Tell us about the saddest thing that has ever happened to you. Like an animal or family passing away, anything you would like to share.


I spent most of my childhood homeless and developing mental disorders.


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Jeri Woodrow
Community Member
3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I hope & pray 🙏 for your complete healing to give you peace. The Lord is with you, always!

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    My pitbull attacked my small dog and killed her.



    I got taken away from my mom like 5 years ago and that was REALLY sad but dis takes the cake, so i was on the internet and stumbled across a website called Goregrish, i tried to log in but it said only 12 people every 24 hours so i was like "wow dis must be rlly great" so i kept trying until i finally got in, i saw the captions for this video with NO thumbnail called "brazilian man gets chopped into pieces" i clicked on it. they cut his head off and then went straight for his heart then his arms and legs, i've never felt more sadness and fear and just straight TERROR from one little video it was all real as well



    More of a scary time for me.

    I’m 13 right now and this happened last year when I was twelve. I have a big family so I had to share a room with my 6 year old brother. One day I convinced my parents to make me a “room” in our unfinished basement. They did and it was really cool with sheets as the walls. Anyways, one night I had a bad dream and woke up at 3 am. And I swear on my life, someone was down there with me, walking. I was petrified. Long story short, I called my mom to come downstairs and search the place. Sadly, nobody believes me.



    Loosing all three of my dogs. One in 2018, the day before my birthday (it’s a constant reminder), one in 2019 (she was the best), and the last one in 2020 (in the heat of covid so I had to watch her suffer and go on her own)



    I had a loved one try to remove herself from the living. She’s okay now though, and she’s come a long way from that


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    My Dog Baxter was run over by a car out behind our house about three or four weeks before my graduation from the 8th grade. The hardest part about it was probably the shock, just learning from my parents that he had died. Also not getting to say goodbye.



    My brother committed suicide on 7-27-2007 out of the blue and that’s when all my depression and anxiety reared it’s ugly head. I have been searching for answers to a question that will never be answered……..



    I was 25, living with my husband 5 minutes away from my parents house. My dad was working several hours away when my mom called saying that she didn't feel well. My husband and I drove her to the ER to get checked out as she had chest pain. They performed some tests, and couldn't figure out what was wrong. At one point she phoned my dad, and said "don't bother coming, it's nothing", but he said he was going to come anyway. A couple of hours went by, and suddenly she coded. I watched in horror as the ER nurse, sitting on top of her on the stretcher, performed CPR. Within minutes she was gone.
    I was told NOT to call my dad and tell him - rightfully so, as he was driving and not a good time to tell him the news. So the second worst part was when he walked in through the door expecting to see his wife, only to find us crying and blubbering incoherently.
    I had serious PTSD after this (I work at this same hospital, even years later), and my depression and anxiety started shortly after this.


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    All my money was stolen when I was grade two in the university that far away my hometown.My family was too poor to give me some more money ten year ago…….


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    My true love Kurata had to go back to Japan and it depresses me way too much to wake up in the morning! I feel like death is my only escape from this purgatory!


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    That I grew up in the same town as my biological father, and he never wanted to have any kind of relationship with me. I kept reaching out to him until after I got married at 23. Then I just stopped calling him to see if he would ever contact me. I never heard from him again. He died August 2020. What kills me is that he maintained a relationship with my older brother until he died, and I was good enough to come cut his hair, color and cut his wife’s hair (I’m a hairdresser), and volunteer me to cut my step-brother’s hair (he is 13 years younger than me, and I never even got to know him while he was growing up), and all of his sons friends. To this day my mother will defend him by saying “you have to understand that he didn’t have a great upbringing.” So I feel like I didn’t get rejected once, but over and over again. I tell my mother to please not defend him (to me), but she just keeps doing it, so I feel abandoned by her as well! Did I mention that he never paid child support? Not even ONCE! And my mother never even tried to make him! I’m 52, and I’ve been to LOTS of therapy over it through the years, but you just can’t change the past. You learn how to deal with it so you don’t destroy current relationships, or pass down damaging things to your own kids, but you can’t ever make it go away, no matter how much you want it to.


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    Lost my dog a month ago after more than 16 years. Thought I was prepare since she was old.


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    Being born.

    Just kidding



    My life


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    Either when my dog jasmine died when i was six or when my parents divorced when i was five but unlike most divorces my mom and dad are kind of friends and dad visits once every three to two months know (Im 12) because he lives in Kenya though he cant visit more often and we live in america. So the divide seems kind of big sometimes but yo lets not get to sentimental.


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    I don’t have any lasting issues from this and tbh a lot of the stories here sound much worse.

    My grandad (dad’s dad) was found dead in his armchair the same day of my other grandad (mums dad) funeral.

    I was six years old. I remember bits of them, but most of my life I have had one grandparent as my dads mum died before I was born.

    that’s still more than some people have had so I’m grateful for the six years I did have and one grandparent I have left.


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    My great grandfather that I was really close to passed away recently. For a long time my great grandmother acted like she didn’t like me, but she adored my younger sister. She’s better now and I know she loves me, but it’s been difficult to change how I have always felt- especially now that the one who always took up for me and showed that he loved me is not here anymore.


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