Everyone gets hurt. It happens to the best of us. We all get sick or injured, some time in our life. Whether it be broken bones or the flu, it happens all the time.

But sometimes, it can be for a weird reason. Here, you can share some.

(For those of you wondering, when I was 4, I dropped a slice of cheese on the floor. I was kinda like, "Eh, 2 and a half minute rule!" and ate it. Yeah, the next day, I had horrible nausea and vomiting and severe food poisoning.)


Where to start.. When I was 12, I fractured my wrist in a marshmallow fight. I caught my hair in a vacuum cleaner when I was 20 (more embarrassment than injury). At 22, my boss set me on fire while teaching me how to weld (2nd degree burns only thanks to protective gear). In 2014 while on vacation, I got sun poisoning on both feet, broke 2 toes on a rock while snorkeling, and sliced open my other foot on some coral (all within 72 hours). Basically, I'm the Queen of Stupid Injuries.



I ran into my principal at the mall and we went crashing down



When I was 6 years old I was playing outside in the winter at my babysitters house. An older boy was chopping up a melting ice fort with an ice pick. He told me I could walk behind him to get into the house. When I did- he slung the ice pick over his shoulder and the blade went into my forehead



when i was 10 or 11, i was walking/running down my street from my friends house who lives in my neighbor hood and I was almost near my road and this kid runs into me and I was accidentally slam into the ground and I was crying and my dad comes running down the street because he was working in the garage and apparently I broke my collar bone



I ran into my sister's shin. IT BROKE MY TOE. She and my mom have really hard shins.


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

holy shi---. but umm, i have a important question, is ur toe still broken

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I don't know if this really counts, but I was eating yougurt, and my tooth fell out



We had a huge chest freezer with a broken lock. Somehow I managed to slam the door down on my left pinky and it locked. I couldn't pull my finger out and no one was home. I stood there crying with a broken finger in a freezer for a couple of hours before someone came to rescue me. I was about 12.



When I was about 7 or 8, I wanted to see if a rake would really flip up if I stepped on it the way I had seen in cartoons. Yes it does. Knocked myself out and broke my nose.



I karate kicked my stepdad and he tried to karate kick me back. He surprised me so I fell really hard on my tailbone. Months later, I fell on a hoverboard really hard on my tailbone. So now, I can't sit this certain way and whenever it's going to storm, my tailbone hurts.



Was watching my older brother dropped tiny pieces of broken glass onto a spinning bike wheel to see the pieces fly (bike was upside down). One hit me right in the eye. Had to spend a whole summer with an eye patch while it healed. Still have a scar that causes street lights and headlights to "starburst" when it's wet out.



I ate some russel stoven chocolates then my guts felt like something was stabbing them, it hurt so bad. I went to the hospital but they couldn’t find anything wrong. I was in immense pain for most the night , it was about 2am when I puked in the bathroom , I felt instantly better.



When I was really young, my and parents and me were at target. I saw a gummy bear on the ground, picked it up, and ATE IT. I got sick later that day.



I strained my wrist by being knocked over by the wind.



I was taking a bubble bath. I sneezed and separated a rib.


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Never try to stifle a sneeze. The built-up pressure can do a lot of damage internally. Sneeze with you mouth wide open, but covered in some way to let the pressure out safely.

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A couple o' years ago a friend and I went camping, 2 days into the trip they accidently hit me on the neck with a torch which causes a severe burn. Still friends.



I was reading, turned a page and SHATTERED my wrist.
it had no damage before, but then it broke like glass. like 100's of tiny peices of my bone from turning a page in a book


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Mary Rose Kent
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Had you had a bunch of falls over time before this? Because that’s just flat-out bizarre if not.

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It was 5th grade and I was walking back to class. Well 10 year old me decided to walk the long way around these concrete benches we had outside. Wasn't really looking where I was walking and smacked my right knee into the bench. I was in pain for a month before my parents took me seriously. We get an X-Ray done and lo and behold I chipped a piece of bone off my Right knee cap. Still hurts to this day.



I ran into the monkey bars, fell, twisted somehow and chipped my tooth on the concrete.



Me and my cousin was on a bouncy castle. We collided, his head under my chin. Knocked me out and and left him with a bump on his head. Still don't know who got it worse.



Someone through a stick at my head because they didn't like me. For some reason I laughed not cried.



Actually, I got sick almost every year on Valentine's day. It hasn't happened in about 3 years.


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

did you get a girlfriend about three years ago, or did u break up with one

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A couple years back, my friends and I were in a park. There was this thing that you could sit on and it would spin around. So I had a crazy idea to hold on to it with two arms and my friends would spin it REALLY fast. We did. I flew in the air like an airplane and crashed down into the sand. I still have scars from that.


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I went on one and i broke my leg... but not the stupidest injury ever in my history!

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i was messing around being a clown, i was doing the can can, then i stubbed my toe and clutched at my foot and tripped over my own foot, then i sprained my ankle and fell on the dog bed, and i was laughing because it was funny but it HURT. OUCH


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Mary Rose Kent
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I’m sorry, but I totally laughed; I wish I could see a video of that!

