Post your craziest high school stories here!


In my civics class (~1993) there was a kid who was normally in the "special needs" classes, but for some reason he was in this class with us. He and the teacher would sometimes get into yelling at each other and arguing. One day the kid is standing in front of the class while he and the teacher are yelling at each other. They are both in each other's faces standing there when the kid goes to swing his foot and try to kick the teacher. The teacher tried to swing his hips backwards to avoid being kicked and he only needed about a millimeter more to avoid it. Unfortunately, the kids foot kicked the button off the teachers pants (he wasn't wearing a belt) and the teachers pants fell down around his ankles. At this point, the kid bolted out of the room and the teacher was trying to pull up his pants and chase after him at the same time and kept tripping over himself. Yeah, good times!



    Biggest scandal was when a teacher "retired" then got married to one of the seniors.


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    Happi doggi
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My English class has come up with the Zimmerman-Falcigno scandal because two 50 year old English teachers, WHO ARE MARRIED WITH KIDS are flirting between classes.

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    High school / senior year here in France. Our Philosophy teacher organized a trip to Greece. The night before our last day was free. Some of my friends ans i went out, wandering in the Plaka area, by the Acropolis. We entered a bar. a whole family was celebrating a wedding. They invited us to join them. It was my 18th birthday on that day !! I'll never forget that evening, obviously



    A kid known for doing crazy stuff put a stick of dynamite in one of the toilets in the girls bathroom. It blew the whole toilet apart. The teachers didn’t know what the explosion was at first so we were all evacuated until the fire department got there. We were seniors and the person who did it was 18 anf therefore an adult. We didn’t see him for the rest of the year because he went to jail.



    Oh boy, I've got two. The first is when our teachers literally all called in sick because they wouldn't make masks mandatory. They all just didn't show up and we didn't have school for three days. It was wild. Really brought covid into perspective. The other was the time one of my highschool teachers got arrested for having sexual relations to a student. It had been going on all four years of her highschool career and everyone found out once he got caught. She kinda lost all her friends over that one.


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    Brandon Marlowe
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If I followed your story correctly, a female student was being sexually exploited by a teacher, so she lost a lot of friends? Some friends she had to blame the victim.

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    The day a dog came into the yard.... Everyone remembers the day a random dog came into the school yard 😊



    I can think of two "crazy" stories from my high school but they're both kind of sad and/or alarming.
    The first was when the very popular physics teacher was arrested and everyone found out it was because of domestic abuse.
    The second was when a girl had to get her leg amputated. There was a senior party with drinks and possibly drugs and a girl got pretty inebriated. From people at the party, they said she was sitting on a glass table outside and it collapsed and severely cut through her leg. She first had under her knee amputated but because of further problems, she ended up having to get the rest of the leg amputated up to her thigh. It was pretty sad, it happened only a few months before graduation so it was one of those topics that everyone talked about.



    Senior Prank: Our mascot was the Barracudas. Somebody put dead fish in the air vents over the weekend... in Florida. Yeah that wasn't pretty.


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    Laura Mende (Human)
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Somebody stole a flask of butyric acid from the chemistry room and dumped it on the school stairwell. We then had no school for 3 weeks because the stairwell had to be cleaned and ventilated. 🤢😂😂😂

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    One morning before class I looked out the window of the classroom door to see a mouse coming down the hall along the base trim looking for somewhere to disappear. The first place he could disappear out of the hall was the girl's restroom. So I watched for the ensuing chaos. Sure enough the restroom emptied. Not sure which got more screams the mouse entering or the girl, who lived on a farm, dispatching it with her foot.



    Had a friend / acquaintance who showed up high as a kite (on acid) for racquet sports. We were indoors that day and I took him with me as my badminton partner, so he wouldn't get busted. While we played he just stood there watching the ceiling and I played pretty much alone against the other team, which worked out alright. At the end we had to build down the nets etc. and grouped up with the teacher to get released. That's when I realized I'd forgotten the dude, who was still standing there across the gym watching the ceiling :D. Somehow the teacher wasn't interested in the fuss and let him go with a pretense "he isn't feeling well". Weird stuff happening in the states, back in Germany we at least only had kids smoking weed.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    He was a mixture of sponge Bob with watery eyes, who just saw a rainbow, and Jonny Depp in fear and loathing in Las Vegas, fighting off bats. Luckily for him he was SpongeBob when the teacher caught up on him.

