I think the title is pretty clear.


I have a two-inch-long scar on my stomach. Got it from climbing a pine tree when I was five. I was about twelve feet up, tripped, fell, tore part of my flesh open. I WEAR IT WITH PRIDE. DON'T MESS WITH PINE TREE GIRL.



    My bellybutton. Those things are weird. Got it when they cut the umbilical cord.


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    Deutschland Mädchen
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Same here! It's on the lower part of my torso. They say that I used to eat with it.

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    It's not really weird, but I have a scar down my whole back and a few next to it from my spine surgery (scoliosis.)
    I didn't put any creams on it or try to minimize it, because it reminds me of the hell I had to go through, all that pain, and experience.


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    Deutschland Mädchen
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm glad that you made it through all of that and are (hopefully) doing better now

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    I have a long, pale scar on my arm that's from when I rescued a momma cat and her two kittens that an a**e dropped in the middle of my grandmother's woods. Long story short, as I was leading them out of the forest with a bag of cat food, I tripped and tore a gigantic cut in my upper arm. Momma cat and her kittens are safe now; I actually adopted one of the kits.



    Burn scars on my back arms and right shoulder from the last time my father burnt me scalpel scar on my inner right thigh weird scars on my legs from getting them scrubbed, hard, scars that do not tan and stay pale when the rest of my skin tans I've noticed but I don't leave my scars out in the open now that's for the visible scars..



    I have a scar from my lip to my nose because I was born with a cleft lip.
    I also have a "Harry Potter scar" on my forehead from playing catch and hitting my head on a door knob.
    I have, like, 10 scars on my body, so I have tons of stories to tell.


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    Lady of the Mountains
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have ...58? I think at last count.....anyway not nearly as many as 10 stories, just have some kind ocd about scabs and can't leave them alone

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    Scar on each eyeball from surgery as a child!



    i have a scar from cutting a bread bun in half...
    i missed



    I have a scar on my chin (hidden under my beard now) from getting hit in the face with a spinning trolling motor on a boat.

    I was laying on the front of the boat leaning over to unhook it and I leaned on the pedal for the motor. The motor was out of the water, spun up, and smacked me in the chin. Had to think for a bit to realize what punched me in the face.



    I have one on my left thigh, in the shape of a Y. It's from my cat who decided I am a perfect launching pad to go onto the freezer



    I have a scar below my lower lip from my teeth cutting all the way through my face after getting hit by a car at the age of 2 and I was 11 when lost the adult teeth behind that scar due to the bone being damage from that injury. I am 59 now and the scar is still visible.



    My dog accidentally bit me (got in a fight with another dog - out of reflex, even though I knew better,I went in between to break up the fight)
    The scar left on my arm is the precise shape of a hearth- people think I got this done by a professional ;-)


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    Angie Scanes
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    a hearth? as in, like, a fireplace? lmao - that's got to mean heart? Bit more easily recognisable!

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    I have a scar right above my nose. When I was about ten, the neighbor kid, 5, threw a ball and hit my glasses bridge. They broke.



    I have a tiny scar in my pointer finger because when I was little I was camping and my stuffed horse (that I still have) almost fell in the fire. I screamed "LUCKYY" and dove after him. My dad was with me and stopped me from grabbing the horse and he graphed it himself. Lucky has 2 holes that are very small on his neck from were he got burnt. I have a scar. 😂



    I have a scar on my arm from a rope burn i got and it looks like fish scles



    I have a divot in my heel from where I accidentally stepped on my razor in the shower and it took off a good chunk of foot meat. A lot grew back but it didn't entirely.



    Mine is on my left index finger. It was after a Super Bowl so I wasn't exactly sober. For some unknown reason I decided to cut off the little things that were the back of my kitty litter scooper. To this day not sure why I thought that would be an improvement. Used a Ginsu knife, and it slipped. I didn't think of getting medical attention until waking up the next day and it was still bleeding a bit. Too late for stiches, so a butterfly bandage and now a scar.

    The scars that mean the most are from my cancer surgery 5 and a half years ago.



    I have a peace-sign scar on my forehead from falling down a 40 ft cliff and landing on my head. I was 14. I should have died or been hideously disfigured .. so lucky!!



    I have scars both on my skull and my belly from surgeries (hydrocephalus). The only visible ones are on my belly. If I wear a bikini, sometimes people ask why I have scars.When I reply they are from brain surgeries they always look at me strangely!



    On my chin. I split my chin when I was 5. On a CHILD-SAFE PLAYGROUND. Like seriously, it was built so there was no way you could possibly get an injury on it. I always find a way.



    I have a perfect triangle brand on my lower arm. I accidentally leaned it on the very not engine of a lawn mower. It hurt… bad… for a split second and then………..NOTHING!!! Third degree burn with perfect defined edges about 1mm deep. Burned the nerve endings to a crisp so after a half a second I didn’t feel a thing. It’s doesn’t tan obviously but what’s really nifty is it doesn’t bruise!! I had a massive bruise in that area and my perfect triangle what white in a sea of purple. Very cool!!



    3" X 2" scar on my elbow and a matching 2" X 2" on my knee (left side on both). Wiped out on a dirt bike with landed on me and dragged me down a gravel road. Street tires are crap on fresh gravel. I never made it to work that day.

    Right palm and wrist have several small and long scars in a circular pattern. A cat at the Humane Society had a major issue with other cats and was stupidly placed in the 'big room' on my day off. Our big room had cages that faced in along three walls while the small room had one row so cats could not see each other. I opened his (Merlin was his name, a lynx pointed cutie) latched on to my hand and jumped down while gripping me. Boss asked if I thought he should be put down. I'm glad to say that lil man was adopted :)

    Many many more.


