Hey, pandas! Share the weirdest dreams you have ever had!

Mine would have to be this one:

One dream was like the robot apocalypse. There was one giant robot dedicated to each country. Australia got the biggest—the boss robot. We defeated it no problem and then, my family was nominated to look after it before we tamed it and had a big ceremony for it. Everyone was outside my house, even Prince Harry and Meghan were there. Millions of people came to see this beast. It was finally time to let it out, and my nanny told me to go and get. I refused to because, well, it was a giant robot. Then she asked my cousin, and she refused, too. They then asked my little sister, who was like 7 at the time, and she replied with, “Sure!” She goes into the house and knocks on the door to signal that she was ready with the tamed robot. We take a deep breath and open the door. She comes out riding a Billy Goat. And of course, this seemed completely normal while I was having the actual dream. But looking back at it, it was one of the weirdest dreams I have ever had. Oh, and the crowd was very much pleased with my little sister riding around on a Billy Goat that used to be a deadly robot. So, what is the lesson we learned from this? Deadly robots taking over the world turn into Billy Goats once they are tamed. I need to get myself one of these.


So I have 2 so once I had a dream I could fly and I woke up thinking it was real so I jumped off the top stair and it didn’t work. My weirdest one was my friends and I were little asparagus and we were dancing on a train and we jumped of the front and got killed by the train I don’t know what the hell is wrong with my brain just... don’t ask


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Liam Walsh
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The flying one is very, very common place - I think I read that it's the brain remembering the sensation of being carried as a baby. As babies we're not capable of remembering the 'being carried' part it so comes out as flying. Something like that anyway.

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    When I was pregnant with our twins, I kept having awful dreams about not being able to get to my babies. Oddly enough, this lead to my favorite dreams of all time. I was running through various wards of the hospital trying to get to my babies. It was clear I was a regular visitor because, even though I was frantic, I exchanged greetings with everyone as I passed. When I entered the ward for stingrays with sprained ankles (I know, right?!) I cheerfully yelled "HI, STINGRAYS!!!" as I ran past their tanks. In unison, they all happily burbled back, "HI KATE!!!" That still makes me smile ten years later!



    I once had a repeating dream that Ariana Grande was a cannibal who was trying to take over the world. It was actually pretty terrifying.



    I still don't know what the hell I was exactly dreaming about at the time, but my mother once came into my room in the morning to talk to me and I hadn't fully woken up from my dream yet. My response to her was "What about the dead horse?"



    Once I had a dream that if I used my baby sister's blankie and put it in a giant picture frame and then set it under our dining table, it would transport me to another world, in which i had apparently befriended a baby penguin.
    The penguin took me to its favorite playground, where I went on a slide that slid all the way to California, into the redwoods. At this point I realized I was dreaming, and had to explain to the penguin that I had to wake up to prove I was dreaming. I then clapped in my dream, and I apparently clapped in real life too, waking me up.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So kinda like lucid dreaming? That's a neat dream, though. You met and talked to a baby penguin.

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    I had a dream where Bored Panda verified that a story actually happened before publishing it.


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    Liam Walsh
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Best one so far! I don't know why so many people think their dreams are unusual or especially weird - weirdness is the norm in dreams.

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    No me, but an ex-boyfriend used to dream about doing the laundry. How do I know this? He talked in his sleep and complained about the sheets not getting clean.
    When he was awake he had no memory what so ever about it, and this went on for like two weeks. Almost every night it was apparently the same laundry dream with him complaining about sheets that didn't get clean.

    He didn't belive me when I told him, so I filmed him and showed it to him and he had absolutely no idea why he dreamed that, but he thought it was creepy. I tried joking about it, saying he had "hot steamy laundry dreams" but he didn't find it funny at all, and eventually the dreams stopped.
    I'm still laughing a little at it when I'm doing my laundry and the memory pops up.



    After taking some cold medicine, I had a very vivid dream that Willie Nelson stole my dog and I had to chase him across country to get my dog back. Except, Willie Nelson was in his tour bus and I had to drive a golf cart (I don't know why I drove a golf cart because I own a regular car and I live near an airport). It was an entire night of me dreaming how to make Willie's tour bus, The Honeysuckle Rose, stop along a highway so I could get my dog back because I couldn't get near him or the bus when he was in concert.
    I kept seeing all these news reports of Willie Nelson being in concert and bringing my dog on stage with him. I would get madder and more determined to find Willie and steal my dog back.
    Finally, I just bought a front row ticket to his show in Springfield, IL. When Willie brought by dog out on stage, I called my dog's name. The dog recognized me and ran to the stage and jumped in my arms. We were outside the venue and I was feeding him cheese (the dog, not Willie Nelson - although we would have shared the cheese with Willie Nelson if he would have been there) and it started to rain.
    Then I woke up.



    I have often had a dream where I am being chased by a big cat. I have to open and close the many doors I come to but the animal just goes through. The locations vary as do the cats, lion, tiger, leopard etc. No, I was not scared by a pet cat as a child we only ever had canaries.



    I once had a huge recital of some sort the next day. Drank a huge cuppa milk...because of the whole sleep thing. That night, I dreamt that we were on a beach ice skating in 2000 degree weather. (Farenheit) I was going to go join them but then I ended up taking a ride on a dolphin. Then I somehow went to school. And found my two teachers sitting in a house playing with a kid. And then they turned into Trump...and at that point I woke up terrified. I was a weird kid.


