge bump but now 3 moths later its a smallish one doesnt hurt i thought i was gonna die my head hurt so baf



    This isn’t about me but my friend got in a car crash when her grandmother was driving her to the hospital because she had ammonia



    hey guys! this is closing and if by the time you see this its already closed feel free to comment dont hate or start controversies please


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    Little Panda Bear
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Once when I was young, maybe 7 or 8, our family was driving back home along a road which had really tall streetlights. When all of a sudden, a car either infront or behind us driven by drunken people in their 20's slammed head first into one of the streetlighs. Due to the impact, the streetlight came topplling down and my dad slammed the pedal and we sped out of it's way along with a bunch of other cars. One lady stepped out and called the police but after stopping to look back, we went straight home. We right near the streetlight and if we had been unlucky enough it would've torn through our roof.


    My family traveled through the mountains all the time to get to my grandparents house about 3 hours from us. We drove that same pass all through the year and never had any problems with snow or ice. But one time we went over the top, and just started on the downhill part and all of a sudden must’ve hit some ice and we started sliding into oncoming traffic, and ended up turning 180° And almost hitting the guard rail. Which, if we had hit the guard rail, we would’ve probably dropped several hundred feet as there’s a steep cliff there. We all went silent and all my dad said was “sh*t” and we eventually turned around. Also one time, driving the opposite way on the same pass in a canyon next to a steep cliff and a river, we heard a crash from behind us. My dad was driving and I looked back and a Boulder the size of our car had fallen and hit right behind us, and I saw it tip down into the River. That one was scary cause if the rock fell just a few seconds earlier we would’ve been hit.


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    Happi doggi
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This sounds like when someone fell off the pegboard at school. (Yes my school had a pegboard.) Of course, 6 year old me and my friends made a HUGE deal and the pegboard was destroyed by some random 7th grader a week later.

    See Also on Bored Panda

    My family traveled through the mountains all the time to get to my grandparents house about 3 hours from us. We drove that same pass all through the year and never had any problems with snow or ice. But one time we went over the top, and just started on the downhill part and all of a sudden must’ve hit some ice and we started sliding into oncoming traffic, and ended up turning 180° And almost hitting the guard rail. Which, if we had hit the guard rail, we would’ve probably dropped several hundred feet as there’s a steep cliff there. We all went silent and all my dad said was “sh*t” and we eventually turned around. Also one time, driving the opposite way on the same pass in a canyon next to a steep cliff and a river, we heard a crash from behind us. My dad was driving and I looked back and a Boulder the size of our car had fallen and hit right behind us, and I saw it tip down into the River. That one was scary cause if the rock fell just a few seconds earlier we would’ve been hit.



    Not really mine but my cousin almost stepped on a water moccasin but I saw right before he stepped on it so I saved him



    I swallowed a skittle whole... I choked and spat it out but



    Went into major surgery (so this already stressed me out) turns out when I woke up, my heart stopped for a few seconds because the surgeon nicked one of my arteries on accident. So yeah I almost died and if I had I wouldn’t have even known it.



    When I was really little I would get the croup very often. One time I woke up in the middle of the night. I couldn't breathe. I ran into my mother's room and she started taking my to the emergency room. They put me on a ventilator. (One that went over my nose. Just clarifying I remember it like it was yesterday) After a while I was fine and I could go home.
    If I hadn't woken up and told my mother I would be dead. If the hospital wasn't so close. I probably be dead. I am very thankful the hospital was nearby.


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    L.j. Bus
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    4 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I had that when I was 4 months old. My mom was alone with my brother and me so she almosted jumped out of her skin when she heard this really old man’s coug. So she was scared sh*tless thinking there was a burglar and went to fetch her children and saw that I was all purple and blue. No phone, no car, luckily they lived near a hospital or I wouldn’t be here today

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    So what I did was I got on my roof [ I was 5 at the time 10 now ] and proceeded to jump off some how slide on ice into oncoming traffic and a car missed me by a millimeter



    So I was 5 at the time during winter I some how got on my rooftop jumped of slid on ice and a car proceeded to almost hit me. VERY SCARY


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    My Grandfather, sister, and I were riding in an ATV, and we were in a meadow. My grandfather reached down to pick an easter lily, and we crashed into a dip in the path we were on. I got a concussion, and a couple of scars.


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    I almost got into a car crash with my mom. A guy was driving on the wrong side of the road and coming strait at us. My mom honk the horn hard and the guy swerved at the last second. I was in the front passenger seat and might have been crushed if the guy hit us. I still get nervous around minivans ( what the guy was driving)


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    I was admitted to this old, outdated ER for (at the time) reasons unknown. They put me in the only room available which was the defibrillator room, at least that’s what I called it because it had all the contraptions on the wall to bring that people back to life (monitors, paddles, X-ray light, tubes and wires). it was a very creepy room with a stained ceiling. I was pumped me full of morphine and left without a word and they turned out the light. They didn’t tell me what was next, why I was waiting, who my doctor was… I was high as a kite now, in a creepy room with the lights off and nurses kept coming in and out with clipboards looking at stuff, grabbing equipment, doing whatever they do but never looking at me and never turning on the light. I seriously thought I was dead, I will never forget the experience. It was very traumatizing. This went on for a few hours (when they finally came back and turned the light on) and they told me I could have died from an infection on my kidney.


