What did your pet eat?
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im not really sure this counts but my dog snorted his own hair... im not even kidding i was sitting on the couch watching him lol
My dog ate my used bloody pad...
My brother ate cat food. I figured that that is close enough since he is so close to an animal, I think he is a monkeykangaroodoglizardlioncheetah to be exact.
Oh and a old friend of mine (no longer friends she is a spoiled brat now and she was always odd) used to just eat cat and dog food, I mean like bring it and eat it at lunch. She said that it was good but dog food is better??? She would also run around on all 4s and bark. All. The. Time. Honestly idk how she is a "popular girl" now...
My dog ate jelly beans and pooped out a rainbow coloured crap
My cat ate plastic. (don't worry, we got it out of her mouth.)
My dog has eaten a raw potato
Not too strange but a half a roll of duct tape followed by a whole aloe Vera plant. Made for an interesting walk.
My Shetland Sheepdog ate a bag of chocolate covered coffee beans. I only found out when he vomited up the plastic bag the next day. I rushed him to the vet, but he was perfectly fine. I have no idea how he didn't have chocolate OR caffeine toxicity, but I'm so thankful he was alright!