
Hey Pandas, What Is The Worst Way You’ve Been Broken Up With? (Closed)
Hello, fellow Pandas. Most of us have probably been through a breakup at some point or another. Sometimes it's simple, quick, and easy, but there are times when there are tears, drama, and maybe even some anger.
Share with us some of the worst ways someone has broken up with you and how you reacted. Did they do it in a bad way? Did they ghost you? Did they cheat on you? Tell us down below and please be respectful and nice to each other!
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I've never had a break up, so I guess it's the fact that no one wants to date me...
But no one needs to be super worried, I'm still pretty young
I'd been having a bad day and it was all just like welling up inside and I started crying. Then I heard a text on my phone and saw it was from her. I smiled a little, 'cause I knew she'd make me happy. When I opened it, it said "hey, I'm not gonna be able to talk for a while" so I responded with "oh, is everything okay?" and she said she just needed to focus on school. That's when it clicked with me. "We don't need to break up tho... right?" I asked. I remember my heart racing as she typed the message and those three dots appeared. Finally she said, "idk probably". I was in a really bad place then and I'm never gonna forget the way every ounce of happiness and hope I had in me just kind of rushed out. I felt the slight smile on my face fade back into tears. I'd lost my world. It took me a year to realize she was gone forever. That breakup got me further down than rock bottom. Even with her, I was struggling with depression. But when she left it got worse. I started doing dr gs and drinking, vaping... I was losing myself, too. But, I'm eight months sober now, I have the most amazing girlfriend, who's gotten me through so much, and I'm happier than I've ever been. Rachel was just a chapter of my life. I don't miss her, I miss the idea of her. Truth be told, she wasn't a good person. After we broke up she and I got in some awful fights. I feel terrible about the things I said, but I doubt she has regrets. I'm so glad to be in such a healthier place now.
I'm sorry, my girlfriend and I both went through something similar, (with separate people). Her best friend tried to date-rape her, and my boyfriend dumped me on my birthday. I wasn't that upset about my ex dumping me, but I was already going through a hard time. He was a downright asshole to me. Then I met her, and we were truly happy together. We were both struggling, but we pulled each other out of it. Then, she had to move bc her friend tried to rape her, and he denied it to the police. After that, I ended up in the hospital multiple times, bc I had depression and I have chronic anxiety. We haven't seen each other since last year's 4 of July, but we talk every morning and evening. Next year, she'll be getting her driver's license, so hopefully, we can see each other more.
I got dumped by ringing my fiance one evening - and his wife answered. But I'm not quite sure who dumped who; but I do know he was dumped by his wife :)
I got dumped on my birthday over text but that’s all I’m comfortable saying…
W had been together for almost 13 years-he decided he'd had enough of LA. We had talked about New Mexico-clean, beautiful, a lot less populated. I had gone ahead as a scout to get housing, work. Everything was coming together-then one day he called and said I don't want an adobe, I don't want New Mexico, and I don't want you-then he hung up. Turns out he fell for his neighbor, 20 years younger, and a widow who had $200,000 in insurance money.
I was the one calling the break up, but I had a valid reason. It was my first relationship, and I was 13. The boy I was dating, roughly a month into our relationship, had told one of my friends that he wanted to take my virginity and was planning to do it soon. As soon as I found out I broke up with him. It broke my heart and my trust, because I had specifically told him I didn't want to have sex until marriage (not a religious thing, just my personal preference), after he asked about my virginity "for his personal knowledge". Should I have stayed with him and seen where it had gone, or did I make the right choice?
Honey, personally I think u did the right thing. Him telling your friend that he wants to take your virginity, even after you told him preference and that he means to do it soon just doesn't seem right, seems quite sketchy. He should have respected your decision, and if he wasn't comfortable with it, he should have moved on and found someone else, not going ahead and telling your friend plans that seems like he want to date-rape you or something.
One day he told me he was leaving me for his cousin who looks identical to his mother...it all worked out bc I ended up finding the love of my life after that :)
On our anniversery, over text, telling me they still wante to be friends. I didn't really wannna be friends but anything to make them happy. Because I loved being their friend butit was just kind of unpredictable. Anyway few months of talking pass until in february they stop texting me and talking to me. So, I just assume its family issues because that was the excuse they always used. Fasteforward to April. Many times had I thought "I should delete this contact" But didnt incase they were gonna text me. So i send out one hope youre doing ok text and i get one back along the lines of "Sorry i dont want to be friends anymore blah blah blah your bad for my mental helth blah blah blah Im a good person and you're a good person but its not working out. but i can still be friend with our mutual friends but you can't" I sh*t you not they told me i couldnt be frinds with our mutual friends. so of course i didnt do that. and ive been thriving ever since!
