It could be bitten by your dog.


Besides the animals at work? LOL...long time ago me, sibling, and 1 parent were walking through the woods at night and we heard something following us but didn't immediately investigate. Eventually we stop and turn around to see the reflection of 2 eyes in the moonlight. We turned on a flashlight we had on us and about 20 meters away there was a clearly identifiable black-freaking-panther! No one moves, we're just locked there in the woods at night in a staring contest with this big ole cat. Someone makes a noise and the cat takes off at top speed in the opposite direction....longest few seconds of my life followed by the fastest hike ever!



    i was chased by one throughout the whole neighborhood until the owner stopped them. i don't think the dog had any malicious intent, i think he just wanted to play, but i was too freaked out to realize that lol. at least i got a nice workout :P i ran faster than sonic istg lololol



    When I was growing up I had several friends who had monkeys as pets. The monkeys were mean and would bite, pull hair, etc. Ever since I have had a fear/dislike of monkeys. Then when I visited Bali as an adult I again experienced a fear of monkeys when they would crawl in me, open my bag and try to steal stuff in it, and pull my hair when I would try to get them off of me.



    I was traumatised when my mum brought a dog home for us when I was two. It made me wary of dogs for a long time. All I remember is this big yapping dog jumping all over the place. 30 years later I talked to mum about it and it turns out it wasn't even a big dog, it was a Jack Russel!


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    a kinkajou crawled down my shirt. and someone had o get it out. I'm female so it was quite embarrassing



    He was a bad boy. He would run off on dark nights, not listen, eat all my food, sleep on the sofa all day, jump any b*tch he could and was wery close to pee on my just to mark territory.
    Worst animal I ever had in my life, I broke up with him and changed the locks.


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    When I was 3 or 4 there was a pack of wild dogs that lived in my neighborhood. They had all been pets who were abandoned. They liked to go around the neighborhood killing as many people's pet cats as they could, even breaking into screen porches to get to them. The dogs weren't hungry, they never ate the cats, they just liked killing them. At the time my brother had a cat (RIP Joey Jumparoo) who was a partially outdoor cat, and one night the dogs got to him. I think my parents took him to the vet but it was too late for him. I don't think I ever actually saw the dogs, but I remember being really scared. Even now I still get uncomfortable around most dogs, although I'm not nearly as scared of them as I used to be. The dogs were eventually caught, and apparently the leader of the pack was a female black lab. It's definitely not behavior you'd expect from such a popular and safe dog breed. I don't know what happened to the dogs after that, they were probably put down, but looking back it's really sad because the dogs' behavior wasn't really their fault, it's not like they asked to be abandoned (and most likely abused). Not entirely sure if this counts because I never interacted with them, but I was terrified of dogs for most of my life, so I think it counts as a bad animal encounter.


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    I was probably like one or two years old. We were moving out of our old house and our neighbors dog got loose. Mind you, my parents had hired movers, stuff like that, so the door to the house was open. The dog ran inside the house and knocked me out of my high chair. I was okay, but the dog was huge and vicious. When my parents told this to me I was shocked because I always grew up loving dogs.


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