Let's keep it appropriate but other than that, type away pandas.


I often dream in sci fi, typically with generic space battles on spaceships with laser pistols. I tried to bribe Luke Skywalker with crumpled up bills from a drawer, luring him to the dark side most recently



    Throwing eggs at my best friend while she was riding on a pterodactyl in the sky???



    so this is gonna sound really weird so buckle up

    TL;DR at the bottom

    so i was walking through some sort of isle in a generic store. no motivation for going anywhere, kinda like how irl i would just roam around when my mom is busy trying to find something. this specific isle seemed to be selling a product in a light blue box and that was literally the only thing stocked up on the shelves.

    but here is the weird part.

    i wasn't alone. right beside me was leonardo from tmnt. specifically tmnt 2012. i think his height is around 4' something and i am currently 5'5" almost 5'6". may seem irrelevent but trust me its important. so after quite a bit of walking, i turn to him and say something like "hey sweetheart ain't ur cute little legs getting tired after all of this walking?" and then i PICK HIM UP BRIDE AND GROOM STYLE (im the groom and hes the bride) and then i just keep on walking and act as if nothing happened. and he's just staring up at me giving me gaga eyes and blushing like crazy.

    This is really weird cuz i haven't seen the series in quite a while and i have never had any sort of attraction to this dude AT ALL. i was kinda out of it tho cuz i was sick and had just gotten off of a plane and was resting at my grandparents' place in india at the time. but still wtf brain why

    TL:DR: ya boi here rizzed a ninja turtle at a generic store (like walmart idk) because of his shortness💀



    Here is some context. A few years ago, a rumor started that a person wearing a 1940s-era gas mask (who had never taken it off in front of someone else) had moved into our neighborhood and would set other people's belongings on fire every night. People tried locking their doors and windows, but the person would always find their way inside with no explanation. They would leave no traces of themself behind and was never seen unless it was dark. Their arrival was often foreshadowed by a chill in the air or people complaining of it being hard to breathe. There is a lot more to this myth that I will not get into too much detail here. Ask me anything about it.
    So in the dream, it was very late at night and I was outside running errands. Suddenly, I felt the air around me get colder. I tried to ignore it but it got worse. Then I noticed the masked arsonist's shadow in the distance. They were getting closer and closer to me. They unsheathed the firefighter's axe they carried with them everywhere and looked ready to kill me, but then they dropped the axe and asked me what my name was.

    The scariest part is that when I woke up, I realized that the arsonist was inside my house, staring at me, watching me sleep. They asked me, "Had a nice dream?" before leaving my house. I suspected that it was them who made me have the dream. Feel free to ask questions.



    From the ages of 4-7, i lived in an old farmhouse from the 1880’s, isolated in the country, it made creepy noises at night. It was huge, two stories and a half finished scary basement with some dirt floors. Maybe 18-20 rooms.

    My most common dreams over the decades are exploring the attics or basements of impossibly huge and ornate haunted houses. Once it was a haunted ghost ship based upon a model i built as a kid, life sized and with ghosts.

    There are no Freudian or other dream interpretations about “big scary houses with endless rooms” in any literature i’ve researched, so maybe a cigar is just a cigar.


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    I was in a mall and there was this church inside me and my dad dressed up as nuns and stole money from the people we brought the smallest blue plate from the Apple store. Then I somehow got locked in the mall and jumped off the first floor inside then there was mattresses everywhere .. ( I was 11)


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    Do-nut touch da donut
    Community Member
    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I read too fast and read 'there was this church inside me' took me a bit to realize u meant the mall


    I owned a mcdonalds, but once it was closing time I refused to let my employees leave and then some of the turned into family guy characters. I also refused to let them eat food unless if they put something called sauteed garlic mayonnaise on iit and finally I kept on repeating these words, don't pizza the pie or burger the fry. It was weird


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    Cat Dragon
    Community Member
    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sounds like a ritual chant. "Don't pizza the pie, or burger the fry, the final goodbye, there's naught left to try" and then Ronald mcdonald just rises from the ground


    So I start off in a bed,and then I walk up to my mirror to see that I am a squirrel.I take a few second to figure out my squirrel abilities and then I realize that that is not my room,it it made of unpolished wood.BUT ITS NOT WOOD,IM IN AN ACORN!dun,duN,DUNNN!So I est my way out and fall out of the tree


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    So at the start of this dream it seem like I was still awake lying in bed, then all the sudden it was morning. I got out of bed and did all my usual morning things, eating, brushing my teeth, ect. Then I walk outside, my feet hit the grass, then poof i'm in the middle of the ocean. Then a shark comes up to me a offers me a ride to shore. When I get there everyone is beach towels (i am not kidding, they were just waking, talking beach towels). Then i'm teleported to a cliff side. Then the shark that helped me get to shore pushed me off the cliff, then i woke up.


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    Last night I had a dream where my teeth were very f****d up to the point where some of them were fused and the gums had come off in some places. I scared myself awake because of this weird dream


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    this dream bascially deleted a fear for me ( im still not going to watch the movie but it did get rid of the fear of watching the trailer)
    i dont remenber how it starts all i know i was at my school on the track with a group of friends. we all scattered all of a sudden running from something. i hid in the bushes in the forest that my real school doesnt have. then Pennywise walks right by me and finds me hiding. he grabs me by the hand and takes me to a dance party near my school. im dancing and Pennywise asks for blessing to marry my brother. i woke up laughing.


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    (TL;DR at the end)
    So I get an urgent message from on of my internet friends that she is in my town (she lives in Canada, I am in the middle of the US) and she’s very sick, but her moms car broke down in the parking lot of a vet office, and she needs to get to the hospital asap. So I convince my mom to take me to her, but on the way there I remember that the band concert is happening, and I told my friends I’d go. So we get there and it turns out the band concert is just two of my friends performing one of the Cabinet Battles from Hamilton. After, I get cornered by my 7th grade Geography teacher and he interrogates me about my favorite gay romcoms (????). Our next stop is at the Nerds factory. Donald Trump is working there and he gives me a bag of ginormous Nerds. While we try to leave, we’re blocked by a bunch of protesters, but we have no idea what they’re protesting because they refuse to speak and won’t show us the signs they’re holding. Ok now this is where it gets really weird, because we have to go through six different versions of hell, each of which is in the form of a different animation style. Yeah, I don’t know either. So finally we get to where my internet friend is, and she’s upset that it took so long, and I’m like “girl I literally went through hell six times to get here”. Anyway I guess we got her help because the next thing i remember is going through the Chick-fil-a drive through with her because they don’t have it where she lives.

    TL;DR: One of my internet friends needs help, and we do save her but not before going to a lame band concert, going to the Nerds factory, meeting Donald Trump, and traveling through six different versions of hell. We get Chick-fil-A after.


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    I had a dream that me and my boyfriend were going to the beach, and we were eating pizza together and then I started to feel weird, and then he said oh no, not my precious boyfriend. Then he saw that I was turning into a animatronic fox with an eyepatch (Foxy, FNAF) and he booped me and I turned back to normal.


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