I would love to hear your stories. And I'm sure other people would too. I hope you like this! Let's try to get a few submissions as it's my first Ask Pandas post!


Went outside one night last summer because I heard yelling. Down the block, several military-looking vehicles were parked in the street in front of an apartment building. Soldiers carrying AR-15's, some with dogs, were in the street and the yard of the apartment building. I could hear women crying and yelling in Spanish. I assume it was ICE.



    once, when i was 10 or 11, i was biking, when a car drove by recklessly, then it went down my neighbors' driveway, were 3 kids were standing. The car drove into their backyard, then all the way around the house. I was terrified and biked back to my house as fast as i could.


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    Probably the time during a storm in which I heard a giant 'BOOM!' that nearly gave me a heart attack. Next day my mom finds out that a tree was hit by lighting and fell on the house of one of our neighbors. To add insult to injury, the house also caught on fire.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I thought you were going to say the tree hit the neighbors house! But no!

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    Ok guys imagine a plane flying over your house now imagine that 10x louder that is what I heard on a Wednesday afternoon I screamed and Went under the table while dragging my sister under the table (Btw we where playing Minecraft) WELL IT TURNES OUT THAT THE ARMY BASE NEAR US HAD A PRACTICE FLIGHT AND THEY FLEW OVER MY HOUSE IT WAS SO LOUD


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    Living next to meth dealers, my mom getting attacked by a drug addict in her car in the middle of the night, watching drug deals in broad daylight, lots of psychopath criminals who can make the news but can't make it to jail, a local store was just robbed at gunpoint last week, dead bodies have been turning up in the area in the past couple years, the list goes on. For being one of the safest towns in my state, we're pretty scary lol



    A tree fell on our old car and smashed the back window during a storm


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    During a storm, half of our 100 year old tree fell down from the wind. It sounded like a garbage can rolling. Luckily it didn’t hit our house. It only was 5 feet away from hitting our neighbor’s truck. We ended up taking the whole tree down later that week.


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    I pulled into my driveway after work, talking to my wife on the phone. I step out of my car and said to her "someone is lighting off fireworks". It took me a couple of seconds to realize that it was actually gunfire.
    There was a dispute between neighbors half a block away where the police were called. When they got there the one neighbor open fire on the police so they shot back. Bullets were hitting the wood fence about 15 feet from where I was standing.



    A couple years ago i was doing homework when all of a sudden these three helicopters came flying around the neighborhood with their search lights on. Turns out some elementary school kid went missing when he was outside riding his bike, they found him in a ditch. He had to have brain surgery cause he wasn't wearing a helmet and knocked himself out. Another time my sister and I were taking out the recycling when this old beat up black Camry came racing up the hill. I guess it was this guy and his girlfriend, but they were obviously intoxicated or something, they started throwing empty beer bottles at us. We were fine and we never saw them again but they broke our bin and spilled our recycling stuff everywhere. We live in a pretty safe neighborhood so that's about it.


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    The scariest thing that has ever happened in my neighborhood is the time that my great grandmother's neighbor's husband pulled a gun on my father. He did this because my father told his wife to stay away from my great grandmother. The wife was going into my great grandmother's apartment and stealing things. This man was not arrested because he had mental illness issues.


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