Post the worst typo you've ever seen, whether it made the phrase sound super weird, made it so bad you couldn't even tell what the original word was, or it made it mean something else entirely.


I am a bad speller so almost anything I type :)


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    Oml i was texting my mum about tuna once and it kept auto corrscting to gun


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    11 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oof, auto-correct is getting blood-thirsty. I can only imagine your panic as you tried to clarify that wasn't your intention. XD

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    I was texting my friend about a book and I meant to type "I'll look for it in the public library." My fingers missed the L and I typed "I'll look for it in the pu bic library."



    I have no idea what exactly I was typing, but it was to an acquaintance, and it accidentally autocorrected to "babe". It might've been "but" or anything, but it fit perfectly into the sentence. It took me a while to figure it out.



    One time my friend spelled lighter like lyter


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    A few funny ones.

    1: waaay back when in v 1.1.2 (I think) of cassette beasts, a character named Kayleigh had a few dialog lines that read "I'm mean" instead of "I mean." Sadly, it was fixed. Kayleigh is no longer mean.

    2: Was playing unicorn overlord yesterday. The first rapport conversation between Alain and Travis has a line where Alain talks about the d e a t h of scribes in Cornia thanks to Galerius. Well, D e a t h was speller dearth, and I actually wanted to know if that's a word. Is it?


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    sometimes in my yt fyp, i'd sometimes get these vids that were like "tips to make girls like you" and there would be tiny paragraphs scattered around the short and the background is either someone in their room with those neon lights, someone dancing, or both. hope yk what im talking abt.

    anyways they always do this exact typo so im guessing its not an accident, but they would always say something like "if she's upset, you should fug her" and i know they mean hug but uhhhh that typo changes the whole definition💀


    See Also on Bored Panda

    For Christmas (I think 2017 or so. I was about 8) I got a remote controlled black widow spider. The box read: Black Window Spider.



    Once, a friend intended to type "Cherry-pick," but it autocorrected to "Cherry-d**k" 💀 Oh, and there's an auto-correct moment I came across about a year ago on an autocorrect fail post on BP. It went something like this:
    Person A: Great news - Grandma is homosexual!
    Person B: Okay?
    Person A: Homo hot lips
    Hot tulips
    I am getting fisted now
    Grandma is h o m e
    From h o s p I t a l
    Person B: Hahah homo hot lips?!?


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Somebody set us up the bomb.


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