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When I was about 7 I slipped on a banana skin and split my head open! I thought that only happened in cartoons.



When I was little i was playing tag with my friend but it was time to go inside so he ran into line and i kept running and i hit my forehead on a wall and got stitches.



we did a basketball unit in gym class and we were supposed to throw the ball up into the air and catch it behind our backs and I sprained 5 of 10 fingers on the basketball falling on them behind my back


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I hate catching flying balls for that very reason, even though its never happened to me

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I was walking normally then my ankle bent a bit to far and i couldn't walk on that foot for 2 days


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3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

my ankle will like bend sideways then i will fell, but that is only when i'm walking

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Our backyard has this huge rock/hill going through the middle of it and this was a while ago but i was on the bottom and my cousin was on the top we were playing baseball and i had the bat so my arm was really weird, we also had the dog runner on that side and my dog came running her leash picked my up by my underarm and she lifted me up 2ft in the air then just dropped me


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I dislocated my knee by standing up after kneeling down in the locker rooms for Gym (I had a bottom Locker and just finished changing)



I'm also on my 4th thumbnail on my right hand. First I slammed it in a closet door as a kid. Then I got bit by someone else's horse at a trail riding event. The big guy didn't have any water in his bucket. I thought I would be kind and fill it and got my hand bit for my troubles. And finally I slammed my hand in the back hatch of my van. That one hurt the worst. Each time the nail fell off and I had to grow a new one.


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Mary Rose Kent
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I’m glad your body didn’t decide that you weren’t really interested in that thumbnail and stopped giving you new ones.


When I was ten I decided before school to run around our small house blindfolded/eyes closed.
Made it 10 feet and broke my wrist.
I am not a very smart dude.


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Mary Rose Kent
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I don’t know about your overall intelligence, but this was definitely a bad plan!


When i was little, i was running around the airport fell broke my tooth went to the dentist got a fake tooth, it fell out. Got another, came out. Then, i grew a tooth right between my two front teeth. Then that tooth fell out hence the large gap between my giant two front teeth, many years later.


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Oh and i lost all the teeth UNDER MY BED and they were never to be seen again. i think i was abt 3

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when i was little in kindergarten i slam the bathroom door on my middle finger. blood went all over my face including my nose. i thought it was paint and somehow didn´t hurt.



I’m a volunteer for an assistance dog charity. I look after a “puppy” from about 8 weeks old until 14 months. I do all the house training and general obedience stuff. They live with me while I’m training them. I only mention this because if you’re going to injure yourself, you’d think it would be the 10 month old, 40Kg German Shepherd puppy.
It wasn’t the puppy.
I have a rescue dog as well. She’s 18 months old and about 15Kg. She looks like a whippet. She’s absolutely beautiful but has no sense of direction or self preservation. As she’s new to us she also has no recall so she’s on a lead while we’re walking her.
You’re all thinking it’s the dog’s fault! Nope! It’s more stupid than that.
I walk them both in the same fields but at different times. I need to concentrate on one dog at a time at the moment so, separating their walks allows me to concentrate on each one’s training needs.
I walk the huge German Shepherd through the fields, he’s having a great time! I accidentally step sideways off the path into a hole and almost go flying! No harm done, must look where I’m going etc.
Now we come to dog 2. She’s not allowed off the lead and is a bit of a pain at the moment as she learns how to walk nicely.
Lovely walk even if she’s a bit over excited. Then we come to the bit with the hole. I’m going to be very careful. I was so busy looking out for the hole, I forgot to look at the dog. She ran right under my foot as I was about to put it down. You guessed it! I panicked about accidentally treading on her and instead stepped sideways into the hole I was looking out for.
Dog was fine, I was in a plaster cast for 8 weeks.
TL;DR stepped in a hole I already knew was there to avoid treading on the second dog I’d walked past it.



If there is a way to get hurt, I will find it. I sprained my wrist carpet skating, stubbed my toe on various things, got hurt sitting on the couch, knocked a tooth out with a book, gotten a bunch of mystery bruises and cuts, cut myself with my fingernail, burned my hand many times while baking, fractured my arm while mountain biking, and got out my loose tooth while eating a cupcake. All of these were on accident, and there is probably more.


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Oh my gosh, I find weird, random bruises and sometimes small cuts all the time! I'm SO klutzy, I'm always just like, "Huh, wonder where that came from." It's entirely too much work to keep track of all the random times that I minorly hurt myself and when it leads to visible injuries. LOL

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Just the other day I cut myself with the back of a knife.
I was chopping up some yams which are very hard and the yam kinda just broke as I was putting pressure on the back of the knife and the knife slammed into the cutting board and the back of the knife which was flat and not sharpened in any way cut through 3 fingers. It was pretty deep but I didn't know I was cut until i saw the blood on my yams.


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

YIKES! Also "until I saw the blood on my yams" seems like it shouldn't really ever be an applicable phrase.....

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I put a two inch gouge under my chin with my thumbnail in the shower. I was reaching up to wash my hair and apparently missed. Adding to that I can't even count the number of times I've dumped hot coffee on my lap when missing my mouth. Just call me grace.