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    I dreamed one time that I was in preschool and I was part of a gang of preschool boys that were all named Dylan. We were in a secret hideout who knows where, on this giant staircase. Brunette Dylan saw this giant spider and Blonde Dylan dared me to go capture it. They threatened me until I obliged. As I started walking, Blonde Dylan pushed me down the stairs. To this day, I still have no idea where anything from that dream came from.


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    i always have this same dream where im being chased by someone who looks familiar but i don't know and i can't run it's hard to explain but i cant run in the dream but i can like float away and i never know what was chasing me or who it was.


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    Serianna French
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    4 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I know how that feels; where you're in a dream and you see a person that looks completely normal in the dream, almost familiar, but when you wake up you can't describe them. And the running thing, I get that too. I was like weighed down or something. I just wasn't in control!

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    We are having a nightmare where Donald Trump is President of the United States.



    Another one: All my teachers doing the Macarena when I was in 5th grade.

    They were all singing 'Fight Song' really off-key and also throwing homework at me every time they turn-jumped.



    I had this recent dream where I was crossing the road. It wasn't anything scary or insane. It was just a road with me being the only one there. There was no one else in sight. I crossed the road without out checking left and right and it wasn't on a pedestrian crosswalk. All the sudden, I see this purple pick up truck on my left coming at me when I'm in the middle of the road. I felt the fight or flight response, but I did nothing to get to safety. I wasn't petrified out of fear but just stood there. Needless to say, I got ran over and the scene faded away.


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    Liam Walsh
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The full range is 'Fight, Flight, Freeze or Appease' - for some reason the last two, perfectly normal, responses get forgotten. The Freeze isn't necessarily born of fear either - can be just a shut down.

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    Oh my god where should I start. So I was walking my dog( most of my dreams start like this) and one of my childhood friends, Lillian,appears from behind a tree. She tells me that Hogwarts is real, and I am really a witch. At first I don’t believe her, but then she grabs my arm and Apparates to Hogwarts, which is impossible because there are several bewitchment on the castle to prevent this, so I try to explain this to her, at which point she slapped me and turns into Hagrid, who pulls a minature Buck beak out of his pocket and says, “meet my little friend. “Then, several bullets shoot out of Buckbeacks mouth and hit me in the head, and then the dragons mouth appears behind me, and I fall into it but I just keep falling and falling and falling. This happened last night.



    I've had too many weird or unexplainable dreams to count. One of them that has stuck with me, however, is a dream I had about a year ago, in which about 20 students and 5 teachers from my school were relocated to a laboratory in order to learn/teach instead, and I was one of the 20 students. Oddly, some rooms looked exactly like some of the classrooms.

    At one point of the dream, I had a blonde wig for some reason. The other students made fun of me because of that. This part went on for an uncomfortably long amount of time, and had no other significance to the dream.

    Afterwards, I had to carry around a large sausage made of Spam. It was large enough that I had to wrap it around my shoulders, and as wide as a dinner plate. What I didn't know until I got to my classroom, however, was that pieces of the sausage were falling off. When I finally realized what had happened, I ended up with a slab of Spam sausage, and some students were giving me pieces of the sausage back. One kid I really hated gave me a notebook instead, and I slapped him with the part of the sausage I still had while yelling at him.

    I believe the dream ended with all 20 of the students working together to escape the laboratory by stealing a car GTA-style and driving off. The most unrealistic thing wasn't necessarily the fact that none of us knew how to drive, but the fact that I didn't even like anyone at my school. Really, I still don't.


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    Once I had a dream where my mother was in the hospital with my second sibling (who does not exist; it was my first night in a while sleeping without a doll) and a murder was in the hospital she was giving birth in and I think she dies. Also I had a dream where my brother was in the hospital and he came back but there was something different about him. He was a clone. The real one was dead. This was after watching a LEGO stop-motion video of a hospital and I freaked out. The day after the second dream my brother hit his head on the concrete floor after falling off a step-stool. He was okay and was never hurt but it was weird. Also the dream two nights ago where Darth Vader was there and being like a father and we had a balcony on our garage.



    There was a couple of year when i was around 7 that i had nightmares almost every night. There's one that i remember specifically. I'm standing in a room that has one wall made entirely of windows. As I'm looking out I see this weird swirling fog coming towards the window. It goes through it and turns into 2 people. They start to walk towards me and even though in the dream I have no idea who they are, I know i have to get away. I stand up and turn around and start running to the nearest door. My dad is standing next to it talking with someone, and when I try to run through, he puts his arm in front of the door without looking at me. I start yelling and yanking on his arm trying to get him to let me go through, but he ignores me. I turn around, and the people are standing right in front of me, just staring. Then I wake up. Also had a dream i had to choose which one of parents i had to feed to a shark.



