Hey Pandas, What Is The Weirdest Thing You Or Someone You Know Have Ever Eaten Or Drank? (Closed)
Please be honest, I want to know all the crazy answers.
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My dad got us a tin on silkworms from his work trip to Korea. The whole family tried them. I put mine inside a bun thinking it would be easier but ended up biting it in half and the half got stuck on my tongue. I ran outside shaking my head like a dog trying to get it off as i didn't want to touch it.
vomit. We give them to kids to make silk cocoons to show them how silk is made. not to eat. BUT we do have mopani worms which some people eat dried.
Me. Hands down, me. Pine bark? Yep. Crickets and grasshoppers cooked, then rolled in powdered spice? Yep. Grubs? Yep. Raw horseradish, grated onto a cracker? Yes. Sassafras root tea? Yes.
By far, however, I'd say the biggest food risk I ever took was trying a bit of Stinking Bishop cheese while in England. It earns the name!
To this day, I swear that Stinking Bishop cheese smells like a combination of stinky socks and garbage.
This is about something that NO ONE has ever eaten. I grew up in a small town where a vast majority were Polish. I was not, was only about 17, didn't cook, and my mom wasn't fond of pork. I was announcing Bingo, and the prize for that game was Krakus ham. Having never heard of this, and not sure what it was, I announced that the prize was a Kosher ham! The hall went crazy laughing. I didn't understand why for a few years.
My friends and I discovered that you could make a "psychedelic tea" from Gypsum weed. We then made the erroneous decision to make tea from what we decided was Gypsum weed without confirming the fact. We "experienced" something alright, but it was more likely just a case of poisoning than anything else. Dumb kids!
A glass Christmas tree bauble. I picked one off the tree and bit into it as a small child, and have no idea why.
I can still remember the feeling of glass fragments in my mouth, some thirty years later. Do not try this at home!
Not super weird but my brother and I went through a stage where we would drink orange juice mixed with milk.
A work BBQ once served ostrich burgers. They were rather chewy and didn't really taste of much
A century egg (also called "100 year old eggs"...which is the same thing .lol). It's an egg (traditionally duck) that is preserved by wrapping it in a mixture of clay, wood ash, quicklime, and salt. They are left that way for week and even months. The whites become dark brown/black and gelatinous. The yoke turns green and slimy. It is the most vile thing I have ever eaten. The texture is like thick snot and it smells like cat p**s. There are not words to describe the actual experience. I'm getting queasy just writing about it.
I've also tried a variety of insects. I'm fine with the flavor, but I had how their carapaces' get stuck in my teeth.
My sister used to eat ritz crackers with mustard and green olives. I caught her a few times drinking dill pickle juice from the jar of pickles.I was fond of Milk Bone for a year of two.
The weirdest thing would be within my culture.
As a child growing up we were told we had traditional chocolate cake. This got the kids excited come to find that this traditional cake was made/baked from the blood of sheep. Now I don't know how it is made, but it does look like a chocolate cake. Adults would eat this during the time of winter or summer solstice. They prefer to eat it hot other wise if served cold it would be greasy. Along with this would be from the sheep that was butchered would be the eyeballs, some elders consider this a delicacy along with their cherished childhood stories with the food they are eating. Finally would be the ankles/hoofs...? of the sheep. I don't know how this could taste any better than the eyeballs and traditional chocolate cake. I never grew the taste buds to eat these. I love my culture but i stop at the traditional cake, eyeballs and hoofs..
once I ate a rock that was fun
In my wife's culture, after a boy had been circumcised the grandfather is supposed to eat the foreskin, usually put in a banana.
Yipes, nope, nope, nope...!!! No disrespect but just h*ll no...!!!
I had a lollipop with a grasshopper in it just to say that I did. I was 13. It tasted a little like almonds and really bitter. It was disgusting. It was squishy and crunchy and even a bit juicy. I cannot un-feel or un-taste that monstrosity.