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    One year in HS, had an older French teacher that spoke French with a German accent. Every week we listened to recordings of chapters of a story, Suivez La Piste!, and then had a quiz about it. But since these were done by actual French people, we couldn't understand them, and always did poorly on the quizzes. Right before Xmas break the teacher left us to play "French Bingo" while she gave tests to a couple of students in the language lab. While she was out, someone found the quiz book and we wrote down the answers for all the chapters. When school resumed after the break, we all started getting 100% on the quizzes. It drove the teacher CRAZY. She would walk up and down the aisles saying, "I KNOW you're cheating", because our averages on the tests were like 50% previously. But we all kept our eyes on our papers. She never figured it out. She retired a couple of years later. Luckily she didn't diminish my love of the language and I had much better French teachers after that.



    A kid got upset about something and punched out the little window on a door. Or atleast he tried to. The windows had wire in them to stop things from being put through them (security measures). The window shattered and the kid tore up his hand. Kid proceeds to walk to the nurses office, leaving a massive trail of blood throughout the white tiled hallways of the school.


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    Leigh C.
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I hear those wired windows are supposed to be banned because of the injuries it causes. But alas they are everywhere.

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    A fight broke out in the school foyer between 2 guys. Rumors went around it was a racial thing (one guy was Latino, the other guy was Native). One of them got a broken nose. A teacher tried to break up the fight and got mildly hurt.
    Yeah... I don't miss High School.



    A kid in my geography class the other day had his shoe stolen and thrown on top of a shelf. He decided to get it by standing on a rolling chair (already a terrible idea) and recruited another kid to help. The second kid saw it was on top of a poster taken off the wall and pulled it down to get the shoe down. He didn't know, however, that the other kid was holding onto this poster for support and ended up making the other kid fall off his chair. When the kid fell of his chair he fell on top of the other kid and launched his chair across the room. The teacher just stared at them with the most disappointed face ever (keep in mind, this was a college level class) while the rest of of completely lost it.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    When I was in high school in the mid 80's, cargo pants were just coming out. In P.E. class we had to change into our P.E. clothes, and when we were done we had to change back into our school clothes and someone had stolen my pants. I had to call my mom from the office in the boys locker room to bring me some pants.

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    We started a strike against our school management, went to the media, etc. because the school refused to let us outside because some children skipped classes and others went for a smoke. Anyways, we didn't win, but it drove the management nuts.



    I wasn't feeling well. But decided to get some food on my stomach. Unfortunately they were serving fish that day. Which, I have Never been able to eat. So just as I get in the line I realize the smell is making me really nauseated, and I have to get out of there Now. I turn and run. Only got as far as the teachers tables when I threw up. ( So that part was fun). One of them grabbed me and took me to the infirmary. The shortest route was through the kitchen.!



    I graduated a year early because of my love for doing illegal sh*t. I would break into the high school at midnight on Friday. Take every answer key and grade book for all of my classes go to the local library and copy every page. Then go back into the school on Sunday night and put everything back. Sounds shady but I became a Special Forces soldier. School was holding me back.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017


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    Hi, I'm IN high school currently! One girl decorated everybody's lockers for Halloween, talking paper pumpkins and everything, it was really nice. But then....someone ripped down ALL the locker decor. (Yikes.)


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    Hot Babushka
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    i feel so bad for that girl. whoever pulled it down is an a-hole

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    I was in a 8 science class back many years ago, the teacher was soft and had no real control over the lesson and class. There were two boys in my class who didn't like each other and get, this boiled up through the year until it reached a climax in this one lesson. One of the boys grabbed the fire extinguisher and went to hit the other boy with it, it was a blue powder extinguisher, instead of hitting the other boy he dropped it, cracking the extinguisher and filling the room with powder, this powder burnt the back of your throat. The room was evacuated and the class was cancelled the two boys were called to the head teachers office, and the boy who dropped the extinguisher was suspended for a week. Great class, good memories.



