We all have a family tradition that we just adore. Share yours!


A little bit old-fashioned, but we have a Christmas tradition that the oldest family member gives a speech, and we remember all of the family members that are not with us anymore. We pay a minute of silence and then get to give presents to each other. It's simple yet very meaningful to our family. (Don't know how we're going to celebrate this year, though, probably just going to quarantine for 2 weeks and meet if everything goes well)


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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I like that tradition it is different mine is fun and nice but not anything really special like yours

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    Today's the first day of Chanukkah, and usually today we make a MASSIVE amount of latkes.



    So my tradition is this little game we been playing for already 4 years so, The game needs a real cool gift inside or whatever next u wrap it in saran wrap all over with a lot of it next you get gloves like cooking ones, then you get a dice and the person next to you is rolling to get a 7 for the next person>So once someone gets a 7 u have to stop unwrapping and give it to the next person after that game we have a quick game of loteria, and that is my family Holiday tradition.



    We have Christmas tradition, that we all get hot chocolate (Or Coffee, cuz moi parents like coffee) and we would sit in front the fireplace, and get on our phones.



    Putting up the tree and finding our elf on the shelf for 25 days and singing



    completely torn between spraying the cats with a spray bottle to get them out of the tree and watching The Nightmare before Christmas


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    Joanne Haywood
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Admit defeat and watch The Nightmare Before Christmas. I tether my tree to the wall as I got fed up of the moggies pushing it over and I only put non-breakable ornaments on the tree after one of them broke a really old, very sentimental glass bauble.

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    Going to my grandparents house for dinner on christmas eve, opening presents as a family, and then the 30 minute drive home to add suspense! My little brother sleeps in my bed that night (tradition started when we were little) Cue lil b waking me up at 6 and containing him until 7;30.. and we wake up Christmas morning, wait for dad to wake up... and open presents!!

    Also building the dickens village with my dad every year!!



    Celebrating hanukkah and Christmas because my mom is Jewish and my dad is Christian



    My favorite tradition HAS to be spending time with my mom and little sister. We watch movies, bake something, and always get into our pajamas and drink hot chocolate. My mom and I also have a new year's tradition of watching a movie and drinking sparkling apple cider. :P



    Thanksgiving and Christmas is ALWAYs spent with my cousins in Indiana.

    Guess what came and ruined that tradition.


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    Billy The Kid
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Hmmm It ruined it for a lot of people but there is always other years to come.

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    Green pancakes with my family on Christmas morning


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    maya P.K
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    noice!!!!! i have green eggs and ham on christmas every year XD

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    every year we would make friendship bread and play Christmas music. our friendship bread recipe is a family recipe and is a tradition my family has done starting with my great great grandma. we can make huge batches that can last months because of how much batter we can make from just a small cup of starter.


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    Billy The Kid
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Thumbs up. I just bought our first karaoke machine. God help the neighbors this year.

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    I celebrate Eid! and its the best time of year because we have a big party inviting all of our friends and family and we cater some amazing food, the girls put henna on and ALOT of presents! its the best time of year for me! but this year there's not gonna be a big party due to obvious reasons....


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    Billy The Kid
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Its a shame but if this silly covid is over by next year then it will be a bigger party for sure.

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    As a family tradition in my house my dad comes over to my moms house and we all open presants and stockings then go over to my grandmas house hang out there nothing special but it is what we do i dont know how much will be different this year but i guess i will see soon



    Muslim here.
    During Eid Al-Fitr the whole neighborhood is supposed to go to a nearby mosque for the eid prayer.
    What my family and I love to do is buy many candies from the supermarket a day before the prayer. We literally fill up the whole basket with boxes of candy. Then at home we gather on the floor with the candy, then divide the candy in little plastic bags. At the eid prayer, me and my siblings go around, giving candy-filled bags to children.



    Shortbread! A classic and delicious scottish tradition

    Also, on new year's, we have a tradition to watch monster movies like Godzilla and Mothra



    Every Christmas Eve, my brother and I would have our mom read ¨The Night Before Christmas¨ to us. We started this when he was 2 and I was 4. He´s now 13 and I´m 15 and we have no intention of giving it up.