    Not sure if ya'll are ready for this weirdness. Had this dream when I was a teen. (I'm almost 39 now so you can understand how I remembered it)
    I dreamed one night that I was a nurse at a hospital. The hospital was located at the end of a cul de sac literally in the middle. On the right side of the street before you hit the cul de sac was a huge upscale apartment building (picture NY) and that's where I lived. Although it was "upscale" the neighborhood was not so there was a curfew. No one was allowed in the building after 10 even if you lived there. I got off one night super late due to some emergencies that came through. I went home exhausted and covered in blood and the doorman saw me. "Sorry" he said, "You know I can't let you in." I plead with him, "Come on... you know me, I've lived here forever." He acknowledged that but still refused me entry. So I decided to go back to the hospital to use the pay phone (yes that long ago, kids, a pay phone was a phone located on the street that you would put change in to make a call) I walked up to the payphone and called a cab company to take me to my parents house that was apparently about 30 min away. They said they'd be there in an hour. (an hour?!) Cab company knew the side of town I was in and was afraid to come out there. They warned me if I wasn't outside they'd just leave. So I walked into the lobby / ER of the hospital to wait so I wasn't out side. Here's where it gets weird (remember this for later it's important - and mind you this was during the Gulf war I had this dream) As the doors slid open I saw a lady sitting on a gurney playing with a baby in her lap. She looked incredibly sad. What struck me as odd is she didn't notice that right above her was a soldier splattered against the wall. I mean splattered. You could see the green camo uniform, the tan boots, even the dog tags hanging above her head with blood dripping off of them. Intestines and blood were everywhere. Skin, fractured bones you name it. I could read the name on the dog tags though. (I can't remember it all these years later but it was plain as day back then) Blood was dripping on her and the baby and the baby had a piece of intestine in their hands. But neither seemed to notice. I was instantly hit with such sadness. I knew deep down this must've been her husband and she didn't know. I walked back out side and the cab was there. I got in and gave the cabbie the address. He said "I know where you're going" and the driver was my DAD. I was like "what the hell are you doing driving a cab" He said "excuse me? why do you do the work you do?" I said "But dad you work Law enforcement." "Dad?! I don't know you." He dropped me off at my parents house without saying another word. I was about to go inside to figure out why my dad was denying my existence and driving a cab when I woke up. It was morning and I went out to the kitchen to find my parents drinking coffee and reading the paper. The front page had a story about a local military hero that was killed in action the day before. His convoy was hit by an IUD. He left behind a wife and small baby. His name? Yup the same I had seen in my dream..... still freaks me out to this day, and never figured out what the cab thing was all about.



    I had a dream where there was a war with marshmallows and ice cream. It was witch one is yummier. I came into the middle of it and ate both teams because I was hungry. 😝



    I had this nightmare in 5th grade that will haunt me for the rest of my days.

    That day, we had a little worksheet that we had to do for class. One of the questions was "Which one of these things might be described as ferocious?" One of the options was " a hungry baby". So, as a joke, I circled that answer.

    That night, I had the most HORRIFYING nightmare.

    I was in a large, empty auditorium, and I saw a little girl, no older than 3 or 4, sitting a few seats away from me. She was a blond-haired girl with a pink dress and a cute little ponytail on the top of her head. I was in a kind of trance, just staring around the place.

    Then, the girl turned her head and grinned at me, and I saw her big, yellow eyes. I felt insanely freaked out and ran for it.

    Suddenly, I was on a hill, and the auditorium was nowhere in sight. All I saw was a deep, dark drop and those yellow eyes in the darkness. I tried running, but I felt groggy and my legs felt like it was made of lead. Nonetheless, I kept on running at an excruciatingly slow pace, up the hill and toward a playground that was on the top of the hill. I saw my parents at the playground, as well as my brother and a few other kids.

    However, when I turned back, I saw that the girl was crawling toward me, with a strange, Cheshire-Cat looking kind of grin.

    I ran past the playground, shouting at my family and the kids to get away. I then heard screams and running footsteps, but I was so panicked, I didn't look back.

    Suddenly, I was in the auditorium again, backstage. To my horror, the baby was only a few feet away from me!
    It now had red stains of dried blood on its dress and a few red splotches on its face and around the mouth. I grabbed a nearby broom as a weapon, and when it came near me, I kicked the thing away from me and fled to the stage of the auditorium.

    The place was now filled with people, all chatting and unaware of the creature. I shouted to get their attention and ran for my life, as the baby ran out and toward the audience.

    After that, it was just complete chaos. There were running people everywhere. Screams filled the small space.

    By then, I had realized that this was a dream and tried desperately to wake myself up. Then, to my horror, I realized that I could no longer move! Worst of all, the baby was crawling toward me at an alarming speed. I was completely frozen in fear, and then, just as the thing was about to sink its teeth into my neck, I woke up.... at 3:00 A.M in the morning.

    I was too afraid to go back to sleep after that. I just stared at the ceiling, feeling too afraid to even move, until my mom awoke and told me to get dressed.

    That day, I had a concert. While playing a solo piece, I saw a little girl who matched the description of the thing I saw in the dream PERFECTLY, so I kinda freaked out and missed a few notes.

    I am still pretty traumatized. My friends and I all had a good laugh after that, but I will forever remember the blood-stained dress, the manic grin, and the glowing yellow eyes.....



