Having no regrets might be an easy way to go through life, but, unfortunately, we all have things we are not so proud of and would change if a time machine was a thing. Perhaps these stories will help others to avoid certain mistakes or find the comfort and strength to let go. And in some situations, it‘s never too late to make a change, too!

So, pandas, share your biggest regrets!


My biggest regret is not running away with my best friends, Rowan and James.

James ran away because he was abused by his 'old-fashioned' family. His family was quite formal, strict, and against anything they deemed unnatural. He was disowned because he was 'too disobedient, rash, and improper.' So, he ran away. (Basically think of Sirius Black from Harry Potter)

Rowan ran away because he had no one to go to when his parents died in a car crash. He didn't want to go to an orphanage. He also ran away because he was gay, and was picked on for it.

Rowan and James were quite different from each other. Rowan was shy, bookish, responsible, and afraid to show people he was gay. Girls absolutely adored his shy cuteness (tall, thin, and wears sweaters, what more can you ask for?), so he forced himself to go out with several of them.

James was loud, 'punk rock' (his words, not mine), irresponsible, and not afraid to show the world who he was. I've heard girls (and a few boys) gush about how hot he was (not gonna lie, he was a looker) and if he'd date them. He never did date anyone.

An unlikely match, am I right?

But they loved each other. I know they would do anything for each other. But, it's that utter devotion to each other that could get them caught.

If I had gone with them, I'd know where they were. I'd know if they were safe, fed, and happy. I would know if they were alive.

My biggest regret is not running with them. And for that, I failed as a friend.


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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This is one of the most traumatic thing I've heard since I came on BP. I hope they are ok.

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Ooo, tough one. I had to think about it for a second, but my biggest regret is that in middle school I let my friends push me around a lot and every fight we had they managed to turn around on me and convince me it was my fault, even if it wasn't, and I let them. It caused me a lot of self-doubts in my abilities and worth as a human being.



Pushing away my first ever best friend. We were attached at the hip for four years until I developed depression. Through bad coping and a few other unfortunate circumstances (being abused by a different friend, falling in love with someone who wasn't good for me, and a lotta other stuff) I ended up never talking to her again. I was a shitty person to her during those last few months and while what I was going through doesn't really excuse my behavior, I wish I could find her again and talk it out. I think I'm a better person now, or at least growing to be, and I want to apologize for the way things turned out.



My biggest regret is from the school period of my life (elementary, middle and high school).
I was costantly bullied because I was "the quiet one" and the one without any friends in my class.
I never told them what I thought of them. Never reacted.
This gave me a serious depression with suicidal thoughts.
I still have them sometimes.
Now I would punch them on their stupid faces so hard to make them stop if I had another chance.


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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I was a violent/quiet kid. Someone said something mean to me or someone (even if i didnt know them at all) else i would attack them like i was crazy. It doesnt help, you just have to go through life the way you want/have to. NO ONE makes that choice

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My biggest regret would mostly be not really paying attention to who I was around. meaning i got in a lot of fights. but another one would be mostly my attitude to my parents when i was younger, My life would be a lot more different if I was more honest and obedient.



Not being aware about how i made people feel, I'm still working on it.



Not starting therapy sooner


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Christel Nellemann
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Well, thats too short. There is a story here, that sounds like something is working now.

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I regret the way I left my ex-fiancé. We were five months from being married and I realized that I didn’t want to be married to her. She had been nothing but wonderful to me, but I was not as happy with the situation as I thought I should be. She deserved to be with someone more committed to her than I was capable of being. So I left her.

I don’t regret leaving her by any means. What I regret is the pain I caused her. She didn’t deserve to be blindsided by my decision. After 25 years, it’s my biggest source of shame.

I hope she’s happy and I hope if we were ever to speak again she’d be able to forgive me.



I had the opportunity to transfer to another store because there two
people wanted to date & they couldn't work in the same store
and have a relationship.
At the time I was well established in my comfort zone, I liked all the
people I worked with and I even though it would have been slightly
closer to my house, I thought it was a silly reason to completely disrupt
my said zone.

