Share the times you had a gut feeling and how it turned out.


My father had a heart attack end of April 2016 and was placed in ICU for a week during which he only responded only once. At that point, with the understanding he would not recover because his brain had been severely damaged during the heart attack, my mother and my three sisters decided to have him moved to hospice. Over the next 9 days, family stayed with him off and on as much as possible. My mother, who was in a nursingrehab center because of her own health issues, did her best to comfort her husband of 55 years. On his last day, she and one of my sisters stayed until she had to go back to the center. I was at work and not due to get off for several hours. It really bothered me that other than hospice staff, he was alone. I decided to just let my manager know I was leaving and headed straight to the hospice. I sat with my father for several hours. Occasionally I would talk to him even though I know he couldn’t hear me. When his breathing slowed, and came back a few times, I said to him”it’s ok daddy, you can go to where the old Kikuyu’s are”. And he did. I waited a minute then went to get a nurse. She had me wait outside the room, then confirmed that he had passed. I began calling family to let them know. I was glad I followed my heart to leave work. He would have been alone those last few hours.


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Ria C.
Community Member
3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My friend experienced something similar, she said she was glad to have been there when he passed and she appreciated that she was able to witness that he passed peacefully. I'm sorry for your loss.

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    One time a gut-feeling saved me was when I couldn't fall asleep, I stayed up till 3 am, trying to sleep, but I just couldn't since I was just overtaken with anxiety. I thought it was probably due to me having a busy day at work, and my sleep schedule was also sort of messed up as well.

    Around 3 AM someone tried to break into my house, I woke my boyfriend up, saying that someone was trying to get in, needless to say, someone really tried to break-in and rob us. We called the police and long-story-short the guy admitted trying to rob us and went to jail, as apparently this wasn't the first time he tried to break into someone's apartment in our building. (Thankfully, I don't live there anymore, but after that I was afraid to be alone at home for quite some time.)



    My gut was feeling hungry, so i ate some chicken.



    I was kind of in love with one girl, and we hung out regularly, and all seemed well. New Year's was approaching, and I asked her out to celebrate it with me. She told me that she'll hang out with her besties from the theatre group. Of course, it bummed me out, but I also had this weird ominous feeling that something might happen that I wouldn't like.
    It was a bad New Year's for me, as I couldn't shake that gut feeling. I texted a few times to just check in on her, how she was doing, etc. She texted she was fine, and I managed to calm myself down, but I didn't like that I was away from her. Turns out she fell in love with one guy that she just met there, and I knew it was over for me. Of course, I acted like a gentleman and didn't interfere from that point onwards, but I felt really really bad that it didn't turn out well for me. The gut feeling was correct.



    When I was 19 I went for a interview at a dentist surgery. The training, the prospects, the money, the hours and the people where all great. I got told I had the job and was so happy but when I got home I burst into tears, and just kept saying I can’t, I can’t go but couldn’t figure out why I was feeling this way, especially when it was such a good opportunity. I was due to start on the Monday but called and turned the job down, the next the there was a fire in the dentist office which caused one death and badly injured two of the staff.



    I was in 5th grade when I had the feeling that something important was gonna happen. I was hanging with my friends so I just casually said "Hey anything new?" My crush said yes and then asked out my friend. Fun. Good times. Gotta love your gut.


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    Mark and Elmo
    Community Member
    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I had a crush on my best friend. She dated 4 other people before so i like her as a best friend.

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    2 stories

    1. When I was really little, I was riding bikes with my dad. I felt like I needed to stop my bike when we were about to cross a street even though there were no cars to be seen. I did, and as soon as I stopped a car came out of nowhere and flew past really fast, it would've hit me if I kept going.

    2. In early November of last year I developed a crush on a girl, and I kept telling myself she probably didn't like me back, for nearly a month my gut told me to ask her out just to get it over with, so in December I did, and now we've been dating for 4 months



    I was around 12 when my gut was acting weird. Like something was going to happen. So what happened was I told my friend and teacher and they calmed me down and then BAM! The school goes into full lockdown because someone near the school had a fully loaded gun. That wasn't the first time I was right though :/



    One summer my friend and I (both females about 12/13 years old) rode our bikes to this semi secluded park a couple miles from our houses. The day was beautiful, mild and not too humid, partly cloudy. I just had a weird pit in my stomach that got worse the closer to the park we got for some reason. The world felt off kilter. I felt like I was in a scary movie or bad dream. We got there and the park was empty. We just sat on the swings and talked. Suddenly all my hair stood up. I told her I felt weird. I looked behind us and saw a man in the edge of the woods next to the park just standing there staring at us. We rode our bikes so quickly back home I felt like I was going to collapse when we finally got there. I have many “gut feelings” in life that are correct but that was the first and most terrifying incident. Definitely listened to my parents after that and only hung out in public places with a friend or with adults when in a park or secluded place. It haunts me still.



