Even if you don't believe in ghosts or the supernatural, surely you've experienced or heard of something spooky!
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I bought and lived on 5 acres of former Cherokee land in the northeast corner of GA. These were Native Americans who were forced to walk “the trail of tears” by the whites who wanted the land.
Legend has it they left curses on the land. And spirit guardians who would protect it.
Over 2 years in the house (I’d cleared just enough land for the house and a garden) I fell 26 times, sustained 6 concussions, a major gash to the back of my head and ended up in the hospital. My last day there, last July, I fell and broke my hip.
EDIT: since I moved I’ve had no falls whatsoever. I felt like a steward of the land and I loved it but something didn’t want me there.
When I was in high school (long ago) I had big plans to marry my boyfriend as soon as I graduated; he was older than me, and working a pretty good job. My best friend came to me and said there was a house for sale, for almost nothing, and asked if my bf might be interested. My friend and her bf, and me left school to have a look. It was the weirdest house I've ever seen. It was outside the oldest part of town, and was very small. The house was only about 30' wide, with a long, drooping porch across the front. The front door lead directly into a single room, with a kitchen in one back corner, bathroom in the other. In between those two rooms was a really steep staircase... it was almost a ladder, like you might see on a boat. I climbed up to see what was upstairs. It was just two small bedrooms. The entire house was in pretty bad repair, but I was surprised when suddenly I smelled decomposition, really strong. The bf was outside looking at the porch, so it was just my friend and I inside. I stood at the top of the stairs and said something like "EWWW, there's probably a dead raccoon up here or something, I'm coming down!" The stairs were so steep that I stood there, trying to figure out if I could walk down, or if I should turn and go down facing the like a ladder. In that few seconds that I stood there, the smell got so much worse... nauseating. Suddenly, what felt like two hands landed on my shoulder blades and pushed HARD. The stairway was so narrow that I was able to brace both arms and keep myself from falling. My friend, at the bottom looking up, said I looked like I was diving, with my body arched out over the top of the stair case. I don't even remember climbing down, I just got to the bottom somehow and ran outside the house. My bf had just arrived to see the house, and laughed because I was almost hysterical, and so was my friend (she saw the push probably better than I did, because of her vantage point). The guys laughed and headed up to see what was going on. They came down and said there were just two bedrooms, there was no bad smell, there was nothing but some dry rot. My friend and I stormed off, and I am pretty sure neither guy believed us. I started asking around, and learned that the house had never kept anyone in it for any length of time, and the owner was getting desperate, because he couldn't sell it. About two months later, that old house burnt to the ground. I believe the owner took things into his own hands, because he sold the land almost immediately to a commercial concern and never looked back. I don't know what it was, except that it smelled like death and it had the power to push me, and that's all I needed to know.
I grew up in a very religious family. We were Catholic, and also belonged to a large Christian "community" that held prayer services, men/women fellowship groups, etc. They also had many things for kids, including summer camps, that I attended.
One year, at Christian summer camp, my cabin was having a camp fire. Typical stuff: songs, prayers, marshmallows. My friend Andrea and I were sitting by the fire chatting, a bit away from the group. Suddenly, I see there is a figure in the fire, full on body, in a long gown. It was in the flames, but not on fire. Just a dark faceless shadow among the flames. It makes a "come here" motion with it's hand. I look at Andrea. She looks at me. We both confirm we will the same thing, and then we just sat there and stared at it, until it went away.
Her parents decided that this was Jesus, beckoning to us. But I'm not so sure.
Ok this one happened to my mom when she was younger. She was staying at her friends house watching TV when a shadow figure appeared in the doorway for a few seconds. I don't remember if her friend saw it too but my mom was extremely confused. Later when the same house burned down there was a shadow figure in the living room window.
Then when I was about 12-13 I seen a shadow figure playing peek-a-boo behind a tree in my backyard. It was there for a few seconds before I told it to leave and it disappeared. The same thing happened a few months later when my little brother was scared of something in a fully lit room. I couldn't see anything but I felt it and honestly it was the most disgusting and cold feeling that words don't describe how I felt in that moment. We told it to leave and I felt fine afterwards.
I don't know if this counts but I once had a dream that I sent a little boy and his dogs spirit free when I found his spirit in an old dark creepy cave, he ended up protecting me from the thing that was keeping him from passing on, a large shadow figure.
When I was about 13, I had friends sleep over, one of my friends freaked out one night, said there was a little girl with red eyes in the corner of the living room, he went home right after. I never told anyone that story.
