Do you ever have a certain memory in your head that can never seem to just... forget? Like, it's always been there and you have no idea when, where or why it happened. If you have one of these random vivid memories from your childhood, share them here!


I used to bite my nails really badly, right down to the quick til I was bleeding. I'd always be in pain and dexterity was a particular issue because my fingers were always sore and red.
I've only stopped doing this in the past 5 years (better coping mechanisms were needed).

Anyway, one time when I was about 6 I bit my thumbnail down to nothing. Being a tomboy, I eventually ended up getting a lot of mud beneath the nail and it inevitably got infected. Great big, yellowy brown puss that needed to be drained out with a needle beneath your fingernail. Does this sound unpleasant yet?

Well, my mum takes me to the hospital to get it drained and she's absolutely shitting a brick, pacing, shaking, frantically waving her arms and hyperventilating, all before I've even sat in the chair. She told me constantly not to be scared and that it'd be OK.

Well the nurse comes up to me with the needle, takes the cap off and takes hold of my thumb in preparation for 'sticking me'. Suddenly there's this massive crash as my mum faints, cracking her head on the radiator in the process. The nurse gets all in a flap and rushes over to my mum, who had already regained consciousness by that point. She assures us both that she's fine and uninjured (if a little embarrassed) before she again tells me not to be scared, that it'll be alright. So, nurse attempts to once again pick up the needle and grab my thumb.

What happens? A second crash! Mum passes out yet again but this time, she takes the surgical tray and a plastic chair with her. There's utter chaos in the room as another concerned nurse comes in and I'm in absolute fits of laughter at my poor mum. The nurse promptly bans my mum from the room and syringes out the puss whilst I'm too busy laughing. I'll never forget that til the day I die. Mum took me shopping for a Teddy afterwards for 'being so brave' and I remember telling her that she should have a Teddy too for the same reasons. Love you, Ma, ya loon.



    OK kiddies buckle up for this one..
    I was I believe 2 and I was coming down the stairs and into the living room in my very young childhood home. I went into the room and there was a lady sitting on the sofa, beside two dolls for myself. I saw her just smiling and looking like a lady. Hair in curls, glasses, green dress and cardigan. I went into the kitchen for breakfast and she had gone by the time I had came back into the room. I remembered everything and tried asking where the lady went. No-one saw her at all. They thought I was exaggerating. Then years later I saw a picture of that lady. In the exact outfit and everything she was smiling. It was my great great granny. My family has that gift and it's never left me to this day. Seriously.



    Nearly freezing to death. I was so deep into hypothermia that I couldn't figure out how to call my mother at her job, and my father had gone to the bar, so I just went through the afternoon in this odd state where nothing seemed real. Extreme detachment from surroundings. Scared the living he** outta me then, still does now when I remember it.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Addendum: My dad saw me come in the door ---- I was deemed a year too young for a housekey at that age ---- and then left. That was when I got my own housekey. For anyone interested, the wind chills were at -40C, which is also -40F, and the hypothermia is because I walked home from school in what the National Weather Service still deems one of the worst blizzards of the 20th century.

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    So I was living in Ethiopia at the time. I was like 3 or 4 at the time and we were having breakfast outside. It was a pretty flat area with lots of grass, and there was this close of trees near by. I can't remember what I was eating except for an orange on my plate. Then, out of nowhere, this orangutan jumps out from the tall grass, grabs my orange and just disappears. Scared the living daylights outta me. Had nightmares for weeks afterwards.



    Theres a story with this one.

    I went to Germany when i was five. I was at the winter markets in Dresden, and i went on a merry-go-round. Well when my mother was trying to help me off, she slipped and accidentally poured her entire cup of hot spiced wine into my eye. The pain was extreme, and I couldn't see for a good hour. Very vivid. I can still recall exactly how the pain felt.

    Now that i think about it, I probably remember it so vividly because it was probably trauma.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Every one of these stories is triggering a memory from my own childhood.

