

I don't remember anything of me. But my mom tells me this story: when my sister had 1 month old or something (it could be more up to 4 months or maybe a year) We as a family were eating in a chinese restaurant. Randomly my sister began talking to another baby. A chinese baby the same age my sister. All restaurant remain in silence while 2 babies were talking. Then, at same time began to laugh.



    I wasn't exactly a baby, but closer to 3-5. I apparently just learned how to use the bathroom by myself, and my mom had some kind of meeting going on in the living room, so I brought my plastic potty to the living room and took a s**t in front of everyone.


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    High Priest
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I guess the meeting was awesome 👌😎 you didn't want to miss it

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    That would probably have to be a tie between two different things (I was one year or less, I think, for both).
    One was the fact that I whistled. Tunelessly, but I whistled. People never believed my mom when she told them I was the one whistling.
    The second would be the time that some woman leaned over my stroller/carriage to look at me. I guess I thought she was too close, and I roared/snarled at her. The woman was shocked, but my mom just said, 'oh, well, she's a Leo'.



    I didn’t crawl when I was a baby. I scooted on my butt. My mom says it looked like I was flying.


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    Amber Medina
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My niece did this! Turns out my sister in law (her mom) did as well

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    The strangest thing I did (and still do) and apparently it's hereditary. I rock in my sleep. Like on my side, side to side. Supposedly I broke a crib or two when I was small doing this. I still do it to this day. My fiance has figured out very quickly that all he has to do is touch me and I'll stop. As I get older I think it has to do with stress, maybe self soothing as a child (long story) I heard my father also does this and broke cribs when he was a child as well. It was really embarrassing when I was dating because every serious relationship I'd have to warn them about it. I still sometimes have issues with it if I'm at a friends house and they're like just crash in my bed with me I don't care, and I'm like....ummmm. I am not sure why I'm embarrassed about it, it's stupid. But it is what it is


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    Donna Douglas
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I rock, also! Apparently I was not attended to as an infant/toddler, so I would rock myself as a self-soothing behavior. Started doing it again after some traumatic life experiences at the age of 55! I liked the feeling, so I still do it 7 years later when I can't relax. (Laying down in fetal position and gently rocking--no broken cribs!)

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    When I was four years old, I taught myself to tie my shoes, in one nap time.

    Backstory: I have sensory issues that my mother took as being deliberately difficult (this was in the '60s). I had very sensitive feet and hated having my socks crumpled or tight on my toes. Mom would cram on my shoes, I would complain and Mom would get upset.

    One day, when she put me in bed for a nap, I demanded to have my shoes with me. She left and I figured out how to tie the laces, because I remembered how she did it. From then on, I wouldn't let anyone else put my shoes on.



    I wasn't an infant but a toddler, in a park a dog a bit me so I ran after it and bit it back.



    Back in the early 70s when I was a toddler, my mom noticed that whenever I got mad or frustrated, I would cry until I turned blue and then I would just crumple to the floor. Of course she was horrified and thought I had some kind of brain issue so she took me to all kinds of doctors and specialists to try and figure out what was wrong. Finally, one doctor told my mom "There's nothing wrong with your child, she's holding her breath until she passes out." My mom asked "Why on earth would she do that?" the doctor replied "She's just stubborn." Apparently it's just a phase some toddlers go through when they get frustrated that they can't adequately express their feelings.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    One of my nieces did the same! When she got a bit older and was able to understand others, it lessened because she could understand her parents when they told her "don't forget to breath!"


    Weird and dangerous: my mom caught me sticking a black metal hair clip (those that are really thin) into a wall socket.


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    Oh, it’s a toss up. My older sibling was almost 3, and very precocious, by time I started learning my first words. Did I start with mama? Dada? Noooooope - “Oh sh*t, [sib name]”.

    Or there was the time said bro scaled a fireplace to get to a stick that my dad had used to light something. It still had an ember, and dad had put it way up in a safe place to prevent child and fire. Did not work for child. Said child then carried the stick in to bedroom to get me out of my crib, setting it down on a crib bumper that immediately caught fire. Mom ran in freaking out, only to find me on the floor and and giggling - “See pwetty?”


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    Katie Fink
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh boy. Your poor poor parents. Sleeping with one eye open, I'm sure!

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    My sister and I enjoyed rolling around in the curtains. For some reason.



    i didnt crawl with my knees bent, i crawled with them straightened. like that yoga pose. i learned how to crawl from our dogs i guess


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    Apparently, as a very young baby, my Mom left me for a couple of minutes safely in a space with baby fencing around me, in our living room. When she returned, she discovered I had reached into my dirty diaper and created a village of little poop people.


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    Vernice Aure
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I count my lucky stars that none of my 3 kids were scatologically artistic.