1. A woodchip
2. pine sap
3. pine leaves
4. random leaves off trees
Visited The World of Coca-Cola in Atlanta. They have a tasting room where you can try different Coca-Cola products from all around the world. There was one drink, the Beverly, from Italy, that people were tasting that caused them to make horrible faces.
I thought "I don't want to drink that", and went on to taste others. Curiosity got the better of me and I went back and tried it. It was....HORRENDOUS. At the time I thought "This is what death must taste like."
Worst tasting thing I have ever consumed.
If you go on Youtube and search for Coca-Cola and Beverly, you can see people's reactions to tasting it and that will give you only a hint of how horrible it tastes.
One of my cousins is in Atlanta and we went visiting one summer. Most of us opted to go white water rafting, while the "older" people, except my mother who came with us, went to the WoCC and when we regrouped they were talking about tasting that stuff. TIL what it was - they couldn't remember.
When I was 3 or 4 I loved to make mud pies … with roly-poly bug & ants in them. Yes I ate them. The ants were spicy!
dog, I am genuinely disgusted by them eating dogs it is cruel. dogs are friends not food remember that folks .
A few years ago when visiting countryside pubs in Germany I noticed people drinking something cloudy and asked what it was. Beer and Coke. Yes, it tasted exactly like you would expect, but for some reason was really popular among a certain age group at the time.
1. A girl I knew near the end of primary school just full on picked up a stick one day (a little bigger than a normal piece of cutlery) and straight up ate it. The whole thing. She remains one of the smartest people I know, so no idea what went on there.
2. A boy I used to know ate those thunder bugs that land on yellow things in summer by the pound until we we like 10.
My weirdest eats: Rabbit stew. Alligator. Kangaroo. Beef tongue and brains. Goat. Sea Urchin. Notebook paper. Glue. Gladiolus flowers. Homemade Mayonnaise. Pickle Juice Whiskey.
My dad used to eat beef tongue and calf's brains. He always tried to get my mom to taste the tongue, but she said she wouldn't eat anything that came out of an animal's mouth. So he suggested that she eat a fried egg!
well when i was younger, i especially enjoyed the combination of paper towels and ketchup. i also ate random flowers i found, and on one occasion, fake pine tree needles.
There was a boy in my biology class in High School (1973ish) who ate one of the formaldehyded worm that we were supposed to be dissecting.
The weirdest thing I've eaten is both vegetarian and regular haggis...both pretty good.
as a very demented child i ate blu-tack around like a fist worth, my dog's fur, dirt, mud, sand and wait for it glass!
Don't tell me I'm the only one pandas
My brother has tried a few insects. Chocolate covered crickets are the ones I remember at the moment but I know there are a couple of others.
Kangoroo in an "australian" steak house. It was ok but not something I would order again.
I've eaten insects before but that's about how weird as I go.
But when i was younger, i would mix fanta, sprite, cola and lemonade together and drink that; my brother did ( and still does) the same thing tho so i don't know if everyone does that or i just conditionned him tho.
No insect eating here, but that drink is what my sister and I used to call a suicide lol we would mix every soda on the fountain in our cups, good times lol
I have eaten a cows brain no joke as a hamburger
I instantly thought of my very stoned friend who was eating french fries with one hand and nutella with the other one and she seemed SO happy at this point!
I also remember one weird request from a drunk Aussie from when I was working in a pub - a pint of beer with a shot of tomato juice in it...
I have a friend who will eat anything and everything if you ask them to. They will also eat it if you tell them not to. I watched them eat a Starburst covered in dirt off of the ground. Their favorite story to tell is the one time they licked fiberglass.
Went over to a friend's house once and she was unironically snacking on a pair of "gummy underwear".
Me and my Bff would make each other the grossest concoctions we could make from the food we had in the kitchen and dare each other to drink them.
I think for one I mixed mint jelly, BBQ sauce, HP sauce, mustard, strawberry jam, relish, mayo, Pepsi or orange juice, vinegar and soya sauce.
