I'm feeling bored so tell me the weirdest names ever!!
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I once heard of a police officer with the name "Rob Bank". Not the weirdest name but very ironic.
I went to school with a girl whose last name was Graves. She always said she was going to keep her last name and when she had a child, she was going to name the baby Robin Graves. I don't know if she ever did, but I think that one deserves a mention.
Anita D**k. Her parents were living up their last name.
I once knew a woman who took her husbands surname when they married. It was Cowslut.
My cousin named her baby Stoney
Also some twins in my brother's class were named Fire and Ice
My mom used to tease her younger sister and say that she would name her first born child "Ida Clare," (I declare.)
This one is actually not bad, but I met this kid named Shy Angel.
First name Shy Angel.
Richard ‘D*ck’ Head (a boy my mum went to school with). Why? Just why? I also went to school with a Tabitha Katz (as in ‘Tabby Katz’). Some parents are odd.
I went to school with a Sunday Knight.
Usnavy... she was born in Veracruz, Mexico and her father saw a ship docked in the port and the rest is history
My friend's name is Cricket. Biological. He's an amazing person, never teased once. I think it's a cool name, honestly.
Beezow Doo-Doo Zopittybop-bop-bop
Arckode (boy in my science class 💀)
My foster brother for three months was named Great Wolf. His biological father, a bald white man, thought he was a Native American healer.
I use to work with a woman who's last name was Niederguess. If she had taken her husband's name when they married, she would have been Niederguess Pozybutt.
On a different theme, in my college dorm the head of my floor was Kitty Hawk (site of the first controlled powered airplane flight). Her brother's name was Tommy Hawk (think tomahawk, a type of hatchet).
I think the weirdest name is my name. its Areah.
I have a cousin named Cinderella. She goes by Cindy needless to say.
Abcde. Pronounced Ab-city. Like...what? Also Goat. I heared that one and thought, "poor kid."
if i didn't know better, i wouldve thought the last two scentences were a pun
Once overheard a mom yelling at her kid "canyon" to stop splashing random people at the pool.
a girl who i went to summer camp with was named arugala
His last name was Boles. His first name was Sterling.
Sterling Boles. I always wondered if his middle name was Silver.
Saw a name come through work from parents setting up and account for a child (less than a year old).
&roux… (Andrew), apparently he’s going to be called &y for short!
Have also heard there is a Nat#a out there too - Natasha
Authuymn (her parents said the spelling was `easier')
My brother went to school with Shawn Lamb.
Someone I know… Ben Dover. Honestly. Also a guy called Hugh Jass . Why… just why…
I knew a man in the UK named John Thomas, which is also British slang for a pen¡s
We had two of those in high school, but one of them (a very good friend of mine who is now gone) was Greek so the spelling was "Tsamis."
Worked with a guy from India whose name was Ishit! Fortunately for him, it was pronounced "Ee-sheet", and I managed to keep a straight face when looking at his name tag.
Oh! I have another one. Down the street from me, their child is Briar. As in Briar Patch- prickly bushes. So..yeah.
In the South, we keep the maternal lines going by naming our boys maiden names as first names which is why you have a lot of southern boys with last names for first names. Just a bit of trivia.
My son has as his maternal great grandmother's maiden name and his middle name is his paternal grandmother's maiden name - I'm from the US south, North Carolina to be specific.
Family in my elementary school last name Rhor (roar). Kids: Ikan and Tigha.
Cousin: Tanner Black
Sister in law hyphenated her last name: Black-Brown.
See, I don't know if this counts but I went through a (rather annoying apparently) phase of using the pet name 'Snerticus' for my wife. It still makes me snigger a lil bit. I know, I'm a child. Snerticus. Hehe.
It's actually a banger name, but there s a kid in my class named Tripp.
I met a girl named Foxi. Cute name, but idk if that’ll end up well later. I also heard of a lady’s named Cinna, short for Cinnamon.
I met a woman with the legal first name "Baby."
I was a PA (program aid) at Girl Scout camp named zazy pronounced zAY-zee. We called her za-zee for 3 days before she got the courage to correct us. We felt so bad.
My grandmother was a teacher, she had a student named Teresa Green.
Uh? Is that a character from a book or something? Sounds normal to me.
I knew a girl named Ginger Snapp. I met her coming down the cookie aisle at the grocery store once.