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    I have more random scars than I can count, but my top 3 would be: #1. matching 1" barbell shaped lines on top of my forearms from allowing myself to be "practice" for surface piercings while in college...(2005ish) #2. A mangled 1" diameter scar on my knee after being kicked by a horse and then dragged thru gravel a few years ago. #3. Tie! Two separate Starbucks scars from back when I worked there after college (2008ish)- first is a straight 1" line across my knee from a box cutter cutting thru the cardboard, my pants and of course, me! And second is a 1/2" scar between my knuckles on my left hand when I stupidly punched a metal shelf instead of the large bag of beans next to it, after a particularly disrespectful customer. Don't get angry and try to punch things with your non-dominant hand if you're not a boxer 😂



    I have a very, very small one on my thumb that's shaped like a lightning bolt. No idea where I got it. I also have one on the back of each hand that's in the *exact center* of my wrist.



    I was born for this thread- One time I sat on a seat on one of those drop rides but idk if I was just blind or stupid but it had caution tape over it and idk why I didn’t see it, but it wasn’t until the ride ended that I realized my leg was bleeding. I went to a port-o-potty to try and see how bad it was but it was dark so I never saw the damage. I just know I’ve still got a puncture scar over the back of my thigh. And then last year I found out I was allergic to paint and it left my skin covered in these circle looking scars, so my thighs and upper forearms are covered in polka dots lol.


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    I have a very small scar on the bridge of my nose, apparently, as a kid, I was bit by a dog but I don't remember any of it.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I was in a similar situation! I have 2 going down the bridge of my nose, one in the dead center of my forehead and one at the top right corner!


    I have some. Maybe the weirdest is one on my left hand where a kid bit me when I was four. Still see in the flesh between thumb and hand upper and lower teeth marks of a 4 year old.

    A good one I got 4 months ago stepping on shoelace loop at top of stairs carrying 100 lbs of salt. Shattered left elbow and a 12 inch scar to replace elbow joint and install a metal plate.



    i have one on my earlobe from a cat when i was like 6. i can't see, but my mom can, and it always throws her off because it goes right through my ear piercing. (i actually got my ears pierced around two years after this happened.) i also have two on my elbow from a bouncy house.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    correction: i cant see the scar. i left out a word. though i am farsighted, with pretty bad eyesight, i can, in fact, see.

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    I have a burn scar on my arm from when my hubby was straightening my hair with a clothes iron. He proposed to me a few hours later at a romantic dinner we had planned.


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    A small triangle on my right palm. I got it from practicing coreography for a show. When the part came where you drop and catch your self with your hands, I did. I instantly recoiled, I felt like I got an electric shock! Turns out there was some very small shards of broken glass on the ground. The scar is mostly only visible if I point it out, as it is quite pale.


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    I have a scar in the exact shape of a T on my wedding ring finger. Was trying to cut an apple with some new knives, ended up chopping the corner of my finger off. They sewed it back on and you can't really tell unless i point it our because it's sorta on the side of my finger.



    I was six, flying a kite, and the string wrapped around my ankle . I still have it.



    A talon slash scar on my wrist from extracting a five foot long pet iguana from some curtains he decided to climb.



    I have a 1 1/2” scar from when I was four on my right hand at the bottom of my pinkie room getting my hand stuck in a running treadmill. I had to friends over and apparently we thought it would be a good idea for all of us to use the treadmill at the same time. My mom probably thought we
    meant that we were going to take turns. One of my friends had the key you wear that stop the treadmill if you fall so when I feel it didn’t stop.



    Warning: includes self harm

    I have a pretty nasty scar on my neck that looks like a vampire bite from me burning myself with metal and a lighter.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Lol I filed my k9 teeth to look more like a vampire when I was teenager. VV

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    A Harry Potter scar on my forehead…no idea how I got it…



    I have a lot of scars from sports accidents, but the biggest and most prominent one (which many people think was caused by a car crash) is clearly visible on my face: it starts at the top of my head and runs down my forehead, passes between the eyes, nose, left cheek and ends at chin, about 10 inches long. But it was not caused by any accident, but by cancer caused by solar radiation (I live in Brazil and had never used sunscreen). I've had three corrective surgeries (including a new nose made with parts of the right ear and skin graft) and my beard helps to hide it, although I'm not ashamed to show it off.


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    (Trigger warning)! (#2)

    I have two significant ones:

    #1. A long, purple scar on my forearm that I got in a car wreck. Kinda looks like a weird lightning strike?

    #2 And then I have one on my lower stomach where I uh. I tried to use a knife, but it didn’t work very well (thankfully). I’m all good now!!!


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I think story 2 I need to hear. You must have been in a really f*cked up place to attempt gutting yourself. Good to hear you are having a better life now. Don’t give up.


    I have an exclamation mark on my forehead.

    When I was about 18 months old (or so I'm told) I walked into a sliding door and cut my head vertically, requiring 3 stitches. Then, at about age 5 or 6, I put my forehead on the floor and spun around in circles - giving myself a round carpet burn directly (and coincidentally) underneath the line. As a result, over 30 years later, I still have "!" just above my right eyebrow



    I have a raised scar on my ankle from when I was 3 and tripped over a chicken, landing on a hoe laying nearby.


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    Julie Robertson
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I love that you tripped over a chicken. I thought only I could do something do frightfully clumsy but hilarious.


    I have a nickel-sized scar with an X in the middle (I named it Ethel) on my leg. Ethel used to be a cyst, but then I nicked it shaving, it got infected, became a boil about twice the size of the original cyst, then had to be lanced by my great-grandparents' doctor while I was visiting them for Thanksgiving (he also tried to remove the cyst but didn't quite get all of it, so Ethel now perpetually looks kinda swollen). The highlight of that adventure was having to make stops on the 14-hour drive home to change the padding in the hole in my leg.