    When I was in elementary school, I had a porcelain doll in my room. It was faced in my direction, but she was looking a bit above my head. I was very, very afraid of it. I was also afraid that if I took it out of my room it would get angry at me and hurt me. Thanks to that doll, I had some pretty weird dreams.
    One time in a dream, I was lying in bed, trying to fall asleep. That's when I looked at my doll and noticed that she was looking RIGHT. AT. ME. (she normally looks a bit above my head). Her eyes were glowing red and she started singing, a very slow "If you're happy and you know it clap your hands". Her eyes then started crying blood. I tried to yell for my parents, but nothing came out.
    After that dream, I got rid of the doll.



    this was my brother's dream, not mine. but it's the funniest ive heard. he walked into a department store where they sold shampoo which took all your facial features off, which i apparently tried. then tamatoa burst in the store holding moana, and bit off her head. but she just put it back on and did the same to him. then maui came in through the hole tamatoa made in the wall, so moana gave him her eyeball. he ate it. he then proceeded to barf up his hook. moana decided her work there was done, so she went to the bathroom. when she came out, she was a W with eyes and a nose. my brother asked if she was a boy, and she responded by farting.

    he was six.



    When I was about 13, I had a dream where I was hiding atop a Nazi U-Boat so I could get to a converted oil platform turned U-Boat refueler in order to fight and kill zombie Hitler. I was woken up for school right before the fight started. I have also found that my dreams are often influenced by videogames, such as the time I played JC3 before bed and my entire dream was me playing JC3 in a pure white room.


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    Once I had a dream where my house was flooding but it was very old and was flooding weirdly. The basement had screen doors that were open wide but only had a few inches of water, even though there was a tsunami that went well over the height of my house. The main floor was filled with water but the windows were barely open. The top floor was also full of water. I also had one other dream about how there was a tsunami so I was hiding but I was hiding in the tsunami, and it was like an abstract sculpture but huge and blue. there were also splashes of green, orange, and yellow color in the tsunami.



    The dream where I was chased by a demon who turned out to be terrified of used teabags.



    So one time I dreamed that my dad and I were at this county fair that for some reason was in my (previous) church parking lot. At first my dad and I were just sitting under an awning eating at a cafe that was also a part of the fair, and my dad looks over and we see the Simpsons; Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie Simpson are standing off to the side while Homer was climbing one of those strong man bells? Like the type you hit to measure strength, but this one you could climb... anyhow, my dad sees this and for some reason, needs to prove that he can climb it faster than Homer Simpson. So my dad starts to also climb the pole thing and he and Homer are neck and neck and then they start punching each other. Right there on the pole. Both Lisa Simpson and I were mortified. Also during this entire scenario the song Father of Mine by Everclear was playing so I was hearing that instead of real words... When I woke up, that song was playing on the radio.
    This dream occurred 15 years ago and it still trips me out to this day!


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    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    woah that's so cool! usually things that we hear in the real world can be incorporated into our dreams :) i go to church too!! yay twinning

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    I once had a dream that I went to my cousins house for thanksgiving and I went upstairs to brush my teeth and downstairs I heard everyone screaming so I ran downstairs and they were all watching the tv and screaming about how Al Gore was coming, and then I was like, "No! My turnips will burn!" And they didn't here me and then Al Gore came and he was like just hanging out.



    I had a dream where my head had be decapitated and I was holding my own head telling someone that they need to take me to the hospital because I didn't like the amount of blood dripping. So a guy took me to the hospital who had his arm chopped off and in his truck was a chopped off head and a dead body in the garage.



    When I was about 6ish I had a dream where I was being chased by a dinosaur



    I once dreamed that a dog fell through a sewer grate thing, and it somehow made a portal to my attic. I ran to my attic and the dog came out of a purple toilet in a dollhouse. And then I woke up, really confused, because we don't even have an accessible attic.



    I had a dream when I was a kid that I was taking a shower in the kitchen and my German teacher saw me and I screamed louder than I had ever screamed before. Still traumatised,



    I once had a very vivid dream that I wanted to go to the cinema with some friends. The cinema was in the next town so we'd normally take cars. However, I was left behind (still not sure why...). So I decided to walk. About 7 km. As I was dogsitting at the time, my dream changed and suddenly I took the dog with me. So we went. Let's just ignore the gorilla on the train tracks that suddenly appeared on the outskirts of my hometome. Neither train tracks nor a gorilla are normally there. What's weird for me was that, while we were on the way, the dog turned around and looked at me angrily. Then he started to complain why I would force him to walk all the way - in my older brother's voice. He even had the annoyed tone I am still confronted with very frequently. That's when I woke up.



    I was in the park when a grandma stole my cheeses so we wrestled for it and I ended up getting thrown into a volcano. Inside of the volcano, there was a rainbow grapefruit shop run by Barak Obama



    Not me, but one morning, I went to wake up my sister and she sat up and said “maharbaan,” half asleep. (I later found out this means hello in Arabic). Now this might not be abnormal, but we are half Finnish, half Chinese, and she, to the best of my knowledge, does not speak a word of any other language, so this was quite a surprise to me.


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    Dilly Millandry
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    But people mumble in their sleep and words are often distorted. Isn't it more likely that it's a coincidence that it sounded like this word in particular?