In church outside, its just full of gravel and i was running from my brother and i fell on the gravel and scraped my knee and my mom's phone as well. She was mad and my knee hurt =(



Hiking in a rocky area known for rattlesnakes with lots of low brush. Something struck my lower leg as I walked down the trail and I instinctively leapt a truly impressive distance away and threw my right arm up into the air for a counter-balance. That partially tore two tendons in my right rotator cuff. The pain was so intense that I almost passed out but managed to stumble to a low boulder and sat down. It was one of those, "hold onto your a** and wait for it to pass" moments. Afterwards, I could only raise my arm sideways by just a few inches. It took a year of physical therapy with light weights to restore the range of motion, but thankfully, no surgery. What struck me? It had to be a branch, but there was no wind that day and the trail was wide enough that I shouldn't have brushed up against anything. Whatever it was it really popped my bare leg (I was wearing cargo shorts), but left no mark.



Riding down the stairs on a chair that was on a sled and got a nosebleed.



This didn't happen to me, but some guy thought that Covid-19 was a joke, and got it injected into him. Can you guess what happened? Hint. He should be nominated for a Darwin award.



I broke my hip because my dogs saw a squirrel. I had a German Shepherd and German Shepherd/ lab mix as a kid. Together they outweighed me by quite a bit. I had a lot of homework to do so I thought I would save time by walking them both at once. Needless to say, that turned out badly. My parents didn't take me seriously when I said it felt like something was broken. I walked around that way for a month. Eventually my mom casually asked a medical professional if it was possible to walk around with a broken hip. He said "yeah. It would hurt like hell, but it is technically possible." She finally set me up with a dr appointment and before I knew it I was in the hospital waking up from surgery with three giant screws in my leg. I have a real pretty scar and my hip hurts whenever it rains. Fun times.



I broke my toe running around with closed eyes... so swollllllennnn


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Abigail Nagel
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

my pinky toe got stepped on and broken, spent a month icing it and limping around on a swollen, bruised toe. it hurt SO MUCH for SO LONG.

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I've broken my left arm twice, once when I was 5 (near elbow) and then at 9 (near wrist). The first time, my mom had told me not to mess around on the arm of the recliner. I did so anyway. Fell off and somehow broke a bone falling like less than three feet, I think... I'm a very talented klutz! The second time, my brother and I were trying to swat a (rather large) fly. I was standing on the second stair up, but I forgot that and thought I was on the flat floor. The fly kind of dive-bombed my head, which scared me. I lunged and leaped sideways... off two stairs... and landed with my arm beneath me. So basically, a fly broke my arm. *shrug*


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Mary Rose Kent
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I fractured my left arm (I’m left-handed) at the wrist and the elbow at the same time. Despite the having two high-pain episodes, it was lucky because doing them both at the same time is unbelievably painful!

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Playing baseball in my backyard with my younger brother and it was a big hit and i tripped in a chipmunk hole and sprained my ankle


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I didnt know chipmunks made holes i thought that was gophers

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I tripped over my twin sister while running around at recess in elementary school during recess and sprained my left ankle.



When my dad was little, his dog sprained an ankle in an animal hole. Soon, his grandmother was walking in the yard and tripped over the dog and sprained her ankle



when I was about three, I got mad that I couldn't open it with my tiny little arms and kicked the fridge. It hurt for a bit and then I forgot about it, but it turns out I had broken my toenail.



For some reason I get hurt near my b day I was really young in my first house before my b day when my grandma was over and I got hungry and wanted a snack I ran down the stairs and tripped I started crying and screaming for my grandma as she sat on the couch reading a book with headphones on unaware that I just broke my leg also another time I got strep throat on my b day



Once, I was around 4. I was running with socks on and I fell and almost had to get stitches on my chin.

When I was in 4th grade everyone was jump roping of the curb. Did it once, I was fine the second time I sprained my ankle. I was wearing fluffy fluffy black socks. Let’s just say around my desk was black.

Also when I was 11, I was playing a game with my friends and I was sitting (more like crouching) by some bushes (I was pretending to be a cat) so then I lose my balance and roll into the tall tall bushes and disappear.(my friend was laughing.) I was all scratched up. Then while I was walking inside to get band aids I step on a bee.

I’ve fallen out of a tree when the branch I was hanging from broke.

Finally, when I was 12, I was stepping on to one of those old fashioned fire places, I cut a loooong cut on my right leg. I still have that scar


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch OUCH I feel for you <3 I think I've stepped on a bee before... hmm..

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I live in Tucson Arizona. I wear a cross-shoulder bag for doggie stuff when I walk. One day I am walking them like always. They stopped and I leaned over to adjust their leashes, causing my shoulder bag to slid a little bit. That’s when I felt it. STAB. STAB. Searing hot pain in my shoulder. I shook my shirt and figured it was nothing serious. A few hours later I could barely sit up, I’m so dizzy, and the vertigo was intense. The room spun and if I stood the floor zoomed away from me. This went of for a full week. I had to basically crawl to the door to let my dogs out. My only guess is that a scorpion dropped down from a tree and it got upset when my bag nudged it.


