Have you ever had a dream that that, um, that you had, uh, that you had to, you could, you do, you wit, you wa, you could do so, you do you could, you want, you wanted him to do you so much you could do anything?

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jumping around as high as i wanted, while blasting aliens in the face with ray gun things


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Community Member
4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Were you jumping fences? I had a dream once where a guy kept jumping over these super high fences (skyscraper high). :D

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    My dreams are so weird they inspire part of my writing. Though I never did write about the one where I begged the humans who turned into kitchen appliances to tell me how to turn into a toaster into a story ...yet.


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    Me and my brother, my friend, and her mom were on a hike. Then I realized I forgot my hiking shoes. I ran about 60 miles per hour to my house and put them on. They were rainbow and very bright. I got back to them. And there was about a 50 ft high hill that was about 4 ft thick and 6 ft wide in front of us. Me and my brother ran ahead to it but we kept sliding down because it was so steep. Finally we got to the top... but then the whole hill started leaning... leaning... and then WHIZZED down like a bullet.I was about 1 foot away from breaking my back and then I woke up.


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    Not the weirdest, but weird enough: Last night I dreamt that I was at a garden party, and suddenly a bunch of men appeared with firearms and grenades. They walked around and made each of us hold a grenade, then removed the pins (yeah, true action movie style eh). I and the person at my table decided to get away. [There is a gap in my dream here] We are now on a bus, a perfectly ordinary city bus, with other people on it, still with the grenades in our hands.... because we have to find "a safe place" to get rid of them. (Why couldn't we do that before getting on the bus? Haven't got the slightest idea). We got off the bus, and apparently my mind decided this was enough nonsense, because I woke up.


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    A rope was tied to my waist as I jumped from planet to planet.



    I was at a funeral for a very nice lady who is basically like a grandmother to me. However, the funeral was being held in my school's front office, so you've got like 50 people crammed in there but everybody's just going about their business. People are coming in and out, making copies asking the school nurse for ice as the ladies who work at the front desk are just making phone calls and stuff as usual. But then it gets even stranger because I take a look at the coffin, and it's made from those tri-fold boards that you put science fair presentations on. Except I'm looking at the coffin and body and whatnot but then I turn around, and the lady who we're having the funeral for is just standing there, chatting away, very much alive while she is also laying in the coffin, very much dead. I don't remember anything after that, I think I woke myself just trying to figure out what the fresh hell was going on.

    I don't know what the deal was with that. All I can say is that Lexapro can cause crazy dreams.



    I've had a few weird dreams I dreamt a dinosaur was chasing me, I have dreamt My brother tried to kill me by poking me with a pin thinking I would pop, I dreamt that my head had been cut off and I was still able to talk


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    This was many years ago, but it was particularly memorable. I blame it on Kansas (where I was living) legalizing horse races and TV nature programs.
    I was walking through a field of tall grass on a warm, sunny day. There was nothing to see but a tall orange and black spirally striped pole. Out of the corner of my eye, I see something moving very fast through the grass. It whipped past me faster than I could see, then went around the pole and off in a different direction. Soon after, another one came along, and I watched carefully as it went past my feet.
    It was a squid.
    It was about two feet long and was floating unsuspended a foot or so above the ground. It jetted along the way squids do in water. It zipped around the pole and followed the first one.
    Then it dawned on me: the state had just legalized para mutual squid racing. I'd obviously wandered onto one of the training fields.


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    I had a dream that I was throwing a party because I was hired as the new voice actor for Garfield the cat, (I’m a girl so that alone doesn’t even make any sense) and at the party, everyone mean at my school was wearing red, every staff member/worker at the party was wearing yellow and green stripes and serving Oreos, and all of my friends were on razor scooters wearing pink sparkly sweatshirts. There was a competition to find a lightbulb buried in a bunch of rocks, but I couldn’t do it because I was wearing ridiculously tall high heels. Also, the entire time everyone kept giving me pool noodles.


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    I was around 6 when I had this dream. Me and my parents and my brother were cooking dinner. My brother says he is cold, so my dad picks him up and puts into a pot of boiling water. My brother then starts screaming super loud, and my mom is yelling at my dad to get him out. My dad does, and sets him on the table. My bro then starts taking his shorts off, and under neath, his waist down is made of pots and pans.
    It was a weird dream and I woke up crying. I’ve also had some other weirder dreams, it it’s impossible to explain them without sounding crazy, but I’ve had them multiple times and every time I wake up feeling like I’m suffocating (but I’m not, and I’m perfectly fine) but I have this dream so often and it literally scares me even though it’s completely pointless.


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    I was in a meadow, much like in the old Windows XP wallpaper. I looked at the flowers, and then suddenly a bear appeared, ran on its two feet and chased me.


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    Me and my friends dissected a fairy that came from a meteor. They then nuked us.
    I was in a weird upside-down temple and I was fighting people that I just murdered. I then turned into a Gryfin and ate their bodies.


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    So i might sound crazy , but i had a dream where i was running up a set of sprial stair cases , the farther i climbed the steps they turned into a slope and i started falling . I grabbed a rail of one and i started to hear what sounded like a bipedal thing climb up the stairs chasing after me saying come on , fall down the stairs and join me in the darkness , its nice down here. I stood up and i started to run up the slope and i got to the top and i went through this door at the top of the steps. When i closed the door i was back at the bottom of the steps but this time the room was full of light and everyone i knew was there laughing and talking and before i could join them i woke up and started crying because everyone was there and now they were gone.


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    UUUUUUUUM, theres many... sometimes, u dont really choose if your dream is 'good' or ' bad', right? It just... feels like it, ya know? Well this was certainly a good dream. We were running around naked with our heads on fire being chased by a madman jumping over fences everything was navy blue. I jumped off a cliff. then i woke up. somehow even though i was naked, being chased by a madman, my head was on fire, and i jumped off a cliff, it was a good dream.


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    Where do I begin?
    So I was at a pool, and some of my friends were there too. there were giant ice cubes in the pool, an ice slide, and some random ice structures. Yet the water wasn't cold. I was sitting on one of the ice cubes, when a shark entered the pool. I like sharks, but dream me tried to get away. For some reason i was certain it was a Megalodon. so my dumb self swam over to the slide and tried to go up it. During this, my friends were just watching. The shark was just swiming around. I managed to get up the slide, when suddenly the shark leaped at me, and I woke up.

    I needed to think for a minute. Dream me was stupid.



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    I was biking around my neighborhood, and I get to this place I've never been before, there was this big bridge above a river, and the bridge had no railings, and like a fool, I went across.

    Then I thought I saw my friends, but they were animals, but I still somehow new they were my friends, so I followed them. Then, I saw my cousin/giraffe, and it was a little bit creepy, and she kept coming towards me so I decided I was going back home.

    I turn around go go down a tiny hill and go back to the bridge. Who should I see there but my cousin. She tries to grab me and push me over, and I start screaming for help. A policeman -who was conveniently nearby- handcuffed her.

    I called my mom and she didn't answer. I called my dad and he said he's coming to get me. He was eating at a restaurant close to there. He comes and gets me, and then, out of NOWHERE, this trophy appears, and it says "best cousin ever" on it, with my cousins name under it.

    My dad yeets it over the bridge.

    We go home, and my mom and brother are literally IN the cabinet in the guest room. The fireplace is also, for some reason, in the cabinet. Dream-Me thought it was completely normal, but whatever.

    Then I woke up.


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    I was at the bikini bottom bottom then I met SpongeBob!

    (It was kind of weird to me because I never met a talking sponge before)


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