About 7 years later, my uncle and cousin lived in the same house after we moved.. he had a friend sleeping over and his friend freaked out and said he seen a little girl with red eyes in the same exact spot. His friend immediately ran out of the house to the neighborhood 2 miles away, where his aunt lived. He never wanted to go back to the house. They were also 13 years old at the time.
A lot of other weird stuff has happened at that house, I have about 5 good stories but this *probably* the best.
When Brad Culp was a student at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, there was a rumor that the town was one of the most haunted places in America. When Culp started an on-campus magazine, he couldn’t wait to write about several of the area’s most famous phantoms. Not long after his story published, though, he kept finding himself thinking about one ghost in particular—the ghost of Oxford Milford Road.
As the story goes, many decades ago, probably sometime in the 1940s, there was a young man courting a young woman in a rural part of town. Because the woman’s parents didn’t approve of the match, each night he visited under the cover of darkness. After her parents went to bed, the young woman would sneak out of her farmhouse and flash the lights of her parent’s car three times. Then her young suitor would ride his motorcycle down the road.
“One night he took the turn right before her house a little too sharp,” says Culp. The motorcycle went one way, he went the other. His injuries were so severe that he did not survive. Rumor has it, however, that his lovestruck ghost still haunts this stretch of Milford Road.
Curious, Culp, his girlfriend (now his wife), and a friend decided to head out there one night to see if they could verify the tale. His girlfriend was worried she’d be completely freaked out. “She believes more in that stuff than I do,” Culp says. But he was mostly concerned that his suspicions—that none of this was actually true—would be confirmed. On this particular night, as Culp passed the abandoned farm, an idea came to him, and he pitched it to his girlfriend (how could she not say yes?). Though reluctant, she relented, and Culp turned a short way into the farmhouse driveway.
He killed the engine and flashed his lights three times. “No joke, there was a single headlight that appeared three-quarters of a mile down the road,” Culp says. “You saw it start to come, going pretty slow. It kept coming and coming. My wife was freaking out. It was coming closer and closer.” As a collision seemed imminent, Culp turned on his car’s lights. He expected to see a kid on a bike, bailing out from his prank now that he’d been caught. “But there’s nothing there. The light is just gone,” he says.
They got out of the car. They walked around, trying to figure out what it was they could have seen. “To this day, we still talk about it. I saw something I cannot explain,” he says. If you get him and his wife around a campfire, they’ll swear up and down that the story is true. And if you’re ever in Oxford, Ohio, consider parking for just a few minutes on Oxford Milford Road at night to test your own nerve.
While my family was out on a vacation in a wooden cabin, someone let our cat outside in the middle of the night. I remember I was the only one awake, and I saw a silhouette. However, when I asked about it in the morning, nobody admitted it. We found our cat, but it was very spooky.
one time in my dads old house when i was home alone i would hear footsteps and i i kept checking the house to see where it was coming from but instead the footsteps would just stop and start again in another part of the house.
I was staying up late one night and at about 2:30-3:00 I heard snoring right next to me. I share a room with my sister and I am on the bottom bunk. I could hear her snore and then two milliseconds after there would be a deeper more raspy snore/heavy breathing. At first I thought it was my brother, but no one had opened the door and I could hear my brother in the bathroom. I used my phone light to see what it was, but there was nothing there. I hid under my blanket until it finally stopped. I one hundred percent Believe is the paranormal and I think there was something there that night watching me.
so i was like 5 and my parents and brother were outside. we live with two people we rent from but they were at work. i was walking past the hall and see a dark figure about 9 feet tall. scared me and i ran outside. fast forward few years im 9 in my foster home and see it again. told no one. im 12 now and havent see it since.
Was walking with a colleague to work around 1 AM (backery job) and we had to cross a bridge over the local river that runs through the village.
We were quite in the middle as we hear something heavy fall into the water (really big sploosh) and out of curiosity we took our mobile phones out but couldn't see any unusual, not even waves. Alright whatever... except that we see a puddle a bit ahead on the way - and it was a dry night, wasn't raining for days and the bridge is around 10 meter above the water. No splash or drop patterns, just the water on the ground.
We noped out, as horror movie fans we didn't take the risk and took another way. That was the only time I ever really was properly scared
Ok, maybe not SPOOKY but still WEIRD. Several years ago while I was watching tv in the dark, the cat walked by and went through a pet door. A couple seconds later he did it again I never saw him come back out, especially THAT QUICKLY, and I had full view of the in-laws' bedroom door in the hallway. No, I wasn't drunk, sleepy or on any other funky drugs.