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Abigail Nagel
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

oh no! ive never been stung by anything but a wasp! that sounds so painful! what type of scorpion was it?

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I fell off my bed and bruised my knee.

Another time, I got this huge Nerf modulus regulator for my bday, and it was propped up on the wall, and it fell on my toe. ouch.


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3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

A similar thing happened to me - my brother and i were arguing coz we couldn't remember which nerf gun was whose. So my mom looked into the matter and a few mins later she got hella mad and dropped the nerf gun she was holing and it landed on my toe. It hurt really badly, ngl. P.s. that gun broke and my dad had bought it 2 days ago

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I drew with COPIC markers for too long.

That smell is intoxicating.



i was swinging weights and hit my middle finger and the nail came off...... i was 6



I cannot remember this, but I've been told;
I was very young and apparently hungry. I somehow got hold of the bread and the bread knife, and came walking into the living room, bread under one arm, knife in my hand, bleeding. - I wanted help, not with the blood, but with cutting the bread. (It wasn't serious, but I think I nearly killed my mum with fright)


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My great-grandfather was a carpenter. Was missing... about three fingers, I think, when I knew him. On one of these occasions, he called my grandmother (his daughter) very calmly. The conversation has been described as approximately this: "Hey, (name), how are you?... Oh, yeah, I'm ok... Well, are you busy?... Well, I cut my finger off-" *grandma freaks out* Like, dude... what are you DOING?! You CUT YOUR FINGER OFF and he was acting like everything was normal and fine...!?! lol smh

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I accidentally slammed the car door on my thumb because I wanted to talk to my crush who later turned out to be a toxic boyfriend. Anyways my finger turned purple and my nail fell off.


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

That happened to my toe once except a heavy chair fell on it.


About 4th grade, chasing girls at school, took the shortcut under the bleachers. Bad idea, 14 stitches in my forehead.


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We had a swimming pool growing up, and when I was fairly young, I'd enjoy pushing up on the edge of the pool with my arms, then rapidly pushing back down to the bottom of the pool. On one of those trips, though, my chin struck the concrete at high speed. One of my front teeth (a baby tooth, luckily) was driven straight up into my gums, and they split. The dentist was able to pull it, and my permanent tooth came in later, although slightly crooked.


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I was riding my tricycle and hit a rock and the bike stopped and I flew over the handlebars and hit a concrete pole. Had a cut in my forehead and it was stitched without anesthesia.... This was in the early '70's



Junior high. Climbing out of friends clubhouse, about 8 feet high, I grabbed a loose 2x4 that was on top of actual 2x4 railing and we both headed straight for the ground. Don't know about the board but my landing was cushioned by a large prickly pair cactus patch at the base of the ladder. Spent the next hour standing on his back porch with my right hand on my head while he, along with his sister, mom, dad and I think his grandmother, plucked thorns from the right side of my body starting with my elbow, working all the way down to my right knee. He and his dad dug up that cactus the next weekend.



This wasn't me, but it was my brother. One day at the park, he got the bright idea to run up and down the slide. He sprained his bad ankle he had sprained a year before and has sprained it time and time again.


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I was running on a treadmill when I was about 13 years old. I went to fall, but held on, and yeah. I had gashes on booth knees, my elbow, my ankle, and my hip.


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I dropped my spoon on the floor and went down to get it. On the way up, I brained myself on the corner of the table. After I couldn’t shake the dizziness, my parents took me to the ER. I had a concussion.



I was younger and it was during Halloween; my neighbor's very friendly bulldog tackled me out of excitement and we both fell down my neighbor's 3 outdoor steps. Then he started licking me after the fall. Definitely got bruises from that.


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We lived on St. Thomas in the USVI for a year when I was 7. I was swimming around a reef with only one flipper (I have no clue why), and my non-flippered foot hit a sea urchin. The spines embedded so deeply they could not be removed. They had to pour hot wax on my foot and allow the spines to dissolve on their own.



Hand slipped on the mandolin slicer while slicing a carrot. Took off the whole top of my nail bed. Hurt like hell and I bled all over the carrots.



In the first grade I tripped on the carpet and smashed my head into the corner of a desk. I didn't start crying until all of a sudden a rush of blood went down my eye.

I wound up with a really bad gash just above my eyebrow that needed stitches.


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I had a friend named Michael who constantly needed glue on a gash on his head...


When I was 6 my class went on a field trip to the zoo, I ended up tripping, cutting my head open and had to get stitches, of course 6 year old me freaked out and had to be strapped down, my parents will never let it go.


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I don’t know if these count but I lost a tooth drinking hot chocolate and another drinking lemonade. I also lost one that was barely loose while eating cantaloupe



Once when I was littler, I drank a pink energy drink and when I went to school that morning my stomach hurt, as soon as I got home I puked and it was a bright shade of hot pink.



