Tell us the rudest thing anyone has ever said to you.


my missus is going through the menopause and wasnt looking her healthy best. we were in the supermarket at the counter paying for the shopping when this big mouth b***h behind us says" Ah you helping your mum doing the shopping?" My missus got embarrassed and stormed out of the shop! Hmmmm the words that came out of my mouth is too harsh to mention on here.



    I went to the physio with a rash between my thighs. I said 'what is it?' He said 'It's because you're a fat c**t' True and yet unbelievable just the same.



    While at a laundromat a guy told me, "I hope Trump deports you." First I was born here in the US, second I am a veteran, and third this racist didn't anything about me. I swear if there wasn't a cop in there I would have punched him.



    Several mental health professionals have made nasty comments about my weight, "Whatever you are doing isn't working!" "You must lose weight." "Try harder." "You are an intelligent woman, you know you are overweight. " "Stop eating cookies." and more. I know I naturally eat less when happy. Working out and eating well improve many aspects of my health -- like my blood pressure. My goal is to do both. Somehow this is never enough for the mental health community. People who have never experienced weight problems should stop judging. Eating disorders are real, from mild cases to the extreme. Worse some of these doctors are affiliated with Harvard Medical School - is this what they teach? All are employed at one of the best mental health facilities in the country. I asked the director of a satellite facility to tell his staff my weight was not to be discussed. My primary care doctor and I deal with this issue. Second and last visit, "You must lose the weight!" said loudly, aggressively, and with force. I am 5'8" currently wear a size 12/14. Size 10 is near perfect. More realistic is a mix of size 10 and size 12.


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    Dilly Millandry
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Honestly wonder how some people can call themselves mental health 'professionals' when acting so unprofessionally. Not sure what your mental health issue is but I'll just add the point that some anti-depressants also do cause weight gain. Which, for me, made my depression worse.

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    So it was like sixth grade I think, and we were playing knockout. There was a kid (lets call him Bob because I don't know how to spell his name) anyway, you either like him or you hate him. He hated me for some unknown reason. Anywho, bob was right in front of me in line and he kept scooting forward and saying things like "eww" or dont get too close" Later, He shot and missed, and I got him out and everyone was cheering. The look on his face was wonderful!



    I ran into a former neighbor one day. We paused on the walk to exchange greetings (as you would) and she called me by sister’s name. I smiled and
    said “.I’m X not Y. “ I didn’t want to embarrass her, so I added “Easy
    mistake to make.” She looked at me for a few seconds and said “ Oh yes..
    Y is the smart one.”



    Minding my own business watching my kid in hotel pool with 2 softball teams (8-10 & 10-12 years old) after a long first day of tournament, another mom just walks up , looks me dead in the eyes and says "Why are you so angry?! Do you not have friends?" Then demand I change the music that was playing but couldn't tell me to what. She was lucky more ways then 1 that night. 1. I was able to control my gut reaction to push her in the pool.... 2. We were surrounded by families and teammates. So I opted for the high road and removed my self. Needless to say she was too hammered that night and didn't recall saying anything.



    I was working in a geriatric facility in my early 30s. My patients used to ask me how long I was married and when I would say 7 years they would then ask how many kids I had. My hubby and I had decided not to have kids so I would say "none". One elderly man looked me up and down, then asked me "Is there something wrong with your equipment?" I had just met him.


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    David Jeu
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Not surprising, old peoples are known for being straight to the point.

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    Being someone with an eating disorder and being curvy. I've heard it all, thunder thighs, fat ass, ten tonne Tessie, tree trunk legs, this was all from my older sibling and my own mother.
    The next thing my mother said to me after I broke down being told I've pcos and had a miscarriage. Told my mother she said, sure that's no problem you never wanted kids anyway. I snapped and told her yes I did but seeing as you never listened to me growing up you wouldn't know what I wanted as an adult.



    About three years after our teenage child died, husband mentioned to a close relative of his that we were both still in counseling. He was asked "Aren't you over that by now?"


