Life sometimes feels dull and even sad. There are certain things we do or have done in our lives to make it a little bit brighter and happier for us or the people around us.

Share a story of the nicest thing you've done. How did it affect you or the person you helped? Maybe you helped out an animal?

Perhaps your answers will inspire others to do the same thing, so don't be shy!


I helped build a school for kids in Africa with a well behind it for kids who have less education



    I was on a late night train, when a drunk and angry guy pinned a trans woman against the side of the train by the throat and started to strangle her. Another (male) passenger and I pulled him away and kept him from getting back to her. His intention was clearly to kill her, and I think he would have if no-one had intervened. We took a risk getting involved because the drunk guy was so very agressive, but I think we saved a life that day.
    The drunk guy had been chatting up the woman we helped, before he attacked her. I don't know if he was angry that she was trans or that she turned him down.



    While working with a NGO, I used top teach 50-70 girls from slums in 2 batches a day. I used to go to their houses and convince their parents how education will benefit their daughters. If anyone missed classes I used to go back to their houses later in the evening and would talk to them and their parents to convince them again to come to school. It took me 4-5 months of daily convincing to get their regular attendance and within 2 years most of them resumed proper schools again and 27 of those girls are now working with the same NGO to help educate others.


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    Mr. Bean
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    thank you so much for doing this! it is VERY important to educate girls. :)


    After my mother died in 1995, I would put pictures of her in my store's window on Mother's Day. After a few years I thought I'd never get tired of looking at pictures of my mother, but maybe the neighbors might. So I started asking neighbors, customers and friends for pictures of their mothers. I would frame them, use them in the display and return them, framed for free, afterwards. In the twenty years since, I have framed for free, close to 400 pictures of mothers.



    i cant believe that everyone is saying the nice things that they did and everyone is downvoting and critisizing them for it


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    David, you are young, this is the internet, and there are trolls on every site. People that will downvote any and all post just because they can. And yes Bored Panda has their share of trolls that lurk around here just to cause trouble. Some even seem to see how many downvotes they themselves can get. So don't worry to much about seeing downvotes on nice and kind comments.

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    Details are a bit hazy but a little while ago, on a flight from the US into Gatwick Aiport, an American lady in the same row of seats as me didn't realise that Gatwick Airport, London isn't actually that near London and she had to get to Heathrow Airport for a different flight (I think that was the main issue but I really wasn't listening to start with and only picked up on the conversation part way through when she started to get upset). The cabin crew could sell her a train ticket for the Gatwick Express (expensive but fast non-stopping train dedicated for travel between the airport and London) but she didn't have the money (it was cash only at the time). A normal stopping train service wouldn't get her there quickly enough - she could have afforded a ticket for that (could buy using a card) but also wouldn't have had the time to buy the ticket as they weren't sold on the flight, only the Gatwick Express tickets were sold. She was pretty upset and starting to panic about missing her flight. So I bought the train ticket for her. She wanted to take my details so she could send me the money but I just said not to worry (in the same way that I find it's better usually to give money rather than lend it). I've done other much kinder things - who doesn't anyway for friends and family - but this one sticks in my mind as her relief was just so enormous. Now I feel a bit of a fool for sharing so I'm going to hit Publish and hope I don't regret it!!!


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    Dilly Millandry
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You did something for a complete stranger when you could have just stayed out of it. Way better than doing things that are kind which are for family and friends - that s**t should be easy.

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    Mostly for the homeless: Purchased food, actually given the coat of my back, etc.
    Given people rides to the next bus stop when they missed their bus at their usual stop.
    Saw a really cute 'couple' trying to order breakfast. They were about 12 years old and he was pulling pennies from his pocket to see what they could order; I paid for their meal.



    My nanny is one of the nicest people ever and would give you her last dollar if you needed it. Well, she is a pensioner and struggles financially but will still help out anyone she can so I decided to give her a gift card. The big problem was that if I gave her a gift card she would find a way to pay me back or buy me something with it etc. I didn’t want that, I wanted her to use it for herself and not give me anything, so I hatched a plan. I asked my brothers and my dad if they were willing to go in as well and they all agreed. I got $250 worth of gift cards and a greeting card. In the card, I wrote something along the lines of “To the resident of ..., I have made the decision to do 10 random acts of kindness and you are one of the chosen recipients. Everyone needs a helping hand sometimes and I hope this gift will help you.” I then had a friend she didn’t know drop it in her letterbox.