    Had a boyfriend who slept with another girl when he and I were taking time off our relationship and he got her pregnant, so had to marry her. I later found out she had only slept with him because I had dated an ex boyfriend of hers who had just broken up with her, and she wanted to get back at me (I never even knew she existed!). Wonder how she feels about it all now because, from day one, I was like PHEW, dodged that bullet!!


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    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    oh jeezus the good old jealous girls (grilfriends). i met a quite nice guy who was two years older than me in my first year of high school. i don't even remember his name or how we met/started talking. but sometimes we would randomly met in the cafeteria and talked for a bit or even spend lunch time together. untill one day when we just talked a bit and suddenly a crazy girl came ran up to us and called me b*tch and wh*re and things like that and ran off again. i found out later that day that she was his girlfriend. i didn't know she existed at all but yeah curse me because your bf has friends... i didn't met him afterwards anymore because it felt kinda awkward

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    i have several stories :D (keep in mind i went to highschool in switzerland)
    in my junior year our chemist teacher f*cked up while preparing a class and he kinda blow up the lab.. nobody was hurt except for his ego because he was a 'real' chemist before he became a teacher. the lab wasn't useable for the rest of my school time
    our school was in this very old building (build in the 19th cent.) and kinda shapped like the whitehouse with a big staircase in the middle of the building and one very small staircase in each wing
    in my last school year we had a fire alarm test that went wrong. when the alarm went off the fire doors closed immediately and most of the students had to leave the building thourgh the small staircases in the wings, which was way to small for all those students. a smaller part was trapped because of the closed doors. the chaos was perfect when nobody knew where the meeting point was. if there had been a real fire a lot of students would have died and the fire department was puzzled how this could happend.
    also in my last school year some freshmen tried o burn something in the school toilet and the result was, that the fire alarm didn't went off at all.
    and my french teacher was an old perv (like super old). as a girl you just had to show some skin and a bit cleavage and your grade got better. i'm not proud of it but my french grade got better aswell sometimes...
    and i have even crazier stories from my junior highschool years in germany... that school was f*cked up


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    Laura Mende (Human)
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    As a graduation prank, we blocked ALL THE TOILETS. Every single one in the building. School had 600-800 students. Was funny, kind of...

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    Not in high school, but in the 7th grade, 2 boys were fighting. Don't know the reason, but I've never seen a fight like that before or since. The blood on one of the boy's white t-shirt is a sight I have never forgotten and this was about 40 years ago.

    Another one: Same grade. One of the boys that was in a gang; and back in my days, you could tell the gang members because they wore top notch clothes. He was found in the truck of a car at the age of 25; yup dead.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    In the 7th grade, a girl I"d been friends with suddenly turned on me. To this day I have no idea why. She recruited other girls into a group that spent the next six years bullying me. They'd walk through the halls and slam their shoulders into mine, whispering "b_itch" as they passed. Knock my books out of my arms. Pour ketchup through the vents in my locker. Make prank calls to my home (back in the day, the line wouldn't disconnect until the caller hung up...they'd call and leave the line open so we couldn't make any outgoing calls) and scream "f_cking b_itch" and "c_nt". It was endless...and it continued into college when I ran into her at a bar one night and she cornered me in the ladies' room. To this day, I'm insecure and easily intimidated. I blame myself for everything that goes wrong and am afraid of people not liking me. And I'm OLD.....

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    My group of friends normally played Board or Card games during our Lunchroom Study Halls. We were playing Spoons this time and two of our friends were fighting over the last item in the middle. A plastic spoon. One of them, Travis, broke said spoon and tried to stab it in our other friend’s back because the struggle triggered his PTSD. Needless to say we broke it up and teachers came over. Colin was pretty pissed at almost being stabbed.. That’s the last time we played Spoons.


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    Miss Milinky
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Spoons is vicious! Last time I was asked to play I stipulated that all the women cut their nails (including me!).

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    The only thing I can think of is when one of the lights we had back stage caught on fire.



