This one speaks for itself.


by the time i was finished crossing the border into belarus, i had a black eye, a broken left arm, a s**t ton of muscles pulled and psychological trauma, if that counts too



    For me, a few years ago (May 3rd, 2015) I was over at a friends house.
    I was petting their dog, and for some reason, it got mad. It clawed at my face, tearing my left bottom eyelid in half.

    First and only time I ever needed stitches!



    So far, this is my worst one, I think it happened when I was 9.
    So in the summer, we take out this kiddy pool, not too small, but small enough to be classified as one.
    So anyway, one day, we decide to start filling it up, we take the hose, and start filling it up. However, the water from the hose, is ABUSRDLY cold, no matter how hot it is in the day, we still want the water to be...not cold...
    So we do some waiting, hoping that the sun will heat up the water later, so it's now the afternoon, about 1:00 PM, the water is STILL COLD.
    So we decide to start heating it up ourselves, we take some bowls, start filling them up with scalding hot water, and pouring them into the pool, going in and out, in and out, and so on.
    But then, on my 14th getting water, I take the two bowls of water, and go to pour them, but then...
    I slipped.
    To make it worse, we were taking these to the pool outside from the kitchen, which has stone floors, and for some reason, the step outside, they made the edge of that one single stair,
    SO I slip, scalding water goes flying, and I land my upper back DIRECTLY ONTO THE METAL EDGE.
    And when I think it can't get any worse, the scalding water lands on my n e c k.
    I couldn't function my arms half as well as I was able to before for a MONTH.



    not sure if it counts but i ripped my left earlobe when i was 10 and i didn’t get it fixed until two years later. it didn’t hurt at all cause the ear was already stretching out but getting it fixed hurt.


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    got off my friend's hoverboard wrong. i scraped my elbow to the point you could see flesh. i still have the scar to this day


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I've tried to use a hoverboard before, if you don't know e x a c t l y how those things work, you are SCREWED.

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    Slammed into a window on my 13th birthday around a year and a half ago. Damaged my nerve and tendon and severed my artery. Ive healed pretty well but I have permanent nerve damage which isn't too fun



    It would be when I fell out of the upstairs bedroom window when I was 2 and fractured my skull. But I don't remember it thankfully.


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    About 6 weeks ago I had a seizure walking home from the store and fell and broke or fractured 7 ribs, but I also cracked my sternum. I still don't know what I hit because I was back on feet and walking when I came to. That's the first time in 43 years I had actually broken bones, but two other times I needed staples in my head.


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    the mental injury yhat has stayed for me. someone sayed something rlly rude and it hurts still. i cry abt it sometimes


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    I fell on ice and gouged a layer of my skin off my knee. The gouged knee wound was pretty smelly, but I made sure that it was clean, and it took forever for it to heal, but it left a sizeable scar on my knee, which is pretty noticeable.


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    Being "rolled" between two parked vehicles after attempting to stop my moving truck. Attempted to deliver mail to a box blocked by a car and, being in a rush, forgot to set my brakes and turn off the motor. A landscraper actually was able to stop it. Messed up my elbow, knee and ribs. Luckily I wasn't fired-we had just bought a house. Totally my fault. 😩 My uncle thought it was hilarious. He's quite the d**k.


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    I fell of my bed, knocked my head against a bedside table and ✨broke my skull✨



    Luckily nothing half as bad as some of the other things written here. I fell while bouldering and didn’t land quite properly. I landed on my heels but fell onto my back, which also caused my jaw to hit my chest. I was out of action for just a week (luckily). They apparently changed the boulder because someone else also fell similarly (they were fine).

    I’m making it sound much worse than it is


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    Well I have a few!

    1st grade kid accidentally pushed me as he ran past and I smashed my head into the gravel

    Sometime as a kid I was crawling in the hallway and got glass lodged in my hand, idk why it was there. Still got the scar!

    And recently I was making crepes in French class and my dumbàss decided to ball up paper towel to try and spread oil on a hot pan… 2nd degree burn to the tip of my ring finger that aches for a couple hours after the initial burn. It even ached in my forearm


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