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    I remember I was in my room (me and my sibling share a room) and I had gone into their toy box and began playing with their toys and they had no idea. Also, it had been raining heavily outside. As I secretly played with their toys (them having no idea I was in there), CLICK, all the lights suddenly go off in the house, and I let out the most bloodcurdling scream.

    My Grandma starts walking down the hallway and finds me practically having a conniption fit because I am TERRIFIED of the dark at this age (still kinda am) and she simply hands me her tablet and lets me play Candy Crush, and made me a peanut butter sandwich.

    I have no idea when this happened or how old I was, but I just vividly remember this happening.



    I was about 5 and my kindergarten class had gone to the park (which NEVER happened). There was a little boy named Greg that I had a crush on, and he was wearing a bright red sweater. I remember following him everywhere around the park trying to hold his hand. I can see that sweater like it was yesterday. That was around 52 years ago.



    I was around 5 and had the chicken pox. I remember everything clearly but this one memory my parents say didn't happen. But it's the one thing from my childhood I remember most. Anyhoo.....some point at that night a friend of my parents came over ( we lived on the second floor). My dad got upset and made him leave and I distinctly remember my dad making him tie bed sheets together to use them to climb out the window. I can still see the dude going out the window using the bed sheets to this day. 🤷


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    Huddo's sister
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have a what I thought was a memory (where I went through my wardrobe into my mum's wardrobe) for years and I was then told it was impossible.

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    1. I'd fallen down the stairs when i was about 4 and had to be taken to hospital.... had a complete meltdown when the nurse...and later a few others, tried holding me under the x ray and I struggled like f**k whilst all the time screaming for my dad.

    2. I was 5 and we were in the car travelling to a family holiday in Great Yarmouth...something came on the radio and my mum got upset and had a cry cause someone she liked very much had just died and she rambled on about him most of the trip there...which is why I knew at 5yrs old that Elvis never dodged the draft, what movies he'd been in (we watched them together in subsequent years), and just how much my mum loved his music and his hips. :)


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    Shyla Clay
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My mom took a couple of pictures of the TV screen showing bits of his last concert. They are in the family photo album.

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    I have a vivid memory of a dream. I had it several times as a child and it was discomforting to say the least.

    I would be in one of those high gravity simulators like you see in films like Moonraker? The machine and the room it was in, everything was white, and I would be trapped in there, going round and round, faster and faster and faster.

    No context, no start, no end other than waking up.



    I was in my high chair which was next to the refrigerator. There was a metal strip on the side of the door where I could see my reflection. My mom also had a mechanical pencil magnetized to the fridge.
    I had seen something on tv to the effect that the pupil was hollow so I decided to test it out. I took the mechanical pencil and proceeded to try and get it in the center of my eye.
    I kept looking but I could see a reflection which made me think it wasn't hollow so I decided that the tv was wrong and that it wasn't a good idea.

    Another weird one, sitting on the floor in my room playing. I got the taught that I didn't want to grow up, that this was probably as good as it gets. So I pondered how I could do this, couldn't stop growing, but I could pretend that my mind could stay that of a 4 year old. Rehearsed it in my head and decided it would really be hard to sustain.


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    Dani Pret
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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Deep stuff. This was me as a child, not the normal kid, no offense

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    I was 3. For some reason I thought I would put on every single pair of underwear I owned. After about 15 pairs, they got stuck and I had to ask mom for help to get them off


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    One time my underwear got stuck around the toilet and I still have no clue how

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    One of my most vivid memories is of my uncle during the Vietnam war. I was very young, playing on the kitchen floor at my aunts house. My mom and aunt were visiting at the kitchen table. All at once the room dimmed. I looked up toward where the light had been coming in the back door and saw a very tall, very dark silhouette blocking the sun. He seemed so big in his dress uniform. (My uncle was 6'6)


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    I remember my very first day of school, even though I was only 3 at the time. It was august 21st, and there was a pink turtle on the windshield of my mom’s blue Volkswagen as we drove to the Montessori school. My teacher walked me in and showed me the classroom, and then we had a lesson on how to sit crisscross.
    Then I noticed the metal shapes and I started drawing a pentagon inside a circle in green and pink pencil.
    Then I was asked to make biscuits with another girl, and I remember she had a long sleeved dress and I was wearing a short sleeved red dress which was pointed out as we washed our hands before cooking. While we were adding the sugar we argued on how it was spelt (sugar vs sigar, and I won). Then we became best friends and started talking about cursive writing until it was time to leave.



