Hey Pandas, What Is Your Go To Outfit When You Don’t Know What To Wear?
It's hard to get ready in the morning sometimes.
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Some jeans, a t-shirt, and a hoodie. No matter the weather. It's just easy and I have a lot of options to choose from in that category.
For fall or winter, black leggings and my Harry Potter track jacket; for summer/spring, a simple light shirt and shorts
Simple. Fall/winter, jean jacket over white shirt w/ jeans and jewelry, summer/spring either a simple sun dress or my harry Potter t-shirt with shorts.
Anything really, and to simplify the process I have a really small wardrobe. Life’s too short to spend hours on choosing which shirt to wear.
On the weekends, probably my maid cosplay (not a weird one- just a cute one!) But during school, my strawberry milk hoodie and matching skirt ^^
An ill-fitting shirt and a pair of high rise jeans. Sometimes I’ll steal my moms jeans if I don’t have any more pants.
I'll just do fall/winter
If I'm going somewhere, my pink sweater and a pair of jeans
If I'm at home, my largest hoodie and leggings
My favorite outfit of course. This consists of a T-shirt that's soft and i really like with a red and grey flannel over it, my darkest pair of jeans and my shoes. As well as my scarf and a beanie or a hat.
Rock Revival boot cuts, white ribbed tank, nice bra, and Larados. Easy and always cute. ✌️🇺🇸
Blues jeans with a business casual shirt (blouse or patterned button down), sneakers, and a medium weight jacket. Good for most weather in my area and good odds social, business, or business social. 75% chance I'm dressed just right, 20% slightly over/under dressed, 5% grossly over/under dressed.
Pants+t-shirt+flatshoes. They're casual and not revealing. Perfectly safe for any ocassions