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    I have a crooked pinky because I fell out of a tree and degloved it.



    When I was younger, I was running around and my dog got in the way. I fell over her and scrapped my arm. It wasn't that bad but if you look closely I have a scar from it. (looking at all the other stories on here this isn't really that bad)


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    My husband has a scar across his palm. He cut himself with a toaster. It required several stitches.

    Another time he was grafting a tree and instead of the branch, cut his fingertip in half vertically. Nail and all. I was very late in a pregnancy and had to drive HIM in a hurry to the same hospital we’d give birth in a couple of weeks later.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    How does one cut themselves with a toaster? Toasters are one of the most blunt things in the universe


    I have a small oval shaped scar on my left wrist from getting burned by peanut butter. I was taking peanut butter bread out of the oven (I was 16 when this happened btw) and I accidentally touched my wrist against the peanut butter. It burned and hurt really bad, but I just stood there, with a blank look on my face. My mom, who was standing there the whole time, grabbed my hand and shoved it into the sink, and ran my wrist under cold water.

    I also have a 2 inch long scar on my leg that looks like a long finger. A very heavy log ( the log was 7 ft long I think) fell on my leg and bounced off. I'm lucky it didn't do any other damage. I got away with a very bloody scrape and lots of pain.


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    I have a scar on one of my fingers from when my friend cut me with her fingernail.


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    Tear drop burn scar on my left forearm from 2009. My brother and I were making breakfast at the stove. He dropped frozen bacon on a pan with too much oil as I reached for something. I also have a dark dot in the middle of my forehead. My mom thought I had a pimple and tried to pop it. I was four. It was the start of chicken pox.


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    Scar on my bottom lip…been there forever and idk what happened


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    1/4” scar right between my eyes on the bridge of my nose. My mom accidentally shut my head in the door of our vw bug when I was 4. I was crawling behind her seat to get in the back but she thought I was already in. Thanks Mom. Love you anyway.



    I have matching scars on the backs of my hands from my thumbs to my wrists, because in year 6, I was climbing a tree at school, and I didn't notice I'd gotten scratched by the branches until I was doing piano lessons and there was blood on the keys so yeah.


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    On the back of my ankle. When I was nine i went to my friends garage sale and they were selling an automatic exercise bike and i tried to use it and it crushed my foot and broke my ankle.
    that was not a fun day
    i also have a scar right under my both my nostrils from when i fell on my face on concrete and broke my nose and needed stitches


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    I have 5 stitches in my chin from a girl who bit my chin in 6th grade while I was watching her throw peanuts in the air and catch them in her mouth. Wow, facial cuts really bleed!


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    I have a scar on both of my knees. When I was about 6 I was leaning on the car door and somebody opened it. I reacted quickly but not enough and both of my knee caps got ripped up. Deos that count as weird?


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    I have a HUGE scar on my knee because I ran into a fence in 4TH GRADE. It's still there to this day.



    I have an S shaped scar on my heel from stepping on a fishhook when I was 12. It ripped through my foot from my heel to the arch, and left sand and gravel in the cut. It also caused me to fall over from the pain, hit my head on a boulder (and subsequently get a concussion), sprain my wrist trying to keep myself from falling, almost break my nose, and I ended up in the ER being checked for tetanus (luckily I didn't have it). They ended up having to sit there with tweezers picking out the tiny pieces of gravel that were embedded in it, while I sat there sobbing. Be careful with your fishhooks please fisherpeople, otherwise someone else might end up with this happening to them too.


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    V shaped scar on my forehead from a car accident, got called voldemort for years...


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    Too many scars to count, but my most useful scar growing up was the one I got in my right hand. I was moving big rocks on my uncle's farm to redirect the creek drop in on my hand where you could see the ligaments. I always knew my left from right easily (without making the L.) Also have a L shaped scar on my left thumb from wiping a counter at work and cutting it on a lid. Would have worked the same way if I didn't already know my left and right.


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    I have a scar down through my top lip. I fell playing tag when I was 6 or 7 and my bottom teeth went through almost to my nose. Now 30 years later there's still a small slash of skin color where my lip pigment never came back.


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    Happi doggi
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Your lips are actually just thin skin. It’s not pigment, so it just grew back thicker.

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    I have a scar on my finger from trying to shoot a splintered bow and arrow... the splintered part flew into my hand!😆It's kinda funny cuz I was trying to see how many times I could shoot the arrow before it broke! Talk about idiot kids.


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    Stabbed myself in the ass with a Stanley knife whilst cutting open a box of bleach in store, nurses kept me in A and E for many hours so everyone could take a look, 6 stitches, straight in to the hilt, enthusiastic box cutting



    I have a tiny scar under my left eye that I got as a baby when my older sister accidentally dropped a mug on the ground near me and a lil fragment hit my face.


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    A small, maybe half-inch long line a few inches below my knee. I had a toy Toothless when I was younger who had a saddle where you could attach Hiccup (either he was sold separate and I didn't have him, or I had lost him). I was jumping and crawling on furniture pretending to be a cat (it was one of my favorite pastimes) and I missed a jump and landed on the blocky little spike that slots into hiccup to hold him on


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Ok so many questions. WTH is a toy toothless and an attachable hiccup? How far apart were the couches? Was the floor lava?

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    I have 2 dots above my butt where some bone marrow was taken out. I'm a bone marrow donor.


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    I have many on my shoulders from the trauma of teen acne



    Weird because of the object that caused it.

    I and a friend were discussing...something, probably Dragonball or Star Trek, it was 22 years ago so I don't remember what. Either way lots of animated gestures of excitement. Gesture at the same time and her arm accidentally smacked into the back of my hand. Her fancy late 90s watch scratched a nice deep line down my right ring finger. There is a white scar line down my finger to this day.