He gave me a gorgeous bracelet for my birthday. A week later (and just days before our one year anniversary) he tells me he wants to take a break so he can focus on school. Proceeds to not interact with me at all and talked a lot to one of my best friends (she even came to me about it because she thought it was strange and was a bit uncomfortable.). I ask him about it and he paints himself as a victim and breaks up with me. It's been about a month now and he refuses to speak to me.
Well I don’t have a boyfriend but my friend dumped me at my lowest point when I was just super depressed and empty already
I'd only dated twice... and we weren't really able to go out on any dates bc he was 'too busy'. He was embarrassed of me when we were with his friends. On my birthday, he broke up with me. Over text. I was fine with it, ya know. Not really too upset bc we were drifting apart. HOWEVER. We had a lot of classes together, and he would just be a complete a**hole to me. Unprovoked. Luckily, I met my girlfriend a month later, and we've been together for 17 months. But she did move away, we still call each other every morning and evening. When we're able to drive we'll see each other as much as possible. (She lives about 40 mins away, but both of our parents work, and COVID, sooooo)
everytime i've ever been broken up with is over email or text, it sucks and hurts bc the person can't even face me in person to tell me they don't love me anymore
seriously, over text is the worst way to be broken up with. Can't have been dating very considerate people
I’d been outed as trans, disowned by my family, and was having a mental breakdown when my girlfriend broke it off. It was probably the best thing that ever happened in that relationship.
I asked a girl if she wanted to go to the school dance with me and she rejected me by saying “ewww no your short!”
A long time ago, my best friend and I got involved in an online relationship with a guy in his 20s; we were 15-16 at the time and didn't know better. First major red flag. The three of us would talk a lot and write and stuff in AIM or whatever chat program was the big thing at the time, and he would almost always turn it sexual. Cybering, dirty jokes, asking for certain pictures... etc. Second major red flag. Eventually it got to a point my friend and I asked him to stop, just for a few days. He agreed, but we didn't talk much for awhile during that timeframe. When that timeframe passed (like a week, I think), he hit me up in a one-one-one coversation because he was "feeling bad" and just wanted someone to talk to. I felt bad for him and we started chatting, and...you can guess where he tried to swing it. Right in the middle of his attempts to make it sexual, I got a private message from my friend asking me if I'd not talk to him anymore. She was my best friend well before I knew this creep, so I told her the truth: he was already messaging me, but if she didn't want me to talk to him because of something he did, then I'd drop his ass like a hot potato.
Well, it turns out he did. He told my best friend that I'd come onto him and asked HIM for sexual things when we had all agreed to lay off it for awhile; I hadn't, of course. She and he talked about some other stuff in that convo, too, and I can't remember exactly how she phrased but it boiled down to him insinuating she was a prude and trying to guilt-trip her into cybering with him, right before he tried to do the same thing to me. Both of us were very upset at these revelations, and we both messaged him and told him to f*ck off and blocked him. However, he continued to harass us on the forum we'd met him on (they hadn't implemented an ignore/block feature on it yet), until we had to quit, even going so far as to write a lengthy post saying how two girls manipulated him and used him for sex.
After that, my friend and I didn't talk for a long time. Breaking up with the creep wasn't as bad as him nearly destroying our friendship. And I know some jerk is going to be like "yOu ShOuLd HaVe KnOwN bEtTeR" or some variation thereof in the comments, in which case I'd like to pre-emptively remind them we were TEENAGERS who did not know better, way to victim shame bud.
Tl;dr: A creep in his 20s masquerades soliciting underage girls for sex online as a relationship, manipulates and tries to pit them against each other, gets caught, pitches a fit and harasses/bullies his victims until they can't enjoy their hobby anymore.
What a creep. I hope you and your friend have patched up your relationship.
Well, over text is probably the worst way. Unless they give you a cake. I was broken up with over text. Apparently they didn't actually knew if they liked me the whole time
umm so i dated this guy and he was sweet at first then he started to get more and more distant and turns out he was talking to my best friend and my best friend was talking to him back and she never told me about it and i used her phone to call my parents after a football game and he sent her a message that said hey baby i love you and when i got home i grabbed my phone and called him and started yelling at him and he just said i'm done don't talk to me again (we dated for a year and 4 months)
Friends like that makes one lose hope in people. Same happened to me but when I found out, I guilt-tripped my ex for about 3 months. I know it sounds crazy but that was the only thing I could do as retribution and as payment for the pain he caused me. Right now, I'm happy being single and flirting and having fun.
I never had a break up, only broken hearts about people who i thought it maybe is something, they sended me signs flirting, dating about months... Whenever I tell my feelings I can count on a time I feel very bad. So maybe no more feelings therefore no break ups and broken hearts.
