A definition found online is "something, such as a film, television program, or piece of music, that one enjoys despite feeling that it is not generally held in high regard."

Also "an activity, habit, food, etc., that a person feels shame or guilt for enjoying, often because they feel they will be judged by others."


I do not like chick flicks because, to quote Frank Spencer, "I'm a man" however I do enjoy the film The Other Woman https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2203939/ and not just because of Kate Upton. Seriously I want to cheer the women on and say "You go girl!" whilst watching this movie.


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    A bowl of chocolate chips. That's it ¯_(ツ)_/¯


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    Charlie Spring (He/Him)
    Community Member
    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    When I was doing baking at my school one of my friends had to keep the bag of chocolate chips away from me because I lack self control and I would eat quite a lot of them lol. Not my fault that chocolate is delicious.

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    Princess moves and Hallmark films.

    My family is NOT a rom-com family. We like action/adventure movies.

    So I sneak away sometimes and watch princess movies by myself. The more cringe the romance is, the better.
    It somehow is super relaxing.



    Heartstopper and chocolate. Two things I can’t live without, one is delicious and the other is heartwarming.



    watching the x-files, doing a puzzle, and eating cheese puffs all at once.


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    Almond Snickers candy bar



    Romance novels.

    Yes, I'll admit, this is a favorite genre of mine. I'm old, so for most of my years, the only thing available was M/F and I just ate it all up.

    Now that I'm old, I have a REALLY hard time with M/F novels. Historical, contemporary, sci-fi, doesn't matter. The female MC (main character) usually ends up annoying the ever loving HELL out of me.

    I blame the authors, in part, for fashioning heroines who are SO F*CKING STUPID. How did I NEVER see this before?! It's like a comedy to laugh and scoff at, I swear! Most heroines are TSTL, "Too Stupid To Live".

    There's so many tropes, and I don't even mean the major plot ones. I mean character derivative ones.

    Author: "The heroine is innocent, with a big heart, warm and compassionate."

    Book: Despite all she's been taught about proper behavior, propriety, morals, good vs. bad, she STILL lets the slimy Uncle/Cousin/Step-Whatever/etc. grab her arms and put bruises on her, hit her, lock her in her room, tear her down verbally, try to sexually assault her, etc.

    Action: She half-a*s fights back (until rescued usually), then decides to go quiet and not tell anyone else about what happened. Sometimes because she's embarrassed but usually because she, "doesn't want to get them in trouble". Because, "They're [X relation here] and going through [X situation] and because they didn't mean it!"

    Hero: Yet the hero, who is usually some kind of gods gift to women in all ways, looks out for her, stops attacks, stops when she says no, defends her, etc. Yet he's a POS and more scary because she could, "fall in love with him".

    I'm sorry... WTF?

    Same with authors trying to make the heroine "independent" and "strong" but all they really do is show have stupid she is.

    Having a "fiery temper" and "smart mouth" and "sassy attitude" doesn't cut it. Blatantly ignoring sound, reasonable, logical advice "just because" the hero/etc. told them to, doesn't make you "independent and strong".

    I know this sounds like I'm bashing on historicals, but honestly, even contemporary romances do this same damn thing when there's action/suspense/drama/thriller involved, etc.

    What makes it more hilarious, is if you swap the roles. If you make the hero have a huge heart, more like a heroine being all "emotions and sunshine" then cast the heroine as the traditionally grumpy/stand offish one, the reviews are always quick to point out how the heroine doesn't deserve the hero.

    Yet in it's usual form, hero = needs improvement, heroine = goddess, the reviews are often saturated with, "Oh she melted his heart, made him human!" WTF?

    I'd love to see a comedy/satire romance where the hero just throws his hands in the air and gives up on the stupid broad after he's explained himself, the situation, etc. I'd shove her out the window myself if I could.

    I want more books where the roles are reversed. I want sweet, big hearted, calm and kind heros with heroines in the traditional male role of "arrogant, hard-headed, possessive, jealous, horny" etc.

    In other words, I use romance books because I still LIKE them, but I also enjoy raging against them and making fun of them every chance I get.

    I also read LGBTQ+ romances, and I have to say, they don't rial me up NEAR as much as the M/F books. Yet the TSTL problem persists.. especially when it comes to, "the misunderstanding". No, it's called, NOT TALKING.


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Scrolling through youtube shorts and copious amounts of mobile games


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    No feelings of guilt, but I don't tell girls i mostly watch cartoons.

    I like: the brilliant writing of Archer, a 007 parody of sorts,
    the scathing social criticism of South Park, the absurdity of Family Guy,
    and all aspects of the Simpsons, especially the songs, and Treehouse of Horror.
    How about those jazz-infused Charlie Brown holiday classics?



    Collecting Barbie dolls. Not those expensive, do-nothing idols. I mean some classic dolls, snap-click knees, twist 'n' turn waist, Japan stamped on the foot. The ones I had (and wish I had) when I was much younger. At 63, I may be a little old, but I enjoy my collection, and intend to add to it as time (and money) permits.


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    I like getting balloons, going outside, and then letting all the balloons go and grabbing them back before they can float out of reach