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    I once had a dream that I was in an old, decaying house. It was completely destroyed, paint was peeling, there were no lights. It was night out, and I was looking for the bedroom so I could sleep. The bedroom was the only safe place in the house. For some reason I knew that something was following me. I could hear the footsteps getting louder, I knew I wasn't gonna make it to the bedroom in time. I dashed into the nearest room, locked the door, and turned to face the mirror when I saw my last name written in blood. And then I woke up.


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    i once had a dream that elvis presley was cutting my hair and it was terrifying.

    imagine this: uhuhaa *chop chop* thank you very muuch *chop chop* *elvis dance* *chop chop*

    i had this dream repeatedly until i turned 10 years old, and i can surely say it scared the heck out of me.



    This was over 30 years ago, but I still remember it vividly.
    I was walking through a field of tall grass on a hot day when I noticed some moving through the grass. Whatever it was, it was fast! I watched it as it sped by several feet in front of me, around a 12-foot tall barber pole (black and orange strips, though) and then off in a different direction.
    I kept walking. Soon, another whatever it was came speeding towards me. This one, however passed about a foot in front of me.
    It was a squid.
    It was about two feet long and was suspended about six inches above the ground. It seemed to have adapted the "jet" process it would use in water quite well in air. It also rounded the pole and followed the same trajectory of the first one.
    It was then I remembered that Kansas had just legalized para-mutual squid racing, and I realized I must have stumbled across a training area. I didn't want any of the squid (or me) injured by crashing into me, so picked up my pace to get out of the training area.


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    I was either 9 or 10 when I had this dream. It starts with me being in school. A random lady was teaching, and I saw through the window that a tornado had shown up in the distance. I kept on telling the teacher that there was a tornado, but she said there was not and we would be fine, even as the tornado siren went off. Right before the tornado hit our classroom, I woke up to my mom opening my door to my bedroom, possibly to wake me up. To this day, I don't know if she woke me up, or if it was a coincidence that she came in right when I woke.


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    Once I had a dream that I went over to my math teacher’s house to have dinner for some reason. When I got there her grandson was there and I guess I liked him. He decided to take me on a date and I was super excited. He told me it was a fancy restaurant and that it would be one of the best restaurants I had ever been to. I got there... and it was McDonald’s. I was sad but I ate chicken nuggets with him.


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    I was at a party, everyone was wearing turquoise t-shirts, and everything was also turquoise ( like balloons, tables, walls, etc. ) there was this big animal thing for the party, and everyone was having fun. Then we started shooting each other with grape juice out of something that looked like a nerf gun ( idk ) and when I got shot, I died and didn't wake up.



    I once had a dream in which I was at a house in the woods. The house had a wrap around deck about 30 feet off the ground. Trees were so tall I couldn't see the tops. Grass green like I have never seen in person . I was standing on the deck and out of the trees came Clifford the big red dog!! He walked right up to the deck and I woke up. I was absolutely terrified!! Thing is I always read the books as a child and remember liking them.


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    I once had a dream where I was on a flying carpet and henchmen were after me so I started going down to the ground but was digging without me moving anything so I went through all these tunnels and henchmen was still chasing me. Then a monkey fell and hit about 11 henchmen in the face with his butt.



    Once I had a really odd story like dream that went like this: There is this really sad looking kid and his to very slim parents all dressed very nicely, like it’s the 60s or something. Everything’s black and white like a in an old movie. Suddenly a man in a black cloak whooshes in from a rain storm outside, the parents nervously sit him down then go into the kitchen. The guy starts talking to the son, child, and he’s explaining how he should be careful because there is a person who every year sucks the life out of someone and takes their place to remain immortal, while he’s speaking it showed a like animated cave drawing scene of this person sucking the life out of person and becoming them, then as that same person becoming a new person, then he said something about how one time the guy was so desperate he sucked the life from and embodied a cat,*cue cave painting illustrating this*, and then it goes back to the man and boy in the living room. The boy starts to say that he doesn’t have to worry about it because he’s too young(???) and mid sentence he like seizes up and melts out of the picture. It then goes to the parents walking in to ask where the man went and the boy, who I assume is actually the man says he left. Now listen I have dreams like that, full on movies with scenes in them, and you’re gonna tell me most dreams only last 2-3 seconds??!”!?,


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    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Woah awesome you should have like a massive movie collection from your dreams or something

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    When I was 8 or 9 the Jurassic Park series came out. I was terrified that velociraptors would get loose and being hunted down. Outside the house i lived at the time had fields of uncut hay that moved in the wind where, like in one of the movies, the characters get eaten. In one particular nightmare, I remember this girl was trapped in what i now recognize as an Airstream, it caught on fire somehow in the velociraptor attack in a field similar to the field outside my house. She was rescued in my dream, and I am watching her on tv in an interview. Her arm is blackened. Her arm is unnaturally thin, like its mostly bone, and her hand only has two fingers. As she is haltingly thanking her rescuers, her fingers twitch, and periodically twitch. I don't remember exactly what she said, but her brown eyes in her dirty face were downcast, her dark hair either wet or matted, hanging down on either side of her face. I don't know why I remember this dream from all those years ago.