    Between ages 2 and 4, I would just walk up to adults at random, put a pinky in the air, and wiggle it saying, “I know”. No one in my family knows where it came from and everyone thought it was super eerie because there was no telling when it was going to happen and some people would get pretty freaked out.



    My mom said that as a baby I didn’t crawl forward at first, I crawled backwards. And to go forward I would be in a sitting position and wiggle my legs and hop my rear up and down. Unfortunately this was over 45 years ago and video cameras weren’t cheap so there isn’t video evidence of it. I would have loved to have seen it.


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    Apparently I was a slippery toddler with sleeping problems. Slippery because I constantly climbed and fell out of my crib, or I got stuck myself stuck between the bars... My dad removed a bar so that could 'escape' but at least I wouldn't hurt myself falling down or getting stuck. The solution to my sleeping problems was to put me in a hammock: I fell out every night but I slept through, so they put several mattresses under the hammock :P



    I used to eat clay out of the wall of my native house constructed with mud...



    Apparently when I was an infant I liked to sleep with my head hanging backwards off of things. Edge of pillow, side of couch, anywhere they put me I would wiggle until I found something I could hang my head off of. One day my great grandma got really mad at my dad for not holding me right and he said "She likes it! Watch!" And he scooted me down into a normal baby hold only for me to promptly scoot and wiggle until I could hang my head off his elbow! To my knowledge I have no permanent neck damage...


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    Vernice Aure
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My newborn son would sleep like that. I think that he was positioned in utero like that.


    Hid from god if I ever lied or broke something.



    I escaped death 3 times. Twice by stopping breathing and had to be resuscitated and the third time i swallowed a 9 inch screw that somehow passed right through me. My mother only realised that I had swallowed it when she found it in my nappy.



    every time my grandpa held me, i would stare deeply in his eyes- as if i was some kinda demon


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    Yo de recién nacida dormía en la cama con mis padres, mi madre me acostaba en sus brazos y hacia un muro de almohadas, para que mi papá no me aplastará, a la mañana siguiente siempre amanecía pegada a las costillas de mi padre, detrás del fuerte de almohadas.


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    Ruby Davis
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It says, “ As a newborn I slept in bed with my parents, my mother would lie in her arms and towards a wall of pillows, so that my father would not crush me, the next morning I always woke up glued to my father's ribs, behind the pillow box.”

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    stare at the ceiling fan. for hours. just laying on a blanket.



    I started walking. Everyone got excited. Scared me sat down. Didn't walk again for two years.



    Apparently I liked to climb things and go high, I climbed up our Christmas tree before I turned one and scared my parents half to death. Ironic since I’m afraid of heights as an adult. And I also couldn’t walk until I was like 3-4 without taking of my socks and holding them in each hand. If someone took a sock from me I would immediately fall over.


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    I once punched one of my mom's best friends straight in the eye when I was like 2 years old. Nobody knows why I did that.

    She had a black eye for like a month.



    I was just all around strange. If it would get too quiet i would scream until someone payed attention to me.

    The second word i ever spoke was Spanish- and i grew up in a completely Emglish environment. Actually is was ‘ ayúdame ‘ It means ‘Help me’… i was in a highchair..

    At two i also fell off a toilet and busted my lip so my mom and i have matching lip scars. ^^



    When I was teething, I started to cry one time, and my dad gave me an onion. Why, I don't know, but he said I was just happy gnawing on a raw onion.


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    Don't Look
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My dad must have been holding a slice of lemon.... because he says I was suddenly holding it and I placed it in my mouth and he cringed as I bit down waiting for the inevitable scream.... that never came. I just sort of ate a lemon (lets say I was less than 3).


    i used to speak with a Northern accent, never been up north and im from the midlands


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    Vernice Aure
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    When my niece was 3, she spoke with a well defined southern (US) accent. Born and raised in Northern Minnesota.


    When I was a baby I held my breath until I passed out when I was frustrated. But stranger still, I saw monkeys in my window, at least this is how I described them. I know there were three of them and they would sometimes just stare at me. It was terrifying. Obviously it had to be my imagination since I lived in Los Angeles at the time.



    Not exactly a baby, but as a toddler I was pretending to be a cow. I sat in the front yard eating grass, I accidentally ate a grasshopper and started to cry because I felt bad.



    According to my folks I would removed my soiled diapers at daycare, march them over to the nearest teach and “demand” to be changed.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Lol. My sib used to throw theirs in the floor as soon as they got up.

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    I didn't crawl. At all. As I result I have an incredibly weak core and have physio therapy. Plus I find running harder and more tiring then other people. Thanks past self. -_-


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    Mom found me trying to grab her adult books but holding my arm in a manner of which it looked like I was possessed


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    Look terrified all the time 😅 i still do tbh


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    Hid my moms Blackberry (old phone) in the spokes of her bike when I was a baby hehe took two months to find


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    Telmo Belo
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Now I have 3 apps on my phone that can help me find it one way or another.