    I was with a group of neighbor kids playing baseball in a dead end street. One of them struck out but was denying it. I was (maybe 8 at the time?) yelling that he was out and arguing with my brother when all of a sudden I was looking at the ground from a horizontal position. He'd hit me on the side of my head with the mitt and had knocked me out. I got up and I remember only a few steps of my walking home and sobbing. I went to bed. Mom woke me up for dinner and I was surprised at how bright and clear everything seemed. I realized years later that I'd probably gotten a small concussion. But I was freaked out then how the world kept getting disjointed.



    I have a few memories from when I was about 2 or 3. My brother got pneumonia and my mom was on the phone waiting for emergency services to answer while holding my baby brother he was about 1 at the time and he wasn't breathing and turning blue. She told me to go downstairs and open the front door for our neighbors. We lived on the second floor apartment. I remember my neighbor doing CPR on my brother until the paramedics got there. My brother survived but it scared the living daylights out of me. A couple days later my mom and dad took me to see him in the hospital and we walked in his room and he was hanging upside down by his knees from the top of what I called the "monkey cage", it was a crib that looked like an animal cage. I remember asking my mom if we were going to bring him home in the cage.



    My family was so crazy, but I'm really not making this up. When I was about three y/o, my mom, my grandma, and me went grocery shopping and wanted to get lunch at the A&W drive-in. I don't think my grandma had gone to many drive-in eating places, and on this day, she had gotten a little tipsy along the way. (I don't know why my mother let her drive, but nevertheless, she was the one ordering for us.) She couldn't get anyone to answer the intercom because she didn't know where the order button was, and my mom kept trying to tell her what to do. Eventually, someone must have seen her trying to order because a voice came out of the intercom. This startled my grandma, and with all the city noises, she was having trouble hearing the wait person on the intercom. So she thought it would be helpful if she opened the car door, planted her two feet firmly on the pavement, and grabbed the post the intercom box was mounted on. All the while my mom is whispering frantically, trying to get her back in the car (my mom can't stand being in the middle of a spectacle), but no, my grandma was determined to do the ordering. So when opening the car door, planting her feet on the ground, and grabbing the pole didn't work (she was bit a hard of hearing), she put her arms around it and rose unsteadily from the driver's seat, swaying side to side and yelling 'Hello? Can we order now?' all the while hugging the post tightly as if she were dancing with it. My mom was telling her to 'get back in the car right now', I was howling in laughter, and grandma just kept dancing with the pole (she must have been the first grandma to pole dance in public). The wait person gave up trying to get my grandma to order through the intercom, and walked out to us. My grandma still wouldn't get back in the car, and she began to try to explain to the wait person why she couldn't order, and instead of saying something like "I didn't know where the button was" she began to call the post 'him', as in 'I couldn't get him to answer when I tried to order', and 'He wasn't listening to me'. My mom is trying to apologize to tne wait person for the scene we were making, but just then, a strong gust of wind blew my grandma's wig off of her head. My grandma didn't want to lose her good wig of course, so shs went to chase it down the row of cars that were parked in the other ordering bays, while my mom was desperately trying to pull my grandma back in the car by holding onto the back of her coat. I was, by then, really concerned that grandma might really chase her wig down the sidewalk and trip and fall, so I started to whine a little. That finally got grandma's attention. And between my mom urging her to get back in the car, and the wait person chasing the runaway wig down the sidewalk, and ultimately capturing it and returning it to my grandma, we finally got her safely into the back seat, ordered, got our food and left, and all the while, my mom, fuming, drove us back to grandma's apartment. And that is the story of the day my grandma went dancing at the drive-in. I promise it's all true. My mom and I never got tired of retelling that story story.