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    Luisa Vasconcelos
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm so really sorry for your lost. I lost a Child too and you have all the right to not be over it and explain to idiots who don't understand what is to have a pain that you feel deep in your soul.

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    A boy from another school once asked me "Why are you so ugly, whether with or without makeup?". Memory of this episode made me feel low for the next couple of years. Several years later this boy died of brain cancer.



    Ok, this kid in school punched me for no apparent reason (prob a dare). I was bleeding on my lip and nose so the teacher came and the kid who punched me called me a f****ing b****y weako c**t. In front of the teacher.



    I am a fraternal twin, I was walking home from school alone because my sister was sick and had to stay home from school. When I was walking a girl from my class came up to me and said " Your sister is so pretty, you two look nothing alike" and then she just walked away.


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    David Jeu
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    4 years ago

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    If it's the worst anyone ever told you, your life is pretty sweet my dear.

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    Not me, a classmate, we were in art school. She was having a rough week and kinda missed the mark on the assessment, the prof. got to her work, that she spent two weeks on, and said, " You need to spend more time making things worth looking at." Then moved on with the crit as usual. She left to cry in the hall; it was very awkward and several us followed her out to see if she was ok.


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    David Jeu
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    4 years ago

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    Teachers are not supposed to tell you everything you do is good.

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    Someone told me my mom was fat, which I think meant was a loophole to calling me fat, which, I had no clue how to handle it. So later that kids friend in PE SCREAMED TO EVERYONE:“everyone get Elizabeth since she’s slow!” We were playing a game where you had to knock a frisbee out of a kids hands, so everyone went after me and I was their new target. It was knocked out of my hands the entire PE session. Oh I told the substitute there and she didn’t do anything. I was later insulted in PE AGAIN so I told the gym teacher and what she said was and I QUOTE: Ah! I don’t wanna hear it!” So I kept it to myself for the rest of the day since I thought nobody wanna hear it. OH and I’ve been insulted so much more than this,



    I have to use what someone posted and told me just last week on Facebook when he did not like my political leanings from my podcast. He said, "Go F*** Yourself F****t!" This was from a group of podcasters (supposedly) who have a FB group. I was called a lot of other things, but this is probably the worst. I am 62, so I have tons more but this the worst from July of 2020!


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    I had my daughter when I was 19, but mind you I look really young for my age. I went out to a mall, called my mom from a payphone(dated myself a bit) to tell her I got there ok. A MUCH older woman comes up to me, looks me up and down and says " How dare you come out in public with your p***y f****d like that. I was dumbfounded and blown away



    Can't think the rudest thing off top of my head, but I do remember one time when I was around 10 years old and I was spending one summer day at the pond bathing and with my wet hair it was obvious I had protruding ears. There was this girl I never really liked and she obviously never liked me, because she chose that day to pick on me. She was calling me all sorts of names, telling me how ugly I was and my ears were like pots. It seems kinda funny now, but at the time it was really degrading to me. Those ears particularly, because to this day I'm so sensitive about it.


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    I complimented a woman I know who had lost a significant amount of weight at an age where it would have taken immense fortitude to do it. I said "You look beautiful! How did you do it?" She replied, "Botox, dear, you should try it." I guess all the beauty was on the outside. ^^



    A former female friend once told me on the telephone: "You may be fat, but I'm sure you'll find a boyfriend, too." I had size L.



    My supposed friend looked me in the eyes and said, "I hate you." I looked her in the eyes and said, "I hate you too."


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    "Some people are just meant to be alone".


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    I had just received a phone call attening a university course, that my sister was diagnosed with malignant breast cancer. I had left the room, and sat hiding in a hallway corner crying my heart out, when a secretary, who up to that point had always been nice to me, went by, saw me and remarked smirkingly: ha, you're crying. Got a bad mark, eh?'
    I told her, what devastating news I had just gotten. She replied: You might as well stop crying. If it's malignant, they never survive!' She laughed and left.
    End of story: with only a 5% chance given, that my wonderful,big sister would survive the next five years, she underwent chemo and radio therapy after surgery. It's been 14 years now and she is alive and kicking!!!