I was broken up with at homecoming and the entire evening they ignored me and acted like they didn't know me. But I found my beautiful darling boyfriend and we've been together for 2 years.
I dated a guy for almost a year and was so happy with him. There were no issues (that I could think of) and we never argued. I thought he was the one... And the day I was going to visit him for the weekend (he lived an hour away) I get THE text message, "we need to talk tonight". I was halfway there and only happened to see the message because I was chatting with my sister. I pulled over on the side of the road and he told me "something changed" inside him and so that was the end of it. I was wearing a necklace he gave me and after I had turned around and headed home, I ripped it off my neck and threw it out the window (sorry Earth, it was a cathartic moment I needed in the midst of my anguish).
Not arguing in a relationship is bad. You need to let out your frustration in small fights when things annoy you not end up breaking up because you never fought.
Wasn't dating them but I have to add that my best friend "broke up" with me by replacing me with a similar new best friend. We never talked about it she just slowly stopped talking to me.
He left me for a model who definitely was not on drugs. I looked at his Facebook page recently and he’s not doing so well.
being Ghosted... hurts than a text message
Well, i broke up with him. My only bad was not picking up my stuff and moving out of his place beforehand (we dated for maybe less than a month). So on that day he was mad that i went out with friend. when i returned, lock was changed. Calls not picked up. When i got my friend there to help me gain entrance into the condo, he still wouldnt let me in so we called the cops. All my stuff are in there so naturally i was panicking. Cops came. He said he couldnt let me in to get my stuff because i had stolen his mother’s necklace. Not true, never even seen any jewellery around. When the cops finally ordered him to let us in, i found that he tried to log into my laptop. The only saving grace was luckily i set a log in pw for the very first time a few days ago & this would be my lifelong cybersecurity lesson. We rode the police car to the station. There he tried to paint more false accusation on me. The investigator cop tried to mediate, reason also being that i was a fresh grad engineer & didnt want anything untowards on my record, even if it was a wrongful criminal accusation. They said that anything he said still goes (even if everything is fake as hell) so they needed to lodge a report but wouldnt convict me of anything. At the end, the report never vindicate me of the fake crime he created, but also didnt lead to any charge against him (context also being that the police &judiciary systems in my country are quite messy). It remains a source of great anxiety and personal trauma for me, just wondering what ppl would think of me if anyone finds out about what i was accused of even though there is not an ounce of truth to it. Years later all these #metoo tell-alls tug at my heartstrings. I have such low self esteem because in the investigator’s room that day, they said they couldnt believe me 100% even if i said so & they couldnt find any evidence of me having stolen anything. I was convinced that noone would believe me. It messed me up & im slowing trying to forget all of it.
I called him in tears & anger days later, trying to make sense of it all. I cant believe his words. He basically maintained that he doesnt know what im talking about (that he lied to everyone) and that i did stole.
Some people just need a good whack on the head. So even after you called him and try to talk things out like a civil person, he still sticks to his lie. I won't be surprised if he already created this whole sceanario where he caught you stealing stuff before just so he could justify himself. He basically just put major dent in your new career. If this happened to me I would be so MAD!!! My advice to you would be avoid him at all costs, don't call him, don't text him and stay away from him so he doesn't slam more charges based on lies. People like that, create lies out of spite and say over and over again until they start to believe it themselves. Stay away from him, girl.
I had also dated a girl and after a month I received a video from my friend. The video was a conversation between my friend and girlfriend. GF said she was going to break up with me and she had been seeing this other guy. This was right before quarantine, and on the same day I had received the video I found out the Earth Science Symposium (think biggest science project EVER, it took the whole year and was a 2 page report, a poster, and a slideshow accompanied by a 6-8 minute oral presentation) had been cancelled. I broke down in tears. It had been such a hard year, I had cut, I was stressing out, and I had my heart broken for a second time.
i hope you feel okay soon. that really sucks becuase like with quarantine there wasn't much to distract yourself from the situation and help you move on either
never been in a real relationship. every time I get asked out is because of a dare so I have just stopped saying yes when I get asked out by a boy and I have yet to be asked out by a girl or any other gender. so ya life has been fun but I mean it's nice being single for the time being. I'm still in school so I guess when I'm out of school I can try to find someone real.
Oof. I had that happen to me, too. A guy and his friends would come up to me and barely conceal their amusement as they fake asked me out, one guy tried to tell me this homeless dude who lived out in the parking lot would take me out (no such person, the kid was being an ass), and two or three other incidents like that happened. And it wasn't a miscommunication, most of them were pretty clear in some way or another they didn't REALLY want to go out. They all found out the hard way I didn't give a sh*t--if anything, it just makes them look more pathetic for being spineless little brats. It's better to ask someone out yourself if you really want to date someone you like imo, instead of letting them get to you.