A few months ago my dogs wouldn't stop whining in the middle of the night (2-3 am) so I took them outside, thinking they needed to go out or something, and as I was waiting for them to finish their business, i suddenly get really cold (i assumed at the time it was just wind or something bc i was outside in the middle of the night) and hear VERY LOUDLY someone yell my deadname. My dogs heard it too because they got really spooked as soon as my deadname was said. I was very confused, I thought it was my parents or one of my siblings or something so i said "Hello?" and I didn't get any response, and that was kind of weird so I just grabbed my dogs and went inside and locked the door, then I went to check on my family and EVERYONE was asleep, but as soon as I got to my bedroom, the door slammed on its own. So I am assuming a ghost, or some creepy person standing in our front yard who knows my deadname which isn't better.
I'm sure I really don't want to know this, but I'll ask anyway - what is a deadname?
This could get buried here but here are my most vivid memories. Just so everyone knows, I do spells and have a Ouija board (which rarely sees the light of day so I'm gonna get rid of it) as I dabble in witchery- however, I focus on the earth and arts.
With that bit of info, when I was at my friends house (who also does these things but she is more of the dark and death parts) we were playing a game on her wii. We suddenly see another player has entered the game. It was just the two of us, our other friend had driven to their house for their switch, her sister was in college and both parents were outside in the garden. My friend and I are like oh ok that's weird, before we both felt cold. I get up to grab a blanket but it felt like someone was tugging against it- which was also weird since her dog was outside and the cat was...being a cat somewhere else. After a good yank there is the smell of lemons and what sounds like a whining girl saying "I just wanted to play". Turns out, it was a ghost who has regularly messed with us (we know when she's around cause it always smells like lemons) but that was the first time we ever had her join a game like that so that was weird.
I also remember when I went to Savannah, Georgia in the USA for a trip. After that insanely long ride, I decided that I wanted to go swimming, and my friend joined. Mothers bored, they both let us be while we swam. Once my friend and I had our fun, we headed back to the elevator. It was cold, like usual when someone gets out of a pool into cold air but once we got inside the elevator, the temperature was so cold that the two of us huddled together. Someone pressed a button, the one we needed to go to, then said "I'm sorry, the heat is out. Where are your dresses?" Neither of us wore dresses and neither of us were sure who spoke since we're the only two in the elevator and we're both tween girls so the voice belonging to an adult man was weird. No, it wasn't a security camera or anything since (and not to my knowledge) I don't think cameras speak. But if that wasn't a ghost then some perverted man was watching my friend and I, which leaves the question of who pushed the button?
Okay, this isn't really spooky but it's somtjing true that scares me- about a couple years ago I was watching this show called Jessie. I watched a Halloween episode were this ghost with long black hair covering her face was being introduced and of course me being 9 at the time was terrified. I ran downstairs to tell my mom and then, my mom's phone starts to ring. It's my grandma and she sounds histarical. She's crying saying that my uncle was upstairs unconscious and the paramedics were there getting him to the hospital. We drove to the hospital and saw my grandma there. She was telling us about how her and my uncle (her 1st kid. My mom is the little sister.) Were going to go our to dinner but he was taking a really long time to get ready. She went upstairs and saw him living on the ground. I don't know why, I think it's because of that experience that scared me. But I've been afraid of that ghost every since.
I've heard that sometimes we relate certain traumatic experiences to odd things that normally would have little meaning. I have a similar experience while watching the movie The Exorcist. People think I'm ridiculous for being so afraid of it, but I can never tell them it's because I was watching it when something traumatic happened in real life, and I will forever associate the two together.
I'm so sorry for whatever experience happend. A couple days after what happend to me my uncle passed away. That's probably what scared me even more. He was only 38
Load More Replies...He was living on the ground and she brought him to the hospital, calm down he’s just a dwarf
Many years ago I was hanging out with two friends who eventually became my first-ever roommates. (In retrospect, I question my judgment there!) We were at her mom's house and she proposed we all do a seance. Even though I didn't see any harm in it, something warned me very strongly to not participate. She lit a red candle and they both sat quietly holding hands and not saying anything; I sat and watched. After a while he started making uncomfortable faces and squirming like he was struggling against something. Then he sat bolt upright (still holding her hands) and went rigid. His eyes snapped open, and his pupils were glowing like hot coals. Have you ever had a surprise encounter with a wild predator animal? That's how I felt right then. The impulse was to run like hell, but that same warning voice told me to not move and remain as calm as possible. Somehow I managed to do that, and after a short time that weird glow disappeared from his pupils and his body relaxed. I have no memory of what happened after that moment passed.