    Whichever kid finds the pickle ornament on the tree on Christmas Morning gets to open the first present. Apparently it’s more common than I thought!!


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    yep we do this too :) its also that whoever finds it gets to hand out presents which is super fun honestly

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    wrapping up vegetables for my grand kids. The look of disappointment is funny. (they do get their real presents)
    This year my missus suggested washing up gloves and tea towels so they can do the washing up after the Christmas dinner. LOL


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    Drinking so much whiskey with my gran while cooking Christmas Dinner that my mum has to come take the knives off us because we can't be trusted with them!


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    Billy The Kid
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    LMFAO!!! That is the only time i drink rum. A big bottle of JD but i have to hide it as my eldest son will drink it on me : (


    My father and I have always made latkes in a special way. I cant say it, as it is a secret recipe, but we can make them multicolored. I have a friend that recently came out as non-binary, so im planning to make some non-binary flag latkes for them.



    Watching the original Star Wars trilogy (episodes IV, V & VI)



    I’m Christian, as most of y’all have probably figured out, and we always read the Christmas story from Luke 2, and then open presents on Christmas Eve. We do everything on Christmas Eve, really. Our Christmas dinner, presents, etc; and then Christmas Day is for sleeping in and family time.



    welp i have green eggs and ham on christams every year XD it started when i was four or five, my mom read me the book so i wanted green eggs and ham on christmas and she said sure. uhhhh ya we still do it haha.


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    This is one that I’ve been encouraging my family to do for years. I was researching Christmas in g.t and found the Christmas pickle. You basically hide a pickle in the tree on Christmas Eve and find it Christmas morning.


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    We celebrate Hanukkah and every year we get a huge bag of oranges and eat them after we've lit the candles. when we've eaten all the orange out we squeeze the peel at the candles to make the spark! its super fun and has been our lil family tradition since forever


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    Family Christmas Eve party at my house


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    Billy The Kid
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yes. That used to be my family back in the days. my aunt was a great cook she used to bake every weekend for visitors. They had a massive house and everyone in the family used to turn up. It was such a big family that people even had to take their own plates!


    I love flying to Portugal every year to see family members in the Summer and/or Christmas holidays!



    My mom crochets outfits for the baby Jesus figurines in the family, so starting in mid November we get a parade of them being dropped off to wait their turn for a fitting. They leave with a dress, undies, baby booties and caps. And sometimes blankies. :)



    drink vodka! just kidding. im 11. we watch a movie.


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    So, idk if this is super unique or anything, but I thought I'd share mine anyway:
    So, on Christmas eve (or whenever we can lol) we make cookies and decorate them really strangely (I remember the Christmas I had when I was 6 or 7, I decorated a cookie to look like a monster. It, of course, looked like a hot mess, but my family praised it anyway. My oldest brother ate it that night and wrote a really nice note acting as Santa. Then, for effect, he crinkled it up and made it yellow somehow, then he even spilled a little coffee onto it. It's been our tradition ever since to put that under our tree for old time's sake). Anyway, after that, we'd go to bed and I'd wake up around 7:00 because my body refuses me to sleep any longer. So race down the stairs and wait for, like, 2 hours for everyone to wake up and get down the stairs. Then we open presents! We always pass the presents out and then take turns opening them. Then, we just hang out and eat the candy in our stockings and play with our presents.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sorry for the overuse of the word "then". It was 11:30 at night and I had to go to bed, so I was tired. On top of that, my mom said I only had a few minutes to write before I had to close my computer, so I had to rush.

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    I celebrate Christmas. So each year we get a tree put a movie on (normally the grinch) and make a baord full of veggies cheese and what not and decorate the tree. Its simple but fun


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    Billy The Kid
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Nice. When i was in school we used to bake pastry xmas trees, santa's .... with a hole at the top then put ribbon on it and hang it on the tree.