Well I was with a person who didn’t do aftercare (if u know then u know ;)....) and we had many conversations on the need for it in the end after a interesting session the person proceeded to pat me on the head and in a really calm voice said “GTF out I never liked u....btw u look like a pig” so needless to say I’ve blocked that person lol
Aftercare is always necessary, even if it's just a blanket and a drink; you've just done something that can intensely affect your psychological state and need a safe, comfortable place to process the experience in. That guy is just interested in serving himself, and that's not how a real Dom/sub relationship works.
I had two ex-girlfriends both arguing, "He's a great guy. You should take him." while I was sitting there. They both declined. :)
1: ex broke up via text then tried to take me back saying it was his mate who text me.
2: ex broke up via phone call to tell me he wanted to take a break to spend more time with his 3yr old daughter even though he was seeing someone else.
My ex kept making sh*t up, and she was so dramatic so I decided to leave. Then she said some things that made me so mad. Now I don't talk to her I only see her in the hallways.
Over email.
Sometimes I'd like to be broken up with over text. Examples: A relationship I'm heavily invested in and would definitely cry. Now there may be nothing wrong with crying, but (at least for me) I would prefer not to start bawling in front of my ex because I miss her. Over text I can stay calm and not show her that I'm crying. Now one that I would not mind to have in person would be if it was a chill relationship and we both knew that we would only just be dating for a little while. At least that's my opinion.
I followed a guy from Asia to the US. About a week after I got there, I woke up to a Post It (!) that said he couldn't stay, and he was gay. Not mad about him being gay. But the way he did it was not nice at all
My ex, whom I've lived together for many years, dumped me right in the middle of the biggest family crisis that has erupted in my family.
When I returned home to console my family members, my ex dumped me via a phone call and told me not to come back. She also blocked me on social media.
I admit I was young and naive. After weeks of desperate and deplorable attempts to get her back, I later learned she went out with my best friend behind my back (then, she dumped my friend and went on a serial dating/dumping spree), I finally came to my senses and focused my attention on my family.
Weeks later, my family was back on track. I was sick and tired of my state and decided to take my lifestyle into a different trajectory. Since then, I had quit smoking/drinking/junk food binging/porn, lost ~10kg, dumped toxic friends, got a new job etc.
Few months of healing later I returned to the dating scene, went out on several pleasant and cordial dates and months later I settled down and got engaged.
Dated a girl once for a few months... didn't have a phone at the time so we communicated via google docs (stupid, I know.) We had an entire chat. One day, she deleted all of it and replaced it with a breakup paragraph, saying she wasn't prepared for a relationship and was struggling with her identity. I told her I understood, and was there to support her if she needed it. Less than a month later, she dated my best friend.
google docs is literally the go to method. also i hope you're feeling alright about it
A dude broke up with me by leaving a note under the front seat of my car... on the day my grandma died.
I was dumped by a girl at college because she 'Would not date anyone who liked Godzilla'.
I had been out of town for work for a few weeks. I came back, desperate to see my girlfriend and went to the pub where our friendship group gathered on a Friday night (this was the days before mobile phones were ubiquitous). Sure enough she walked into the pub, lovely as ever. Then she walked right up to the barman and kissed him. I not only lost my girlfriend, but I lost my favourite pub.
Being told I was never loved and never will be after she told me she cheated on me, there was a huge fight.
This isn't me but a friend,: We were hanging around together on his Birthday and one of his closest friends who has known him for more than 6+ years walked up to him and said, I hate you and i will never talk to you again......................
Ummmmm did you guys figure what happened or what you might have done?
I was visiting my friend abroad for the holidays, a few weeks before I left I met this really awesome guy and we hit it off, spent all our time together. While on the trip we agreed it would be best if I flew back earlier to spend the NYE with him. So I bought the super expensive last-minute ticket back, landed close to midnight and he was not at the airport to pick me up. Spent my New Years' Eve alone in the airport looking for him. Saw him after a few years in the street, he did not say a word.
Since the first week of my current/last relationship, my girlfriend adopted the process of relationship cycling - ending our relationship whenever a problem arose and blaming everything on me. She often used events that happened after we broke up as her reasons for breaking up.
Out of love, dedication and the suspicion that her mental health may not be as good as she claims it to be, I stuck by this girl. Throughout our entire relationship, any problem has caused her to leave me, with her telling me to never contact her again and blocking me on every channel of communication. This is then retracted by her telling me she loves me and 'didnt mean to leave me'. Communication is frustrating when you can't communicate.
I have grown to not take my partner's word seriously and this has had detrimental effects upon our relationship.