    Teal deer - watch scarred the back of my finger.


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    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Otherwise I have a scar on my right hand from getting stabbed that limits my thumb movement, a scar on my left hand from reaching into a drawer where there was an uncovered razor, another on my left hand from a retractable tape measure, one on my face from falling onto broken glass as a baby, and all kinds of a multitude from accidental scratches (and one play bite that was not meant to injure) in my five years working in a zoo.


    Idk WHY I thought this was a good idea, but I decided to use an earring to poke a tiny hole in my hand. It hurt, healed, no one noticed, and I still have a mark from it. Lol I also bit a chunk of my lip off accidentally when it was numb from my dentist appt. thinking it was the pizza I was eating.


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    I have a few. One on the back of my hand from tripping whilst running with my lunchbox in primary school. Scraped my hand along the concrete badly. The other is on my forearm by the elbow. I was playing tug with my dog, he jumped towards me for his toy and one of his claws cut my arm pretty deep. I also have a few chicken pox scars from when I was tiny.


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    I have a perfectly circular burn scar on my wrist from my sister swinging....I think it was a curling iron (May have been a different hair device)at me while we were fighting as teens. I actually look at it fondly as we lost her a few years ago. Hope it doesn't fade. My worst scars are from multiple leg and ankle surgeries.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm sorry about your surgeries...and may your sister rest in peace


    Right above my right eyebrow, it’s a thin dent and the actual scar isn’t really visible. I have other little dents on my head you can feel just not see because of my hair.
    I was 4, in bed with my parents. Fell off and onto the dog (Scout, Labrador Retriever) who panicked and bit me. He was such a good dog, he died 9 years later after trying to attack someone by creating a gaping hole through a chain metal fence, destroying a glass door to try and attack them. He ended up being put down, I still have his collar.
    (I can’t remember correctly but I believe he had a tumor that affected him greatly. He attacked me again when I was 6. And we gave him to my grandma, after 6 years of owning this senior dog came the event that resulted in him being put down.)


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    A horse shoe shaped scar on my elbow from falling on a radiator and hitting my funny bone.


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    I was run over by a sled with metal blades and have a 8" scar from where it cut my leg.


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    Scar on left cornea from a tiny bit of flying glass. Brother had a bicycle upside down and was spinning the tires and dropping tiny pieces of glass onto the spinning tires. One flew and hit me right in the eye. Had to wear an eyepatch most of the summer.

    Another tiny scar on my knee from when my pet rabbit randomly decided to bit a chunk out of me.

    May more.


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    Not an actual scar but the way I got it was strange and memorable. In High School (1972?) I had a small motorcycle that often would not kick start, so I got in the habit to bump start it (run along it, jump on it while releasing the clutch, I know, I am old).
    This one morning I bump started this bike and somehow the throttle got stuck. Since I started in 2nd gear, the stuck throttle mant it went pretty fast with me hanging for dear life, until I hit the parking lot retaining wall.
    I hit the handlebar with such force I was sure I broke a few bones, but I didn't.
    I did have a large bruise on the front of my thigh, but I didn't think much about it.
    A few weeks later, I discovered that I had absolutely no feelings in that spot, well after the bruise disappeared.
    Now, about 50 years later, I still have no feeling there. There is a small depression in that place (which I could call a scar?) and I can poke it with needles or fire but I feel no pain there. In fact, if I touch it it feels like I am touching someone else's body, not mine.
    Considering I raced motorcycles for some years and had more than my share of ugly tumbles, I feel like I got off light. Never a broken bone.


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    Soren W
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    3 years ago

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    This is hard to explain but I got a scar on my middle finger from playing on my pre-school’s playground…observing that the bridge I was on had holes in it and looked like a club cracker that was simply black in color, and stuck my hand between one of them as I stepped on it and the club cracker bridge betrayed me and smashed my finger


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    Scar that extends from the bottom of my left thumb, to just over halfway up my forearm. It’s from hand surgery in 2017 to remove a growth from inside my hand. I have a skin graft at the base of my thumb and a long scar from where they took it. I was one of 40 adult cases in Australia of having what’s called an arterio-veinous malformation removed at the time. Most often it’s only found in children and usually in the brain or neck. So not only was I an uncommon case, I had one of Australia’s top plastic surgeons operate on me. My daughter calls it my battle scar :)


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    "Harry Potter"-type forehead scar from the time I was hit by a pickup truck....



    I have a scar on my chin One night my mom and I were playing around in the kitchen and I cut my chin open on the fridge! It was on the wooden border around the fridge and I fell over. Still have it today


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    On the back of my ankle. When I was nine i went to my friends garage sale and they were selling an automatic exercise bike and i tried to use it and it crushed my foot and broke my ankle.
    that was not a fun day
    i also have a scar right under my both my nostrils from when i fell on my face on concrete and broke my nose and needed stitches


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    I have too many mental scars to list; often being brought close to suicide.



    My scar is 2 inches long, above my left breast. I got a Vagas Nerve Stimulater implanted when I


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    I have one on my cheekbone from when I was standing on a stool in the bathroom and I fell off and onto the edge of the bath. I was like 3. I have one on each foot as well, but I'm not sure how I got them because I was too young. I also have one on the back of my right leg because my bike pedal hit it and somehow I got a scar (I was wearing corduroy pants but they weren't hurt at all).


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    I had small Y shaped scar about 4 cm long and 1 cm wide between bottom lip and chin. Joined Navy at 18 and Navy Dr. said "Hey I can fix that scar and make it less noticeable!"
    Now have large 12 to 15 CM oval scar covering my full chin to my bottom lip. Have large scars from the side of my head, behind my ears, and across my neck from skins Dr. took to make my chin scar better.
    Only good thing is now I get a Navy Disability payment every month for the rest of my life - enough to pay my house payment with $$ left over.