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    Huddo's sister
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sounds like something my grandma would do (though she never drove)


    I have an oddly vivid fragment of a memory of standing next to our cat with my hand on her back, as if she were a big dog or a pony. I think it dates from 1960. I have no idea why it stuck, but it's a good memory.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    When I was very little my grandpa had a huge hog named Oscar. In my memory that pig was the size of a car. He wasn't that big, I've been told, but because of how small I was skewing my perspective... he always will be.

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    I was sitting on the floor during recess in kindergarten with my legs underneath me, and right after recess it was snack time. It was my turn to pass out snack, but when I went to get up, I couldn't bend my leg. I had subluxated my right knee. (That happened a lot when I was smaller. When this happens, I have to straighten my leg out to put it back in its socket.) Everyone had gone back to their table and I was just stuck sitting on the floor because I was too scared to move. (I remember it in a lot more detail but it's hard to explain)


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    Between maybe the ages of 2 and 6? I had reoccurring nightmares, which I remember vividly. They were always the same. A wolf with hooves climbed up the wall outside (I slept on the second floor) and it opened my window (it was always locked from the inside and screened in) and jumped in my bed and ate me.
    To give a little background to the second part of the story, I regularly pretended that I was an orphan that ran away from my orphanage because the lady that ran it was mean (I loved “Annie”). In that game, my name was Daisy. No idea how I picked that name. Anyways, I played that game regularly, often with my parents.
    Anyways, on night, I had the nightmare as usual. I woke up and started crying. I ran into my parents’ room:

    Me, crying: A wolf just ate me
    Mom, caringly: well then how are you talking to us? Who are you?
    Me, waking up a bit: I- I’m Daisy

    No recollection of what happened next, but that’s my story


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    the time my dad suplexed my older brother outside in the snow



    This is a very weird one, and probably disturbing. But it was 2014, and I was 7. I was walking home from a wedding at 12am. Tired as hell. and either I fell like a tree or slipped on ice. but I cut my face on steps.


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    I was two. We were at the homecoming, which is basically a birthday party for the town. Fair games and rides, cotton candy and snow cones, bbq and beer aplenty. Well, they had a kiddie rollercoaster. The biggest hill had to be all of two feet. I remember being terrified of this dangerous ride that probably went three or four miles per hour. That ridiculous thing scared me so deeply that I've never been on a real rollercoaster.



    When I was like two, my parents friends house was getting renovated so they had a temporary one. This house had a pool so they invited us over one day to play in the pool. I remember this day SO VIVIDLY it was the first time I tried caramel popcorn and fell in love with it.



    I grew up in an NZ farming community, with a neighbouring marae (Maori community centre). We knew a baby had been stillborn in one of the families. Driving by, we saw the baby in bright sunlight lying in a basket, grieving family around it. Mourning around an open casket is commonplace in NZ, even in pakeha communities.


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    Huddo's sister
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Wow, that would definitely stick in your mind. Open caskets are not common these days in Australia, but they do offer viewing before a funeral. I declined seeing either of my brothers because I figured they were not present anyway, but I did walk through the room where my older one died after they took the ventilator out and made a point of looking at my feet instead. My younger brother was kept in our house for the weekend after he died because my mum wanted to have him with her a bit longer, but I avoided that room too.