A couple years ago myself and friends were having an epic water battle under a hot summer sun. My then- boyfriend's 4 year old kid ran by and landed a lucky shot straight up the nose with a super soaker water gun, while yelling "put em up, butter cup!"

The next morning my right sinus was raw and dripping, and by evening my right eye was pink, gritty, and goopy. The following week was an escalating case of sinus infection that became an entire upper respiratory infection.


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February over a decade ago I was notified my grandfather was dying during a horrific meeting with my micromanaging hateful boss.

Later that night, I thought I’d apply more “effort” and log in. I went downstairs and opened the right door to the refrigerator. Seconds flew by as a heavy stainless steel coffee pot smashed into the bridge of my nose from a shelf overhead. I oddly looked at the LED clock on the oven and it was precisely 11:11 PM as my head was snapping back at the blunt force. To make matters worse, my metal glass frames sliced the bridge of my nose at at 45 degree angle. That’s when I knew blood would be next. I grabbed the kitchen towel while keeping my head in the position it landed in. I carefully walked back upstairs and prepared to take a look. Next thing I did was get super glue out of my nail kit and cleaned the blood out of the sliced nose. After drying it, I superglued the wound perfectly matching up the skin.

I called someone to take me the ER. After being asked what happened... I said, “my cat tried to murder me. He had been playing with the cord to the coffeemaker and it got stuck in the door hinge. The rest is physics.”


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Using a cross-point/Phillips screwdriver while working underneath a piece of equipment. Dropped it and tried to "catch" it before it hit the ground and bounced away. Instead, managed to get it stuck IN my hand (it was dangling from my palm when I brought my hand up) by slamming my hand on it while the handle was on the ground. Better *or* worse reflexes, and I'd have been O.K. Thankfully, no permanent damage other than the plus-shaped scar.


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Purposefully stepping on a piece of glass out of pure curiosity.



I once was at a party and we were having a dance party. I was trying to be funny and try to do the worm. I dived into the ground, but when I was midair, this dude came buy and hit me in the face. He broke my nose. So yeeah..........never do the worm kids! lol.


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Apparently, the devil went down to Viviane and he was willing to make a deal. In the end, he didn't get my soul, but I somehow don't feel like a winner. I danced enthusiastically to fiddle music and twisted my ankle. Several years later, I danced enthusiastically to fiddle music and twisted my knee.



I'm known for managing to injure myself in really stupid ways (falling up the stairs instead of down; sitting and chatting with my mom and watching my hand suddenly going rogue, poking my eye with my thumb without intending to move my hand at all; etc). The one injury that made my doctor say " did this HOW?" and then walk down the hall to get two of the other doctors on staff so I could repeat my story to them: I partially tore my Achilles tendon while sleeping. Nobody else was in the bed with me, no animals were on the bed - just me and a bunch of pillows. As far as the doctor and I could figure, I must have had a leg cramp in the middle of the night which caused my leg to automatically shoot out to stop it. I never woke up. When I went to stand up the next morning I put my left foot on the floor and immediately crumpled to the ground. I was on crutches for about a month for an injury sustained while I slept.


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Wow, that sounds like me. I was legit bounced off my trampoline as my sister jumped on. The scar is still there on my forearm. People often mistake it for a bruise.

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I hurt my knee during swimming and was sure that was just another fire coral, nothing new on Egypt sea line. Some sufferings, some creams, but it's still vacation! 6 months later it turned out as broken bone on x-ray. I still have that small piece freely moving!
I also managed to get deep finger' cut with peace of bread. Nice fresh bread! ))


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The funniest thing was I hurt my knee during showing some guy why he should not walk there with bare feet - sea line was mix of stones, concrete, destroyed corals and sea ​​urchins, but no other way to reach deep water... the worst one ever.

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I broke my right big toe in fourth grade when running in my house.. that exact same day a girl in my class broke her foot when she fell from a piece of playground equipment


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I had an "Early Chrismas" incident and I got nausea for "Early Christmas." and worst of all, there was a Christmas party and I was to sick to come! WORST. CHRISTMAS. EVER.


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I fell off of a chair and got stitches for it.



I was trying to run out of the house without taking my medicine (it tastes horrible) My toe got caught on the corner and I broke my metatarsal bone (footsie bone). Now, whenever I twitch it, it still feels weird.

Edit: My head left a dent in the wall when I fell. I just looked at my parents and got up, walked outside. The next day it still didn't hurt, but my dad figured out my toe was broken and I am still marveling at my tolerance to this day.


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Allan Breum
Community Member
3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Do you have ADHD? I've noticed that ADHD kids tend to have an either absurdly high, or an absurdly low, tollerance for pain.


falling off my bike onto the road almost getting hit by a car


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hmm it is not really that weird but I fell down the stairs and hit my toe I was just playing video games while my toe hurt I walked up stairs on my heel and accidentally put my foot down and then I screamed at the top of my lungs and my mom brought me to urgent care oh I have also broken my arm twice but I did this one cause this is the weirdest one oh I was 8


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See Also on Bored Panda

I broke my leg when I was 8 and 1/2 months pregnant, because I was afraid our cat was locked in our detached garage (while we lived in Germany). It was like 5:30 in the morning. I got out of bed, threw on a house dress, a coat, and some flip flops and ran up the slope in our back yard to look in the garage. Cat was not there.
Headed back down the slope and slipped on the frosty grass (It was January) and sat down on my left leg ... I heard it snap. While I lay in the grass waiting for help, the cat walked up and sat by my head.