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    I have one on my right knee that i got from a accident involving a electric bike, a large rock, and gravity doing its thing. I was going full speed, and then the tire hit this rock which sent me flying at least 15 feet.


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    I have a scar under my nose basically the same size and shape as Hitlers moustache. I also have 3 or 4 parallel lines running left to right on my chin. Got knocked off a bike and my hands got caught in the handlebars, so I landed on my face.
    The odd bit is: When I was getting sewn up at hospital the doctor was really pissed with me-she literally said "This is my first day off in weeks, I was at a BBQ and here you are"
    When I told her I could feel the stitches going in (the injections hurt like hell) she shrugged and said-"hey there''s only a couple to go" and kept going.


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    i am missing an eyelash, and i have a scar that crosses my eyelid vertically


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    I have a scar in between two of my toes which I got because my sister tripped and accidentally pushed me into a shopping cart. My skin got caught on the bolt of the wheel. I had to get stitches


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    I have a long scar along my elbow from getting hit by a badminton racket


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    I have multiple scars (puncture wounds) on the circumcised head of my mail member. I fostered a 100# pound Old English Sheepdog and he got overly excited while playing.


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    It’s a three way tie
    1. underneath my knee. I got a tick and my mom CUT MY LEG OPEN and removed it.
    2. In my eyebrow. I ran into a table when I was 6.
    3. Bite marks on my butt. My friend actually poked a bear and it bit me, her, and two other friends.


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    I have a scar on my foot from scratching my foot on the metal loop of the slip and slide :)


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    My weirdest one is probably a scar from my cat back in my childhood days: I had been playing with those large colourful plug-in beads for toddlers. I had given one of the beads to our cat (the beads were big, no choking hazard for the cat), but he kept accidentally pushing them under furniture and then would come beg me for a new one. I always gave him one, but then I had no beads left and told him I needed all the remaining beads for my picture. In my ~3-5 yo mind, it made perfect sense to me to explain this to our cat. What still doesn’t make sense to my adult brain till this day, however, is that in response, my cat gave me a death stare, calmy walked over, bit me and walked away.


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    Faint scar on left ear from falling and nearly taking the tip off on a badly designed swing set (it had round, sharp, metal feet). Faint scar on wrist from accidentally dripping acid on it in chemistry class. Scar on knee from falling off playground equipment. Various scars on hands from slicing myself open by accident, worst was the time the knife slipped and stabbed down to the bone (knives and I don't get on).
    Most scars stick around due to keloid scarring for me so I wear my collection with pride and they help me tell right from left.


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    Burn scars on my right hand from getting it stuck behind a scalding hit radiator when I was about three years old. I apparently had a blister the size of a small tennis ball on my palm. Turned ambidexteroud for a while out of necessity.
    Can't remember any of it though, just have the scar


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    This is a second entry, but i have a scar on my finger from carving a stick with a Swiss Army Knife, and the blade closed down on my finger...
    And another one on my knee from when I was doing a flip on my trampoline, which I had done a million times before, and my tooth flew into my knee...
    And another on my arm from PICKING AT A SCAB! How does one get a supper pale scar from PICKING AT A SCAB?


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    The classic scar on the knee.
    It’s actually 3 small scars that I got at once, in lines.
    I was rollerblading outside one day, no kneepads. My siblings decided to go downhill, and I wasn’t sure at first but I went anyways.
    I started going, and going… and going…
    I couldn’t stop, so I tried to hold on to my dad, but he was also on rollerblades.
    My mom ran to push me into the grass before I would crash into the lake and drown, but my brother pushed me into the cement instead.
    Long story short, lots of blood, crying, and layers and layers and layers of skin pulled off and left on the side of the sidewalk.


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    I wouldn’t say the weirdest but for the longest time I had a scar on my inner bend of my arm (or for lack of better words, inner elbow). I got it in 8th grade when our shop class was doing a stint on working with metal. We all got the chance to earn extra credit by staying after school and helping melt down/pour the metal into the molds that has been made and although it was the late 80s, I’m going to assume I had to still get my mom to sign a form but I won’t swear to it. Anyways, I helped the teacher load the cauldron up with scrap metal and then he turned the heat on to get things melting. Then he had me put on some protective gloves and an apron. After making sure I was all set, he told me to keep an eye on things while he was in the teaching area (same room but around a corner) and to call out to him if I needed anything or when things really started melting.

    Now normally this wouldn’t’ve been a problem and technically it wasn’t, but I am and always have been a daydreamer and this was no exception. While staring off into space and waiting for things to melt my mind drifted off for minutes at a time until I was thrown quickly back into reality when the Stirring pole shifted, hit my inner elbow, left a mark, and scared the crap out of me. I quickly pulled the sleeve off my shirt down (was wearing short-sleeves at the time) and called the teacher to let him know that the metal was ready.

    To this day I don’t know how I got away with it because it was the worst burn I have ever received and because I kept pulling my sleeve down. 😂😂
    Although I’m sure the teacher did have his suspicions he definitely didn’t every day anything.

    *I didn’t say anything to the teacher because it was one of my favorite classes and I didn’t want to be denied the chance to have extra project time Should it come up again.


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    I work rescuing marine animals. In my left hand, across the palm, I have a long bite mark, courtesy from a baby seal that didn't know I was there to help. I lowered my guard and a second later I had a fluffy snowball with big, dark eyes hanging from my hand. Nasty infection that came afterwards...


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    Three year old daughter running across couch and her stupidly sharp toenail sliced my arm.