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    When I was two I woke up on Christmas Eve at 1am and ripped open all the presents


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    My most vivid memory was actually a reoccurring dream. In it I am in a crib there are cribs to the left and right of me and across the room from me a line of cribs along the opposite wall. In the middle of the room (from my POV) is two large round tables like what you'd see in a preschool or kinder room. To the back right wall a sink and cupboards again like a class room and to the left an open door. It's dark in the room and the door frame, frames light. Outside there is a half circle desk with someone there. The cabinets are an olive green. I remember sitting in the crib staring at the light missing my Dad and brother and feeling very alone and frightened. I start to cry because I just want to see my family again. I'd wake up in a panic with tears in my eyes. Had this dream well into my late teens. Finally one night I had this dream and went out side for air and my dad happened to be outside. He asked what was wrong and I told him. I confessed I had this dream multiple times and every time I wake up with unbelievable sadness until I got my bearings. He looked at me with complete disbelief and awe. He said there's no WAY you remember that. I said remember what? He then told me that was the Shriner's hospital in Utah. I had been sent there when I was about 1 or two because I couldn't walk and they had offered to fix my legs for my family for free and that was EXACTLY what my hospital room looked like. After he told me I never had that dream again. To this day I donate whenever I can to Shriners because if it weren't for them I wouldn't walk today. This was almost 40 years ago.

    The story of how Shriners got me there is even stranger.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Clarification since I can't edit. The cabinets were to the back wall to my right and to the left of me was the open door. Opposite ends of the room, not the same wall. Sorry.

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    When I was 6, my parents tucked me into bed as usual and I fell asleep. Sometime later that evening, I had to use the restroom. When I woke up, I could hear loud music and a lot of people talking and laughing. My bedroom door was closed, but I could see from the gap at the bottom that people were walking up and down the hallway. My parents did not tell me that they were going to have guests, so I was confused and a bit scared. But I had to pee! So I opened my door just a little bit and peeked out into the hallway, when a lady dressed as a clown bent down to my level and asked if I wanted a lollipop. I said, "No thank you!" Then shut my door. I was told never to take candy from strangers and I was pretty sure that included clowns. But I still had to pee! So I opened the door, ran down the hallway to the bathroom. Right as I got there, another lady dressed as a nurse was just exiting so I ran right in. There was a line of others in costume waiting to use the restroom but I was small and fast. I locked the door, did what I came to do. I could hear laughter and talk about how I came from out of nowhere. I did not see either parent, I was now more than just a little scared. I gathered up the courage to open the door then run as fast as I could back to my bedroom and close the door. People dressed up in costume everywhere! I jumped back into bed, pulled the blankets over my head, and waited to see if anyone was going to try to come in and get me. Eventually I fell back to sleep. In the morning, the house was silent. I left my room and could find absolutely no evidence that there had been a party. When my parents woke up, I asked them why there was a costume party as it was not Halloween. They both told me that there was no party. I was sure they were not telling the truth because I know it was not just a dream. While sitting on the couch in the living room, between the cushions I found bits of confetti, streamers, and a piece of hard candy! Under my Dad's chair I found a pair of glasses with the funny nose attached. To this day they still swear there was no party. There was, I just was not invited.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That would make for a weird memory. Why would parents just put on a party like that and then deny it? This is why it's so disturbing when parents lie to their kids about things they're going to find out about sooner or later.

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    Mine is weird. I remember at some point I watched a anime style movie about a spirit girl who turned into some creature, maybe a wolf or a bear I can’t quite remember which but I can remember one scene where she saved the protagonist and fades into the shadows but I can remember exactly what she looked like. She was maybe nine or ten and wearing a light pink dress, she was Japanese but with huge round black eyes that took up most of her face. She had a small nose and mouth and you could immediately tell she was not human but it was more in a lost soul sense than a she was a monster, but the weirdest thing is none of my parents remember this and I somehow knew it came from our local library but it wasn’t there. Don’t know why or how though.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's weird how parents just don't remember much of our kid's childhood. My daughter remembers things I've done or said, or things we watched and I won't have the slightest idea of what she's talking about. Brains are weird.

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    When I was very small, I remember flying and checking on everyone after bedtime. Who said O.O.B. experiences don't exist



    I've had a lot of really strange memories from less than a year old and ongoing. Especially when my mom and dad fought. I remembering being in my highchair with peas. My dad sat way at the other end of an elongated table (likely standard rectangular but it felt much longer to me). I didn't like peas and wanted to play so I flung peas at him, and some hit him in the face. He got angry, like really angry. I can't remember what happened right after that but moments later he was in the bathroom next to the dining room still angry and crying and I was crying pretty hard not understanding what I did so wrong. I think I thought it was funny and expected him to laugh.
    I also remember falling to the floor and my mom having a stone-cold look on her face then going "aww sweetie". I'm not sure if it was a nightmare from falling off the change table or if my mom really did drop me. I do remember how much my whole body stung.


