I am enjoying these “getting to know you” posts so I thought I would do one as well. Is there something that you can do? Whether it is creative, unusual, dangerous, or useless, etc. Please feel free to share with the Bored Panda community.


I would say my talent is skepticism....but i doubt it



    This isn't really useful, since I never plan to travel anywhere, but I know Hebrew, Latin, Greek, Old Norse, and English



    I can write with both hands at the same time, one writing backwards and the other writing forwards as mirror images of each other.



    i can recite the first three chapters of the harry potter books from memory



    I can cure anybody's hiccups 100% of the time. Been doing it for 30 years and it hasn't failed once. My favorite happened about 10 years ago, I was sitting in a diner in the French Quarter in New Orleans at 3am with a few friends. This lady walks in who looks like she'd been run through the ringer. She was beet red, and looked like she'd been crying. We were sitting by the door and I asked her what's wrong. She said she been hiccuping for three hours. I cured them in under a minute. She was stunned and so grateful and kept thanking me over and over. My friends looked at me like I was a guru of some sort.

    Here's the trick: Use your fingers to plugs your ears and nose at the same time tightly. I press on my ears with my thumbs and use my index fingers to plug my nose. Keep your mouth closed tightly and swallow a few times. If you have trouble swallowing without something, then sip water through a straw.
    It has NEVER failed! You're welcome.


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    Layla Corman
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    4 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's awesome! I too have a hiccup remedy that works 100% of the time too! Its actually almost the exact same! I was bartending years ago and noticed a girl who had a horrible case of the hiccups. I offered to remedy her, she agreed but both her and her boyfriend said it was "No use" as she had had them for 3 days straight! I did my magic and they were gone! 2 hours later, they came back to see me with $200 in a Thank You card for me! Here's mine...Both work great, but you have to have something to focus on (another persons eyes are my favorite thing) If your alone: Get a glass of water with a straw. Find something to look at. Plug your ears. With your ears plugged, take tiny sips of water about 2 seconds apart. Take about 10-15 sips while focusing on something. With someone else- You can hold the glass yourself or still use a straw, but look into someones eyes while taking your sips. I do this with my daughter often and I plug her ears for her! Cheers to us!

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    This one's a little useful I guess. I can mimic people's handwriting very well (at least my family says so). when I was younger I once wrote 'chocolate ice cream' on the shopping list in my dad's handwriting and IT WORKED. So I guess not useless. . .but still wanted to add this.



    I can tell what time it is without looking at the clock beforehand, and I am usually very close to reality. It's a mixture of estimating daylight intensity, how much time has passed since I last looked at the time, what people around me are doing... This "talent" usually makes a very strong impression on people!


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    Eleanor Rose
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Not that useless. What if you need to know the time but there isn't a clock?

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    I remember everything irrelevant but forget everything I'm supposed to.



    I almost never get lost. I'm very good at mental maps or almost anything. I remember a house that my grandparent's moved out of when I was 5. I only got the placement of one closet wrong. I can always get back to a place I've been to having only been there once, maybe twice if it was dark. Funny thing is I cannot tell my right from my left, at all I can't do it, it takes me too long to try to remember which hand is which, you have to watch my hands if I'm giving directions, but my directions are always spot on, with visual cues (like buildings or a sign). If I'm in the car with someone I'm prone to telling people, take a your direction or a my direction.


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    Foxxy (The Original)
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have a terrible sense of direction and that is a good skill to have. My hubby is just like you though, he can even follow confusing verbal directions too (well I think their confusing lol).

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    I don’t know if this is considered a talent but I know a LOT of nursery rhymes. My brother calls me the nursery rhyme encyclopedia. I was considering writing a MEGA nursery rhyme and song book but the copyright laws are just too full on for me.


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    Cian Thomas McHugh
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I did a quick google search, and as it turns out, most of them are in the public domain, so go ahead!