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    as a baby, I never crawled. I went from scooting on my stomach to walking. which may or may not have ruined my ability to bend my wrists.


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    When I was about one year old, my mom caught me eating roly poly bugs. Grosses me out to this day.



    I was maybe 3 or 4 when I wanted to grow up and be spiderman so I practiced by climbing up the



    When I was around 2, I stuck cheerios up my nose, A LOT of them, my mom thought I was safe in my highchair with a snack and walked out of the room for a minute.

    Also as a toddler, I tried running a motorized toy truck through my hair, obviously that didn’t work out too well!

    Also as a toddler, I wanted to be a Monchhichi when I grew up lol.


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    Kristy P
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    HAHA! Love the part about wanting to be a Monchichi!! Loved those guys.

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    I was a weird baby. I could climb at a very young age, and I climbed on top of the fridge once. I also loved eating butter. I ate a whole stick of butter once and my mom caught me, sitting on the table, happily shoving butter into my mouth. Another thing was, I hated binkies. I remember once, my brother had pacifiers. I thought they were way cooler then binkies. So I stole his pacifier out of his mouth, put it in my mouth, then decided that pacifiers are just as bad as binkies.



    I would point at random things and say, "shuts" while shivering


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    I walked at 6 months.


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    According to my mom when I was 2 my family went on vacation to Las Vegas or San deigo (she doesn't remember ) we wereally walking around when I picked a rock and threw it at a poor homeless dude and my dad had to apologize 😅 (No one was harmed by 2 year old me)

    The youngest person on earth changes every second

    The youngest person on earth changes every second.


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    This is technically happened when I was a toddler, but once by mom caught me eating the cat poop out of the litter box. Apparently I’d been doing it for like half an hour, and cried when she made me stop. I thought it was a special chocolate.


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    When I was a little baby I would crawl around on the bed of my great grandmother. She was bedridden and lived with my grandparents. On the bed was how I visited her and she would play with me. She passed away, and my parents took me and my four siblings to the wake. My mother was holding me, apparently not very securely because when we got up to the casket I saw great grandma lying down as usual. I let out a squeal and wriggled out of my mothers arms and dove into the casket to play with her. It wasn’t a pretty sight. My mother got me out of there and great grandma was fine. She never took me up there again.


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    Ate grass, dirt and anything that came into my chubby little fingers. I was maybe 2-3 and I would just do it cuz I thought it tasted good, I guess? It was weird. I also ate tree bark and chalk. I was a weird kid.


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    Šárka Glasslová
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I ate chalk and paper... I once found the full newspaper in the woods in pre-kindergarten and ate most of it before the adults stopped me.

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    I didn't talk until the age of 3. My parents thought that ia was shy or something. My guess is that I didn't have anything important to say


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    It wasn’t so much weird as it was sad. As soon as I could lift my head I’d bang it purposefully on the ground crying. I had a traumatic birth and my spin got twisted but no one knew and I couldn’t talk so I kept just banging my head. It wasn’t till I was 5 did I start seeing a chiropractor and I’ve been seeing one ever since.


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    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sorry to hear that, hope you're not in any long term pain as a result

    See Also on Bored Panda

    When I was little, I thought mushrooms were a kind of meat



    Not me but my sister did a chin up on the table when she said her first word


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    I am told I constantly got into my diaper at night and smeared poop on the walls... 💩🤣


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    I ran away at 2 years old. The post man brought me home.


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    Šárka Glasslová
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My sis did the same. She was nearly 2 and she ran away with same aged boy... whole town was searching the area, because there was a deep forest and some small lakes nearby... Sis and her friend were found totally happy, they just wanted to go somewhere and could not talk enough to ask an adult

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Put ham and cheese on my head, theres a picture to prove it-


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    When my parents would sing the song " Swanee River" (Old Folks At Home), I cried. Every time.


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    I used to eat the cat's dry food and drink out of her bowl, lapping it like a cat.


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    When I was born I came out sucking on my index and middle finger on my right hand. According to everyone I didn't suck my thumb I sucked on those two fingers, though I did switch it up to either hand it wasn't just my right.

    I was also told I liked to bite stuff. When I was teething I teethed on anything I could. I have the coffee table that I chewed on a lot when I was a kid. Grandpa said after my teeth came in I was still biting everything so he sanded out the teeth marks. Apparently even gnawed on the blinds. I remember Mom finding bite marks on the blinds at my grandparents place. None of us would admit to doing it so she got us to bite something, I don't remember what it was, but she compared all of our bite imprints to it and I was the culprit. I kept telling her I didn't do it and she sent me to the spare room there. When my grandparents got home and Mom apologized they both started laughing telling her I did that a year or two before when I had gotten my teeth in.