My ex-girlfriend was dabbling in Wicca and wanted me to participate in a cleansing ritual. Keep in mind neither of us were very knowledgeable on the subject, but I thought she had done at least some research of how to properly perform a ritual. We went to the beach to commune with nature and make moon water. It was lovely and made me feel very peaceful. Only later while doing my own research did I discover that she had skipped the most important step in a ritual: drawing a circle of protection, without which we were putting ourselves at risk for harmful energy and psychic attacks. Later on I was in bed sleeping peacefully when all of a sudden I jolted awake. Standing by my bedside was a giant shadow made of something blacker than black, with glowing white eyes. Looking at it gave me the most intense feeling of dread and fear I've ever experienced, but I couldn't look away. The next thing I knew I came to on the floor screaming at the top of my lungs and sweating. Turns out a shadow demon had somehow infiltrated our ritual and had come for me. I have not performed a ritual since that day and I won't ever dabble in things I don't have complete understanding of.
My aunt renovated her home and I was there with her all day to help her out with things. Since I was going to her house daily she suggested I sleep there with her, since she was alone anyway and the main bedroom was done. I was happy, since I didn't have to go late night back at my place and we could continue super early with the renovation. Before bed, after a long day, we ordered some food and I suggested we watched "Mama". I knew it was a horror movie, she didn't know but we watched it anyway. I'm not going to go in detail about this movie, but what particularly creeps me out the most in this movie, is the sound that "Mama" makes when she's enraged, it simply makes my skin crawl.
Bed time comes and we fall asleep fast (I must mention that I was sleeping in the same bed with my aunt). For some unknown reason, all the time, I sleep very lightly between 3 and 4 o'clock, so that means that every faint sound, wakes me up.
So here it is, it's 3.16 a.m. and I hear that freaking sound, very faint at first then extremely loud right in my year. I'm fully awake now, the sound still going on, and very carefully (scarefully :) ) I'm looking around the room, trying to figure out where the sound is coming from. My aunt was doing that freaky sound. I have no idea what she was dreaming, but it felt like she was possessed by "Mama". I whispered her name, but it didn't help, she even gave me a smirk. I freaked out even more, so I just had to shake her so she would just stop.
Let me tell you, I barely slept the next three days. No more horror movies for my aunt :)
Ive had sleep paralysis and it’s absolutely terrifying, its hopefully just a weird thing your brain does when your asleep and not actual demons 😬
Everything feels like you are completely awake in bed and not asleep, one time when i was little i heard heavy breathing and something small but hefty scrabble up the ladder (i had a bunkbed) but i was paralysed and under the blanket , the thing shuffled up the bed and sat on top of me and was really heavy, it felt like an animal like a dog or cat but we had no pets at the time 😱
Another time i was just falling asleep and a deep, growling male voice whispered something in my ear i couldnt understand what it said but it absolutely terrified me!!
Hypnagogic hallucinations can be tactile and auditory as well as visual.
Once, I was having a hard time going to sleep. My sisters were asleep, and my parents were just going to bed. I had this weird feeling, and I felt like I heard footsteps. I felt very afraid, but then my parents turned the light off in the living room, which was the only thing from keeping me sane. Then, I felt this deep dread, and I felt VERY VERY MUCH ALONE. I suddenly lost it and started bawling. I kept crying until my parents came in and asked me what was wrong.
…. And I am a teenager. Don’t know what happened.
Once at night, my friend and I decided it would be a good idea to go for a walk in an old graveyard. Got chased by a dog there and thought we were gonna die :)
Once I was upset and crying in the kitchen at night, seriously ready to end it. Before I did, I swear to god I hear someone snap their fingers as clear as day, followed by an odd shuffling sound. We don’t have any pets beside fish, so unless some guppies came bouncing down stairs to scare the crap outta me, then I don’t know what happened.