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    This is a depressing topic... But for me it's probably the (several) times boys I don't even know have come up to me just to tell me how ugly they think I am. It hasn't happened since Uni but that last time I was so sure people "my age" would be above such things, I was just dumb founded. Again. I'll never understand the need for some people to just hurt strangers like that.

    Another time, also as a kid, a classmate withdrew a party invitation because another classmate had refused to go if I was invited. Strangely that other person was not well liked, but apparently she had higher "status" than me. Apart from my closest friends that was the only party I was ever invited to, at school. I had been so happy about it.



    i was poopin' and someone knocked on the door saying " hurry up you poop machine! " Rude!


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    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Actually yes it was my Five year old brother said that. good guess. It was sort of funny but also rude but I'm not mad

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    Can't remember the context of the conversation, but a friend once said to me, "Now that I think about it, I've never had a very pretty friend." Oof ...



    so, when i was younger, maybe 4 years ago, i attended this summer camp. i was sitting at a table with these other girls. one little african-american girl is there and she's planning her birthday at disney, i guess. then, out of nowhere, she says to me, "but i'm not inviting YOU because you're WHITE."
    i'm sitting there just silent because i was so young i probably didn't even realize it was racism.
    but i forgive her because we were young, and allow me to add that all lives matter when black lives matter


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    "Your face looks like you're a liar." Are you f*****g kidding me!



    It was when I was around 14 or 15 years old and I don't know how it started, but some guy around the same age insulted me or and a girl a lot older chastised him by saying "You can't be rude to a girl like that." And he answered "Yeah, well, she's not a girl." Then what the hell am I?! Made me cry that day.


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    when i was at school there was a girl i was in fifth grade and the girl said bad things at me and i got so mad i was about to fight her but then one my friends pulled me away from her.


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    Back when I was in middle school we used to play Kickball. I truly suck at sports. Anyway, I could’ve sworn our teacher said it was time to switch like those running bases, waiting to kick etc would switch with outfield and basemen. I was running bases at the time so I went to my usual position in left field. As you might’ve guessed, she did not in fact say switch so I ended up getting “out.” Shortly after our team captain came up to me and just screamed at me. “YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO RUN DUMBA**!”


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    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Edit: This was not in fact the first time that kid was cruel to me. He called me everything from “dumba**” to “s***a**” and even told me to go to area 51 on occasion.

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    Asking (almost bagging) with my more sweet smile if the person could please, pleaseeeee explain to me in English, since i was truly struglying to understand and the person answer me in a very despicable way : " wir sind in Deutschland, wir sprechen nur Deutsch." = we are in Germany, we speak only German. I was having the baby for Caesarean operation, totally alone as i divorced pregnant and the Dr. simply refused to explain in English. I got so shocked as the rest of the personal. Thanks the Universe for the amazing team of nurses. One of them explain to me and later apologize for the Dr's attitude. I can't believe i sign to have chef Dr and my Allianz privat insurance had to pay for it.


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    There have been many but this one came to mind -- another weight comment. I was a member of a women's chorus in a RELIGIOUS organization. There was one woman who was supposed to be my contact person in case I couldn't make it to a chorus practice. We were both in our 30s. I called her to explain I couldn't come to chorus because I had some kind of stomach virus and had no appetite. She said in a cheery, chirpy voice, "Oh good! Maybe you'll lose weight." Years later I heard she died of cancer.


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    María Hermida
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The fact that you are a religious person doesn't necessarily means that you are a good person. I know many people who, with the excuse of religion, can act in the cruellest way.

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    Did ur face catch on fire and someone put it out with a hammer.



    Well... Let's see. Oh there was this one time where some VERY rude neighbors and their friends thought that the football that we were playing with was theirs. They proceeded to try to storm the house, but we locked them out. They yelled at the door calling me extremely rude and humiliating names that are too inappropriate to list here. Needless to say, my mom took a video and then called the police. Unfortunately, they got off without a warning. So yeah that's that.


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