Hi! Please share your strangest stories, which happened in your childhood.


When I was ten my family was going through a rough time. My mom just had a heart attack and didn't have insurance to cover all her medications. We were on the verge of being evicted, our utilities were behind and we had our gas shut off. On top of that my parents where awaiting their interview date for immigration to receive their green cards which was about a week away. My parents still owed the lawyer about 2k and were told that payment must be received prior to interview date. Obviously my parents were very stressed especially my dad. He went to see a friend that lives about 2 blocks away in hopes of lending him some money. He wasn't there. On his way back he came across a man on the street that called his name. Now my dad is very good with names and faces but for the some reason he just couldn't remember who he was or where they had met. The man began asking him how everything was going. He also began telling him how he felt sorry for what happened to my mom and how it must be difficult to have to pay for medical bills with no insurance. He also mentioned how he wished him luck on his interview with immigration. Long story short he began detailing things about our personal life that others wouldn't know. Such as the immigration interview and my mom's lack of medical insurance. He told him to look on the bright side and think of all the good things he had in his life and again began detailing things about our life like how his children were doing great in school and how my older brother tested into gifted classes at school. He told him to remember a saying in Spanish "Dios apprieta pero no orka" which translates to "God squeezes but does not choke." My dad came home and told us what just happened with the man. We told him to describe what he looked like but again could not remember his face. He also never asked him his name. He was kind of creeped out at first but then seemed almost happy to have met the man. 2 days later his tax return check came in. To this day he could not remember who the man was or what he looked liked. He tells us that it was an angel who came to remind him that even tho the present seems too much their is always a better future ahead. Words I live by everyday.



    we were playing paintball in our woods and we were just shooting through shrubbery because my brother was hiding. and we hit something and it shrieked we thought it was out brother then a skunk came out with its blue a**hole pointed at us we ran our tails off 10 out of 10 funniest paintball match ever



    When I was 7 my parents ran a large pub on a housing estate. I never felt comfortable there but when we got two dogs I felt a little safer. However, there were places the dogs flat refused to go and one day one dog went missing. We looked high and low for him, calling his name but he never came to us. Eventually we found him cowering in a corner of the pub looking at something that we could not see. I told my parents of my unease and they did their best to reassure me until, one day we left to start afresh. 15 years later we were talking about the pub with some relatives and it turned out that there had been multiple sightings of a tall man in a black cloak and several unexplained events. My parents finally confessed that they were aware of the odd ambience (sinister) and strange happenings and they didn't let on to me when I was young as they didn't want to upset me. I'm still unnerved to this day when I think about the mysterious figure and sinister atmosphere.



    I was very young, 4 maybe. I woke up at dawn in my friend's front yard. I was puzzling how I got there when my friend came out in a panic, afraid of us getting in trouble. She got me up, told me to run home quick and she'd give me a present later at school. I ran the few blocks home, went thru the unlocked front door and climbed back into bed.
    Later that morning, at recess, Heather found me and gave me a religious medal wrapped in white tissue paper. I had thought it was a dream until she gave me the present she promised. I think we were in kindergarten.


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    Daria B
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sleepwalking accidents. It happens. Make sure to lock your doors at night.

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    When I was 7 years old, my family and I went camping. My dad dared my sister and me to bike down a steep road. When we were going down the road, my sister hit a rock and fell. To see if she was ok, I stopped but the steepness made me fall hard on the road. I fainted in the middle of the road and when I woke up, there was a car waiting for me to get up. It was the weirdest thing that happened to me.


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    Laugh Fan
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I fainted this one time and woke to find a group of cows all around and staring down at me. Grew up on a farm and they were our own cows... very curious creatures are cows.

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    When I was young, I used to sleepwalk. One night when I was about 4 or 5, I sleepwalked into the kitchen and took a leak in the fridge. My mum wasn't very happy.



    This isn’t so much a story of my childhood as it is my brother’s. When my brother saw me for the first time after I was born, the first thing he said was, “Baby is RED!”And he said that whenever I cried as a baby. I guess this influenced my love of red, because my first crush was Elmo. I would walk up to my family with a piece of paper and say, “Draw ELMO!”

    And that is my story….


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    When I was about 4, my mum served me dinner, it was meat. I ate all of it and then she asked me how good it was. Very good I said. And then she asked "do you know what kind of meat that was?". No idea. Then she became super gloomy and told me that it was reindeer (spoiler, it was really reindeer, and as I grew up in France it's not something we were use to eat), and as I ate it all Santa would not be able to make it this year, and no kids were about to receive their presents. All by my fault. Made me cry, still makes her laugh.



    I remember when I got to play outside in the rain
    Only it was raining in front of our house
    not on the side of our house
    It was pouring rain...Dad said as long as we stay out of the rain...we could go out


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    Daria B
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yeah, I recall a strange rain too when we were kids. It was an unstable weather, not really rainy, rainy, but with occasional showers from passing clouds. One such shower was so short, I think it didn't even last a minute, but it was powerful enough to get us soaked.