It's now a year and a half later, almost all those people I liked are gone,
the last one I can guarantee won't last long, the white trash
homeless meth heads, shoplifters & entitled assholes have almost
broken me and if I had the opportunity to leave now, all you'd see is a
cartoon outline of myself as it slowly fades away w/ the sounds of
footsteps receding in the distance.

I've been looking for other transfers ever since but nothing has been
coming up other than stores that are miles away from my current one.


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8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I was perusing my old comments and came across this one & I had to update. I'm soon approaching a year (end of April) in my *new store* that I finally made the decision to transfer to. Through a odd twist, my old manager got transferred to a store a mile from my house, so I figured what a perfect opportunity to transfer there as well, so I told her is she ever had an opening let me know, and not long after she left, she did, so I told the new manager of my old store, it was nothing personal but I was leaving and haven't looked back.

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One of my biggest regrets is that I have a really hard time standing up for myself, I’m working on it though. I’m starting to get better.



I've made mistakes and experienced very painful things. Everything else in life I consider a lesson that helped me grow. But the one thing I will regret forever is going to private college and letting myself get suckered into $65,000 worth of student loan debt for an English Bachelor's Degree.



I have trouble talking to people about how I feel. I had a crush on this guy and spent a lot of time together but it never really escalated above the friend zone. WE were young so he didn't quite understand what it meant when his dad died. Then he moved away. I saw him a while ago and he had just gotten a Girlfriend. I believe that if I would have told him, we might have had a chance.
I'm getting better. I have opened up to some of my friends, but I still struggle sometimes.



That I waited so long to tell my mother I’d been assaulted. I wasted so much of my childhood scared of what kind of help she’d “force” me into. The worst part is that It’s my own damn fault.



Getting a google chromebook and installing zoom also how do you let people add there own responses @bossy


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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

i think the people who summit it change it into one

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being a jerk to my boyfriend because he was a jerk to me.he broke up with me the day after halloween 2 years ago and were friends now but i think about what could have been(I'm in 8th grade) and hes in the same school and we have 3 classes together and it makes me want to cry everytime i see him.


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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Girl, you can always try to become a closer friend if you want to, it just takes time. Let out a good cry at home. Put yourself together again. And continue on in life. No regrets should bring you down whenever you see a person. No matter what, I will support you! :)

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I regret being afraid of what people thought of me. Specifically when my friend (she's amazing, though lots of people think shes odd) needed me, and I didn't help because I was afraid of being considered a weird person. We're still friends, but there are so many times where I wish I wasn't such a pushover.


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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Omg same! I regret doing that and my friend moved away, and we broke away :(


Giving in to my urges to eat or not eat thanks to my depression. Luckily, I'm at a healthy weight.



Opening up to people that wouldn't do the same for me.



My biggest regret so far is bottling up my emotions all the time. I would have had a way better childhood if I told my experiences, emotions, and other stuff to my therapist. Damn, I would've been so much happier. :(


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Arctic Fox Lover
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Count your blessings instead of longingly dreaming of the childhood you think you missed. Think about it: You're probably pretty lucky compared to some childhoods. But you can always make the right choice now :)

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When I was younger I had to take ADHD medicine. One of them made me feel like I was empty and numb. My parents did not recognized what it meant. I threw the pills away for about three weeks before they found out. I was grounded on my birthday.


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Christel Nellemann
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

So,what was the regret? Not standing your ground on not taking that medicine, throwing it away or what?

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I would say not taking up an opportunity when i had it. I got multiple chances to participate in a competition, speak out against an issue, be more outspoken in a debate yet i backed down when i was afraid. I could be because of the thought of failure, or just afraid of being disliked for my views and opinions. I am finally learning to speak out more (BP is one way I'm trying), not being afraid of haters and taking every opportunity to show my talents to others. Hopefully, one day the regrets i once had would be just moments which resulted in me being a better person



my biggest regret is saying "hey! Thats Morse code in front of young(er) people!



this just happened yesterday my headphones broke inside my computer and i was at my friends house i had to wait until i got home for tweezers but my CLUMSY A** WANTED MESS WITH IT even tho my moms friend said not to and now it's even more messed up and stuck in my school computer today


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Tiny Dynamine
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Don't worry. It's not a big deal and is fixable. Just find someone who can do it for you then everything will be fine again.