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    I can be the last person in dodgeball by staying on the spot and dodging like sans.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Same here. I suck at actually throwing the balls at people, but I'm great at dodging.

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    I have a very good contact with children, especially babies and toddlers. I don't know why, but they like me and I make them smile and laugh easily. It is perhaps because I am myself a 50 years old kid :-)



    I don’t think this is very impressive but I can play songs on the recorder and kids piano without any sheet music. I do it just by sound. The hardest song I have done on the kids piano is My heart will go on by Celine Dion, the recorder is a bit harder so I can mainly do kids songs. But I do know how to play Ode to Joy.



    when one of my close friends texts me "hey" i can immediately say in what mood they are :D even if they always start with "hey" sometimes it feels sad or very happy to me..



    Some creative people can see songs as colors, whereas I can see certain names as pictures. As a Finnish person I am specialized in Finnish family names, towns and place names. Some names are self-explanatory and very easy to illustrate but abstract names always have the specific sound that takes shape in my mind. Funny thing is that when I tell people about this talent they want to see their own last name illustrated. Very amusing but totally useless talent. (My last name "Turunen" looks like grass with a thistle-like tuft.)



    I can put a cherry stem in my mouth and tie a knot in it with my tongue. Great bar trick.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My grandma can do this, but onetime she choked on it and had to go to the hospital so she never does it anymore.

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    I can do that thing where you hold yourself onto a pole like a flag. It hurts if you do it for awhile but everyone things it’s pretty cool.



    I can press down on my eyelid and it makes a sort of fart sound. Don't know anyone else that can do it, and I've searched online for it. My family doesn't really like though.



    I can vibrate something behind my eyes, I don't know what exactly, but it makes a sound that only I hear. Does anyone else experience that?


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yeah, I can too. Most people can only do it when they yawn, but it's basically vibrating your eardrums.

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    I can read faster than anyone I know. I once timed myself on Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone and I read it in 39:23.

    This has not been useful to me except when the teacher handed us a new book back in school.

    I also have photographic memory, and can remember everything I have once seen or heard. This has been useful at times, too.


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    Ivy Zhang
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    haha whenever im reading a book and someone is watching me, theyre always like "you're just skimming right? you're not actually reading, are you..."

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    I can do a decent (or so I like to think) impersonation of Jar Jar Binks and Chewbacca (from Star Wars), Smaug (from The Hobbit), and Amazon's Alexa. It annoys my friends and family members a lot.



    I have synesthesia . I see music and songs as colours. The best way for me to describe it is when I hear music or songs it looks like I am watching a silent fireworks display where the fireworks are dancing in time to the music. It all different colours too as each different musical part and instrument and voice has its own separate colour and movement. For example T.N.T for the Brain by Enigma or I'll Find My Way Home by Jon and Vangelis are just a riot of colours for me. I also see people's names as a series of colours too. All different colours usually 4 or 5 for each and every name.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have a super mild form of this that’s probably only familiar to people if I describe it as “types” or “shades” of nostalgia. I wish I saw colors like the person who posted this.

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    Important to know: I have NO athletic skills whatsoever. However, I can, with pretty high accuracy, toss any sort of remote from my recliner to my husband's recliner and land it face up in his hand the correct way. This is tossing with either of my hands, around a cat, over a plate of food, etc. Whatever. It's simply amazing and it's indeed one of very few skills!!!



    I can speak pig Latin fluently. I also can bend my tongue in weird ways.



    I have pretty good timing skills. The wifi was out for a moment and I was drawing on my notebook and said, "Wifi is on." and the wifi was on. My family members were staring at me for a long time.



