Hey Pandas, What Is The Weirdest Inside Joke You Have With Your Friends That Just Doesn’t Make Sense To Anyone Else? (Closed)
What inside jokes do you find hilarious but just confuse other people?
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It all changed the day the fire melons attacked...
Whenever someone says somethings 'broke' or 'broken' you loudly say, 'Argh! It's broke!! Get an ambulance!'.
It started about 20 years ago, when a friend fell into a bush while drunk, he thought that the light, almost white innards of a broken branch was his bone sticking out of his leg and started screaming 'Argh! It's broke!! Get an ambulance!'.
It really isn't funny, but we still laugh.
Any time we receive free food at work, we always have to ask if someone put their d**k in it.
Bowling ball dodgeball
It probably makes no since but like someone in my friend group mentions is and we all completely lose it lol
"The clothes on your back are made of my back" said the sheep. It's a long story but it involves ELA class, a book, my best friend, and our weird sense of humor.
Me and my friend started joking around at how big a narcissist Loki is in Marvel. Then about how spoiled Ariel from Disney is. We then created the concept of Red-Haired Loki: a gay man that Ariel leaves Prince Eric for. Once you see it, cannot UNsee it.
I work at a geology museum and this woman who was absolutely convinced in crystal energy came in. She was nice enough. So we talked and I was going to take her downstairs to in of our only partially open exhibits.
About an earlier a glass shelf had collapsed inwards due to the museum owner placing way too many heavy rocks on it. Unfortunately it was right in the direction a 4 ft long quartz crystal was "pointing".
The woman decided that the woman decided that the crystal must have shot a blast of energy that broke the shelf. From then on she would either find another way around or jump over an invisible laser beam coming out of the crystal.
Now everyone jumps over the "beam" when we go by it.
We always say this when we see each other. " If there is watermelon should we have fire, air and earth melon? The elemelons. And then we burst out laughing and everyone else looks at us as if we were crazy people.
My friend told us about this weird anime and a character in it is called Shinichi Izumi so that became a joke for like two days.
Me and my girlfriend call me Chucky sized because I'm tiny, we like horror, and I have short hair
It's a bit "Behind Convent Walls".
Something which turned out not to be what you expected. After a friend bought what they thought was a saucy film, but turned out to be a documentary about rosary making.
Wouldn't it be great to die of consumption? We can get our portraits done like Victorian ladies! All hail the white plague, creator of the last American vampire.
Can't figure out how to post, unless my device is the thing glitching in which case I would apologize for the many posts My friend and I would argue over who was weirder, and then there was "mike drop" I lost contact with her (her parents didn't like her talking to people online) but I still love her <3
Soup, hot soup. Makes no sense whatsoever, but it is HILARIOUS!
Can't figure out how to post, unless my device is the thing glitching in which case I would apologize for the many posts My friend and I would argue over who was weirder, and then there was "mike drop" I lost contact with her (her parents didn't like her talking to people online) but I still love her <3
Soup, hot soup. Makes no sense whatsoever, but it is HILARIOUS!