Kicked, punched, slapped, etc.


kid tackled me and dislocated both my knees, affected me for 1.5 years...we were playing basketball



    The most painful injury: After my friend came out, we met up one evening. It was the first night out after his announcement. He asked me how he looked and I joked that, 'I'd do ya!' .He 'playfully' shoved me and I went straight over a low garden wall and landed on a concrete ornament, every breath was like murder. We made it to the club but I had to leave after and hour or so, I was in so much pain. At the hospital they told me I'd broken 2 ribs.
    The worst injury: I beat a guy on the pool table, he wanted a rematch but the rules of the house were winner stays on and there was a line of people. He kicked up a stink and got thrown out by the bouncers. When I left, he'd waited for me and hit me in the face with a scaffolding plank, completely shattering my nose. I had to have full reconstructive surgery. The worst thing was, because my mum didn't like me having long hair, there were no pictures of me post puberty so I had to 'pick a nose' from a catalogue.



    There's a few. my friends dog tore my leg open while I was on his trampoline. some kid kept interrupting me while i was talking(on purpose) and then i got upset, and said Sop interrupting me" in a slightly raised voice, he then got mad, and punched my face*cracking sounds* which broke my nose.(it took a while to stop dripping blood everywhere.)



    Probably the first or second degree burn I got from my sister. When I was younger, I was teasing my younger sister and she grabbed a lamp and smacked my arm with it. Mind you, this is the type of bulb that that gets burning hot as it is left on. I remember the skin bubbling up afterwards, and a good bit of pain.



    My brother... I was pushing him on the swing and he said, "look Mark! No hands" then he let go of the swing and went backwards, landed on his neck, but broke his arm./// For me, I was riding my bike and I wanted to try my neighbor's bike. I tried his bike but I didn't know how to use handle brakes at the time and the pedal brakes weren't used in the bike so I was riding down the sidewalk. Then my neighbor's brother (btw they're kids) tried stoping it. Then I jumped off, and I felt a sharp scrape on my left side of my back. I went home to check my back because I felt bleeding. Then when I checked my back, I had a big cut. I starte to panic then I showed it to my dad. We went to the ER and I went to sleep for the stitches. It's been 4 years since it happened.


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    Mr. Derpy Dino
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    dang... that sounds like it hurt, considering they put you under for it all.

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    Wasn't me but my dad. We went out riding and since our horses don't see other horses very much, his saw another and turned really quickly to meet it. The saddle strap snapped and my dad fell, landed on his hip as the saddle slid off and fell on his gut. I was 13 at the time, watching that all play out. Katie (dad's horse) was very happy to make a new friend. My dad had to end up getting crutches...



    Me and my sister were younger and fooling around. She was riding on my back. I suddenly tipped forward and couldn’t get my hands out in time and landed on my face. My sister however was fine. My nose bled for about 2 minutes after that and is still crooked



    When I was in 6th grade (11) a kid pushed me and my friend of a 10-foot tall chunk of ice in the winter, my friend was pushed off first. She cracked one of her ribs. Then, a second later I was pushed off. I landed on my neck and my foot hit her face. My 1 foot was sprained and on the other, I broke my big toe. Still think of it 6 years later.


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    I have another one ( this was the result of me at age 6 being careless):
    I was going to a library and I closed the car door on my right pinky ( I was 6 then). It is very flexible now. I can bend it back all the way so the nail touches my joint. It does not hurt at all when I bend it. Before I slammed the car door on my finger it was not at all flexible.


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    Mr. Derpy Dino
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    my experience of fingers and doors is gruesome, my left finger nail has been popped of twice, in different times, the whole bloody nail was ripped/pinched off. i was 7 both times...