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    I had a dream when I was really small that There were 3 tribes/factions at war with one another. They all looked alike except the colors they wore. For some reason, I was trying to make peace, but none of them were listening. At some point I needed a lamp (think Genie lamp from the disney series) that was stored away because Group A said they had to have it. I go where it is stored in this blue wall, but a cowboy won't let me have it. The dream ends with me and the cowboy looking over the wall at a field where all three factions continue to squabble. The sky was dark, and slightly sepia colored, like a really bad storm. the field is gray. The dream ends.


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    When I was little (about 6-7) I had a dream where The Grinch, Jack Skellington, and others (don't ask why) were planning an attack on my house, their advantage was they could teleport through mirrors. The dream ended with them marching. When I woke up I ended up having a big fear of mirrors until I was about 8-9


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    4 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My bathroom had a mirror in it, so every time after I went to the bathroom I would count to five and run as fast as I could out of the bathroom, or else "they" would get me!

    See Also on Bored Panda

    So I had a (if I wanna call it that) lucid dream nightmare. So the dream starts with me at my grandmas, scrolling through (it doesn’t even exist) a site called “subari” and I find this thing called «5 things you shouldn’t do while lucid nightmare dreaming. Being the idiot I am. I tapped it, and then I see a pitch black smoke going to the door, I walked to it and a (I named it skip dunno why) pitch black figure with white eyes was staring At me. I then hear a voice saying “don’t Inrage me,”. I had no clue what it meant, (I don’t really remember a lot about this dream) I tickled skip for some dang reason, he slapped me and then I woke up, (Sorry if it made ZERO sense)



    Okay so once I had a dream that I was in a library with a group of old primary school friends and one of them was saying that they always felt left out because I was good at football and they didn’t know how to tell me (???). All of a sudden we are playing this gymnastics game (don’t ask) and the end of the world arrives and the whole world is split into quarters and plagued with different types of monsters. My friends and I have to hide in a safe place which is super desolate and like a war zone. The best way I could describe it would be post-apocalyptic. Then suddenly everyone starts telling me to go to the purple section of the world, which I do, and kill a load of fungi monsters that look like giant angry mushrooms, which I do. I kill the biggest one and all of a sudden everything is back to normal and I wake up.
    To be honest, it was a pretty awesome dream, although it made literally no sense.



    I once dreamed that a cartoon rabbit (sort of like Bugs Bunny only it was wearing a purple shirt with no pants???) Was trying to suffocate me by hugging me super tight (Sort of like a boa constrictor might) so yeah that was super weird and oh yeah it's name was Molly,


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    This weird dream I had was about if you ate some weird-like candy (they were rare), you would become pregnant and the one who was the "father" would be the last person you held hands with. Idk why.



    Wow there has been way to many random and quite disturbing dreams but one that still cracks me up today a dream where there was a war past vs present in my backyard. George Washington came in with his musket and and general uniform on a bungee jump (don’t ask).
    Another one is where I was attending an assembly at my childhood elementary school when prince harry walked in. Everyone threw opossums at him oh so happily but I thought it was prince William so I said it’s prince William and every single being glared at me for not thinking it was prince harry. Than they threw opossums at me. Oof.



    im bossy and da weirdest dream i have had isssss........
    when i had to go to a barbie store and i walked in and then the barbies came to life and started running at me and i ran away but then i tripped then it ended.



    I was in my room as a crazy person jumped in my window and screamed. I said what the heck happened to u. not caring at all. he just looked at me. turn's out it was a girl and she kidnapped me saying I had a super power. me denying it asked what it was then. she said it was lifting things with my mind. Me still denying said how. she just kept running. then everything went black. i woke up in a lab and their was scientists everywhere. I broke out and run out in the hallway. not knowing which way to go i run right. the girl which i recognize for some reason chases me. as I run i try to remember where i have seen her. I see the front door. I run out and there are police everywhere surrounding the building. I remember i have a super power. not knowing how to use it I just try. I start flying. I was trying to move the ground but this is better. the girl runs out the door. she looks around and asks where i am. the police say up. she looks and i put full force at the ground. I start going up very fast. after i get the hang of it i just get out of the area. I sit on top of a tall tree. I hear police sirens everywhere. I just look up at the night sky. just wondering what just happened. Then i woke up. Hope u guys liked that. Enjoy!



    I had a super weird series of nightmares each month becasue i was afraid of bears. This went on for years. I was in a house sleeping on a floor and these bears came at me . Then it went to another scene but there were 4 bears in a picture exactly like the marilyn monroe picture by andy wahol. then i was in a forest with a bunch of kids and they all ran and hid in trees. I went in one as well with a strange dog. Then the bear came and smashed all the trees. I then woke up.



    I had this a few days ago. Me and 15 kids from my class went to a shed full of greeting cards and knives. Then one of the girls said 'QUick grab a card and a knife.' Their were'nt enough so i missed out and my friend gave me hers. Then we looked out the window and their was another of my friends but looking really creepy. I said to everyone 'hide in the side room'. we did and i was the last person so i full on dived in there. Turns out we forgot to close the door and creepy friend came in. Me and 4 others managed to climb out the window as creepy friend turned everyone else creepy. Then i was running through a shopping centre with one of the friends who escaped with 2 creepy friends chasing us. She fell over and said dramatically, 'You go on, leave me behind!' I left her behind and met up with the other 3 and we went into a shed. Turns out it was full of zombie like creepy friends which we managed to kill. Then 1 of the 3 got swept away by a river. The rest of us then decided to seperate and i woke up.