I think that might've been a good hang over cure. Not a good drink.
Boiled frogs anyone? Backstory: My late grandpa used to cook boiled frogs with porridge/rice gruel. Apparently it was a wartime staple because of meat shortage (gramps was a very young boy back then).
The taste, you might ask? Slimy and neutral. Think poached chicken with no salt but covered in a thin layer of slimy water (could be the gruel sticking, no idea) and it was abso-frickin-lutely chewy and given the frogs were the smaller ones, more bones and cartilage than meat anyway.
Never again, I told myself XD
I've also been working through my aunt's old cookbooks from the 1970s and 1980s. I made a cottage cheese and fruit cocktail pie that is the perfect dessert for anyone you despise.
In my fiancé's country, I ate whole, roasted guinea pig. Its meat was tender, sweet, very tasty! No, I did not suck out the brain like Andrew Zimmern (Bizarre Foods: Ecuador episode). My only gripe is that it was a lot of work to get the meat of the tiny, little bones.
In my home state of Indiana, USA, I've had frog legs (that's truly not too odd), and rocky mountain oysters (also not too odd).
In Mexico, I've eaten basket tacos made out of brains, and bone marrow. I had blood tacos (called relleno), grasshoppers, and small freshwater crustaceans called alcociles. All of that was pretty tasty except the grasshoppers. They just don't have good flavor, IMHO.
In Colombia, I had hormigas culonas, which I had also eaten in Mexico (under a different name).
I'm Alaskan native so my mom's family ate muktuk, or raw whale skin/blubber. I can't eat seafood now.
Lamb brains that my MIL made. Cuz I love my partner and wanted to impress her family.
Oh, also alligator.
mmm yesss i ate alligator once, it was pretty good. tasted like pork chop to me
As a baby, lint.
Tell me I’m not the only one, pandas.
That disgusting brew called Kölsch! That thing is supposed to be beer, from Köln, Germany.
When we were kids my youngest brother would eat sandwiches of golden syrup, strawberry jam, and
fishpaste, all mixed up. I have no idea why I have a much lower word limit than everyone else. A former colleague used to eat Nutella spread on salami. The weirdest I've eaten is fried sheep testicles.
I once did a challenge with friends where we had to fit one of those jelly babies into a cheezel, dip it in tomato sauce and sprinkles and eat it. I was the only one who didn't get sick and kept repeating it unironically
My daughter was exercising , and took a long, distracted drink out of a glass that she thought contained her water. It contained water, alright, and dissolved gelatin capsules that once contained the sponge dinosaurs now freed and on the bottom of the glass.(reference:Magic Grow Dinosaurs)
once when i was at camp i was bored and wanted to prank the people at my table. So i stood up grabbed a banana and sat down i picked up the salt shaker and casually put it on the banana and took a bite as casually as i could and watched all of the others at my table confused looks. So worth it
My stepdad likes to let angel food cake get stale and then eat it.
Mopani worms. Disgusting. Powerdered something, chewy, followed by a retch when you think about it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gonimbrasia_belina#:~:text=Dried%20mopane%20worms%20can%20be,served%20with%20pap%20or%20sadza.
Roadkill. It was -20 degrees F, and a pheasant lay dead in our yard after being hit by a car. We brought it in, cleaned it, cooked it, and ate it. Did not taste like chicken.
gas station sushi. 'nuff said.
I eat the spikes of Christmas trees when I get the chance. A few times, I've also eaten grass, but didn't really enjoy it.
i think this one is pretty normal but when i was a kid i would eat heaps of paper i also used to put highlighter ink on it to "flavour it"
god i should be dead
Whale. The meat was blackish and smelled like sea water and it tasted gritty and kinda minerally. It wasn't horrible, but I wont willingly eat it again..