    I graduated in 1996, and high school was hell, and while it scarred me it also gave me some ‘fun’ stories. My HS was the ‘arts’ school for our city, drugs were huge, we had the drug sniffing dogs in at least a few times and we had undercover cops acting as teachers. Someone got ‘curb smilied’ in a fight, that was disturbing. Football initiation usually ended up with a few players kicked off the team every year. I’m sure there is a lot more I’m forgetting


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    2 stories, but same subject matter, pre-Kardashian era.
    Freshman year (at a predominantly white, non-secular school) I was called horse-ass by a guy and soon everyone was calling me that. I was horrified and got really depressed. I transferred schools for the rest of high school to a public school. My senior year I was a teachers aide in a science class (I was also taking 3 other AP science classes.) I was sitting on a stool with my back to the door and someone came up to me and whispered "I'd recognize that a$$ anywhere" turned around and it was my physics teacher. Never went back to physics for the rest of the year and got an A.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And by not reporting him he's allowed to continue to be a sexual predator at that school

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    This was about 1988 and we had an arsonist. Not just a regular arsonist but a daily arsonist. They first burned down the greenhouse the agriculture kids used overnight. Then they started throwing Molotov cocktails into wings of the school. This was every day. Months of having to evacuate the school daily and wait outside in the cold and rain for hours while the fire people rushed in. Sometimes it would be the special education wing, another time it was the language department then in a minor day it was just a garbage can.
    This was all over the news, we made lots of nervous jokes about it. The literal FBI was called in and had special agents patrolling the hallways in suits with earpieces. A few students guys thought it was funny and would dress like the agents. We had the locks on our lockers taken off and Zero, no matter what, bathroom breaks but the school kept being set on fire.
    My friends and I eventually would just go to my house and hang out since I lived close and it was in February when all of this began.
    One day they just stopped but they never caught the people/person. There was a rumor that it was a kid who’d dropped out and would come up to the school and do it, but nothing ever happened.
    Silver living at the end, with all the insurance money from extensive fire damage, we got a really fancy new theater and repairs made so our school looked far better. I wish I could add photos because my old yearbook has drawings on the inner cover with kids roasting marshmallows next to the burning fire, the god dressed like the FBI and funny bumper sticks some kid had custom made.
    Now whenever I meet someone my age who went to school at the same time as I did (late 80’s) but at a different school they always bring up the fires. No one was hurt so it’s all just a bizarre joke to us in our teen years.
    If my kids school was being bombed and set on fire daily, people would be flipping out, but it was the 80’s and that’s just the way it was


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    In 1987 some kid dropped a lit match into the library book return at the local community college. Burned down the library, and firefighter Gary Parks died in the blaze. Awful trend.

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    Not high school, but middle school we used to have a quote board.
    "Its only two bucks at the dollar store"
    "Whos betheny?"
    We also had that one classmate who brought in ham and jelly sandwhichs almost every day. :/


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    your socially awkward cousin
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    we had the same thing last year, in 8th grade. it was in my gifted class, and there were a lot of good ones "i'm concerned for your mental health" "yeah, pretty much everyone is" "you're built like an ice bottle" "they're not jewish, ethan" "show that trash can who's boss"

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    My friends and I were not in the rebellious crowd and pretty much blended into the background. Except this one day. We were bored and one of the lads knew his parents weren't home. So at lunchtime we walked down to his house and he pulled out this home brew of his dads. Well, we had a good old drink of this rancid ale and returned to school. We all kept our heads down except this one lad. He was on his way to his first lesson and the head of year stopped him to ask if he was ok. He wasn't ok. He projectile vomited all over the poor man. Then, he was too drunk or too stupid to keep his mouth shut and we all ended up getting a jolly good telling-off. We never did that again.


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    Started as a Taylor Swift themed camp-out birthday party, ended as a drunken lesbian orgy in which I got my first tattoo. Epic night. Made the best friends, bonded over hangovers and Cards Against Humanity, kinks editions.



    I've only started a few weeks ago but we have played Montero really Loud around homophobes


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    Me Oh My
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    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This one is funny. You, sir/madame/mmx, have my blessing to continue doing so.

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    First day of my reshamn year: a knife fight broke out between two girls in the lockeroom. And 5th day of my freshman year: someone set the parking lot on fire.



    so during lunch is the most chaotic for the schools i went to but the one i remember the most was when these two black girls started duking it out and my stupid self didint notice untill one of their dreads landed in my mashed potatos, so at the end of the day one person had been sent to the hospital for head wounds and the other was suspended.


