I've never broken a bone but I've heard it's not fun! I have gotten a sunburn so bad, that the entire layer of burnt skin peeled off the next few days.


Been set on fire all over my back (then arms then legs) and my vest melted onto my back

for a more "normal" injury I was harvesting oranges I had climbed in the tree and had hooked the bucket I was throwing oranges into to a branch I was done so I jumped off the tree only a branch ripped my pants on my thigh and some some of my thigh just about 5 cm and not very deep



    A biking incident. I was biking and my tire hit a rock and sent me flying into cement. The sidewalk had grass all over it, so a lot of grass had to be pulled out of my injury.



    A window fell on my finger now the tip of my finger is missing



    Got ran over by a riding lawn mower when I was four. I was following my grandpa and he stopped the mower. When he took off again, I stepped forward but he put it in reverse not knowing I was there. I lost two toes, the top part of my foot where the blade hit, and a tendon in one of the other toes. The only pain I felt was the pressure of him squeezing my foot to stop the bleeding. I went through surgeries, filing of the bones while awake, and skin grafting.



    I broke both of my forearm bones while falling down head first from a few meters (about 6ft). Also got a concussion, but that was nothing compared to my arm.



    My mom pushed me off a bunk bed in a camper when I was 3 or 4. I’d climbed up the side to wake her up and I guess she wanted more sleep. I fell back and landed on a countertop below, hitting my back on the corner and snapping my collarbone. It didn’t really hurt or anything until she picked me up off the floor about 2 or 3 hours later when she got up. That hurt like hell. Then the car ride to grandmother’s house. Bumpy and painful. My mom went back to the camper to go back to bed so I sat on the front porch and that’s where I waited until my grandmother came home and took me to the hospital.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I want to downvote this just because of how sad/bad it is 😣

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    Hit a tree sledding when I was about 11 or 12. I ended up with a "U" shaped flap of skin peeled back across the full width of my head.

    My only ambulance ride in my life, and I honestly do not know how many dozens of stitches it took to put my scalp back together.



    Deep bruised foot, judo accident. I fell (and landed) exactly as I had been taught. My partner landed kind of strangely and somehow clapped my foot hard between their legs or something. It hurt so bad I couldn't put any weight on it. Spent 3 days in bed alone in my studio apartment before my mom could travel out to take me to urgent care and get me a cane. It wasn't broken, but it was so badly bruised it was at least a year before I stopped limping.



    When I was in like 4th grade, I fell of the top of the monkey bars and badly bruised my ribs. They still hurt sometimes 🥲. It might have been more than a bruise, idk.


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    I've skinned my arm once while falling out of a tree, skinned my leg while bushwalking (thank you Australia) skinned my other leg while falling out of a tree, fell out of a tree and cracked my head open, fell out of a tree and broke my tailbone, fell asleep-fell off the couch-face planted into a glass coffee table and split my head, was doing something dumb and got hit in the head with a pickaxe, fell out of a tree and got a concussion, fell out of the tree and got a stick through my leg, fell out of a tree and got a bruised a*s. Never broken a bone though. I have since learnt to stop climbing trees


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Surprisingly, I'm not dead or brain damaged yet, but my family has banned me from any and all bushwalking

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    My friend dropped a bucket on my head and cut it open.

    I once ran into a table and cut open my eyebrow.

    My great uncle pressured me into diving into a pool float and I hit my head on it and had neck and back pain for 2 days. Never went to the doctor for that one.


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    Flipped over my bike when I was 17. I landed on my chin and my bike landed on my back. When I went to a nearby house for help, I could see my own chin bone in the mirror in the bathroom. Those people didn’t have a phone, the house next door gave my mom the wrong street (Rose Court and Rose Way were miles from each other), and the third house was finally helpful. It was almost 90 minutes later by the time she got to me. I passed out for a little while. At the ER, a nurse accidentally socked me in the chin after X-raying me, a kind nurse had to clean out the gravel-filled wound before I could be anesthetized (I saw the holy pillars of creation through that pain), and then the anesthesia didn’t work when they stitched me up. Accident was at midnight, finally got home at 5am. When I’m clean shaven you can see that there’s less flesh the left side of my chin than on the right, from the doctor having to snip away some mangled flesh.

    The accident also wrecked my back for years after that. Occasionally I couldn’t even tie my own shoes, or stand back up after tying them.
    I finally stopped being relatively free from back pain when I became a dog walker about eight years ago. The walking and constant motion has been immensely helpful!