My sister and her friend were playing outside, so I went to check on them, and found them eating the leaves off of a tree! I told them to stop, to which my sister replied, "But it's a lemon tree!" I asked her how she knew that, and she said her friend told her. I asked her friend, and he said, "It looks like a lemon tree." I told them to stop eating the leaves. (Luckily they were both fine)
Let's see - I've eaten a geode, a highlighter, paper, artificial sand, tinfoil...
Enough said, I should probably be dead right now.
A rock, various leaves, part of a pinecone, pine needle, strawberries on pizza,
Someone else I know (relative) has eaten deep fried tarantula in Cambodia. Also vomit worthy. She says it's basically like oily polystyrene.
1. paper
2. grass
3. alligator (delicious btw)
4. a hazelnut creamer that i just straight up sucked out of the little container... it tasted amazing
5. my own skin by accident (had a hangnail and kept fidgeting with it)
my friend also ate crumpled notebook paper and a pencil eraser
Kool-Aid dill pickles come to mind: You dissolve a couple of Kool-Aid (flavored beverage powder) packets and sugar into a gallon jar of dill pickles and brine and let them soak until they absorb the color and flavor of the Kool-Aid. A blue raspberry pickle was the best. You could also put a peppermint stick in the center as a handle.
Once licked one of those air freshener plug-ins. I was about 4 and it burned my tongue. 0/10 would not reccomend.
In China, pork brains, snout, and face, chicken and duck intestine and liver, rabbit skull, snail, squid on a stick, gelatinous duck blood, rabbit & rat casserole, ants floating in chicken soup (flavorless), whole frog, sea sponge, starfish.
In America - goat tacos, gator steak, and fried testes from bulls, hogs, and sheep. (There are test icle festivals with beer and country music in the US)
Fried penguin's egg. By accident, a bumble bee. Springbok, gembok, crocodile, kangaroo, kudu, eland, ostrich, whale, foie gras, frogs legs... I am a firm believer in "don't knock it 'til you've tried it."
When my brother was small ,he once insisted to eat daal(curry)with tomato sauce.Wierd enough he actually ate it.
when i was around 9 i out pickles, peppermints, pee ( yes my pee) in an Icee still don't know why i did it. it was disgusting if anybody was wondering
Acorns, beechnuts, unripe walnuts
> roasted/baked as as a snack
> as a flour-substitude
> as a substitude for hazelnuts in cake/bisquits
!Acorns contain hydrocyanic acid, so they need to be peeled & watered (until the water stays clear), before they can be processed furtherly!
> roasted as a snack
> as a substitude for hazelnuts in cake/bisquits
> dried, grounded and brewed as 'coffee'-substitude
(provided by my great-grandma, since coffee was to expensive and there where enough beeches around her home. ... The 'coffee' has been horrible.)
Unripe walnuts:
> processed as 'june-nuts'/'black-nuts'
They taste really sweet, but they look weird (as If they are spoiled).
For those interested, here's a receipe (German)
Four Roses Blended Whiskey. Not that unusual except that the amount exceeded my (17 year old at the time) limit and I was forced to hang on to a blade of grass to keep from falling off the earth while throughly emptying my stomach.
I have a few which may concern people. 1st one is hot dogs with relish and mayonnaise. 2nd one is apples and mayonnaise. 3rd is gummy bears and cookie dough with vanilla ice cream. try them all they are all delicious
when i was in middle school (9th grade equivalent) in a field trip, some boys got their hands on "dishwasher soap" flavoured fanta, proceeded to drink the whole bottle, claim it does indeed have the exact same taste as dishwasher soap, and went on their way. I checked and that fanta predictably doesn't exist. I wonder how they're doing now.
when i was in middle school (9th grade equivalent) in a field trip, some boys got their hands on "dishwasher soap" flavoured fanta, proceeded to drink the whole bottle, claim it does indeed have the exact same taste as dishwasher soap, and went on their way. I checked and that fanta predictably doesn't exist. I wonder how they're doing now.