We all give/have gotten weird compliments. What is yours?


While not directly said, the underlying compliment was weird.

So I was walking on the street by my university when a little girl came sprinting up to me and was shrieking and giddy. I looked around trying to see who she belonged to when her mom came into view. She was like "MOM, MOM, MOM, LOOK IT'S ALESSIA CARA!!" I, at the time, had no idea who that was but realised later that my outfit that day had looked the exact same as her know-it-all album cover and she was reported to be back in Toronto (about an hour away). I was like "Oh... umm.. I"m not actually--"

She was like "Mom take a picture!!!" And the mum could see that I was a little uneasy. She was like "it's fine just one picture" while giving me a 'she needs this' look. So I begrudgingly posed and smiled with her 6yr old megafan.

People in the street saw this happen and heard her fangirl-ing over me being Alessia and so some other people came by and I ended up having to pose with a number of people, even though I tried to say I wasn't her. Was... both highly flattering and one of the weirdest experiences of my life.


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    An ex-coworker was telling me a joke where they are a question and you answer and so on. Well, he messed up the punchline and didn't land the joke. He then said, "I really hate telling smart people jokes." Thanks! I have never been accused of being smart before. :)


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    I was once hit on at a bar and they said to me ‘I’ve always been attracted to your Cherubic look.’ (?)


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    I went to a wedding as my friend's +1. He grew up in a very country bumkin kind of area. He's gay and we met in uni. So... no one knows he's gay back home (his family knows he just doesn't go to his home town ever) so he asked if I could accompany him so he can just avoid the conversation since it's the bride's day. Sure, np. I go. Now, I'm mixed, he is white. I wear a nice dress, he has a suit, we get there and realise we are over dressed, he throws his jacket in the car and we start making rounds. Many people stare at me and us. I am honestly kind of used to it but he's taken aback. Finally the mother of the bride comes over and takes a lock of my hair in her hands and is like "oh wow, you're so exotic"... now when I say I'm mixed I mean that I am non-white but I am still quite pale when I'm not tanned. This was in the spring, I was not tanned.

    This took me by surprise. I was like "umm... sorry, what?"

    "You're just so beautiful, like a tiger. Just... exotic. It's amazing to see the sort of colours God has made. Just incredible bone structure and colouring."... now I'm more than a little uncomfortable. She called over the (heavily pregnant) bride to come see me. It was very... strange but kind of funny. I ended up being called exotic 4 more times that day. Black twice and mullato 3 times.

    In the husband's speech he talked about how his dream girl was quiet, a good cook, a huge jugs, a good mom and had to be white.

    I have never laughed so hard. I had a great time because it was all so ridiculous. It became a running joke between my friend and I. He even workedthe story into his speech at my wedding-- some of my family needed a little more backstory lol.



    I had one classmate who was obsessed with my right elbow (just the right!) Because she said "was the smoothest elbow she's ever touched" haha



    "I would never be your friend," that's relieving to hear. Thankyou.


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    "Hey, you are smarter than you look". Thanks I guess?!


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Someone said this to me. At the time I looked like a crusty roach. I just said "Um.. Thanks?" and moved on with myself. Idk why, but I was kinda happy cause he was my crushes friend. . I was weird at the time.


    That my eye lashes are so long and pretty they want to rip them off and use them for their own


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    Stolas <3
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have super long eyelashes as well, my dad looks like an ostrich, lol.


    I was once told my face smells like cake so I’m not really sure how to feel about that


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Well I'd personally love that! I think that's quite a nice compliment


    I was called a „stealth frog.“ I was wearing my green hoodie with the hood up, and had just surprised my friends.


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    Okay, so the compliment itself wasn't weird, but the situation/person giving it was.

    A few years ago, I was in a hospital visiting my grandpa before he died. I needed to use the restroom. I'm a woman irl, so I naturally go to the women's restroom. That was being occupied, and I was too chicken to go into the mens. I noticed a family one off to the side, so it was unisex. I go into it and come out a few minutes later. I notice a janitor standing off to the side, almost behind the door.
    He says, in the strangest voice I've ever heard, "You know that's a men's restroom, right?"
    I tell him that it was a family restroom, meaning whatever gender could go in it.
    He wouldn't take it, so he just ended up saying:
    "In any case, you are a beautiful young lady and don't let anyone tell you otherwise,"
    It was sweet and all, but the man was creepy and gave off weird vibes. I have really good intuition, so usually I can detect that sort of thing. Still haunts me to this day.



    Walking away from the ticket window at Busch Stadium after purchasing tickets for an upcoming game I was approached by s young boy holding a pen and pad of paper. He asked, “Mister, are you a baseball player ?” I stopped, and replied, “ Sorry buddy I’m not, but thank you for thinking I was. You just made my day .”


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    My Gran (who loves me but doesn't particularly like me) refers to me as 'pale and interesting' whenever she wants to say something nice about it. My mum always thought it was a bit f****d up but hey, I'll take it.


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    Stolas <3
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm pale as well. People think I'm sick half the time, and then it's like no I just hate the sun.

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    Context: I've been going to gym regularly for 1,5 years, lost weight (minus 20kg) and I feel amazing.
    A friend whom I haven't seen for 2 years told me: "Wow, you look so great now, how shall I put it... it's like your flesh looks much better"
    Haha, thanks, it's called "muscle mass" :))


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    "How do you not chew your fingernails. I am jealous that you can grow them out without chewing them off." That conversation is forever embedded in my head. ANOTHER person told me something similar. Personally I hate my fingernails, and the first bends in my finger. Maybe it was a sign to stop hating on my hands.


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    Stolas <3
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have long nails, I get similar comments. I just paint them. That stops the biting, and I have anxiety.


    I was told that I look like a cross between David Draiman and Scott Ian. Took it as a compliment.


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    "You have nice eyebrows"
    I've been told this ever since I was little by a lot of strangers and I still personally think its kinda weird.


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    I apparantly have VERY feminine shoulders


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    A guy I used to work with said to me once, 'You know theres a street named after you?'. I said 'Really?' And he said 'Yeah. "One Way", cause youre One Way." . I have no idea what he meant.



    "You're attractive in an unusual way"


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    Your neck looks very slappable. In a good way!


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    My friend said if we were in a plane crash and he’s the only survivor, he’d eat me first because I’m lightly marbled and would taste good. I’m like Dude, you just called me fat, but kind of in a nice way.


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    When caressing my GF's face, I politely said slowly "so youthful!"


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    "Your hair looks like Ozzy Osbourne's"
    ... I'm not even sure it was meant as a compliment? Plus, I'm a woman :,D On the other side, I have the exact type of hair as Ozzy and his is very nice, so I accept it...


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    got told by an elderly lady I had a very nice round bum 😂 bless her


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    A coworker said I had a nice a**, that was so awkward……


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    “I like your skin tone” I’m white. Like, borderline printer paper white.


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    I like noses..... so I may or may not have complimented on a nose or two in my lifetime. Always resultet in weird looks are terrified laughter. 😬


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Someone told me they liked the way I sounded when I yelled-


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    someone said I was the human embodiment of sunshine once :)
    this was in response to me asking if I was intimidating lmao


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    "Your hair looks as soft as my pillow"


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    First time boyfriend met my dad we were talking about what a smartass I am. Boyfriend told me I “did look very intelligent walking away from him.” My dad laughed so hard and looked me square in the eye and said “Marry him.”

    I did 5 years later. That was almost 19 years ago.


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    So I have this girl at my school that people call my twin because we look alike. So one day this guy was talking about me and how I look like her. I was insisting that we’re not the same and he said “yea. I guess you have a bigger a**”


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