Ultimately, after experiencing a breakup at least once a month for over 12 months, I have been forced to confront her on the issue of relationship cycling and how we can get it out of our relationship. I tried prompting her to discuss it, with increasing frequency after she left me two weeks ago, only to be told 'dont ever contact me again'.
For someone who wants an intense, trusting and passionate relationship, she doesn't seem to understand that hitting the reset button is something that pushes us apart and makes our lives very difficult. She has refused to talk about it at every opportunity.
Are we together are we not? It's torture that nobody deserves. Ultimately, I will have to make my own decision, but it won't be in her favour.
Just leave her. Just do it. Then you can ‘never contact her again’, as she wants.
Well let's see.... Both marriages ended because he (they) cheated and that was the worst of my adult life. The worst of my teenage years was when my boyfriend dumped me on my 17th birthday so he didn't have to buy me a present. But as they say success is the best revenge. All these years later, he has amounted to nothing, is a dead beat dad and I am successful and living my best life. He tried to come back years ago (we remained "friends" for a long time) and when I told him that his lifestyle wasn't ok with me, he called me a bitch and never talked to me again. Sorry - not sorry.
Getting sent the "we need to talk" and having him saying that "for three months ive been gathering up the courage to tell you that i miss being single and i would like our relationship to end" The worst part about it is that he ended up dating my friend about a week later.
what a bag of lies. thank you for getting rid of him he was not worth it at all.
I still cant talk about it but it took me ten years to get on with my life and it's been another 5 years I still haven't even asked another woman out.
Not sure this qualifies.
I was going through the standard mid life crises when I hit 40. I was dating a 19 year old girl. It was a pretty good relationship, I look young for my age and all her friends knew I was older but thought I was late 20's.
One weekend her parents came into town and I met them. Turns out I had 'dated' her Mom in college. I'd have to say that was one of the most awkward situations I've ever been in. And yeah, that put an abrupt halt to the relationship.
When you break up with the person or they break up with you and then you try to be friends with them but they just talk about all the bad stuff you did or didn't do and how you suck
My first boyfriend broke up with me on the phone, long-distance. I called up, looking for him when I hadn't heard from him for a few days. So, yeah, the break-up was on my dime, too.
I got stuck with someone who didn't work, so we broke up over text. It was not the best....
WAY back in 1988, my high school boyfriend broke up with me at dinner on prom night. He drove me to the prom then ditched me to be with his friend and my best friend who were dating (my best friend also ditched me that night). I was left hanging out with the other "single" attending kids, who happened to be the LGBTQ of my school. It actually ended up being a fun night after all. But then one of my new found friends drove me home and we were in a car accident. A prom to never forget.
wth prom night is supposed to be a night of good memories not break ups and car crashes. are you guys alright at least?
I hit a really low point just after COVID. I was struggling with my parents divorce and he was struggling with his parents divorce too. I felt like he was the o lot one I could really talk to. I sent him a simple hi I miss you. And got nothing for a few days which was fine I didn’t mind. But then it turned to two weeks with nothing. I also have anxiety though I didn’t know it at the time and freaked out that something had happened. Finally after three weeks of nothing over text just I’m breaking up with you. No explanation no nothing. I lost the only person I could talked to just as I was falling into the hole of anxiety and depression. It ruined me at the time because of everything else going on.
Came home from work and my long term boyfriend had just left my key on my dining table. No note, no fight, nothing. BUT I will say... to get even I married him.
Oh god, this is an easy one! Where to start? Um... OH! Here we go, so once over text... another was one of his friends telling me and last BUT not least.... over text ON the day my aunt died................ hehe... So yea... BEAT that
#1 he ghosted me for over a year, then broke up with me at school.
#2 he cheated on me with my best friend, his ex, his friend, and finally my sister. i broke up with him.
I broke up with someone by sending him a formal email that summed up our incompatibility and his apparent disinterest in me, the relationship, or moving things forward after 7 months, and his mother's manipulative meddling that he didn't seem to understand was a problem, and concluded it with "I considered our matters closed please do not contact me again." it was 2000 and I was 17 and didn't want to look at his face. He went to a different school and a friend told me he was despondent for several months. Well... make a girl feel appreciated and cared for and she won't dump you.
My aunt broke up with her boyfriend a few days ago. It was the morning of their EXTREMELY small wedding that no-one was invited to. Don't marry someone that calls you a dumb bitch whenever you disagree with him.