When I was 16-17, I was lazing around at my home laying on my bed facing the wall. Then suddenly i started hearing breathing near me. I actually felt it on me. I didn't weirded out because I thought it was my neice. I didn't turn around because u know she might drag me to play with her. A few minutes later, she was still standing there. Then I heard her laughing from other side of my house. Freaked out, I turned around and there was no one standing besides me. And there are many things like suddenly feeling someone's touch on my shoulder, seeing shadows moving, and always feeling someone's eyes on u etc. I experienced from this house but nothing major. I still live here
I was a college student, living in my parents apartment. Had a date with my girlfriend that day, was already late and had called a cab, as the door rang. There was a man - asking me if I could help him locating an army officer living in the building. I knew there was a retired colonel living here, but wasn't sure which apartment - so I told him, and he should better ask the janitor. He didn't seem to be overly interested in my suggestion, or happy to hear there was indeed one living here - but that occurred to me later. So.. I close the door. Gather my stuff, run out, jump into the cab, totally stressed out - telling the driver to be as fast as possible, and FASTER please! ..While we are speeding through the next two streets, I curse the traffic, the driver, the streets, myself (all inwardly) - she will be so mad, in fact she is ALREADY mad at this very moment, I picture her sitting there and being mad. As we are approaching the first junction somebody talks to me. It is a voice and it is in my head. But it is not my head voice. It is somebodies voice. The voice says my name. It says: "M.". Now. I know, this sounds ridiculous. Why didn't I freak out? I think I did - everything happened so quickly I don't remember how I felt. I'm stressed out, oblivious to anything else going on in these milliseconds and I respond in my head and say "Yes?!" and the voice calmly says " M. Go. Back. Now." There is chaos in my head. I don't want to. I argue, but feebly - "But I'am late already. Why?" The voice says: " M. If you don't go back NOW- you will be SORRY AFTERWARDS". I stop in my head. I tell the driver to turn and drive back ASAP. I'm sure it is the driver who is cursing inwardly now. I arrive at our building. I enter. I go up two stairs. Flat door is closed. Nothing. Hardly 10 minutes have passed since I left. "Ok." I say. "What now?" I swear, I heard it this time resonating. The voice says: "Open the door. Go. In." I swear I sighed. Ridiculous. I enter. Everything as I left. Parents not home yet. Silence. Until I hear a sound from the back of the flat. I walk to the hallway. At the end of the hallway I can see the bedroom of my parents. There are two men in the bedroom. One of them is the guy I spoke to 10 Minutes ago. They are frantically emptying the closet. Half of it is already on the floor. Bedding, books, stuff on shelves - everything is on the floor. I stand there. I decide at that moment I just want them to stop destroying the room my mother so lovingly decorated with her precious little artsy things and memorabilia - I shout "Hey!" Next moment all three of us are running through the flat in a yelling contest. They escape... Police was useless. Later that day my mother confesses she had, contrary to better knowledge, stored a large sum of cash in a bag in the closet. The bag was found on the floor - I had interrupted the men just before they could open it. - I have daily conversations with myself. I never heard the voice again.
Sounds like your guardian Angel was taking care of you and you had the good sense to listen!
I have vivid memories of being about 3. . I know it wasn't when I'd started school yet and I started that at 4...... I was scared of the dark so made my parents leave the door open ajar a little. From my bed I could see the bathroom....... mostly i'd see my mum and dad occasionally come up and use the bathroom, but occasionally i'd also watch an old man taking a bath and he scared me somewhat. It was only years later when talking to my mum that I mentioned it and she said 'oh, the man that owned the house before us died in it and he was found in the bath.'
I think the most logical conclusion is that even younger than 3 my parents must have talked about it and it had been taken into my young brain... cause I sure as s**t don't believe in ghosts.
Some people believe that small children are able to see certain things... One of my nieces, when she too was around 2 or 3, would get up in the middle of the night (once she had her own little bed) and my sister would find her in the kitchen, pointing at the ceiling and excitedly saying "Look, look!" She did that several times. What my niece didn't know and couldn't have understood even if told, was that a young man had died in the apartment. Other very weird things happened there too and mostly everyone felt a heavy, scary presence. Whenever I brought my dog, he would always go toward the back of the apartment to a specific room and bark outside the door. My sister brought in some people who supposedly saw that there was the spirit (or whatever) of the young guy but also another one of an older, meaner guy.
1. What word do I hate? Not moist, but shuffling. Not the kinds of shuffling cards, but shuffling feet. As you may know, I hate sleeping without some form of sound and light, which is why my room is lit and noisy at night. But sometimes I cant use the thing that makes noise, and on those nights, I hear shuffling footsteps. Not my parents, they are asleep. My cat has a bell. And the shuffling stays in the same spot.
2. A snippet from a book I'm writing, "The candlemaker" it goes like this: "I made it back to my city and rushed to my shop to see if Soot was okay. Before I reached the shop, I decided to call him again. But just as I expected, he didnt pick up.