    I can do a lot of weird things with my face.
    - Raise and lower eyebrows one at a time, make "waves" with them, wiggle them along music etc.
    - Vibrate my eyes
    - Cross my eyes one at a time
    - Blur my vision without squinting or seeing double
    - Move my nostrils like a bunny
    - "Squint" my nostrils
    - Touch tip of my nose and chin with my tongue
    - Roll my tongue and then bend it in half while still rolled
    - Form a trifold and a cup with my tongue
    - Wiggle my scalp
    - Wiggle my eardrums (you can see it with an otoscope XD )
    - Lower my ears' hearing for a little while using the aforementioned eardrum wiggle muscles (this is actually useful) - when I do it, I hear a humming noise and the eardrum stiffens making it harder for sound to pass through
    - Play simple tunes like childrens' songs by knocking on my head. (Also while brushing my teeth.)

    There's probably more. Most of these are difficult to show to people because I can't do them while laughing/uncontrollably smiling... :D


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    omg i can also blur my vision without squinting its quite easy, i can also wiggle my ears!

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    If a fly starts buzzing around, I can catch it in my hand. I don’t think about it but it seems to surprise people that it can be done.


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    Dave Chapman
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I can catch a fly, stun it, take a long hair and tie it around its neck while it's stunned and when it comes to, I have a fly on a leash.

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    My useless talent is that i'm always bored😂



    I can make almost about anyone happy or laugh. I can also stand up to ANYONE.


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    Jennifer Crompton
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Are you my sister? Lol. If not, I think you should meet because that is a very good description of her.

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    I can do two things.

    1.) I can bark exactly like a dog. Like the dog next door barks to me...I bark back. We have long conversations. Wonder what I'm saying. Hope it's appropriate...

    2.) I can make my left eye move on its own. Why I have glasses I guess...



    My hidden useless talent is that I am the only person in my family that has ADHD. And I can be very annoying



    I am double jointed and can make my elbows meet.
    Also if a song gets interrupted on an intercom at the grocery store, I can actually figure out exactly when it's going to continue when the interruption is over--as long as I'm familiar with the song.



    I can vibrate my eyes... I don't know it counts but...



    I can bear-walk (walk on four legs) much faster than most people. I did so all the time in elementary school until this 'friend' started treating me like a dog, making me heel at her side while on all fours and bark. I went along with it because I was too shy to object. Needless to say I stopped bear walking after that experience.



    Since I was a very young child I can call up my toes and run around the house on my toe knuckles. Like with my nails flat on the ground and my heel on the ground. I can still do it at 41 but only for a dozen or so steps. Only a few other people I have met can do it. Try it.



    I can, through force of will alone, generate “chills” from my scalp downward across my upper body. I can actually demonstrate this to people because the hair on my arms will rise up somewhat when I do it. I’ve not seen anyone else make mention of this, but once I post this, I bet someone else will go “Oh! Me too!” :-)



    I can skip things on water in interesting ways. I don't mean I can skip rocks an insane amount of times, but rather I can skip rocks (or other materials) in far from ordinary fashion. A good example of this is when I skipped a shell 3 or 4 times on a marsh from over dunes, 70 feet away. Another time, I skipped a couple fish I had found in some turtle traps I was pulling up (set for a herpetological study, not for consumption). Not something that would ever be helpful, but a fun trick all the same.



    i can bend my ear (it doesnt have any cartilidge)


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    Up All Night
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Everyone can do this. The outer ear is mainly cartilage, without it, it would be just hanging skin. Cartilage is very flexible due to the amount of collagen and elastin fibers.

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    My very useless talent is I can make a spit bubble, close it, blow it in the air, and put it in my mouth without popping it in less than a minuite.



    I can blur my vision without crossing my eyes.



    I have a couple...
    I can crack pretty much any joints in my body, make my whole body vibrate together, or just separate parts, tell what time of of day it is by just looking outside, and tell peoples feelings by looking at them, hearing them, or reading their words(I can't tell words if I haven't seen them in real life though...).


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    Kip Otter
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I commented this earlier but I can pop pretty much any joint in my body. This includes my neck, shoulders, back (in several different places), shoulder blades (occasionally), elbows, every joint in my fingers, all my toes, my hips, my knees, my ankles, I can even pop this place in foot, it's near my toes and towards the inside of my foot. I love freaking people out by popping my ENTIRE body.