This was years ago...Valentine's Day he comes over to hang out, gets drunk with my brother, pukes all over my bathroom sink, and then passes out. The next morning he doesn't realize why I'm mad at him! I want to break up with him the next day but he breaks up with me over instant messaging. I'm now happily married with a wonderful kid and he's divorced.
heyyy at least yours has a happy end i missed seeing those reading through all of these
A few years ago my ex (my then boyfriend obviously) said that he wanted to break up with me and that he dated me as a joke and never loved me. 😭
this has always been one of my worst fears and to this day i still think the guy i like might just pull this out of nowhewre one day like actually it was all fake and i dont really care about you
the fact that no one will date me
I hope this strong lady will inspire you that you don't need a man! https://www.tiktok.com/@missalinalovee?lang=en
umm he gave a note to his friend who was my enemy and this friend told me he was dumping me
that's just awful that they were too wimpy to say it to your face so they had to communicate through someone who was never involved in the first place
Well I dated my best friend for a couple months when I had to go on a trip with my family. I gave him a really sweet Christmas gift before I left and I wasn't able to be on my phone for two weeks because I was in a country that didn't work with my phone.
When I get back, he tells me that he thinks we should break up over text. I wasn't too torn up, although I was pretty hurt, but I figured we could still be friends and I was sort of losing feelings for him anyways. He was my closest friend in the world so I really tried to keep texting him a bit so we could still be friends. I asked him what was new with him many times but he never told me the truth.
The truth that I found out on Valentine's Day is that he got together with another girl literally 13 hours after he broke up with me and was lying to me about it for a solid two months.
All of my friends knew about this but they just assumed I did too so they didn't say anything. I didn't have social media so I had no way of knowing. He and his new girlfriend are still together and soon it will be their one year anniversary. She's a million times better at being a girlfriend than I ever was and she's just kind of perfect.
Also he never gave me a Christmas present.
I remember somebody once told me (It's your power Todoroki!) that they liked me (and this was online) and I liked them back, so we dated..but of course I can't trust much people online so one day I received a message from them, they said this "hey, um, my account got hacked and I don't know why they made you my girlfriend" I cried, silently to myself, but of course I couldn't let that get to me so I decided that I'd just move on, but after they told me that, I deleted my account, and up to this day I wonder if it was truly a hacker or if it was really him.
Wow I didn't really think I'd actually say the story lol
well its the only breakup that hurt me - he just stopped talking to me all of a sudden and if i tried to ask like what was going on he would pretend i didn't exist and there was like a ghost next to him or something. it made me feel horrible
I was dating a guy for a few months, not too serious as it was really early but it wasn't casual either. Anyway, he was an accountant at a big corporation and I knew that around February they were very busy. Like, he went to work at 7am and left after midnight. So because I knew he was that busy, I tried not to call him all the time and I'd text him instead. One time he called me and said "babe, I'm sorry I'm not available these days, work is really hectic. I'll call you when I can, ok?"
It's been 15 years... I should probably move on, right? Just kidding, I have! :)
Maybe it's not the worst overall, but definitely the weirdest that happened to me. I dated this guy for almost a year. One day out of a blue I got his message: "I can't be with a person who does things like that. You know what I'm talking about". That's it. Yep, that's the break up. And I seriously didn't know what he was talking about. Few days later he sent his friend to bring me some things I left, and also he blocked me on every possible source, so I couldn't reach him. I was left without any answers.
Anyway, about 10 years later I accidentally met him. And I cared enough to ask him what was all of that break up about. And this is the fun part, as he said: "I don't know, I think I just heard some rumors or something."
So yes I was rather young, but it still hurts and messes with me to this day.
So I moved a lot as a kid cause my dad was in the military.
And my first boyfriend was in 2nd grade through 4th grade.A month before I was supposed to move we agreed to just break up over the distance, but he also said he wanted to remember me so guess who had their first kiss in a slide on a playground when we were playing werewolves with our younger siblings, (me)
He avoids me for two weeks. TWO FREAKING WEEKS. During that time due to me being me I review everything I could’ve done to make it happen, what I did wrong. I’ve even been to his house multiple times looking for him and every time younger sister answers saying he’s not available.
So eventually I’m just outside, sitting next to the playground crying on the curb not wanting to look at the slide and his semi older cousin pops up next to me. We knew each other from a previous visit and sits next to me on the curb and after a little bit he breaks the news I was waiting to hear.
The dude was such a wuss he had his cousin break up with me for him.