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    When I was 5 to 6 years old one night I suddenly woke up late after dark sitting on the Couch between my parents, while they watched a crime TV Show. I couldn't remember getting there and normally wasn't allowed to watch such moovies. So my parents had to explaine to me they caught me sleepwalking on the sidewalk before our house, carrying my bouncing ball and calling for my mom. The whole night afterwards had an eerie feeling and I could swear to this day I just dreamed it, but my parents can tell otherwise.


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    I don't think you could consider this strange but one day when I was 15, I was working and managing the shop all on my own when the shopping centres, Centre management came in. They told me that they were coming back at 1pm to close the store coz my boss hadn't been paying his rent. I closed the shop for 5 mins to call a friend to come and watch the shop for me so I could try and get in contact with my boss (had no mobile phone so used payphone). Anyway I called numerous times and he never answered. I got back and there was a customer coming to pick up a big order, I looked everywhere and could not find it. Apparently my boss called him at 6am that morning telling him that his historical prints were ready at the shop for pick up. My friend and I searched high and low and could not find his order. He was furious. I can't imagine how much more furious he would be when he came another day to find the shop closed and empty. I made one sale that day and for all the crap I dealt with I decided to take the money from that order and bought a carton of cigarettes for my friend and I to share. I know it is classed as stealing but I didn't know if I was going to get paid for that day, well the hours I worked anyway. It took my boss 2 weeks to finally call me after me calling his home countless times because he owed me 4 days wages.


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    In the Philippines, children are tricked to behave and not to get ourselves wounded by the adults' story of "A priest will come out of your wounds".


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    When I was 3 years old, I was listening to a Beatles song and jumping on the sofa while my dad was drinking hot coffee. He told me to be careful, but I guess I was too busy jumping because the next thing I know, my dad has scorching hot coffee all over him. 😬



    When me and my twin brother were toddlers, my parents caught my brother eating our dog food out of the bag.


    See Also on Bored Panda

    When I was a kid I slept walked a lot. All my extended family knew but one night at my aunt's house I was dreaming that we were all camping out for the family reunion and I was in my grandpa's camper. Well, I dreamed that everyone was outside and I wanted to join them. But I couldn't grasp the handle to the door, it was 2d not 3d. So I started screaming "papa help! I'm stuck! Papa let me out!" I had gotten myself stuck behind the bedroom door and couldn't grasp the handle because it was actually the wall. I was woken up when the door hit me as my aunt rushed into the room to see why I was screaming for my grandpa. 30 years later and everyone still teases me!


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    I've probably mentioned this before, but I'm mentioning it again. My school was evacuated because of a bomb threat on the 9th September 2001, aka 9/11. I'm English, and my crappy little secondary school is in a rather obscure town in southern England, so the bomb threat in and of itself was strange enough, but it was made stranger by the rumour that it was called in by an elderly-sounding woman. My school's administration never confirmed or denied this, and I was 14, so I was just glad I got the day off (fire bell rang just after 9am, students were sent home by 11am). The day then went completely to Hell just after lunch. I was sat in my room, and my mother yelled at me to come downstairs as something was happening on TV. I got about halfway down just as the second plane hit the second of the Twin Towers. At first I thought it was a movie, but my mother explained that BBC News was showing live footage of the aftermath of the first tower strike, and we'd just seen the second one happen in real time. News of the other two planes involved later in the day came through as they were reported, but witnessing that second plane hit, even while I was over 3,000 miles away, is something I'll never forget. If any of you reading this were born after the attacks, or were just too young to remember, the stories you'll have heard can never truly convey the heartache felt by those who saw it all, and those who lost loved ones will never be the same again.


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    Sassy bookworm
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    4 years ago

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    dunno if this is strange, but when i was younger i used to sleep walk a LOT and once i walked into my dad’s room, walked into his bathroom, and squatted down. he asked me, “do you need to pee?” and i replied with, “i am.”
    just so you know, i was not peeing.


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    This was when I was about four years old. Instead of having an imaginary friend or whatever, I had an imaginary house. I called it The Pink House, and I would describe it to people in detail. One day, my mom found me sobbing hysterically. When she asked me what was wrong, I told her my house had burned down in a fire. I'm still not sure what that was all about.


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    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "La Casa Rosada" or the Pink House in real life: https://www.google.com/search?q=argentina+casa+rosada&safe=off&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjz5ry3-6DqAhUWEbkGHf8XBAEQ_AUoAXoECB8QAw&biw=1536&bih=674

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    My blog went viral on Reddit. Guess that's not "strange". What is "strange" is that the number of page views jumped from 1,000 to 55,000 literally overnight.


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    A trip to Michael Jackson's mansion. Boy, that left some scars.


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