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    Got one across my eyelid from a really stupid incident, I was holding an old rusty bucket over my face and a kid threw a ball at it


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    1. When I was six or so, I was chopping carrots and one chop cut off a tiny bit on the tip of my thumb. I wanted to keep the thumb bit, but my mom made me throw it away. 2. I was whittling and the knife slipped, cut through my pants and into my knee. Not very long but pretty deep.


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    I have a pair of scars just below my left knee. They are parallel to each other but swoop off in different directions. I got them when I was 8 years old and was playing tag in the back yard of a neighbors house. I ran through a gate that was falling off the fence in their back yard and got scraped by two nails that were jutting out.

    A couple of years later, I got another scar on my back when I was helping my father take down the second story deck off the back of the house. I was holding the metal ladder while he was unbolting two of the three beams that supported the deck. When they came apart, the ladder got pushed back, my father fell on top of me and the 4x12 beam missed me by 2 inches. I know this because the nails that were sticking out of the beam scraped my back as it went whizzing by. I was luck to just get scraped up. My mother did not think so and banished me from further carpentry duties.


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    I have a scar in the middle of my forehead from when I was three and slid down a tiny indoor slide and landed on the brick thing the fireplace is on. It's not as visible now, but people used to ask me about it all the time, and I would always laugh when I retold the story. :)


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    I have a thick, long scar that's thin-skinned and smoother on my hip from a bad fall from my bike. It had rained that day and I was leaving a community centre to go home. The rear tired slid out too far as I was turning onto the road and I ended up sliding on the pavement. I got scrapped up on my legs, hip, elbow and the back of my hand. I have scars there, too, but my hip had it the worst. There's not much feeling in that spot. I can pinch the skin with my nails and not feel anything.


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    I have a small scar on my left mid side. My mother drugged me because I was “too uptight” and then told me about it while I was high and she had gotten me into a hot tub. I was 14 and moved in with my dad that night. This 2 inch scar came when she grabbed me to keep me from leaving the hot tub filled with her creepy friends to walk the 3 blocks to the phone booth (1985) and call my dad. I made the best decision of my life at 14. I would not be who I am now without that change. I would not have been who I fought against so hard for decades without her.


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    Both of my interesting scars were acquired on Nauru, where I was born. The first looks like a massive burn on the back of my left thigh. I was born with a strawberry mark on the back of my leg, and as a baby I was outside on grass mats, which irritated the birthmark to such a degree that meat ants were attracted to it. It became severely infected to such an extent that I was hospitalised, and there was concern that I would need amputation(which didn’t happen, thankfully). Also, when I was was a toddler I fell over the rail on the back step, onto a large, sharp clam shell (which was a garden ornament). More blood and pain ensued, and now I have a large ragged scar running along the back of my left forearm. My body tells stories, I guess. :-)


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    So this one time about 3 years ago, i was coming out of the washroom and somehow my hand got stuck between the doors and i yanked it out so now i have two oval shaped scars on two of my knuckles on my right hand.

    The weird thing is that it was bleeding out and i didn’t notice until 20 minutes later when there was blood on my notebook.


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    I have 4 inch scar on my right ankle from jumping off my Grandpa's barn roof and landing on and breaking a glass milk bottle. We were playing "Cowboys and Indians". I was 5 or 6 years old and my co-Indians took me to doctor in little red wagon. It took 7 stitches back then and cost my Mom and Dad 6 eggs. Currently 67 so math is pretty easy!


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    I have a scar on my index finger where a parrot bit me. Must have been a vampiric bird, because it didn`t let me go but licked the blood off my finger!


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    Not a scar but I have a birthmark that looks like a baby chicken :D


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    I have light scars on my arms from my pet iguana


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    I have a scar on my forehead from running into a coffee table. I was REALLY excited to do a doc mcstuffins puzzle with my grandma 😂


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    I have a dime-shaped scar on my right calf from where my cousin bit me when he was three and I was five. I turn 72 next month!


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    Have a small white scar on the bridge of my nose. When my friend and I were little girls we had a tea party, and it was tons of fun... until her brother took the tea pot away from her and gave it to me. She picked up the serving tray and threw it at me. Next thing I knew I was in the hospital getting stitches. And this was back before cell phones, so an usher with a flashlight had to go into the movie theater where my parents were on a date and tell them I'd been injured. Weirdly enough we stayed friends for years after that, and only split up when I spent her birthday party reading in a corner. My glasses cover the scar now, and I hardly ever think of it.


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    A very long time ago when I was about 5yo I wanted to help my dad in the kitchen. He was making chips using this very old school press thing where you put a potato in and it gets squished into chips. I put my tiny hand right in front of his and he didn’t notice. So when he pushed the lever down hard (it took quite some force to squish the potato through), the tip of my thumb almost got cut off. The whole neighbourhood could hear me scream, there was blood everywhere. It left me with a pretty cool looking old school scar, a line with dots next to it, like you would draw it. He feels guilty about it till this day.


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    I have a two-inch-long scar on my stomach. Got it from climbing a pine tree when I was five. I was about twelve feet up, tripped, fell, tore part of my flesh open. I WEAR IT WITH PRIDE. DON'T MESS WITH PINE TREE GIRL.



    I wouldn't call any of the them weird, it's the location. If a conversation gets around to scars and injuries, I say "I have scars on every part of my body"
    Most people reply "EVERY part?", and maybe make a smile or raised eyebrow.
    "Yes" I say, "EVERY part..."
    Eyes lower and the conversation comes to an awkward end :'D



    I think I might have a scar (it’s still healing) form the time I was messing around with a friend of mine, and he like dropkicked me to the floor and sliced the back of my hand with a metal ruler. I would like to point out that it was an accident. But it bled like a lot and my teacher just brought mom a bleeding child and was like ahhh fix the child. Its very funny to look back on tho


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    I have a scar on my forehead from pulling a metal chair onto my head when I was 4. You can see it when I raise my eyebrows.