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    Ok ok, this is a weird one...

    I can't remember how old I was, but it was somewhere between 5 and 7. I used to live in a two-story house with a trampoline. My bedroom was on the second floor and had a window facing the backyard where the trampoline was.
    One day my sister (two years younger than me) and I had a BRILLIANT idea. We were going to fill the trampoline with pillows, and jump out of our window, in just our underwear, onto the trampoline. I was pretty young so I didn't realize the trampoline could break, that I might bounce out of the trampoline and hit the ground, or that I could just completely miss the trampoline.
    At one point my sister and I thought it might be dangerous to jump out of the window without any protection, so I put on a pool floaty, my mom's biking helmet, some ski goggles, and some frog slippers. I was getting ready to jump but right before, my sister thought it would be cool to get the hose and spray it all over the trampoline so it could be "like a water slide". She went downstairs to the backyard and I think she may have told my mom what we were going to do because when she came back, my mom was with her. My mom just looked disappointed in me. Me and my pink underwear, pool floaty, ski goggles, froggy slippers, and biking helmet.
    Told you it was gonna be weird...


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    Mary Rose Kent
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I wish I could see a photo of that—it sounds absolutely hysterical!

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    I don't have very strange memories, but I do have some very vivid ones.
    1) I remember in kindergarten when the mother of the triplets in my class almost showed me a photobook with baby photos of the triplets, before the boy triplet stopped them. That's one of like, 3 memories I have of kindergarten if I'm being honest.
    2) Back when Hillary Clinton was running for president, someone on my bus told me that she killed a baby. For the past 6 years since then, I have not been able to stop thinking about that, and what I should have said. I asked my dad what they really meant and why the heck they said that a little while ago.
    3) An annoying boy in my class told me that my neighbor (who's the same age as me) looks into my window every night. I was just sorta quiet. I think at the time I may have liked my neighbor a little bit. Anyway, since then I have not been able to stop thinking about what I should have said instead. My bedroom window is on the 2nd floor, and the furthest away from their house, so for my neighbor to do that he would have to run all the way into our yard, every night.
    That's really all I'm gonna share. I hope you found it interesting.


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    KC Nordquist
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Some people (Republicans) were putting out an absolulely outrageous story about Democrats/Clinton sacrificing babies in a Satanic ritual then eating them. Or something. Just so you know, that's completely false.

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    When i was really little i went to an Italian restaurant for my grandpas birthday and accidently tripped the waiter. Everything shattered.



    I heard a knock on the front door in the middle of the night. I got up and looked out the little window on the door and saw a man with a knife. I woke up my parents and my dad went outside but didn't find anything. I don't know if it was a dream or not still...


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    Susanne B
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I believe it must have been a dream. If someone held a knife to do someone harm, he probably wouldn't knock.

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    when i was about 8, me and my family went to the zoo. we went inside a building, i saw a bald man walking out and thought it was my dad, so i followed. long story short it wasnt my dad.



    Ok, so, the strangest memory i can remember is living in my old house in arizona, and my babysitter my mom used to bring me to, i miss my babysitter very much!!!!! I am 17 now, and that is the best memory that i can remember!!!


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    Tw : Divorce n stuff

    When I was a little six head old, huddled near the edge of the hallway watching my parents yell at eachover. I don’t even know if it happened, or if it’s just a funky dream I had. But they got a divorce and fought often, so I guess this is real. Kind of sad, it’s one of my few childhood memories.



    I don't know if you'd think this was strange but my parents got me one of those blinking baby dolls for Christmas. When I opened the box The first thing I did was scream and run away to my bedroom.