I wasn't looking where I was going, so I ran into a wall head first.


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Very recently I was savaged by this huge dog on the street. Really did a number on my right arm, won't be back to normal for a long time. But, I also lost a tooth! We have no idea how that happened.


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I was 13. I was mad at my brother (don't remember why) so I went up to my room and closed the door. I wasn't watching where I was going and ran into my bed. I proceeded to kick the bed. My feet somehow got tangled up in a blanket that was lying on my floor. I ended up falling on my wrist and cracking a bone in half.
Also, when I was 10 I broke my elbow from falling on it to many times while rollerskating.
One more story (I'm kinda a clutz), I was at my school, walking backwards down the hall while talking with my friends. I completely forgot that there was a staircase in that hallway. I tried to step back, but I had reached the stairs. I didn't realize it and put my weight on the foot. I fell down the ENTIRE flight of stairs. I ended up breaking my collarbone, getting a concussion, tearing my MCL, and tearing a muscle in my ankle.


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As a 7-year-old my sister and I decided to leap frog over iron bollards, from above they were in the shape of an 'H'. I fell on top and cut my leg from knee to groin, just missing a major artery. But I’ve now got a great scar (amongst many, many others).



One time when I was about 4 I was jumping on the bed jumped too high lost control and broke my arm. Then it happened again when I was 8 except I tripped on a soccer ball my crush signed my cast and gave me a kiss then she became my girlfriend still together two years later.



So my mom had just got a new set of knives (the brand was called diamond sharp) so the next morning i decided to take check out the knife, this is one of the knives with covers, so i took of the cover an looked at the knife and i was thinking cool. I dropped the cover by accident, when i went to pick it up i sliced my thumb, it hurt but not that much, my mom was freaked out. After that we never used those knives again because my mom said "it can cut through skin like butter".



When I was about 6 or 7, my friends dared me to go down this really steep hill and brake the front brakes. They told me that I will fly. Stupid young me wanted to fly and I was happy for that 2 seconds in the air. My entire front chest got scraped.



I was playing laser quest after a month after my nose reconstruction surgery, I was walking back and firing and turned around to run from the other group and my nose found a wall. Next thing I saw, people running and stumbling on me! (I think after this freaking/stupid accidents that morons like me had, they decided to remove the fog machine and turned the lights up... Sorry, it was very fun before)


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Abigail Nagel
Community Member
3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

well, that would probably end the broken noses and toes...i'd rather be safe than sorry!


I randomly have my knee hurt, just enough to be inconvenient



When I was little (maybe 5 or 6) I went swimming, and when offered goggles stubborn little me refused. I tried to swim underwater with my eyes closed and scraped off the skin of my knuckles on the side of the pool. I've always swam with goggles since...


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when i went on the swing it was a bit rusty tho after it rained while i was swinging the chains squeezed my hand in the middle and know i have a fear of swings



I walked right off the bed when I was little. Like, tried to keep walking after falling of the edge as if trying to walk through air. I also thought the window was rolled down in a car when I was six and tried to stick my head out the window. I was a dumb kid.


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Too young to remember but as told by my parents...
We lived in an old, premanufactured home with a stove that was not well insulated as modern stoves. I was just learning to stand and walk and needed to support myself. My mom turned her back and I pushed myself up on the hot stove, burning my hands. Mom described my bandages as "boxing gloves"


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Something similar happened to my brother when he was a toddler, my mom left the room for a little while and my dad was in the room ( on his phone) my brother tried to stand and leaned on the heater and burned his hands.

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I was very young and I pulled on a computer cord and it fell and the corner of it hit my forehead above my eye and I had to get stitches.


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Owwww corners are dangerous! So are computer cords... when I was little, I liked the taste of metal. (Don't ask... IDK.) One day, I was licking the end of a cord that was plugged into the wall, and it was shocking me a little each time. "Mommy, I'm licking this and it's hurting me!" "Then stop licking it!" "But it tastes good!" My father and uncle both proceeded to try it later when they each found out to see how much it hurt.

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My dog was surprisingly crafty. I was snacking on a pappadum while waiting for dinner to cook and she wanted it, so set about splashing the contents of her water bowl on the tile floor. I go into the kitchen to check on dinner, slip on her water trap and go face into the back door. Dog steals pappadum, I get goose egg from cracking my forehead on the door handle and no dinner because goose egg got me sent to the hospital.


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Doing the dishes has set off a Sciatica attack. I have also managed to set one off by having a bath. Also caught Chicken Pox as a child thanks to Country Dancing lesson in school.


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when I was 10 years old, I had just gotten out of the shower and decided I was a ballerina. I tried to do a spin, failed, hit my head on the sink, and cracked my head open.