I finally reached the shop and took a deep breath. Whatever happened in there, I would keep my cool. I stepped inside, but Soot wasn't there. I started to hyperventilate because I was thinking of all the worst case scenarios of what happened.
I looked around with pure fear for Soot. I found his phone inside a tub of hardened wax. I grabbed a hammer and broke through the wax to retrieve the phone, praying that it still worked.
It did work, but the screen was crack beyond all belief, and I could barely see what was on the phone. I managed to unlock it and checked his camera roll just in case he left something there. And just as I suspected, there was a picture that was nearly black, taken at around the time he called me.
Because I couldnt make anything out I sent it to my phone, so I could see the picture more clearly. I was terrified. There was a nearly white figure in a cloak standing in the corner of the shop with a sinister open mouthed grin and hollow, gaping eyes. But the smile horrified me even more because the jaw was stretched down a couple feet lower than any human possibly could.
I shrieked and grabbed my valuables from the shop as quickly as I could and ran out of the shop. Hyperventilating again, I took out Soot's phone once more and checked the camera roll again. And there was a video. It was only 3 seconds long.
And so I sent it to my phone and watched it in pure horror. Soot was running through the shop, the figure letting out a low, crecending scream that made my heart drop. I continued to watch forcing myself not to look away as Soot just, dissapeared. He was running, but he fell and didnt show up in the video again.
I put my back against the wall behind me and slid down. I was supposed to find a clue on where soot was... but instead I found out when he dissapeared, and it was horrifying. I tried to keep myself from crying, as I tried to figure out where Soot could have gone to."
Let me know if you want the link to the rest of the story.
My first encounter with a ghost was at my Dad's boss' house. My entire family was invited to see this phenomenon. So I am holding my one year old son and we are all in the room where this apparition appears. There's a dresser with a mirror and the hallway light shines onto the mirror which projects an image of a man's torso onto the wall. It's like watching a movie because sometimes he faces forward and sometimes he's in profile. He holds a dagger and that turns into a cross. With all that going on, there is a doorway with a full body old woman, this is about 8 inches. The boss says watch this and stands in front of the projection. Well, it goes through him and continues to shine on the wall ..and that is when we noped out of there!!! Turns out they had two mediums come, at different times, and they both said that the ghost killed his invalid sister, blind mother and himself. They said that the dresser came from a funeral home. The ghost was named David and that's my son's name.
Some of you may have heard of the game Doors of the Mind or Red Door, Yellow Door. I played it with my friends once.
For those of you who don't know, you basically lay with your eyes closed while a friend guides you through your subconscious. The rules are that if you see people that aren't just part of the background, or clocks, that you're meant to try to wake up or leave because they're dangerous. It's also recommended that you avoid going down stairs (up is fine) or through dark-coloured or eerie-feeling doors.
I didn't really believe in the game at first, so I volunteered to be the one laying with my eyes closed. Went pretty normal, got to mentally visit some places I wish were real.
2 things happened that were disturbing.
First of all, I enjoyed being in these places a lot, and tried to remember then so I could draw them (I never did). Later was looking at scenery for my laptop background when I saw one of the places I had seen during the game. I forget where it was, but it wasn't in my home country and I've never travelled overseas. I had never seen that picture online until that day either. So I mentally travelled somewhere overseas without ever having been there.
The second thing that happened was scarier. I was travelling through the rooms as you do, looking around. One room I enter and I seem to kind of teleport into a dark green bed, like under the covers laying down. I look into the corner and there's a slenderman-esque figure in the corner, no face, white skin, black suit, unnaturally tall. I tell my friend/guide this, who immediately 'wakes' me up (not necessary, I was fully conscious, it's just recommended that they do that just in case).
Now, months later, my friend has been getting extreme paranoia at random times. I've also been having nightmares and seeing movement in my peripheral vision, and started having this impending sense of doom, which seems to cause panic attacks. I've had 3 or 4 panic attacks in the last 1 1/2 months.
I'm mostly sure that this is a coincidence. But it still scares me that there's shadow people in my subconscious mind.
TL;DR I ran into a creepy figure while playing Doors of the Mind and also somehow mentally travelled to a real place I didn't know existed.
You people call those stories spooky? Last night I dreamed, (should I even repeat it?) , trump was re-elected! I know, it’s too horrific to even contemplate! I’m cursed!
You people call those stories spooky? Last night I dreamed, (should I even repeat it?) , trump was re-elected! I know, it’s too horrific to even contemplate! I’m cursed!