What do you think is something that no child should ever learn from their parents?
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That being disrespectful in any shape or form is acceptable. And that stereotyping people is okay. Like... just no. Don't do that.
That their actions don't have consequences. If you teach your kid that, then your kid is going to grow up to be an entitled a**hole who think they can just do whatever they want.
to see the world the way the parents see it. because this world can be seen in many ways. it isn't good to be one sided in things.
Intolerance. of people, races, sexes, lifestyles etc. If someone isnt hurting you why bother.
Queer phobia
To me personally, I think Grey Unicorn is right.Homophobia ( or Queer Phobia is how they phrased it) shouldn't be taught by their parents. Parents should teach their children to accept LGBTQ+, not keep them out.
how babies are made. (i honestly saw a mom teaching her 6 year old about s*x) and i once saw some parents teaching their kid that LGBTQ+ is BS