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I was eating a bowl of ramen and walking to my kitchen. I did not notice my cat laying there. So I tripped over him and dropped the ramen on his head. I'm so sorry Smokey!! ;w;



Eating milk and coke together, and then learning that it is food poisoning.
(I know that it is not as big as the others)


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4 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

food poisoning is illnesse from contaminated food, not mixing food together and having bad stomach...

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Is when I was buying a horse and I got so overwhelmed that I went into shock after I bought her and started crying and asked to return her straight after I bought her. missed a beautiful horse but I believe that everything happens for a reason.


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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I was not ready to care for her and we were still rookies at buying horses and I had a melt down and broke out crying but now I am so glad I didn't buy her because then I would have never meet by baby syrup

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Not realising my true worth early on in my life. We are all worth it :)


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Not find out how much i enjoyed mountain biking until already into my 40s. Would have loved to have done more racing at an age when i was more able to compete.


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Ms Forty Seven
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Perhaps it was a blessing in disguise. I had a talented athlete tell me that professional sport and competition took away some of the joy of the sport. Also... multiple injuries and pressure to continue. Anyway... I hope mountain biking brings you decades of happiness and good health!


I was best friends with someone ever since primary. we were very close until around high school. We suddenly stopped chatting and rarely would, and most of the times it was short. i think it could be because i never really supported her, and got jealous when she would score perfect A+. now that i think of it, that was very childish..sigh..


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Arctic Fox Lover
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Don't hate yourself for being a kid. You were being a kid. You have a right to be who you are.


Everything else in life I consider a growing experience, but the one thing I will forever regret is going to college and getting suckered into $65,000 worth of student loan debt for an English Bachelor's degree.


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My biggest regret was when my kids was young I was always working to provide which led to less time with them.


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Arctic Fox Lover
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

What??? My mom works a LOT to provide for all 4 of us, and she's able to put food on the table! DonI mean, of course it's good and healthy to be with your children a lot, but not really if it means you can't provide enough to care for them.


Not being there for my gf when she was going through a hard time and not meeting her sooner.


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I would say when I ate a half-pound of jellybeans and some catfish in the same night. A few days later I puked from eating to much candy AND from food poisoning, witch was from the catfish.


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I regret not being able to speak up for myself against my bullies if I could I wouldn't have such bad depression and anxiety. I feel liked I have failed my parents and myself if only I had the self-esteem


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I've had a few, but maybe the one I regret most is coming out. Since then, my parents have only looked down on me, asking me if my relationship or crushes are "right", and being even more mean to other LGBTQ people. Sorry for making a downer.


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The cation
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

hey no, that shouldn't be your greatest regret! You should be proud! That takes guts

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I try not to regret much in life because everything that has happened made me who I am today.
Although, if I absolutely had to give an answer of some sort it would be...
I regret not standing up for myself sooner. Once I started I found my true self and became confident.


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My biggest regret would be that I had let my best friend bully my crush with the school bully in 5th grade. Yes, it is confusing, but I was afraid at the time for speaking up for myself.


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putting a friend's needs before my own mental health. i'm still trying to rebuild myself.


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Not have expressed myself when i needed it the most. If i would be more expressful i wouldnt have had depression, or i at least avoided lots of crying in the baathroom and a lot of actions hurtful actions caused by anger and rage.



For me it's figuratively shooting myself in the foot and not getting the chance to meet my childhood hero


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My biggest regret is telling someone I liked them and now they won't leave me alone even though I don't like them anymore. I'm scared that he's going to steal my prom away from me going with someone I WANT to go with.


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