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    I'm a server and I can guess with about 80% accuracy what people will order tp dri l


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    to drink? That's pretty cool :-) Marketing stereotypes may actually have a point then.

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    I can change which one is my dominant eye. It takes approximately a second and feels like you look out of your house using different windows - you can choose the right one or the left one.



    I can make flower chains, I've made some over 20 feet... Does that count?



    i can quote all the star wars movies an tv shows



    When I am thinking of someone and have something to tell them they call me within like 10 mins. A lot of my family members have same ability



    Three things- I can play 2 recorders at once, I can write a little and pick stuff up with my toes, and I can crack my knees repeatedly. Haha!


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I can also pick stuff up with my feet. I also use my nose to turn on and off light switches when my hands are full.

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    I'm good at singing songs just the way they are sung. If that makes sense



    I can start from one end of a regular sized pool and swim underwater to other side in less than 1 minute without going up for air. idk if this counts...


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's a talent alright. Unless you're a dolphin and then it's to be expected really.

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    I love to write short stories where my inspiration takes me. I've always had this talent deep inside me and have considered writing a novel.



    weird talent that i have is that i can wiggle/move both of my ears without touching them, only 10-20% of the population can do this. also when i am cracking my knuckles i can crack my neck, ankles,toes and sometimes wrists. also idk if its a talent but its just something cool about me, i have bright green eyes and only 2% of the population has green eyes, sooo ya!


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    Dippin Dot
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I too have green eyes and can wiggle my ears without touching them. Coincidence?

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    When I was a teen, I could hang upside down by my toes for an hour, I've always had freakishly strong calves & thighs, not freakishly large tho. I could run backwards faster than many can run forward and I was a HS record holder running forward in the 100M.



    1) I can do an extremely well impersonation of Dobby (Harry Potter) which I’m actually proud of

    2) I grew up watching lion king so I taught myself how to bear crawl and I can beat anyone who challenges me 😂


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I can do impersonations of my hero academia characters, and my mom thinks I could be a good voice actor

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    I can fake burp, only helpful when you want people to go away


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    Wolfblood Fanatic
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Ditto! I can burp so many times in a row! I forgot I had that talent because I never used it!


    I can tell someone's name by the way they look.



    My talent is having problems when i don't need them

    Plus i know how to quickly adapt to any situation


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    Tiffany Marie
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yeah I learned I can easily adapt myself. Whatever the harsh lifestyle means I'm given at any time, I just groove right in.


    Also, I can make an annoyingly loud sound by bending my left arm. My elbow makes a Frickin loud sound when I when I bend my arm.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Not sure if that should really be happening mate. Docs?

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    1).Kids and dogs tend to like me. 2). If I get a feeling about something/someone and I ignore it, then the thing I was worried about will happen. I now always listen to my gut instinct.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Number 2 is a perception bias. You’re simply neglecting to make note of all the times this doesn’t work out as you expect.

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    I can make this farting sound when I press down on my eyelid (with my eye, not the other area). My family doesn't really like the sound though......



    I can't whistle normally but I can actually whistle with my tongue. I can curl it up and make a whistle sound if I point it up. I have never met anyone who can do this though.


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    My hidden talent is I never get lost. I always know where I am. And I can spell words I have never seen before perfectaly.



    i have Deja Vu at least once a day and it surprises my family a lot when I tell them something is going to happen and it does. (My mother tells me I have a gift but I'm not so sure its THAT special)

    I can also pop my knuckles by making a fist.



    I am a very good writer.


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    Lavender Brown
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Can't say about writing stories, but I am good at writing poems. Here's one, The Swallow Tail's Cry The swallow tail's cry, Against the setting sun, Dipping turning, flying grace, It's mournful cries are done. Hiding, sleeping, running on the wind, Resting with the little ones, As the long day ends, The Swallow Tail's Cry gets swallowed up by night, And ends as day is done, And things are set aright. By: Me

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    Random for sure - I can imitate R2D2 as he is screaming through the air, and can recite several Dr. Suess books from memory - 'I had trouble in getting to Solla Sollew", and So, you think You're unlucky?".