    Luckily I didn’t break any teeth or get a concussion, but I did total my bike. 🙁

    I will love the nurse that cleaned the wound forever. I said, “This is gonna hurt a lot, isn’t it?” And with all the love and kindness in the world in her eyes, she said, “Yes,” and immediately pinned my head to the gurney, quickly and efficiently cleaning the wound. I love that she was totally honest about it, but so compassionate.


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    Chase Urso
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I've been in the hospital a couple o times and I agree the fast nurses are definitely the best ones

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    I tripped and fell in my garden next to my house. There was a nanosecond when I had to decide if I let my head take to brunt of the fall, or my arm, and I decided to let my arm take the punishment.
    Best choice.
    After I fell, I could see my arm wasn't looking normal, and x-rays showed that the force of the fall had sheared off the tops of my radius and ulna, and my wrist was severed from my hand.
    Surgery required 5 pins that were each 4 inches in length to hold my bones together. I was in a cast for 6 weeks. the surgeon wanted to remove the pins with a local anesthetic against the anesthesiologist recommendation.
    Just a few minutes into the surgery to remove the pins, the pain from the local anesthetic was so intense (and I've given birth without anesthesia) I had mentally keep myself from reacting because my arms were tied down and I didn't want to hurt myself. The anesthesiologist arrived shortly, put me to sleep, but later, the surgeon chastised me for feeling the pain and wanting general anesthetic.
    I think he's lucky I stayed as calm as I did.
    My wrist now looks like Dr Frankenstein did an experiment-scars and usage.


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    Trisha Howson
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yeah I look like I get that. I look like Frankenstein a lot of my body to. The doctors can be so cold sometimes when dealing with this kind of stuff.


    When I was a toddler in the late 60's I fell on our floor furnace vent. My grandmother got me off of it and treated the burns on my hands and knees but they scarred. However, because of how I landed I have a tic-tac-toe board on my knees.


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    Compound fractured my arm. It's actually a funny story. I was in (I think) fourth grade when I was walking up a hill in my yard in the winter, with at least two inches of solid ice on the ground. My aggressive rooster started chasing me. I ran. I slipped. I fell. The rest is history.


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    I fell off the monkey bars at elementary school, landed on my arm with my b*tt and broke it in 6 places! Back then, they didn't do surgery for that kind of injury and I was in a cast for 4 months!


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    tinker bell
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    2 years ago

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    1. broke my arm after wiping out after reaching top speed on a scooter.

    2. getting shot with a firework


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I almost got shot with a firework when I was little. My sister jumped right in front of me and told me to go in the neighbour's house. (We were just nearby our house. BUt there was a party at the neighbour's house so we went.)


    Went skiing when I was 9, fell, and got a spiral feature in my tibia. I was in a cast/walking boot for 10 weeks. The most painful experience of my life.



    I think it was when I fell out of the top bunk headfirst (I didn't break anything or get mahjorly injured, somehow). I've gotten hurt a ton more times 2. Dunno how im not dead yet lmfao.



    Not an injury persay but my brother and I feature in a British medical journal. We'd developed a never before seen type of Impetigo after playing in sand at Coney Island (that looked more like sludge).


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    I was in 2nd grade and I broke my arm fallng off the monkey bars.

    I ran into countless poles, doors, and door frames.
    I've also hit my head under tables because I misjudged the distance.

    It's a wonder I haven't lost all my sight and/or suffered from a brain injury( if I haven't already)🙍


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    I've broken my arm(ish) twice. The first time I was running and fell over. Clean break, got a nice cast out of it. The second time I was standing still and fell from a platform less than a ruler-length off the ground, onto my outstretched arm, onto softfall. Somehow this managed to put a break in my elbow. No, I don't know how either. Strongest joint in the body, huh...



    Dented my bone


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    My sister threw a pair of metal tongs at my face, slicing right above my eyebrow.
    I've gotten snake bitten, went to the hospital, they didn't do anything so I had crutches for a month or so, right after I got out of crutches a log fell on my arm and cracked one of the bones in my wrist, no hospital. Now when I make a fist there's a lump. When I was learning to pop a wheelie, (I was using an old bike, the peddles were broken) one of the metal rods that are supposed to go through plastic, cut my shin to the bone, then about a month later I fell under a outdoor sink stove space thingy and scraped my other shin, and sprained it. No hair grows there now, and there is zero feeling.
    I cut the tip of my finger off.
    I stabbed myself in the hand with a latch.
    I've gotten attacked by three wasps at once.
    I've headbutt a goat. (Don't do this, you'll get a concussion. It's not very fun)
    I've smashed my kneecap.
    I was carrying a sheet of corrugated metal and somehow sliced it into my foot, cutting it to the bone, and nicking the anterior tibial vein. I used butterfly bandaids for a month,and its all better. Except sometimes it hurts randomly.
    And just the other day my shoulder popped out of socket.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    No offense, but there should be a medical text about you: 12 injuries and counting...