I had state testing in the third grade, and we had to do it at some church building. I sat next to this one girl who looked nice, and we talked for a bit before the test. I asked her the usual questions for that age. You know, how old are you, how many siblings do you have, what's your name, what's your favorite color, etc.
She, like me, was about 8-9. She had 5 siblings. She also had a ton of siblings. Her name, I swear to you was something like "Starshine Pineapple" with like 5 other similar sounding middle names crammed in there; Awesome, Rainbow, Rockstar, stuff like that. I thought she was kidding, but when they brought in the scratch paper for our math test, they have stickers with out student info on them, so our names were on there as well. She was not kidding. It was her legal name.
She liked purple.
A good Welsh name, the wizard in the King Arthur stories. I knew a Merlin in school.
I dont know if I am writing it exact. But a friends brother from junior highs name was Sidha JoRae Jakamo Hackett.
Knew a Ben Dover and a Rick Shaw both real names Some peoples parents ugggh
Cinderella and Graphite
First name Knowledge, middle name Supreme. Knowledge Supreme.
Also, Franny Doody.
I had a friend whose name is Judy. I called her Judy Doody. I mentioned to her that if she married Howdy Doody, her name would really be Judy Doody. She didn't find it funny.
Teresa Brown
Awerie and Owerie - boy twins
A girl from my high school named her kid Tynleigh..
That's one of my best friends' sister's name and my last name is Tinsley. Their last name is Ryan and that's my brother's name. Strange world we live in :)
One of my former schoolteachers named her child Loveday Daisy.
Once on YouTube I was watching a video about funny yearbook quotes and one person's name was "d*ck long"! i proceeded to laugh my a** off
This is public record... tyrassassa...3dd289.jpg
My mom went to jr high with a girl named Summer Eve (as in the feminine hygeine product).
And my high school geometry teacher's name was Mrs. Circle.
Lady I knew whose first name was Joy took her husband’s last name, which was also Joy. Joy Joy. Sigh.
My Dad told the story of a woman he worked with whose name was Elizabeth Stykonya, everyone called her Liz. She was engaged to a lovely guy called Eric. One day Dad and a mutual friend overheard Liz talking in the break room about her upcoming marriage and one of the girls at the table asked if she was considering hyphenating her surname. Liz commented she hadn’t considered it.
When they were back off break, Dad’s mate said to Liz that he would suggest Liz really think about if hyphenating her name would be a good idea. One of the girls got shirty and accused the bloke of being rude and it was Liz’s choice and it was none of his business.
The bloke agreed that was true… but then went on to point out… Liz was marrying Eric Colla. If she hyphenated her name it would be Elizabeth Stykonya-Colla… or as she was more commonly known…
Liz Stykonya-Colla!
Barnabe. (Barnabee?) I dunno. Ive never met anyone with this name, but I remember hearing it in a Benny Hill skit.
Savory, is not pronounced like savory food but I'm not sure how to spell out the pronunciation.
One job where I was a SysAdmin, we had a user named 'Polycarp Mguebwuo'.
Then there was the guy in the Publications department, swear to God his name was 'Clark Kent'.
keep an eye on mr. kent- he may try to skip work to save the world occasionally
So this is a name I hear all the time, because it's mine. My name is Noam. Not gnome. Not No-Um. It's Noam. Oh and did I mention I live in Japan. It's even worse hearing it with an accent
This will only make sense if you remember the old Lone Ranger show. In my son's middle school class there was a boy named Hiro (Hi-roh) Silba. I kept hearing what I thought was Hi-ho Silver at an awards ceremony and thought it was a joke. Then I found the name written out in the program. If the kid was a bit older, he probably would have gotten teased about it, but not many folks get the reference any more.
If the boy was from a Japanese background that is no surprising. L and R are interchangeable in the Japanese language. In Australia we have two large grocery stores Coles and Woolworths. My Japanese teacher would always tell us she was going shopping at “The place that is not Coles” as she hated trying to pronounce Woolworths.
I am a civil servant and I work in a health unit on the outskirts of São Paulo and strange names are no exception: Joleno (it was supposed to be John Lennon), Valdisnei (Walt Disney), Maryrryanna (sounds like marihuana), Lindão (very beautiful) inspired in the name of Lyndon Johnson...
I used to deliver for FedEx and had a customer named English King. I asked her about it once and she told me that her maiden name was Ivy and her parents thought that "English Ivy" was clever. Then she married Mr. King.
There was this one girl at my elementary school who I will always remember… just for her name.
The chick’s name was Marsip.
I’m ashamed.