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    not me but a friend has a scar on her knee from crawling over a metal cookie cutter when she was younger



    I have a scar from a bite wound on the base knuckle of my pinky finger. It was a pet that bit me... a guinea pig. And that was the day I realized my Morgan piggie was deaf.


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    I have a small scar on my thumb from Legos. I was building a castle and one of the towers collapsed on my hand when I was putting something inside it. It bled like crazy too.


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    I have one on each heel. The left due to breaking class and the other getting out a car


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    curved 'harry potter scar' in the center of my forehead, sister threw her deodorant at me (I opened up a door she was leaning against and she didn't like it)


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    I have many, but my favorite is a 2cm on my thigh from stabbing myself with my new swiss army knife when I was about 8yo, whittling (small, but still there at 46). I had both blades open, alternating between the two (you know you've done it, too). The blade went well into my quad. Kids: always close one blade before you open another one, umm keh?


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    I have two scar on my feet because I was on my neighbors round monkey swing that was lower to the ground the I thought, and I tried to stoop myself and ended up ripping like 4 layers of skin though. That was almost a year ago and I still have two dark round circles from where my foot rubbed on the ground. Funny thing is it didn't hurt.
    I also have tiny scars on that same foot from jumping off of sailboat at camp and scratching my foot cause I thought it was deeper.
    I am now realizing that I am not very good with depth reception...


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    I have a scar in the middle of my left hand. I got it by getting my hand stuck in a bike tire.



    I have a scar on my finger. When I was 3, I decided to try to pick up a weight and ended up dropping it on my left ring finger, it left the finger slightly deformed and you can clearly see the scar


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    I have a scar on the bottom of my foot from stopping on a nail. I got it when me and other kids we’re screwing around (mid 80s) and we were all told where exactly to stand with our noses against the fence or the house. Now me being the smart ass that I am I kept pointing to an area going “Here?” and getting pointed to a specific area with the response of, “No, here!” After a few times of this back and forth the adult comes offer, touches the fence, and says stick your nose right here. And knowing that my smart-assed-ness needs to stop, I step to where she is pointing and I ended up stepping (there was tall grass) right on a rusty-ass nail. 😱
    *can you say tetanus shot?


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    This is so buried but here we go! I have a scar on my chin. When I was maybe eight years old, I was jumping backwards into a pool. Let’s just say that eventually I didn’t jump far enough, and swim time was over.



    So when I was young (I think I was 14) we had a very nearsighted cat. He misjudged a jump from the window onto my bed, and I ended up with a 4 inch catscratch across my right deltoid.

    For whatever reason that little scratch turned into a grarly raised scar that was with me for decades!


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    On my wrist, from when I was 5 playing pitch and catch with an empty glass 7-Up bottle on a concrete patio with my 4 year old brother. Yeah, we were badass. One was bad and the other an ass.


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    I have a very faint scar on my forearm. It's about 4 inches long and very thin. My long haired cat had fleas. She was a very sweet passive cat I could do anything with her. A long time ago we were told to use Sevin dust to kill fleas on our dog. I tried the Sevin dust on her. It didn't take long before her eyes started to ping pong in their sockets and she started to stumble. I snatched her up, stuck her in a tub and scrubbed all the Sevin dust off her skin. She wasn't a bath fan at any time, she became a bit savage and her back foot caught my arm. It was never a huge cut more like a scratch yet it remains a reminder some 30 plus years later. FYI she was fine (I took her to the vet right away and they didn't need to do anything) she remained easy going and never scratched me again, even if I may have deserved it.


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    I have a V-shaped one when I hit the back of my head. 8 stitches in two layers when I was 7.


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    On my chin. I was 10 and slipped trying to catch a frog in the bath on vacation.


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    I have a scar on my eyebrow. I dropped a 5lb dumbell on it when I was like 6. Yes, I still have both my eyes.


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    I have many scars with many different reasons.

    -Below my lower lip I have a scar because my sister dropped me on a metal grate at her school when I was two. I don't remember but my mom said it was pretty horrifying and I needed stitches.

    - I have a circular branded scar that looks like somebody took a cigarette on my arm but it's actually from when the bushes in front of my house caught fire and I rushed to put it out. The ashes melted my skin.

    - My galbladder was removed, and the scars kind of look like stab wounds except the one under my belly button. The stitches popped on that one and after hours in the ER they decided not to stitch it again because the wound looked clean (I could look into the wound, deeply but okay) and now the scar left is like a second belly button.

    - I have a circular moon on my forehead from when I bumped my head against iron knobs on monkey bars/jungle gym when I was like 8. It's right at the spot where Indians would put their marks/stickers so it's very visible. I think it's pretty cool looking. I remember when it happened that my head hurt but nothing alarming until everybody around me was getting upset and I felt something wet trickle down my face. It wasn't until my fingers came away red that I started crying.


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    I’ve got a couple scars and pretty much all of them are for dumb reasons. First scar I ever remembered getting, I was using a hot glue gun and it got jammed, so I kept pushing and eventually a huge drop of super hot glue fell on my leg. Now normally, the glue front he gun I was using isn’t hot enough to burn if I touch it, it just hurts a bit, so I just wait for it to dry and then peel it off. I waited a couple seconds and then wiped off this glue when I couldn’t take it anymore, had a burn scar there for years. It’s mostly gone away now though. Next dumb thing I did, I saw a video of someone carving the tips of colored pencils into sculptures, said “I can do that”, tried it late at night when I was tired, box cutter (because I didn’t have many Berger knives at that point) went straight into my bent left pointer finger. You know how when you bend your pointer finger, a little bit sticks up at the bottom knuckle? I pretty much cut that whole thing off, except that the flap was still attached. So now I have a flap of skin shaped scar. And then the most recent, which surprisingly wasn’t entirely my fault, is three scars on my left palm and wrist from a cat. I was holding her like a baby, upside down, which she isn’t a huge fan of but doesn’t usually mind too much, and then the dog looked at her wrong. She doesn’t like the dog. So now I have battle scars.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And apparently I can’t edit. “From the” not “front he”, “better knives” not “Berger knives”.