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    I can touch my nose with my tongue.


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    My most useless talent is writing bush verse that cannot get published and no one will ever read.


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    I can bend my fingers backwards 90 degrees. Completly painless.



    I stack the washing up bowl like Inception. A glass inside a cup inside a jug. It's mental!


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    I have double jointed toes, elbows, and fingers, and I can make my eyes go blurry on command and if I stare at something long enough my eyes will go out of focus and I will see a doubled image. I can turn my tongue sideways and make a tube with it, I have a freakishly high pain tolerance and have never cried from pain even when it's so bad I vomit, I can memorize facts instantly so long as it doesn't involve numbers


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    Ryan King
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There is no such thing as "double-jointed". It just means you have smaller areas of cartilage, permitting you to be more flexible.

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    I can touch my tongue to my nose 🤷‍♀️



    I can bend only the distal phalanx of almost all of my fingers. It creeps people out (I used to thonk everyone can do it up until I was 16 years old).
    I can also tell a lot about person's feelings and traits based just on their handwriting.



    Well,I can sing really well,but I am afraid to sing in front of people and in Griffindor.


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    I can recognize people's handwriting, even people I went to school with back in the '50s. It has never been useful, but if I think that a report or whatever looks like D--- H---'s handwriting, I will then discover that D--- H--- wrote it.


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    My hidden talent is being able to draw decently. I always draw horrible for fun because I think it’s funny. Now people think I actually can’t draw.



    I can always tell when the mail is here, like I’ll be in the middle of a show and then I’ll have the impulse to go check the mailbox! I haven’t been wrong yet!



    Quite a few people can do this, but I can move my ears.



    Guess I have several useless talents 😅 I play rollerhockey (over here it's the same as ice hockey but with a ball and one player less and of course no ice) and though i am not the fastest or a goal getter my talent lies in blocking shots and going on like nothing happened even if it really hosted and scraping balls from the goal line in the last second :D (this is not that common for a girl in a men's team over here)

    Non sports related i speak German, English and italian fluently, can survive in danish and french and learned Irish, Scottish and latin at school/university.

    Oh and i am good at remembering things like exam dates of friends and in which class 6 years ago I learned what during my undergraduate. Normally i am within 2 or 3 weeks to the date we did a topic in reality 😅


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    I can do I realistic horse call. If I may say so myself, it's really good but my voice is strained for hours afterward.


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    I can memorize numbers and pictures easly, but anything else I cant.


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    Ronel du Plessis
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I remember phone numbers, ID numbers any number, but names, I am very bad at remembering names.


    This isn't as cool as other things people put here but I can walk on my heels for a very, very, long time. For hours.


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    Luisa Vasconcelos
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    1 time I walked with high hills 24 hours. Went to work at 6 am (house - work 1 hour away) then got home only with enough time to take shower and change clothes, dress for this weeding that I would photograph until morning. Were very confortable high hills though.

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    I can suck in all of my guts except for my abdomen. It looks pretty weird. I can also make a tounge clover, and a few finger tricks. I can also do one sign (American sign language) with my toes. I can sign “people”


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I also have a couple more, like I remember one of my past lives, and I have Deja Vu a lot, I’m good at makeup, I have scary good impressions of some of the characters from my hero academia, I can raise my eyebrows by themselves or together, and some would say I’m good at singing and acting

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    I can cross all my fingers on both hands at the same time (so index over thumb, then middle over index, then ring finger above middle finger and pinky locked over ring finger). Pretty useless, and I haven't met anyone else that could do it.



    Well there you ave it a writer who is not a writer



    I can tell what people are going to say before they say it. Multiple times I know exactly what my mom 8s going to say and respond to her question without her even asking. Kinda cool though.