    I love the name "FurryPotatoCat"...

    My favorite holiday tradition is staying up with my mom and sister to watch movies on Thanksgiving and Christmas.

    My sister was supposed to go to college this year but cant because of COVID. I'll miss her when she does leave. Im in 7th grade.


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    Billy The Kid
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Thats nice. Does she not come home for Christmas when she is in college?

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    we have a few...
    1. watching the grinch every xmas eve
    2. doing puzzles
    3. getting a new ornament for the tree every year
    4. having a sleepover with my best friend to welcome the new year (not this year...)


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    My Christmas tradition is always reading a book called "the greatest Christmas pageant ever" with my father and making fancy french pastry for Christmas dessert with my stepmother (were making crouqe em bouche this year a tower of cream puffs covered in Caremel) and I help my mom make shouster a German traditional food which translates to "shoemakers leftovers" it consists of duck pork pickled herring and many other ingredients which I don't remember. Sorry about the punctuation.


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    Billy The Kid
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    4 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Am i invited? The crouqe em bouche sounds nice but i wont be eating the caramel


    Bakin' a cake


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    Hibernating until 1st January. Christmas is not a good time for me and brings back some pretty awful memories. I put the tree and decorations up but prefer to spend the day itself with the moggies.


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    Billy The Kid
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sounds like a plan. sorry its not a good time of year for you but i hope you have a good day with your moggies.

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    Christmas Eve gift. It's always pajamas and everyone has to put them on to go to bed that night.

    We usually open presents in turn, one person at a time. It's been done that way for a generations now because the kids want to show off their toys and it cuts down on competition to show off what Santa gave them.

    Mandatory hell gift. Everyone gets one from each person. They're hell to open, usually box in a box in a box in a bag in a tube in a box etc., and duct tape is always involved. Scissors or knives are mandatory but someone always hide them. My hell gift was a rock one year. Not even a pretty rock. It was picked up out of the yard.


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    Billy The Kid
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    LOL. Its annoying when someone wraps the whole present in tape and there is no point where to open it!

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    We do advent. A week before Christmas every night, we read from the Bible, say a prayer, light a candle and sing one verse from o come Immanuel, the we get one piece of candy ( because Jesus is sweet, my parents always said that) And open one small gift ( because Jesus is a gift. Again, my parents)


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    The day after Thanksgiving, we get out all the decorations, crank up the Christmas music (which has been banned until this day) and put up the Christmas tree. The following Monday we have a family night where we read the Christmas story from the Bible and unwrap my parents ceramic nativity and set it up on the fireplace mantle.

    On the first day of December, we start opening pockets on the advent calendar. It's a big calendar with 5 inch pockets that get stuffed with treats.



    We have "tree presents" we each get a little present that goes in the tree that we open later in the day.



    Burmese light festival in October 31 also the same day as Halloween.


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    Going out of state to visit family


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    I make mulled wine in my Ninja slow cooker and watch all the Rankin-Bass Christmas specials... Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, The Year Without Santa Claus, Jack Frost, Santa Claus is Coming To Town, Cricket on the Hearth, etc. I also watch A Christmas Carol (any version, including Mickey Mouses) and It’s a Wonderful Life, Miracle on 34th Street. And of course Charlie Brown, Yogi Bear and Garfields Christmas’.


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    Billy The Kid
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That is a lot of festive watching. Curl up on the couch with your mulled wine and enjoy ; )

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    At least one night a few nights before Christmas we will take the kids riding around to look at Christmas lights. When we get home we have cocoa and watch a Christmas movie like Christmas vacation or A Christmas Movie. Then Christmas Eve night we go to my grandparents. They are in their '80's and not doing too good. Might be our last year with them. They have not met my almost 3 month old grandson yet due to covid. Hope they get a chance to meet soon. Then of course Santa comes Christmas morning and takes the elf back with him.


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    Our christams tradition is NOTHING! I HATE CHRISTMAS!


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    Aragorn II Elessar
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    She feels thin, sort of stretched. Like butter scraped across too much bread.

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