    I had a friend who seemed a little off at school, and I knew she had a bad day. I was there when bad things happened at school. She stained her white shoes, Was teased in class, and a teacher acted condescending towards her. I felt something was wrong when I got home, and I texted her to check up on her to see if she was okay. Turns out, she would've had a meltdown right then if I hadn't texted her. It really helped me see I had a positive impact (or any impact) on others, and it did wonders for my self-esteem. You might have a positive impact on somebody, and you might never even notice!


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    Met a guy from an online dating service. Online he was really sweet and charming. When we met up at the restaurant, my whole nervous system screamed at me to get out. It wasn't just shyness; I just felt sick.

    I don't know if he turned out to be a bad guy, but I'm glad I didn't stick around to find out.



    To get to my church, I make a left onto the major highway on which it is located. That particular Sunday, my light turned green to take the left when something told me not to proceed. I looked to my right and saw a semi traveling at least at the posted speed of 55mph/88.5 kmh clearly not stopping for the light. I watched as it barreled through the intersection. If I proceeded when my light turned green. Had I not listened to my gut, I am sure I would have been killed. Always listen to your gut.


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    So, I was 8 YO (im 12 now). I and my Grandpa were on a walk, I had taken my bike with me cause I mean, why not?... Well, on the walk we went on there was a trail (short ut to where we were going). I decided to take that but, there was a log so I tried getting my bike over the log. Once I tried doing that I stAbbed my hand into a branch... My grandpa was too far down the trail to ask him to help. As I was failing t moving my bike a white pick-up truck pulled up behind me, an elderly male and female got out and asked me if I was alright, I was crying at the time cause I cût my hand. I said I was fine, he then asked if I wanted a ride to my grandpa...... I never mentioned my grandpa, so I said no. They BOTH we not taking no for an answer. So, I KINDLY told them to go their way. And after 5 min, FIVE MINUTES of them not taking NO for an answer I got my bike over the log and road home. I was crying hysterically n' was terrified. I ran inside and practically broke down on the floor. My grandma ran over to me. We talked about it... The worst part about the whole thing was that 1. they knew about my grandpa when I didnt mention him, and 2. that my grandpa didnt come back for me when I was SCREAMING for him because I had C^T... Full-on C^T into my hand. So, yeah. I dont know if thats really a "gut feeling"... But anyway, the moral of the story... No means NO. :)) Byeeee!



    This is more of a prediction but once I was reading a story and in it a character had schizophrenia and for some reason I thought "haha wouldn't it be funny if we found out me or my sister was schizophrenic soon" and bam what do you know two days later my sister gets diagnosed with schizophrenia. The reason I thought this is that I noticed that a lot of things that I think happen in real life shortly after.



    so when i was 11 (im 12, almost 13 now) i wanted to take my new fat-bike on a trail close to my house. it was only a 2 minute nike ride so what could go wrong? i had a feeling that i should not go but i usually dont give a crap about that stuff. ANYHOO when i got to the trail, i heard a bunch of voices. so i went there and i got to a huge open spot. and about a week befor this, my neighborhood got a warning that there was a pack of COYOTES. i ended up running into said pack of coyotes. luckily my dad told me that i should make a loud noise to scare them off. luckily they went. the lesson i learned was to always trust your got and dont be an ignorant dumbass


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    I once had a nightmare where I saw my friend meet with an accident. I brushed it off as a nightmare, but later that day, I had a really bad feeling. So I called him and asked where he was. He was coming out of a cafe and was waiting to cross the road, when a really loud beeping was heard. Turns out a huge truck was speeding and was going without any breaks. If I hadn't called him, the truck would've hit my friend. I got so scared and cried, making my friend worried. So I told him about the nightmare I had and he was grateful that I called him at the right time and saved his life.

    Not much of a story, but the thought that I could've lost my friend that day still spooks me.


