Hey Pandas, tell us what is your best elementary school memory? Post your submissions down below!


Now that I think about this it sounds kind of ridiculous, but I'll stick with it. I was in fifth grade and one of my best friends admitted he had a crush on me. I like that memory because it was the first time a guy had told me how much he cared, and that was super important because I'm a really self conscious person and I worry people don't like me at all. It really stinks to think like that all the time, but it actually got a lot better after he told me he liked me. If you're wondering, it's been a few years since it happened, he still likes me, yes I like him back, and no we aren't dating yet.


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    When I was in 3rd grade, my playground was dusty. As in no grass, just dust. Every recess we would have scouts. If you heard them yell, "DUSTSTORM!!!" You RAN. Clouds of dust would just float up and people would hide under the playground equipment. It was so scary and intense, it was fun. It was a lowkey sandstorm, to the point where it would form tiny tornadoes of dust.



    I. Had this massive crush on this one guy, lets call him alex, in 5th grade. Me and my BFF made a slideshow to share with him to tell him I liked him... my friend accidentally let her home room see... and well news spreads fast. I wouldnt get closer than 5 feet of him.


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    From first grade to fourth grade, I'd hang out with people of the opposite gender all the time and most of them accepted me. Some of them didn't, but they soon warmed up to me once they saw that I was brave enough to pick ants up with my bare hands (I can't now), throw woodchips at children who were too slow to catch me, play "Dinosaurs" instead of "Family," etc. I was allowed to sit at lunch with them too, but since they brought so many of their other friends along, I eventually left the group because it was just so loud.

    The reason why I was earning all of this respect was that I ran really fast and no one could outrun or outlast me in any game involving running. (Hence my BP username.) There was kind of a rule in elementary school that whoever ran the fastest got the most girls.

    Oh, if only that rule applied to my school now.


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    Its kind of the worst elementary school memory but in third grade i had the strictest teacher, and she would only let us go to the bathroom once a day in her class. and i asked if i could go, she said no. then i couldn't hold it any longer and i walked up to the teacher and i peed myself it went on the floor, i was crying hysterically and asked my teacher if i could go to the bathroom now, and she gave me a worried look and said yes. and later that day i went back home and my parent went back to the teacher to talk about the incident. and that was the last day me and my family friends would ever go to that school.



    The olympic torch was run down one of the main streets in my old town and we were within walking distance so we got to go see runner with the torch, that would have been the Atlanta Olympics. Got to meet two wrestlers who went to the olympics that year for the U.S. because my 4th grade teacher knew both of them. One of them flirted with her the entire time he was there and asked up to help him as her out. I have no idea if it worked or not.


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    Basically the entire 4th grade. We started having different teachers for different subjects my “home room” teacher who also taught math was mr. baken. Mr. Alderton taught social studies (my favorite!) and mrs. miller taught English language arts. A year later mr. baken had to move and mr. Alderton accepted a job offer to be vice principal at another elementary school ( who we’re pretty much our main rival)


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    Costume parades at Halloween


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    In 8th grade, I just recovered from my 3rd surgery, and was adjusting to my eyesight (a surgeon accidentally made me legally blind. I have no peripherals, double vision, and see in 2D, not 3D). That year, we had home etc and shop. Our shop teacher, Mr. Mason, noticed how much trouble I was having, and swooped in, completed my shop project for me, said, "shhh!" and gave me an A


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    Doughnut Drizzle
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That is my phobia, I'm scared if a professional make a mistake on me, like the dentist. i used to tell them to do it properly when i was little.

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    two things: the time when the (most annoying principal in the world) was doing a family fun night and so for fun he kissed a llama on the lips and the llama spit on him and it was SOOO FUNNYYY!!!!
    another thing: in like 1st grade me and a bunch of friends were playing soccer and right as the bell rang to go inside and right when it rang rain just POURED down on all of us as we all screamed and all of the girls sounded so like funny and then we realized that the weird scream was coming from the boy behind us....op


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    I have quite a few good memories from Primary school. We had the cookie monster come and visit when I was in year 1. In year 5 we went on a school camp to a farm where we got to ride horses, have a bon fire, sang songs, fed animals, milked cows, went on a hike and played archery. Every year from grade 4-7 we did aquatics where we had a choice on water activities, I tried fishing and snorkelling but changed my mind after a day and ended up doing canoeing for the rest of the week. I was hand picked 2 years in a row to go on a special lunch with a teacher of my choice and I also got to choose where we went. One year I chose McDonalds and another year I chose Pizza Hut. The various parades and costume days like clown day, pyjama day, spanish day etc. We also had disco’s and school sleep overs once a year which were always fun. There is so much more but I think that will do otherwise I will be here forever and bore you lol.


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    1. In second grade my teacher went on maternity leave for an extended amount of time. Our substitute was the best teacher that I ever had at that school! She even invited the kids over for a bbq at her house after a nature hike one time. I was actually sad when she left.
    2. I used to sit at lunch with my best friend and we would make each other laugh so hard that we couldn't even look at one another without cracking up! I haven't been able to see her since covid, I miss friends.
    3. We would have potlucks all the time, they were always fun. In 4th grade I did a report on Jamaica, brought in food and everything.


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    5th grade i think this day we were in the gym listening to the teachers about new dance team until then....PPPPFFFFFTTTT!!!!!! i accidentally farted my friends brother was sitting in front of me and the lady beside us was like bro really? ever scense i luaghed everytime i thought of it and beg my friends not to share it


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    And in fifth grade we had a over night camp called cols (Colorado Outdoor Learning School) they had a zip line, something called the big swing where the would hook you up to a line and reel you up super high, the “let go” and you would swing back and forth. They also had a high ropes course, canoeing and SNACKS. At the end of the week, you would get a award (I got the just in case award) and a shirt that all the camp counselors could sign. It was super fun.


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    I’ve been best friends with my current best friend for almost a decade, and in elementary school both of our parents were still working when our classes were done. She was in a special club for kids who’s parents couldn’t pick them up after school, but I didn’t have to be in that club because my mom worked at the school. Anyways, during recess she would always ask me “are you going to be here after school?” And I would always say “99.99999999999 percent chance I will!” So after school we would hide in the ditch, pick buttercups, pretend to be fairy princesses... and we still do that because when we’re around each other we act like actual toddlers :)


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