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    Basically fell on my grandparents driveway and hurt my knee. My knuckles but worst of all, got almost half my face torn of skin.


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    Well, I never broke any bones, but I was in a motorcycle accident (without protective gear, stupid me) and basically left about half the skin of my body on the tar road. We are talking outer legs, arms, shoulders and back. Not very serious, but once they all started stabbing over, it was difficult moving without the scabs tearing and bleeding again. Took about 2 months before all the scabs healed.



    I broke my hand in three places on a mountain vacation, then, on the way back to our cabin, I fell and broke my leg. Yeah, it hurt a lot! And really unfortunate lol


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    My ex slashed my leg open, I wasn’t allowed to go get stitches - it was about 8 inches long. You know when you scoop ice cream from the middle of the tub? Yeah, my leg kinda looks like that. Dealing with that was pretty horrific - it’s fully headed for years now, a beautiful 2inch wide 8 inch long scar



    When I was in preschool the school I went to had pavement on the ground and there was this purple dino. Everyone was jumping off of it so younger me thought " Hey it would be cool to jump off the tallest part of it right?" So I jumped off the head and I ended up landing on my left leg and the top layer of skin ripped off. ( Luckily there seven layers of skin max plus I was young so it healed pretty fast, so it wasn't too bad. )


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    I shattered my thumb in a window.


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    I got full thick burn ony neck chest and belly and arm. And got 3rd degree burns on the face and ear. Had to have skin graphs on my neck chest and belly and arm I got burnt on 35% of my body. Made it through and am alive. Still have awful scares and everyone thinks I'm way older than I am. It sad but I go on. I'm still here there must be a reason for that and I have three kids so I. Strong for them. I hope they grow up to not treat anyone that looks different, don't treat them different. Pretend it not there. Because that is what like people to do to me. Pretend you don't see the burn scares yes I know I have them I don't need to be reminded sometimes if a good conversation I'm okay with. But sometimes I just don't want to talk about it and lot of people are very rude and nosey like mind your own damn business


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    When I was younger my auntie was pushing me in a stroller and a dog attacked the stroller then I fell face first and skid my face and I'm older and now it is still messed up


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    when i broke my ankle.. Couldent dance for over a week!


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    Burns from a gas explosion
    I was 17 and alone at home. Turns out there was a leak which I couldn't smell cause I got the flu. Then when I went to turn the burner on.... boom!!!
    Got burns on my face and both arms...
    It was so painful and equally traumatic...

    And it all happened last year


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    Two separate accidents, first, I was walking to the bus stop to get to university in the middle of winter (I live in Canada), slipped on some black ice, and my elbow went through the glass. No stitches or anything, but I still have scars. The second was a hit and run/drink driver (not me), and I survived with a displaced knee, fractured: femur, L2 on the spine, right cheekbone, concussion, and more I can't remember


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    When I was 6, I was playing at a playground, I decided to hide behind a swing, not a very bright idea, obviously when the swing came down it hit me and I went flying and got knocked out when I landed. When I woke up, skin a mess blood all over the place.
    Another time, I dropped a glass bottle, it shattered and took a chunk of my flesh, there was a hole in my leg , still grosses me out 🤢


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    Recently in football, I got hit a weird way and my kneecap moved to the side of my knee. It was like that for almost an hour before it pooped back in place as they were laying me on a table to inspect it.



    I'm known for being clumsy, so this came as no surprise to everyone. But when I was in third grade, I slipped and slammed my face against a counter top and then smacked my head against the floor, and I had a knot on my head the size of a golf ball *not joking* and my teeth and nose were also messed up, Andi got rushed to the hospital, and I kept backing out and woke up about three times, and man, it's was scary. The first time I woke up, I was in a cat scan, the second time I was laying on a table with a bright light and nurses around me, and the third time I was in a hospital bed. It scared me pretty bad and I didn't wanna do anything that could make me hit my head again, and if I would hit my head in even the slightest, I would have a panic attack. I sometimes had nightmares about it. I'm over it now, but I had a nightmare recently, and man, I did not sleep for like three days after that.


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    I had a kickstand go thru the back of my left foot, missing my achilles by centimeters.


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    So I was downhill mountain biking and I was on a tougher trail and I was at a steep downhill part and in kinda flattened out and my front tire hit a log and the bike kicked me over the handle bars and u landed strait on my back and had a ton of cuts and stuff but nothing was broken thankfully


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    A TV fell on me. Surprisingly, I only got a small bad burn on my arm.


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    i got runned over by a truck last summer. i guess thats the worst thing


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