    My mom told me because I thought it was alive. And that everytime that she came nearer with the doll in her hand I would just run away. I was weird as a kid 😐.


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    Kim Contreras
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    When I was around 2 or three I got my first doll for Christmas. My parents were so poor that getting me a doll for me that was as big as I was must've broken the bank but considered worth it to make my Christmas a happy one. Well it was one of those cloth dolls with a plastic painted on face. I got hysterical - the baby was dead! (Painted on eyes were closed) This traumatized me so much I never got another doll in all of my childhood. I don't know if this was my own actual memory or one that comes from hearing the story so often. (I made sure my daughter got only dolls with open eyes!)

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    When I was about 3 years old I was outside and suddenly something was hurting my hand so I ran screaming and crying to the front door just as my mom was coming out to see why I was crying. I remember her laughing when I opened my hand revealing a bee that I caught


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    I love the woods. Went to a forest I'd never been to-it had a rushing stream and huge rocks. Climbed on one, looked up at the sky and said "just give me one thing!" Leaned over, plunged my arm in the water under the rock-opened my hand. Felt something moving...gently wrapped my fingers around it and slowly took my arm out of the water, opened my hand. It was a tiny frog with little red stripes on the side of it's neck! He was scared! Looked at the sky-said "thank you!" as I put him back in the water.


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    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Okay...this is REALLY embarrassing. I meant to write turtle-not frog. They're called sliders

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    When I was 7, my cousin got a new box bike and he said that I should try it out. Just so you know, I didn’t know how to use handlebreaks because I only used the pedal brakes. I got on and started riding down a hill and I was supposed to stop at his driveway. My aunt yelled and said “You got it?” I said “Yeah!” I went straight past the driveway and started screaming. “I DON’T GOT IT!!!” Over and over. I tried moving the pedals backwards, but that didn’t work. Then, I did something very dumb. I put my foot down on the ground. All I hear is a big whoosh because I closed my eyes. I opened my eyes and I was OVER THE HANDLEBARS. I broke my arm when I hit the concrete.


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    I have quite a few but my very earliest memory was from when I was still in a stroller. There was a small shop that sold sheets, towels etc. This was before malls. The store was an old building with wooden floors that had warped so they went up and down like a mini roller-coaster ride. Mom went there to buy a calendar tea towel for her sister. The area she had to get to was down a few steps so the stroller and I were parked in a corner with a view of where she was going and left. I can remember the creaking of the steps as she went down and the piles of towels and blankets stacked up everywhere. It's just an odd little memory that has never faded away.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I thought there was going to be a terrible turn of events. Glad this was just a nice, but odd little memory. I remember my stroller days and my mom singing nursery rhymes. She had her good moments.


    When I was 7, my dad explained to me what sex was. I had asked him why he left my room so early on Mondays, and he decided that was the time to tell me about it. So the next morning, I walk into my parents' room and shout with the utmost enthusiasm:
    I will never forget that.



    I was playing with my neighbor friends when their mother and big brother left together on a motorcycle so she could teach him to ride properly. They turned at the stop sign (properly mind you) and were hit by a sheriffs deputy chasing a drunk driver. We ran to see what had happened. I looked down and saw a boot of hers. I picked it up to give it back and it was so heavy. Her foot and ankle had been torn off and were in it.



    I short circuited the whole house when I was 4. I had one of those hairclips with Hello Kitty on them and though they wre dirty. My mother was right next to me but was focused on getting ready to go outside. I thought that the outlets had water so I put my hairclip inside which caused the electricity to go off and sparks flew out onto the carpet. My father assumed i got a shock but I actually didn’t. He asked me where it hurt and I pointed to my left knuckle. This is one of the most vivid I can go in terms of memory


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    Having a handful of worms in my hands and scaring my grandmother


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    Beating up a kid in Humpty Dumpty nursery school because he always snatched any toy I was playing with away from me, and I also was disgusted by the fact he still used a pacifier, bottle and diapers, we were both 4


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    Jaye Keith
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That kid was too old for all that. You were wise to know that. I wonder if he's still a bully?