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    I was a Squirtle. Just chilling on a rock at a beach. Then some Pokemon Trainer came by and trys to capture me. I gave him a Headnut and knock him out. some other trainers saw this, and now they want to capture me too. they all get the same treatment. I somehow got famous for being the stubborn Squirtle. Trainers queued up to try capture me. Later they even ganged up. Had to fight lots of different plant type and elektro type Pokemons..... and then finally they managed to capture me. When the trainer let me out of the Pokeball, to fight another Trainer, I just turned around and aqua gunned him to a bloody pulp. This was the final experience I needed to evolve. But all the fightings gave me so much experience, that I evolved directly to a Blastoise. Then I go on a rampage through the villages on the beach and even aim for World Domination.



    This dream was probably 10 years ago but I'll always remember it and it still confuses me.
    I was in the middle of a huge salt pan, absolutely nothing for miles but salt & several huge boulders. I was with my parents, aunt and our dog. We were also joined by Ellie and the two possums from Ice Age 2; The Meltdown.
    As we were just wondering the area these huge floating purple balls with black spikes coming out of them (think Globe Thistle looking) started chasing us. So we ran away and my dad suddenly found a little hole in one of the giant boulders and ushered us all inside, the hole turned into a little sloped cave and the slope suddenly turned into a bouncy rainbow coloured slide with a disco ball on the ceiling and a floor to ceiling ball bit at the bottom... We had to swim our way out of the ball pit. Then I woke up.

    I'm pretty sure that dream was inspired partly by watching Ice Age 2; The Meltdown and Top Gear: Botswana Special earlier that day.



    i once had a dream that i was walking home from school and a yellow umbrella jumped out of a hedge and chased me



    Don't know about the weirdest ever, but here's the last one I had. I was at an almost deserted wide sandy beach at night, and I saw a tiger cub playfully chasing after a dog (adult, a med-sized and long fur breed).


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    1: I had this dream when I was very little. I used to sit on the couch with my dad and watch him play this cool hunting game where you shoot the deer. One night, I had this crazy dream: I woke up in the middle of the night to get a drink of water. When I came out, I looked at my brother's bedroom door. I tapped on his door rhythmically with one finger, which opened up a small shaft in the door. A little phone came out, still stuck in the door. I was amazed! Then I realized that was my dad's phone because it automatically started playing that hunting game. I watched it as I always watched my dad play it. The game missed a few times, then hit some deer in the side. As soon as it got a headshot, a terribly creepy face popped up and laughed in my face. I ran into the kitchen, bumping into a witch. Then I sprinted to the sliding glass door. There were mobs everywhere! Evil creatures of every shape, size, and color were after me. One mob I remember in particular was a giant tick on the side of our garage. I have no idea how the dream ended. (I don't know what to call the creatures, but I play a lot of Minecraft, so I call them mobs, I guess.)

    2: I had this repeating dream. This person seems really normal in the dream, but once I wake up, I can't describe them. So it goes like this: My brother and I are playing outside on the driveway with chalk. A vehicle turns and starts heading up our driveway. (Sometimes the vehicle was a jeep, and sometimes it was a small car.) My brother and I try to head inside but our feet are weighed down or something. My brother won't move, so I grab his arm and pull him with me. (I can really feel the strain and all the effort I am putting into this and I usually wake up sore.) We barely make it to the porch, where we can move regularly, and we race inside and lock the front door. That's where it ends.
    Some nights, my dream had a strange twist. My dad was outside with us when the vehicle pulled up. The people in the vehicle started shooting. There is blood everywhere. My dad takes most of the bullets. I cry out to my dad, who is lying on the floor, as my brother and I make it inside and barely lock the door.
    That dream kept reoccurring throughout the school year. My mom always woke me up for school as soon as I got in the house. It was summer when I finally got to finish the dream, and the dream stopped repeating.
    The second part:
    We lock the door, and this guy I can't identify bursts through it. I help my little brother up the stairs and we run to my room. I tuck him away in the closet, fearing what might happen to him if he stayed with me. I run in my parent's room, locking both doors to get in. I hide beneath their bed. This evil woman that looks kinda like a skinny Ursula slithers under the door and into the room. I unlock the other door and run away, slamming the door behind me. The woman slithers under the door, coming towards me. I am trapped in my parent's bathroom! I take a moment to get a good look at the lady. She is purple and she looks kinda like a squid. She is similar to Ursula but way skinnier. I realize she is not wearing any clothing. I say excuse me and walk past her, back into my parent's room. She follows. I dig around in my parent's closet and find an old pair of my mother's clothing. I hand it to the lady and she says, "Thank you! All I ever wanted were some clothes!" and we instantly became friends!
    (I had a wild imagination as a kid, and my thoughts would carry into my dreams as I fell asleep)



    One time, when I was young, I had this odd dream, where I was in some sort of temple(?) that was like yellow-ish white. Very tall. With a very bright turquoise river going through it.

    Very nice scene, right?

    Welp, there's a large wave and a FOX is on a SURFBOARD saying "Waaahahahoooo!" (Not normal to me) And a REALLY big shark--a BIG shark?!--- eats the fox who is still on the wave.