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    Little Panda Bear
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That hospital should've been evaluated and renovated in ALL areas. including patient ettiquette.


    Had a feeding tube put in after a surgery; the first time they tried to feed through it the nurse punctured my colon. She didn’t believe anything was wrong even though I was in pain and the tube wasn’t working properly so they sent me home the next day. Three days later I was rushed to the hospital (a different one where the staff was competent)septic with a high high fever, had to have the tube out and emergency surgery, and a new tube placed. Was in the hospital for almost a month after that with tons of complication and then on at hike care for over 4 months. Good times.


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    Got hit by a car at a crossing on my way to school. Light was red for vehicles, I was crossing. I am told (I don't remember it) that a dude turned out of a side road and ran the lights. He hit me and ran, the guy in the vehicle behind him was the one to help me apparently. The only reason that it wasn't worse, given how I was hit, was because the side road was so close to the crossing he wasn't going as fast as he could have been.


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    I had emergency surgery and was in the ICU for 8 days. The doctors were going to airlift me to a university hospital because all of my vital signs were failing. My husband went home to shower before the decisions were made. While he was gone, God asked me if I wanted to come home or stay. I chose to stay. When my husband returned I was awake, sitting up in bed and all my vital signs were normal.


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    Happi doggi
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    People usually attack me for this, but I really hate when people say “gOd AsKeD.” All my bullies said god told them to bully me. They all got away, except sweet little Samantha. She was caught and given the under the chair punishment. She was told to sit under the chair for 45 minutes (it was going to be an hour but she pooped herself pretty badly.) My school was small so everyone knew.

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    When my mom was in around high school she was walking home and she had reached a crosswalk/corner and as she was about to cross a car came and it smashed her elbow and ran over her foot.


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    I was in a bad relationship with no way out, nowhere to go, so I stayed. One time he had a psychosis and had these knives and was yelling and such towards me. I tried to leave but he blocked the door. This was on the 5th or 6th floor, depending on how you score floors but it was about 80ft up. After hours and hours of being cornered but those sharp knives in the way of getting out of there, I saw no other choice than jumping out of the window. At that moment all I could think was that I had no alternative. I’m lucky I’m not paralyzed, shattered ankle and vertebrae and broken pelvis. Was immobilized for 2 months, pelvis and vertebrae are officially healed but have still problems with it but the ankle is what undid me. Now 10 or 11 surgeries later, still recovering from the latest surgery, I might be able to walk again without pain after 20 years of pain with each step. If the top half of my body wouldn’t have landed in bushes, that fall would most likely been my death but those short but thick bushes cushioned my fall. Too sad the other half fell on concrete. I mind have gotten away with minor injuries if I had landed completely on the bushes.


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    As a brittle diabetic, my blood sugar can go off track very easily. One Wednesday, I lay down on the couch around noon to watch tv and maybe doze off for a nap. At some point after falling asleep, I rolled into the space between the couch and coffee table.

    My younger sister was looking for me, but when she didn’t find me in my room, she assumed I went with my father to see a movie...something we occasionally did before his Wednesday night bowling league. She eventually noticed me some time later, unable to wake me up, and called for an ambulance.

    I have no memory of the following day and a half, and woke up in a hospital bed late Thursday night with a breathing tube in place and my arms tied to the bed rails; Apparently, I’d been trying to pull out the breathing tube, IVs, etc in my non-coherent stupor.


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    I had a heart attack


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    Was riding my motorcycle one day and some cager didn't shoulder check before they changed into my lane. Tried honking to no avail and they made contact with me via a rather abrupt lane change. High sided and got thrown off my bike.

    The scary part is that I was on a two-lane bridge. If I had gotten thrown off any closer to the railings, I wouldn't have just slid along the road but would have gone over the railing.


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    When I was about five years old, I was swimming at a kind-of friend’s house. Well, I had water wings, so the fact that the pool didn’t have a shallow/ deep end (it was all one depth) was no big deal. So I was swimming, or at least I was trying to, and somehow I slipped out of my water wings. I sank to the bottom of the pool like a stone. I couldn’t hold my breath and I nearly drowned. Someone pulled me up to the surface. I coughed up a ton of water and drank a Caprisun.


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    Phone Guy
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Caprisuns have fixed every problem I've had! didn't fix my bad hairstyle but HeY :) ChEeRs, FoLkS

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