    I was massively in love with a guy. We started as friends, then friends with benefits, and I was sure we needed just a little bit more time to become a real couple. We spent a lot of time together, sleeping over at his or my place, had a lot of mutual friends, we were like a couple, except that he was still unsure about his feelings about me and didn't want us to become official. That's why I insisted to keep our "f**k-buddies" status also hidden, because I didn't want our friends to think I'm letting him f**k me, hoping he will fall in love with me (which I was). And then, one day, he met a girl. The moment I saw them together, I knew he was in love with her. He was looking at her like he never looked at me (cliché, I know). I met the girl, and she thought that I'm just his very good friend. That same night, we were all out drinking, so she came to me and asked me for advice. She was really into "my" guy, but was unsure should she proceed to go into the relationship with him cause she had some fears and doubts from her past relationship. She asked me for advice as his "best friend"... and I that moment I knew - I KNEW - that I have the power to make or break that relationship. If I break it, I KNEW he will come back to me, and that there are very good chances it will be the trigger for our relationship to become something more. I simply couldn't do it. I told the girl how great of a person he is (as he really was), and to just go for it because I can see how much he cares for her. That night they officially became a couple, and I became nothing more but an ordinary friend to the guy. But it all paid off for me. A month later I met my now-husband and with him, I saw how incomplete and empty the relationship with my f**k-buddy was. But to actively "give" him to another girl, was painful as f**k.



    I gave a portable DVD player with children's dvds, games, toys, clothes and ramen and snacks to a family with small children who lost their home in a fire. Worth every penny..


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    The nicest thing i have done is That i have done a sand cake for a girl whos birthdaty was that day and she was very happy


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    A friend had an aggressive cancer that required surgery to remove. She was single at the time and had no family living nearby. I moved into her house to take care of her. I cooked and cleaned for her, did the laundry, took her dogs out daily and drove her around town whenever she needed. During her recovery, she suffered a minor set back and ended up back in hospital. I washed her clothes she had been sick on and bought her fresh clean clothes. I rang her parents to let them know how she was doing and helped keep her spirits up. I moved out when she was mostly recovered but returned to do the housework once a week for another month. We had only known each other for about 6 months when she was diagnosed and it really cemented our friendship.



    A few years back I decided to celebrate Lupercalia (the pagan version of Lent) by doing a Good Deed every day for 40 days. I missed two days because I was too sick to leave the house. To this day, when I recall it I don't think about the many good things I did before I think about those two days.


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    Daria B
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You didn't miss these 2 days. You stayed away from infecting others. This year has taught us that this alone is, indeed, a good deed.

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    I buy abandoned storage units and one time there was a box of books amongst the contents. In the box was a beautiful, leather-bound personal bible with passages underlined and notes in the margins. I'm not religious, but it was obvious it meant a lot to someone.
    In the front was written a name and through some Facebook stalking I managed to locate the owner's son. I messaged him and told him that it had come into my possession and it was beautiful but I couldn't in good conscience keep it and wanted to send it to him. He was shocked and said his mother carried everywhere with her and was holding it when she passed away. He thought he would never see it again. I mailed it to him that day and he was beside himself with gratitude.


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    im only 12 so honestly i dont know sorry



    these people are saying all the nice things they did and hey are getting downvoted and critisised for it WTF is wrong with you people, and the nice thing i just did was upvote everyone here you are amazing peo[ple and i dont think anything i could do could compare to you i hope you all become millionares and live a long happy life with family and friends


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    sorry i posted twice i thought they wernt going through they were going up cause of the upvotes 🤣 im so sorry

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    I was working in an IT company. One day, one of the employee leak the database access to me. I didn't know that this is a restricted access. I use it casually, and one day, and later I did something wrong.

    All of my superior asks me, from whom did I got this access. Since that people who leak that was nice to me, and he's already married, I lied. I told everyone that I forgot from whom did I got this.

    I know the risk of doing this. I told my family, that I might got fired. In the end, I was fired, and that person still works there until today.

    He's very sorry, and keep in contact with me from time to time. I'm not regretting my action. I already thinking to resigned from that company anyway... My action just hasten my notice period.


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    Sometimes I will go through a Dunkin Donuts drive thru and pay for the order of the vehicle behind me.



    I once saved a toddler from drowning.


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    Believing in someone who had a not soo reputation in school.....turned out she was just misunderstood ....


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    I'm having trouble remembering...I can'



    I can't think of anything.


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    David Kohn
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    that doesnt mean you arent i nice person it just mean you have a smal hipocampus

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