    It gets weirder/worse. My big BROTHER (wth) pops out of nowhere--only the "bust" (like a statue)--- and is legit like "yoyoyo" or something. The shark is still going forward, at top speed, so I'm kinda freaking out. It felt so real.

    I woke up saying "(Brother's name)! Look out!"



    I have a lot of bizarre dreams but I can only remember bits of them. One, from 55 or so years ago involved . . . think an outdoor setting where people are in a circle around a campfire, except there was no campfire, just a circle of crucified Jesuses -- but they matter of factly moved around by hopping their crosses where they wanted to go. (Clearly, I'd just started to notice what was going on in mass and caught sight of a crucifix, which apparently weirded me out.) Next, about 50 years ago, recurring dreams involving the angry apple throwing apple trees from the Wizard of Oz -- they'd "welcome" me back each night but were anything but friendly. Obviously, I was traumatized by watching the movie. And zoom to last night, where my car had apparently broken down, so I borrowed a dining room table and drove that instead (no steering wheel or anything, just foot controls like for a sewing machine.) The guy who loaned it to me suggested I keep to the back streets rather than the highways as it would probably be safer.



    So I have two. One of them I dreamed I was at school during the Fun Run, by Boosterthon. I was in a circus instead of outside.Suddenly I was in the seats watching others race. My crush was in the seat, and I started drinking coke and eating pizza. Suddenly I was back in the race and I took First place doing the most laps. My mom congratulated me. Suddenly I was In my Kindergarten classroom at the end of the day, but I had no shoes nor socks on. Suddenly I saw Lexi, the sassy bossy girl from first or second grade, whom told me I could not leave without socks and shoes. Suddenly I was outside, supposedly recess, but my shoes were back, and there was a kid, Jack, from preschool who i recently found out went to my school. I caught up with my friends, Brock,Jasper H and Jasper T, but somehow Jack- there was a amplifier and a karaoke machine outside, but Jack was flying a BB-8. It flew on top of the school roof and Jack screamed NOOO! I woke up, but it was like night and I had had four previous dreams that I cannot recall. Then I blinked, maybe fell asleep, and opened my eyes and it was 7 or 8 am.



    I had this dream twice, about a year and a half apart.

    Wonder Woman and Super Girl and some other female heroes were in my house, and apparently evil. anyways, I ran into my parent's bedroom, locked the door. They started banging in the door, so i went into the bathroom and locked the door. They broke through the bedroom door & the bathroom door was about to break, and i was trying to figure out what to do when the dream stops.

    also, that's not really the weirdest, but it's the easiest to write about.



    1. I was getting chased by weird shaped dinos in a blob city.
    2. In orchestra class, I was "learning" viola, but it was really a concert with and old man playing a viola. For some reason everyone was slouching.
    3. Evil people with vacuum cleaners chased me all around town.
    4. Peppa pig is evil! She killed my family in a surf shop. This was even before Piggy was out and I didn't even play Roblox. :(
    5. I was crossing a cross walk at Wal-mart to get to a car that didn't exist and then a train from a show I used to watch called "Chuggington" came my way. Anansi the spider was on top of the train.. He had a human face

    That is just some of my awkward dreams!!!



    I had a dream that I was kidnapped. The man who kidnapped me had on a black jacket over a black hoodie, with the hood up. Over the hood was a black ski mask, and over that was one of those white masks that murderers wear in movies and haunted houses.
    He locked me in my grandma's house, in the bedroom. It had less stuff than it usually does, and it was dark, but the dark that you get when the sun just set and everything turns blue. There was a bed, two cabinets, and my old dolls were scattered with their heads twisted towards me, like they were watching me. I had a small black purse on me, but it was completely empty except for one small bobby pin.
    I watched through a window close to the ceiling as the man's black car drove away. The window was way too high for me to climb, so I unlocked the door. When I got it open, I climbed through the hallway. It was at a slight angle, so it was like walking up a ramp. There were doors on either side of the hallway, but I didn't try to go through them.
    When I got up, I saw my grandma's living room, exactly how it was in real life. I saw my grandmother, just standing there with her back to me, just staring at her plants. I did the only logical thing in a dream, and started jumping up and down and telling her how I escaped. Then my grandma looked up and said "Ooh, who is that? Oh, nasty. Ugh." (my grandma is... like that.)
    Where my grandmother's bedroom hallway should've been, I saw a wall and then a man appeared. It was the man who kidnapped me. He saw me, and said, "Oh, there you are." Then he ran at me with a knife. I couldn't run. He plunged the knife deep into my shoulder, laughing like a maniac. Then I woke up. It still freaks me out thinking about it. I still have dreams that revolve around that one.



    This is a great coincidence. I had this dream last night. It started with me finding a kangaroo who knew basic English. I decided to take it to school with me so that it could learn more things. It slowly turned into a real human. Suddenly, I get a text message saying that I have to find and shoot person with the American flag on their tuxedo. I go to a shopping mall to find this person, eventually, after a lot of looking at male chests (a very good part of my dream) I finally find it. Its Arnold Schwarzenegger. I tell him I have to kill him. He says no. I ask for a selfie. I wake up.