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1) it was winter and my dog saw something interesting (friendly neighbor). he made me faceplant/dragged me down a muddy/icy driveway
2) was a young kid playing capture the flag with a few teens 1 of them snowplowed me on accident. for some reason everything was tinted a slight pruple
3) I thew up at a friends house but (kind of disgusting for the faint of heart) I would still have some chunks in my throat causing a gag reflex until O was giving dry heaves. included a big headache.
4) broke my arm falling off a bucket of an excavator (dont ask) I didnt feel it until I saw the damage.
5) accidentally peeled to much skin when my arm was in a cast
6) while skiing I almost scorpioned



After this incident I had to visit a chiropractor. It was a stupid thing to do but funny looking back on it. My daughter and I drove out at night to see the lava flowing down to the sea. I gave her the better flashlight and with my dim bulb missed the fact that an old flow had covered part of the road and I tripped over it.


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I broke my leg going down a tube slide when I was in preschool because I was too scared to go down on my own. I sat on my dad's lap, but then we started going really fast and I wanted to stop... Soo I stuck my out my leg in an effort to stop us. Bad decision.


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Me and my family went on the Harley Quinn teacups at six flags. We all felt ill for at least 10 minutes after that.


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I had to get stitches when I was five because I was dancing in the shower and fell. I also fractured my wrist after tripping twice. I've dislocated the same toe twice the same place the same way (I keep jamming it into the wall on accident.) and I think that's it. For now, I am so clumsy, I'm surprised I'm still in one piece.


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Mary Rose Kent
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Are you a teenager? When I was a teen I kept banging my hips on these cut class doorknobs into the living room because I couldn’t keep track of where they were. As a teen and young woman, I was very, very thin, but my hips were rather wide and I was always crashing them into something.


Before the fireworks started on the 4th of July, I (Maybe 8 years old at the time) was running around the dining room table and leaping over my friend. I tripped and broke my head open on a flowerpot. I needed 16 stitches, but the only reason I was crying was because I broke their flowerpot and thought they would be mad at me. Silly 8 year old me 😋



It was in P.E., we were working on our track and field unit, i was at the shot put station watching on of my friends do some other event, sitting sort of parallel to the line where people were throwing the shot put. Yes, I got hit when a girl let the ball slip out of her hands. Surprisingly though i didn't get a bruise, even when it hit me on the right side of my upper forehead.


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I was eating at a restaurant when I was 6 and my tooth jumped ship early and broke. I literally did not notice for 15 minutes. When my food came I felt something weird while eating and I realized that my tooth had come out.


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Trying to keep a screen door from hitting me, which wouldn’t have hurt or been an issue at all, I tried to catch it with my foot and sliced open my heel. The ER doc that stitched it up couldn’t find a few of the ligaments that were supposed to be there because a few years prior I missed a step and tore several of ligaments that ‘rubber banded’ into the upper part of my calf and created a permanent knot that is always sore. A year after I sliced my heel open with a screen door, I opened my fridge and a Redi-whip can someone did not put up properly fell on my foot and I am still, 2 years later, unable to bend my last two toes.



I broke several ribs when I accidentally hit myself with a jet ski. I was driving the jet ski when I hit a large wave that flipped me over the front, right in front of the jet ski. It hurt...


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In dance class we were practising the leap frog. 2 girls asked me to check that the lass acting as the base was in the right position, as the dance teacher had me as their partner for the demonstration and I didn't so much as budge. Before I confirmed that the base was sturdy enough (they weren't even remotely ready), the person doing the jump started running. I yelled at them to stop but too late. The base faceplanted hard into the concrete floor and lost a front tooth, which was later found about 20 metres away. To this day, both girls blame me for the injury for not stopping them...



I ate too much garlic bread and now my tongue slightly hurts. Its the same with Goldfish.



Going downhill on a mountinbike on a wide asphalt road. I saw a big piece of broken asphalt lying right in front of me, but at the speed I was going, you can't swerve around it. I hit the piece and bounced of the road, into the verge and grinded along the guardrail until I came to a halt.
When I got of the bike I noticed drops of blood spattering next to my feet. I didn't feel any pain so I actually had to look myself over to see where it was coming from. Turns out my indexfinger was cut open to the bone. It had been stuck between the bikes handlebar and the guardrail during the grind.



At my old school we had these things on the playground that you would hold on to and it would spin you around a bunch. Well, I was one of the few kids who could climb on top. I fell off one day and don’t think of it. Three months later my hip began to hurt and me went to the doctor. Turned out I had sprained my hip, mind you I was in first grade, and dint know my hip was sprained.


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So I have this weird ability thing where all my toes (All!!) can dislocate on command. It's weird.


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Ouch. Once three boys tugged on my arm and it did not even ache.


I've had many injuries. the weirdest was probably when I was little and golfing with my dad. I then got stung by a wasp. in my armpit. it hurt so bad I was sobbing. probably the weirdest, though I have had others, such as a broken pinky toe and a jammed thumb .