    My most vivid memory was when I was 6 and I was going in to have surgery on my eye. My mum was driving me there down the freeway, but had to stop on the side to give me eye drops so they would be working by the time I got to the hospital. I hated having eye drops in and my mum had never had to do them for me and I tried to fight her off. Eventually she did it and we got back on the road. I still hate eye drops and any time anything relating to eyes including eye drops or contacts etc is mentioned my eyes still water. Mum asked me the other day if I still remembered this happening and I snapped 'Of course I do, it was horrible!' even though it happened about 25 years ago.


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    I remember seeing a HUGE, very large spider, as big as my head, on the wall once. But now when I speak about it, my parents say it never happened. I was very young back then, so probably I remember completely wrong (my overactive imagination, most probably), but I remember this very clearly.


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    I was real tomboy as a kid and would climb up any tree/building I could and in to any hole I found.

    One day they were digging a trench next to our home to replace some water pipes, my friend and I decided it'd be fun to climb down. Well we couldn't get back out and it led to us being in there for several hours until our parents finally heard us shouting for help at 8pm (our curfew). They had to call Firemen to come get us out.


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    This was a long time ago and I was around 6 at the time and it really freaked me out. I was at a summer camp and we would have free swims where we would go down to the lake and play in the sand and water and stuff. I didn't like to go in the water because I always thought there were monsters lurking in the 2 ft shallow zone so I usually sat in the sand making crumbling sandcastles with bone dry sand. One day the lifeguard shouted SNAKE! It was a water snake but I was freaked out. Everybody got out of the water and I was sitting there on the sand with no idea what to do. So me using my pea-sized brain decided to stay put and play with my sandcastle. After all, water snakes can't go on land and right? WRONG. So, so wrong. I look up from my sandcastle to see a lifeguard chasing a snake that is heading right towards ME! I'm scared that I'm gonna die and I haven't even said goodbye yet. Well, that didn't happen because the water snake swerved. It didn't want anything to do with me. After that incident, I stayed ten feet away from the water perfectly content with my sandcastles.


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    When I was about 3, I remember I was playing in the front yard. I heard someone close the door to my Dad's white Chevrolet Pick Up Truck. There was my Dad trying to get out of the driveway fast. In the middle of the bench seat was a boy with blood dripping down his chin.

    I fount out later that it was my eldest brother in the seat. He'd had an accident while riding his bike. Went head first over the handle bars and met face with the pavement. He had road rash from his chin to his mouth. Funny thing is, I don't remember hearing anyone scream or him crying. He would have been about 11 at the time.


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    The weirdest memory, I may have been 8 or 9, possible younger. I was asleep in my bed when hands slammed down on either side of my head. The bed shook and I was so scared. I opened my eyes and there was a man almost nose to nose with me. It was dark so I couldn't make out features. I could smell his leather jacket and hear it creaking. I closed my eyes tight, so frightened, and he was gone. We lived in a split level, my room was on the second level, no one could climb in without a ladder. My parents were in the living room right at the base of the stairs and our dog was silent. You couldn't walk around the outside of our home without the dog reacting. It's a memory i'd like to forget but it's not happening.


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    Because I forgot almost all of my childhood, I have a lot of gaps. I think it was Czechia. I was walking with my (gap) or alone and then I instantly moved into a hotel with a garden full of flies or something, and then I was with my dad, we climbed a hill, at the top was a Arbor and we watched the city that I see in my mind with a lot of gaps...


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    I was riding my bike and I swear, this was when I was about... five-seven years old. I heard a buzzing sound and it looked like a small airplane flying over my head, but it wasn’t quite right because it wasn’t very far over my head. I was convinced it was an airplane. Now that i think about it, it may have been a drone but I’m not sure


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    A yellow biplane flew over my head and into my house. When i turned to see it crashed into the side of the house, it was not there. Then there was the invasion of the shadowy humanoid spoons.


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