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    When one of our teacher’s 6 year old daughter came to our class. Did a perfect middle split and then ran off


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    When I was in Jr high, we had a very obese shop teacher who had worked at the school for a number of years and taught shop and social studies. One morning just before lunch the principal came over the PA announcing that all students would be sent home at the end of the current period. Ok weird… found out next day from both an announcement and in home room from friends that were in the class that the shop teacher had a heart attack mid class and died before they could get him to hospital. I guess they didn’t want kids milling around with cops and an ambulance around.


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    Graduated H.S. in the US in ‘91.
    1. School getting cancelled, not because it was -50F, but because smog had frozen causing thick ice fog and a superintendent almost rear-ended a bus. Only time in all 12 years
    2. 2 kids discovered having sex in the emergency exit staircase by a whole class and teacher who were going outside.
    3. Gym teacher/asst football coach was fired for touching a cheerleader on an away game bus.
    4. Fire alarm going off because a student left a candle burning in her locker, a teacher’s kid.
    5. Band teacher arrested for molesting kids.
    6. A boy tortured, killed, and set the body on fire of another boy. The girlfriend had said she had been raped. Knew everyone involved.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I was going to comment about number 4 then i read number size wth is going on with your school

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    In computer class in 1978 our computers in the lab were teletypes connected via a phone modem to an actual computer elsewhere. Someone had the phone number for the computer system of a local bank, which we called and received a modem tone and a request to enter a password. We spent some time trying to guess the password based on local TV commercials for the bank, but never did get in. My first and last attempt at hacking!


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    Our French teacher was having an emotional breakdown, when the only black kid in our school decided this was the day to be a complete wind-up merchant (British phrase - to be unruly). Well the teacher snapped and called the black kid... You guessed it, the N word. This was in the early 90's and it was a massive shock to everyone in class. The black kids father was notified who came to the school with a baseball bat, he didn't find the teacher but we never saw the French teacher again. We also had a male teacher who molested a few kids (girls and boys) he got moved to an all boys private school.



    I had true ADHD! The actual real sh*it that wasn’t an excuse in high school. Only slept 4 hours a night, stayed up reading books and calling into talk radio at 9 years old. Pre internet.
    I would sneak out at night and siphon the gas out of my teachers cars and slash tires in high school just so they would be late and I could talk smack back too them. Horrible I know but I was 17


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I would like to say that these are the teachers that always said you control your own fate. If your late it’s your fault. I made them eat those words!

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    At my high school the girls always smoked cigarettes and often pot (which was illegal then) in the girls' bathrooms, especially the ones in the main building that had the cafeteria and auditorium. It was so bad sometimes that you could see the smoke rolling out the door when it opened. For some reason, not much was done about this. Sometimes a teacher would come in, and the girl nearest the door would yell, "Teacher!" and everyone would drop their smokes in the toilet, but that's about it unless the teacher actually saw you with a smoke in your hand. Then maybe you got detention or sent home for the day, but never anything very serious.


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    A sort of friend (We were in several classes together.) shot her father because he had told her she could no longer date one of our other classmates. She walked up behind him while he was sleeping and shot him in the head. Thank goodness the bullet grazed his head and he wasn't hurt badly, so it assault and not murder. We didn't see her for the remainder of our senior year. Thing is, the male classmate was a super nice and good person who went on to become a very successful business owner. No one could figure out why the dad didn't like him.



    The teacher got kicked out during a zoom meeting....We had so much fun unmuting ourselves and screaming, one of my classmates was pretending to be the teacher and was teaching about "Beans, all about beans, everything you need to know about beans. Just beans" Very sad though, when the teacher was able to get back into the zoom meeting and our no teacher party ended.



    I had a popcan in my bag and left it in my car overnight. When I got to school, I had forgotten about it and in the middle of class it popped and started leaking through my bag onto. The floor


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    This might have been the summer right before high school, but when my mom picked me up from the airport after visiting my dad for the weekend, she told me that my orthodontist died. I asked her how it happened. She told me that his wife (my dentist) killed him.

    My dentist was Clara Harris and David Harris was my orthodontist.


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    Miguel justino C
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    People reading this should look it up. Crazy s**t. Mercedes was the murder weapon

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