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Ok so not me but my sister, It wasnt that weird but basically me and her share a room, and i had the top bunk. I was sitting in my top bunk reading a book. My sister comes up into our room and tells me its time to go to bed. I ignored her, because i was on the LAST PARAGRAPH OF THE CHAPTER. She procceded to climb into my bed and try to take the book. I wasnt going to have any of that, so i pushed her. Out of the top bunk. Onto the hardwood floor. She got a fractured wrist, which meant she couldnt try out for the competition team at her gymnastics place. I wasnt allowed to read for a week.

Also we were lighting off fireworks one time and we were chasing parachutes, she was directly under hers and a hot ash from the bottom of it fell into her eye. She was in the hospital all night.


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Broke my right arm getting out of a swing at age 10. Broke my left arm at age 15 while practicing tumbling. Thought I would continue to break something on my body every 5 years. However, I seem to have outgrown the enjoyment.


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Once in third grade I was at reccess and my class was playing infection, so I was probably trying to get away from someone. But we have this thing on the playground where it had these hanging things connected to the playground set and then little things at the bottom underneath. So basically I just slipped and fell from the hanging thing onto the bottom thing and busted my chin. I had to get stitches.


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The funny thing is I didn't even realize I was bleeding, I just thought my chin was horribly disfigured.


When I was 12 I walked into my friend's bedroom and somehow managed to dislocate my pinky on the door jam. It stuck out sideways from my hand like I was making an "L" on the wrong side of my hand. Just recently I was walking down 3 stairs that separate our house from the entryway and fell. On my way down my ring finger caught the wooden hand rail and cut my finger (other hand than the pinky incident). I had to get stitches and now need to get my ring resized because it won't fit over the scar tissue.


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As an adult (I know) I was trimming a hedge. I sneezed. Said hedge trimmer flew up and back. Bit me in the butt. Looked like a vampire got me.


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Two years ago I went to Ivy Tech Community College for a field trip. This trip was for an elective course that not only gave me credits for my high school but also college credits. The group I was in was finished getting business stuff explained and we were headed back to the schools auditorium to eat and have some students at the school talk to us. In order to get there we had to go down stairs. They gave us papers and folders to put the papers in. I stupidly I might add decided to attempt to do that while going down the stairs. I was talking to a kid from my school. One moment I was standing up and the next I was on the ground. I didn't just fall straight though. I fell and slid. What had happened was I most likely missed a step and landed on my ankle then slid almost the rest of the way down and nearly had a girl in front of me also fall down. The stair that I stopped on my foot came out from under me and the bottom of it hit the corner of the stair. I was helped up and then I was in pain. I texted my parents and told them what happened. At the time of this story I also had to walk two blocks to get to my house because that was my stop. I got inside my house and took some Motrin and put an ice pack on my ankle. It was three times the normal size my ankle usually so my mom took me to the ER. I had sprained my ankle. The doctors in the ER gave me an air cast that was two pieces. On both sides of my ankle were things that compressed and a strap that kept it secure. I wore that for the weekend and then on Monday I went and saw a podiatrist. I ended up in a walking boot for a month.


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

During this quarantine I've managed to trip and fall over nothing. As a result of this and many other incidents of tripping over nothing I've come to the realization that if I was in a horror movie that involved a murderer I'm the person that would trip on air and get killed


I fell the swings at school because I was doing random tricks, when I fell of grabbed the swing next to me to balance myself, made the person on that swing fall, and we both went down and hit our heads. We were fine though


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I've got a lot of stupid injuries so I'll narrow it down. There was my second grade injury when I ran right into the play ground equipment. Split my head open and had a small fracture of my skull. Have a weird bump there to this day. When I was 11 I nearly amputated my toe with a crushed soda can. The trash bag wouldn't come out of the bin so I used my foot to hold the bin. You could actually pull on my toe and watch it slide off the bone. Fortunately I still have my toe! I broke my tailbone jumping on the couch. As a teen I tried "snowboarding" by standing on a trash can lid down a very steep hill. Went flying and landed on my neck. Nearly broke it, two vertebrae crunched in on each other. Got a bump in my neck there and it still causes a lot of pain. In hindsight, if a crowd of people is egging you on you should probably reconsider what you're doing. Lol.


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I was making Valentine's dinner for my wife - Sole meunière with vegetables. The veggies were supposed to be "balled" and cooked in butter. Everything was going well until I got to the turnip. Turnips are hard. I was using the melon-baller on the thing, slipped and "balled" the palm of my hand just below my index finger. Had to call my wife to take me to the hospital. I still only have partial feeling in my left index finger (all of the nerves were severed), and this was 20 years ago.
In the ER the person checking me in asked how I was injured, and I said melon baller. He was like "What?", and I repeated myself. He said "What?", again, and I said "Knife."


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Having a bloody eye from my cockatiel panic flying away off my shoulder and smacking me with his wing. It was rather embarrassing to explain to the doctor and the optometrist. I felt like someone from a horror movie!


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I tripped headfirst into a metal trash can and broke one of my teeth in half. One half fell out, the other had to be yanked by a dentist.


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I don’t mean I just chipped it, either. It broke straight down the middle. Not my proudest moment.

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