    2 inch scar on my cheek from grinding a sword that i made once

    various scars on my knuckles from stuff like punching a cement wall to see what would happen, hitting a gaga ball to close to the ground, accidently smacking a grinding wheel

    scars on the inside and around my wrist from the first time i shaved my arms-

    i have too many scars...


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Ok but you didn’t say how grinding a sword cut your cheek. And why did you shave your arms?


    Maybe not really weird but we still laugh at how I got it. I have a small scar on my forehead. When I was little (6 or 8 maybe) whe went sleighing. We had this old wooden sleigh with a seat. We where to big for it and my father tried to take it off but the screws where very rusted and it wouldn't come off. So, I went on sleighing with it and my father with my little sister went on another sleigh behind me. We bump in together and I fell of the sleigh and the seat broke off and a point of the seat went straight to my head. My dad felt super bad ofcourse but they also laught because somehow I just always broke stuff. Like trying to hold a door and going straight trough the glass and stuff and falling of a bunk bed.

    I also have an x scar, but I don't know how I got it.


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    I have several, grew up on a farm. Biggest one is a 'L' shaped one on left knee car accident.


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    Under left eye 1/2 in scar from stone fight with brothers. Right arm has several from feral cat


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    I have a jagged, white scar on my inner thigh. I was a chronic school skipper and was running through the woods to avoid detection. As I was singing 'She's Like the Wind', from the movie Dirty Dancing, I tripped on a fallen pine tree. I ended up straddling it and ripped my super-cool, punk rock leggings. Thank the gods that my self-serenaded sprint had put me so far ahead that I could jump up and pretend it hadn't happened. The black of the leggings camouflaged the blood and the location hid my sub par sewing skills. I don't know what hurt more that day - the wound or the irony.


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    I have a scar above my lip. I was the idiot child who really did step on a rake.


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    My left arm is scarred. When I learned to walk, my mother brewed a pot of tea. She did not look for a moment and I pulled the hot pot on top of me.


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    Got a scar on my forehead when i was young. Almost same spot as Harry Potter!
    Got it dancing in the kitchen (twirling). Spun into the corner of the doorway full force 🤣the kicker? Didnt know i cracked my head open. Didnt cry just looked at my mom n said "my head hurts" she of corse freaked out n rushed my confused rear to the ER


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    Stabbed my left hand when I was around 7 I think. I was trying to open a green walnut and the knife slipped and went straight into my hand. The tip actually came out on the other side. By dumb luck it went between the palm muscles and didn’t do any damage. But I still have a tiny white line on my left palm.


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    Not weird but sad.
    I have a one inch scar on my knee from a brand new bread knife. When we were kids, my older brothers would beat me up, bully me, invade my privacy daily. One Saturday morning, while my mom was at work and dad asleep, my brothers started up again. I decided to stand up to them by grabbing the biggest knife I could find, ran after one of my brothers but he grabbed my wrist, twisted and I dropped the knife. We wrestled a bit until my other brother screamed that I was bleeding. The knife just bounced off my knee, severed the nerve so I never felt it happen. Dad wakes up, smacks the crap out of the boys and we are off to ER.
    Dad told me not to say what happened, at the time I didn’t understand why.
    I was 9. Fun times.



    I have a circular scar/dent in my leg that you can feel. I got it from running full speed into a thick metal rope at church camp. Or maybe the one above my left eye from when I was hit with a baseball bat when I was little.


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    A long tear from falling on a piece of broken pottery as a toddler and an operation scar to remove a cyst - neither too special but I have been left with a long scar down the centre of my wrist and another across my throat...


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    I was in grade 1 and I had this big sist on my neck. I went around telling everyone that I fell out of a tree, the scar was when I had the stitches. 1st grade was my most popular time.


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    I have a scar going clean through my eyebrow that no one in my family can explain. It's really weird, but eh.
    I also have 2 scars from the same accident where I ripped my hand open, getting glass, dirt and other stuff in it...that took ages to heal.


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    i have several weird scars, some with weird stories. one is on my hand, you can barely see it anymore. it looks like a paint splatter. i got it when my bracelet caught on a rod sticking out of a open campfire. the second is on my leg, i got it from trying to stand on a ball.
    a few i will share the scar, but not the story.
    i have two on my chest/torso
    several on my arms and legs though im not sure if they are permanent.


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    I was holding down a small piece of wood with my left hand and tried to stab it with a sharp screwdriver with my right.
    I missed.
    Ended up stabbing my left thumb. But I had a very delayed reaction. I was so focused on why it didn't hurt despite it spewing so much blood. So I just kinda stared at it for a little while😂


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    My daughter and I have matching chin scars, 30+years apart. Mine from jump out of crabapple



    tree. Hers from playing on a barstool at the laundry mat


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This post was the continuation of the one before it. I mean, there is an edit button.


    I have a small scar on my left arm from when I had to get an IV because I got Lyme Meningitis when I was 4. It’s slightly faded, but still there. I also have a scar on my leg from when I fell walking around a fire pit and scraped it on a stump. It didn’t bleed very much, but I’ve had it for a very long time, at least two years. I thought it would have faded months ago but it hasn’t.


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    I have a deep scar on my right side from my abusive ex-girlfriend..she stabbed me with wire cutters


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