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    On May 28th, 1985, I was on the phone with my sister. I told her that when my children came home from school that afternoon I was taking them to Kmart with me to pick up a few odds and ends. At the stop sign exiting our subdivision, for some unexplained reason, instead of making a left turn toward Kmart that was about a mile away; I turned right and went to another store in another town about 5 miles away. When I returned home the phone was ringing and I answered to hear my sister’s panicked voice asking if we were all alright and I said yes. She then went on to tell me that the Kmart I intended to go to had had an active shooter with a semi-automatic—3 people dead and several injuries. My children and I dodged a bullet that day (no pun intended) and I had learned to pay very close attention to my intuition.


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    I never had a good relationship with my mother growing up. As I became an adult and had a son of my own, I was eager for her to be involved in my son’s life. For the most part she was a good grandma and tried her best to bond with my son. Unfortunately, she was also battling an addiction to pills that made her quite erratic at times. Because of this our relationship became toxic and I decided I had to cut ties with her for my sanity. I changed my phone number and didn’t talk to her for over 3 years. One day I was in the same area my mother lived in and I decided I just needed to see her. I can’t really explain why, but I just knew it was time to see her again.I knocked on her door and when she answered I could not believe my eyes,she looked so bad. She had a huge bald spot and had lost weight. She was quite happy to see us and before we left, she asked if my son could spend the night. I said no for some reason all I can remember was him begging to spend the night because he had not seen his Nana in years. Well the next day I got a phone call from my sister my mother had gone into a coma that night and she was found by a neighbor the next morning. We got to the hospital in time to say goodbye and she passed away from sepsis ( and complications of Crohn’s disease) the next day. I am so grateful that I got to see her before she passed to give her one last hug I know she’s in a much better place.


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    For about a month, everytime my friend came over the house something kept telling me to tell him he needed to spend time with his mother. I only met her once years ago. I told him i was sorry for repeating it so often but whatever this was wouldn't let me just leave it alone. It was very insistent I tell him this and I didn't know why. So could he please just do it already? It was then he informed me his mom was in the hospital. I didn't know this. And as he didn't drive she was to far for him to get to see her. I made arrangements to drive him out there and on the 3rd day of his visit she passed.
    I get weird feelings like this alot and almost always follow up on it. The issues come when I don't and I don't know where this comes from.


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    I just remembered I never posted mine soo...

    This is actually my mom's, so excuse me if it is a bit vague at times. She was driving when she came up to a red light. She saw and heard an ambulance. The light turned green, but her gut told her to look one more time before going. Right as she looked, a fire truck came up and passed her. The fire truck was far away enough that she didn't see it before but close enough that she could hear the siren and assumed it was the ambulance's siren.


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    I was sleeping one night and I had a bad dream about something bad happening to my mom and I. I woke up that morning with a horrible headache and really bad pains in my chest. It felt ask if I was punched by the strongest man in the world to my chest. That afternoon, my mom and I were in the car on my way to rehearsals for my play and the next thing we knew we were in a cloud of smoke. Somebody had rear ended us spun us out of control. I slammed my face against the dashboard and has the same headache. The airbag popped out and hit me in the chest. The same feelings came back to me.


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    Had a gut feeling that my dad has appendicitis because he never had stomach problems before. He brushed it off as me being a hypochondriac. I had to get some teeth removed the next day because they did not have adult teeth behind them. The next day, my dad was in so much pain that my mom had to drive him to a hospital near the one my surgery was at. Guess what? The doctors said that my dad had appendicitis and he was getting it removed while I was getting my teeth removed.


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    I was watching TV. A friend of ours had been battling cancer and we were expecting her to pass away soon. All of a sudden I had this incredible feeling of our friend being here - she had lived in another city and we never met in life but we both had the same interests. It was like she was in the room with me. And then the message - a strong, deep, tingling message: Tell your mother to check her e-mail! And so, when my mum got home, I told her to do so. Surely enough, our friend had died that morning. I knew that she had died before anyone had even told me. Whether it was just my own intuition or our friend actually making her rounds before going to the afterlife, I can't say. It still freaks me out just thinking about it.


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    I have soo many gut-feeling storys, but here is the problem: I can never trust my gut because it is wrong almost every time. Only a few times I was right, so every time I develop such a feeling I start to question myself wether I should trust it or not, leading me into endless discussions with myself ...


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    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    only once has a gut feeling ever been correct for me, so I feel your pain.


    I have terrible instincts, but my gut kicks in when I play poker...



    I have 3 sons. My oldest, battled with depression, like me and other family. The middle son, still in high school, was in the band and youngest in elementary school. My youngest and I, supported the band, especially during games. We would try to show up about 1-2 hours before a game to help. On this occasion, I was reluctant to go help because my oldest had not yet come home from his date from the previous night. Tride