So I moved to a different state, but to this day I still remember this hair, name and eye color. I also think that’s why any relationships I had from there I was the one who ended it, like I could sense when they wanted it over so I’d come out and talk to them about it, and if they wanted out I’d be fine with it and in my mind I ended it. Also I haven’t told anyone else about the kiss, my parents knew about the break up but not why it affected me so much, I was a rather emotional kid and only got worse as I went through middle school so me breaking down in public places and when I’m by myself was a usual thing.
ok, so I've been the heartbreaker in most of my breakups. there was this one dude that I dated about a year ago in 8th grade fora month, but I ended things for how they treated everyone. we both dated at least one other person after that (where he hit one of the girls). we got back together about august of this year, and he didn't treat me right, and I think he only wanted me for sex. we had used google docs to talk, but we got in trouble, so we broke up over email. I am now a month in with my current boyfriend and I am very happy. he is with one of my "friends" who is very annoying and me and my bi friend like to talk about how our exes are together now. also I have second period with him.
lol this is unrelated but chatting through google docs is the go to method when you're in school. also im glad that you're happy now!
After no word in four days, I got worried and asked where he was and that I expected better communication. He said that he had been branching out and trying something new. I asked what it was. He said it was none of my business. I jokingly asked if it was bad. I got a paragraph back saying that he was upset that I had asked that and wanted some time to think ALONE (he made that very clear.). The next day I woke up to a text saying that we were done because he needed to "trust to feel safe in a relationship" and "was upset that I was joking with him". The icing on top of this totally awful thing was that his "branching out" was him getting together with my best friend (at the time) and that it was my birthday that day. It took forever for me to get over everything because I had not only lost my boyfriend but also my best friend. Needless to say, I don't speak with them anymore and resent them both.
The week of prom. Guess who didn’t go.
I was in a really bad place but he made me happy. We were going to prom together and I was super excited, that is until he told me to meet him outside and then broke up with me the week right before prom. My dress cost 250$ and I never wore it.
I took a break from my phone since this was online at the time and I was dealing with a lot of problems. When I came back she'd gotten with my friend and said it was because she thought I didn't want her. I told her why I was leaving and when I'd be back and she understood every word. Two weeks later she tells me it was really because she can't deal with someone who won't be there for her 24/7
The worst way I've been broken up with was: Not being broken up with. I have never had a boyfriend and have no interest in changing that, like ever.
Hmmm... well yesterday my best friend/*best beloved* told me that she might have a girlfriend and won't give me any more info other than that the chic's name. I already told *best beloved* that I like her, and she admitted the same, but maybe she just felt bad for me? My name on her phone has been "practically my girlfriend" but I don't know what's going on. We say 'I love you' to each other all the time, but I do that with all my friends. Kisses on the cheek and talking about hard or important things, sharing secrets that we haven't told anyone else... I don't know how many times I've cried over this girl. She's dealing with a lot and I'm trying to help her with everything. All I can think of to do Is support and admonish her In everything that happens. The restrictions that her parents put on her are all in the wrong places. How do I help her. Please, fellow Pandas, comment. HALP!
Over text, while I was quarantined
And not a few weeks earlier I got a ring (not a marriage one)
This happened to my friend. She totally hates roses and says they are just sent you much. Her boyfriend sent her roses and a card that said 'have a nice life' to her work. She got them as she was cleaning out her desk from being laid off.
He broke our engagement over the phone. (This was in the days before texting or he probably would have done it that way.) I have been married to a wonderful man for over 27 years now that I almost didn't date just because he has the same first name. Luckily, I got over my bias for the name Jeff and am living happily ever after...
its not really a breakup but my bf killed himself😢😔😿💔
So, I had a crush. He liked and and all that. Then, ONE OF THE PEOPLE I HATE MOST comes up to him saying that I am with someone else. Now. I with someone else who will follow me and help me and protect me wherever I go. I am happy now. After this person I am staying alone. Too many broken hearts
Let's see..
1. Got dumped via text message (uuu, big macho man)
2. Got dumped for another girl (yea I can understand that)
3. Got dumped for not wanting to put out, then, putting it mildly, got molested, then got accused of being a whore (schizoid much?)
4. Ended the relationship with complete psycho, got threatened afterwards (yes, yes, that's the way to get me back)
5. Gave up any real relationship because it looks like it's just not happening
Going in too much detail would give me bad dreams, so... In short, here it is.