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    My son, not me. He is a walking comic book Encyclopedia. I started getting him comic books at a very young age as my family was into them when I was young (he had over 5000 before an accident lost them all ten years ago). Over the years, his friends, co-workers and even friends of friends would call him up to ask questions or to try to test him. This started before internet and cell phones. I can't tell you the number of times he would get calls at all hours of the day and night because someone needed to have an argument resolved. He is in his 30's now and it is still the same only now he gets the majority of his comics digitally.


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    I can make a very strange sound. Idk how to describe it. It sounds like an angry Donald Duck. It kinda sounds like: Zwheee zwheee zwheee zwheee


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I can also make myself laugh hysterically or cry my eyes out at any given moment.


    I can pick up almost anything with my toes. Proudly practicing since 1990.


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    I can whistle really melodically, but not loudly. For example I can whistle shape of you but can't do a wolf whistle.


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    Well, I have a knack for getting me and my friends out of trouble at school. I can act pretty well. If we get in trouble, I can cry on the spot, or come up with a pretty sweet alibi. It probably helps that there are dozens of people who owe me favours.


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    I can whistle pretty much any song I hear, and imitate some birds fairly well ^^


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    I also can push down the tip of my nose. The bone ends early...so it looks really weird. Like I can push it all the way down. Haven't met anybody else who can...they say it hurts. Try it.



    I can flip my eyelids up, and I'm double jointed in my thumbs. I can also crack all my knuckles.


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    My useless talent is seeing the future in dreams. I never remember them until the future actually happens, however.



    I can't get fat no matter how much I eat and I can also make most of my joints crack by just rolling them (shoulders, elbows, wrists, knees, ankles, neck)



    I know when something I need is at the thrift store. Like, exactly what I'm looking for - type, brand, everything. I usually dream about it the night before. It's a stupid psychic power to have. But it's saved me a lot of $ over the years, so I guess that's cool.


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    I can walk on my knees and taught my sister.



    I don't know if this counts, but when I listen to music played by multiple people, I can identify pretty much all the instruments being played. I can even isolate a certain instrument or voice and just hear that apart from all the others


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I doubt that's unusual. Focusing on one voice and tuning out others is exactly what people do when they have conversations in crowded places. Not all people can identify instruments well, but that's likely just ignorance, not inability.

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    I have a really weird thing for remembering everyone’s birthday. People I met a long time ago who mentioned their birthday or acquaintances are surprised when I still remember a long time later. Teachers would have me tell them everybody in the class’s birthday. I don’t know how I do it, but I know many people’s birthdays that I don’t even know very well.


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    Tiffany Marie
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    4 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yeah I can do this too. I remember a lot of Birthdays I wish to forget :/ I asked someone their Birthday & bam months later I'm saying Hey!! Happy Birthday here are some flowers! It's expensive.. Since I'm a given and feel the urge to buy gifts. It's also lonely because rarely anyone has rememberd or cared about mine.

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    This is really random but I can bend the top joint of my right pinky finger back at least 90 degrees.


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    Being the tallest girl in my class sometimes its actually fun


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    I can twist my pinky finger behind my ring finger so much that no light gets through


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    I can drink liquid through my tongue rolled up like a straw🤷‍♀️


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    I don’t really know if this is a talent or something but I have great hearing and can tell who is walking/running by the rhythm and sound of their footsteps. I don’t really think this is that special since another friend of mine can do this too.


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    This might be another talent I don’t know but I always know when it’s raining even if there is no sound or I only had just woke up. When it’s raining I always feel very happy no matter when.


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    Snarkiness. And comebacks, although I never show it. :)


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    Well, I have this strange thing I can do but idk if it's normal so, basically I can make a weird noise with the dangly thing that hangs in ur neck and it sound like A) An alien ship powering up or B) An Alien stranded on earth curiously trying to communicate.