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    I went missing at home when I was about 4-5. My parents looked everywhere. After quite a while they say they heard strange noises coming from the pantry. When they opened the door they found me with a roll of black pudding in one hand and my other hand stuck in a pickled onion jar, wrapped around the biggest pickle in there. Apparently, the had to promise me the pickle if I let go and let then get my hand out of the jar. I still love pickled onions.


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    Taste beer. My father was making his own and when I learned to walk I will put my hand in the would-be beer and taste it. According to my parents, I like it.


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    my mom said the strangest thing i did was constantly talk to corners or under furniture


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    When I was mad, I would get a red V in the middle of my forehead. My name starts with V , but everyone said it was for eVil


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have that too. Its a stork bite..and usually comes out when I am tired or hungry as well.


    I loved playing with kitchen utensils as a baby/toddler so my mom made one drawer in the kitchen just for me and “safe” things to play with. One time I snuck and got my moms meat tenderizer off the counter and was in the floor playing with it and smashed my finger. Mom said she heard me cry and asked what was wrong and I replied, “I smashed my finger with this damn-er hammer” She thinks I was attempting to say “this damn hammer” but I couldn’t talk well yet. Apparently well enough to cuss though!


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh and to this day nearly 40 years later we still refer to it as a damner hammer :)


    My mom always mentioned that when I was crying hard that my mouth would make a square shape and I'd be red-faced but my lips and right around them would be white. My mom was not much of a 'photo person' so no proof. I have no idea if I still do it, I'll have to ask my husband.


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    As a baby I probably did lots of weird things but I always had my own baby talk for penguin. I barely ever babbled expect if I wanted a penguin.


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    I sucked my thumb, twirled my hair with the other hand & stared blankly into space.



    I wouldn't eat until my parents promised to marry me to a famous movie actor of that time 😂



    When I was like 4,as long as I had my pillow,i could sleep anywhere.


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    At hardly a year old, I climbed out of my crib, waddled to the living room hours after being put to bed and proceeded to dance to Bayside Boys' Macarena in front of my stunned parents (side note - I kicked @$$ at dancing as a kid)


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    Weirdest thing I used to do while crawling was picking up hair from the carpet and eat it. whyy



    Was around 2 or so. A friend of mine and me ate a tub of butter (Kærgaarden). Also at around 2 or 3, I drank shampoo. Only did both things once! Haha



    Also.. around 2-3.. my dad would come to me, take off his socks and ask “hey. Do these smell?”
    I would take a huge whiff and say “yeah! Yuck!”
    He laughed and laughed. I did that more than once, for some reason. I was gullible and thought “maybe he can’t smell it and needs me to check for him?”


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    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Ah yes, good ole dad jokes. That or break wind and ask if anyone else smells popcorn.

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    Helped paint a shed while naked (w is like 5)



    When I was around 2, I stuffed styrofoam from mattress padding up my nose. Mom couldn't figure out why I stunk so bad. People would say oh how pretty and the back up snarling from the smell. After a few weeks of trying everything, Mon took me to the doctor. The styrofoam had rotted in my nose. Guess that's why I have such bad sinuses now.



    I didn’t like formula, milk or teats on bottles (mum couldn’t breastfeed). She had to put Nesquik in my formula and feed me from a sippy cup. I still hate milk...


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    My non says when I was a baby and was changing my diaper, I would reach down to grab my poop and eat it like chocolate.



    I used to love to have pictures taken of me when I was little. My little sister was the opposite. Our mom was trying to film my sister’s first steps. My sister kept trying to walk out of the frame, so I took this as my opportunity to steal the show. I walk in front of the camera and start wiggling around saying “IM cRAZY DaNcIng”

    Another time my mom asked me what I wanted for lunch and I said: cookie? She said, no we don’t have any cookies, I responded with: cookie? This went on for another 5 minutes

    I also once fell asleep while eating soup



    When i was little, if i got annoyed enough i would start bawling my eyes out and then pass out from lack of air. i cried so much i couldnt breathe. bruh

    also when i first slept on a "big girl bed" (no sides/walls) i fell asleep standing up, but with my head on the bed... wot


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    I stuck my head through the stair banisters things and got stuck for 10 minutes


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    This one is not of me, but my youngest sister. I am the oldest of 4 sisters. Gabby, the second oldest child has a hard name to pronounce for babies so my youngest sister would call her Bobby. Gabby HATED this and would say to her “No, it’s Gabby. Say guh, guh, Gabby.” And she would say “guh, guh... Bobby!!!”


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    Ate dry dog food while hanging out with the dog in the kitchen.

    Also couldn’t keep my legs inside the pram, had to have them hanging over the edge, legs akimbo… very ladylike.


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    I was told that I started speaking in complete sentences when I was 9 months old.


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