So I was in sixth grade and there was this new boy. He was hot. Not going to cover it up, to me he was hot. He had his hair swept to the side and played football with us at break. (recess) I slowly developed a crush over him through out the year. This was not some crush like before, this was my first love... and I was terrified. Like every teen novel the Popular boy hated my guts for no reason. He somehow blackmailed someone in order to get my crushes name. He then went over to my Fl (first love) and basically said that if he pretended to like me he could be in his close group of popular kids. He accepted. So at lunch one day my Fl said that he liked me I thought screw it have some fun ,and afterwards I said I liked him back..... biggest mistake of my life. He led me on thinking that that was what it was to have a boyfriend when He avoided me accept after school when he wasn't seen with me. I should have known. anyway it went on for about two months and then one day everything fell. In his P.E class the teacher had to escort a student to the nurses so the popular boy and my Fl took that as their opportunity to ruin my school life. My fl announced to the whole class of 25 teens that He was breaking up with me because I was ugly and he thought Misa( one of my close friends) was way prettier! I became the laughing stock of my grade for the rest of the year. And the year after that. And would have been this year too if coved hadn't happened. Every chance the popular boy got was spent reminding me that I was broken up with. So ya that is why I am terrified to "date". (admit who I like to anyone. )
I know how that feels. I was once bullied by a girl I thought was my friend for about 3 years of my life while I was in high school. For no apparent reason, she just decided to make my life miserable. I suspected it was because people liked me more than they liked her, but that was only because I was much more nicer to people than she was. Long story short, final year of high school, I had had enough and decided to end it all. I got so pissed that I beat her up so bad I felt terrible for her. Lesson is, try to rise above the bullies, the jests and the embarrasment. Act like their words don't affect you even though they do. They harass you just to be the center of attraction, so ignoring them hurts them more than you could ever imagine. Make friends that you know you can trust to have your back when the time comes. I know it might seem like your entire social life is over but give it sometime, people will forget. It definitely gets better, I promise you🤗🤗
Only relationship I've been in I broke off our engagement after he left and never came back. After a year of promising he was going to be coming back in X weeks I told him it was over and I was keeping the ring. He lived half the U.S. away and I paid for over half of the ring. Few years later ran into him again and found out he had panicked because I said I wanted kids 'Sometime in the future'. That idjit thought I meant immediately. I called him an idjit to his face. We'd known each other for 13 years before we had even gotten together and he was one of the few people I could talk about anything to, he could do the same with me. Him not asking for clarification even he admitted was stupid. To be fair I'm very glad we broke up when we did because he got into a lot of stuff later that I wouldn't have been able to be apart of.
I am so sorry that happened to you! I hope you find the love of your life! (and have kids!)
got dumped over text and she said "but i really want to be friends still" the ghosted me :)) its great
I had a guy break up with me because his mom didn't like me. I also had a guy break up with me because he wanted to focus on his band (I was a huge supporter of his band and even helped with merch or whatever the guys needed. I would even help set up his drums on stage at every show!!) He ended up dating someone shortly after who made him quit his band, lol. I also had a guy break up with me to date someone even younger...he was 19 and I was 17...she was 15! yeah... My favorite breakup though...he broke up with me after I told him I loved him. He didn't feel the same way and didn't want to lead me on. We remained extremely close friends for years until we eventually drifted apart. Anytime we run into each other we smile and hug and talk about our spouses, jobs, family, etc.
Men can be jerks. Sometimes for good reasons and sometimes for completely unrelated reasons. I like to think everything happens for a reason. Experiences shape who we become. But look where you're at now, you probably have a partner that loves and cares for you.
Load More Replies...1 n a half years, over text, 2 days before Christmas because "I was being annoying and didnt want to get you anything" and then the next guy, after 7 months said "he still kinda liked his ex girlfriend and they got back into contact and he didnt like how guys were treating her so he wanted to try to make amends with her" I then got a text from his ex, saying she didnt want a relationship with him and she's glad to have a friend like him, but she was happier now that they weren't dating. And then its awkward between all three of us lmao.
I dumped someone via text, it was far more than he deserved. Don't judge someone for dumping their partner via text unless you know all the details of their relationship.
I had a guy break up with me because his mom didn't like me. I also had a guy break up with me because he wanted to focus on his band (I was a huge supporter of his band and even helped with merch or whatever the guys needed. I would even help set up his drums on stage at every show!!) He ended up dating someone shortly after who made him quit his band, lol. I also had a guy break up with me to date someone even younger...he was 19 and I was 17...she was 15! yeah... My favorite breakup though...he broke up with me after I told him I loved him. He didn't feel the same way and didn't want to lead me on. We remained extremely close friends for years until we eventually drifted apart. Anytime we run into each other we smile and hug and talk about our spouses, jobs, family, etc.
Men can be jerks. Sometimes for good reasons and sometimes for completely unrelated reasons. I like to think everything happens for a reason. Experiences shape who we become. But look where you're at now, you probably have a partner that loves and cares for you.
Load More Replies...1 n a half years, over text, 2 days before Christmas because "I was being annoying and didnt want to get you anything" and then the next guy, after 7 months said "he still kinda liked his ex girlfriend and they got back into contact and he didnt like how guys were treating her so he wanted to try to make amends with her" I then got a text from his ex, saying she didnt want a relationship with him and she's glad to have a friend like him, but she was happier now that they weren't dating. And then its awkward between all three of us lmao.
I dumped someone via text, it was far more than he deserved. Don't judge someone for dumping their partner via text unless you know all the details of their relationship.