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    some kid threw a ball at my stomach and i threw up my lunch



    I was playing four square and the ball went all the way into the soccer feild. I went to go get it and I saw my friend going to get it too. And when we saw each other going for the ball we started a race to see who would get it first. But this guy was much faster than me because I was fat back then. So he got it first and tried to kick it back. But I was in the way so when he kicked the ball, the ball hit my face which ricocheted back to him and he hit his nuts. I started laughing until he laughed along and the nurse gave us some ice to our wounds. When she left we just started laughing again. That was my favorite injury I have ever expeienced.



    broken heart


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    Mr. Derpy Dino
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    -_- I feel bad for you. but then again, I almost busted out laughing at that. sorry.

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    I was roughhousing with my brother forgot to put my hair up. He took out a whole handful.



    My legs. I was around 10 and it was bad. I'm 36 now and I still have problems with leg pain. I tore almost every single ligament and tendon in my leg and twisted a lot of the muscle off the bone and frayed the hamstring in my right leg. My left leg sustained less damage but I still had a lot of muscle tears too. It was done on purpose though it was spoken about as an accident. I can turn my kneecaps almost a full 180 degrees. I don't anymore because I'm older but yeah my knee caps are way movable than they should be. I only know that because all of doctors say they shouldn't move like that.

    My legs were kicked out from underneath me when we were in this steal bench swing with a steal plate between the two facing benches that was meant to 'glide' the swing. The person I was with got them going so fast the steal plate was slamming against the bottom of the seats before he kicked my legs. They got caught between the plate and the bench. I partially got my left leg out.


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    Well it’s not me but when I was a toddler I was hanging out with my friends (also toddlers) under supervision ofc and then one of my toddler friends let’s call them toddler A (we were playing on a bed) pushed off my other friend toddler B and soon enough toddler B cracked open toddler A’s head it was a tiny crack and it was gotten under control.


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    one time, about a few years ago, It was hailing outside, and I put on my coat and went outside to see what the hail felt like. the hail wasn't big, just like little droplets, just hitting harmlessly on my skin. I don't know if the cold numbed my brain a little, since I had living in this house for years, but on the way back inside, I slammed the door on my index and middle fingernail. HARD. the index finger instantly turned blue and red, while my middle finger slowly turned just red. I passed out on the couch and went to the hospital later. my fingers stayed that way for a couple months, before they returned to normal. the index fingernail actually fell off, and under it was a little baby nail. it eventually grew to a semi-normal size, and to this day, my index fingernail is just ever-so-slightly smaller than my other one.


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    Ok I’m doing 2 stores cuz I can’t decide

    Ok we where practicing baseball at my school and our PE teacher made sure da hitter where in dis box it was a boys go and I was behind him he wasn’t in da box and I got a baseball club in da face I sprained my nose and it bled...

    It was a huuuuggge storm and Dumb old me decided to jump on our soaking wet trampoline it was all fine till I tried to get off... I was walking down the ladder then suddenly I slipped (btw by the ladder this is a Tike sort of patio thing ) I slipped and used my hand to try break the fall I hit my head on the tile and broke my arm....



    Umm.. yeah. I broke my sister’s arm by trying to haul her back up the slide. My friend helped. Nobody thought it was broken and were complimenting our strong arms for hours.


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    Kid bit my leg and ripped off skin, threw me kn the ground and it gave me a concussion


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    I gave myself a injury by accident. I passed out and hit my head on concrete. It cut open my eyebrow, and j had to get it glued. Funny part, it happened on a break and when there was school again, I told people that I got it from a piercing accident. The look on people's faces was priceless. I also had a yellow black eye and someone teased me about my "makeup" because they thought the yellow was bad makeup!


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    I was at a protest for animal abuse, I wasn't at the wrong side of the fence but my mother was after the police broke up the protest and she was panicking. I clung to the fence, trying to to signal to the cops that there was an older woman in panic on their side. One cop decided to use his baton on my fingers. I ended up in the ER with broken fingers and a swollen hand. The police did apologize though, sent me flowers as well as all the protest groups there. First and last time I was part of a 'peaceful' protest.


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