If you are reading this, put the word Pikachu in your answer.


arguing with someone on social media (flat earthers, antivaxers, etc). waste of time.


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RK Barbo
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Especially when you actually present them with facts and they call everything fake.

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    I have been to art school, studied graphic design and graphic technologies. Color theory was a required class, so I know what I’m talking about. I had several arguments with my exhusband as to what white to buy to paint the trim inside the house. To me, being told to just go buy white paint is as stupid as telling someone to just buy yellow to paint Pikachu.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I love deciding the differences between colors, as it can really transform how anything looks. For example, I mix chalk colors to make different shades of green or orange or indigo or purple. It’s really annoying to be told a basic color. Umm, excuse me, there are so many different shades of this one color!

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    Pikachu lol, but seriously, I had an argument over who should breathe. We kept telling the other to breathe and we kept doing no u to the other.



    I’ve tried for years to get my dad to see that racism is wrong.
    No joy.



    pikachu, um someone tried to argue with me on how I'm supposed to pronounce my own name


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    Dudeman 612
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's got to be frustrating. That person must be the epitome of arrogance.

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    Someone tried to argue with me that i was not English ( I was born in England but half Jamaican half Mauritian) cause drumroll please…… I’m black!!



    I was told that I boiled my noodles wrong. ( was told to put noodles in water and wait to boil, I boil the water than put noodles in)


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You’re doing it right. Who does the former??? Even Ramsay boils water first!

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    Religion. It's pointless. And has started too many wars.



    Trying to explain that Trans people are not things. They are still people.



    The concepts of monetary inflation and modern monetary theory, and the cause and effects of inflation. How can so many believe that if the government just gave everyone $1 million dollars we all could afford to eat then, and buy a house, and everything will be ok... Just pains me. Especially after seeing the covid money just given to everyone w***y nilly. Basically IMO just proved that UBI, isn't a long term solution (inflation will make the UBI worthless in no time at all), and that we really need to keep searching for cheaper, more efficient ways to make food (etc) if we are to aim for less starvation and more equality. Point the money where it matters, not splatter shooting it all over, is most likely to have the best results. The argument is useless though since so many people think money will fix their problems, in the middle-to-long-run it will not. The solutions will not come from governments directly, but instead it will come from capitalists and scientists. At least if history has anything to say about the future.



    Any argument with my brothers
    Our arguments devolve into way past stupid way too much


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    I once had an argument (with my sister) about how she couldn’t say get out to me in the hallway that we shared. Soon after she changed the topic of the argument because she realized she was wrong about that. I also had an argument once with a friend when I was in grade school about whether my beads that I was using for my (successful mind you) earring selling business in school were actual gems. My mom was a jeweler so they were legit but she had a competing earring selling business against me that wasn’t as successful. We are good friends now. And that is past us. (Pikachu)



    Inner conflict whether I should answer this post or not (pikachu)



    My ex boyfriend got into an argument about the fact that we never argue.
    Thus the 'ex'!



    In retrospect, every one having about actual politics IRL or online. But till your 40's you tend to think, you can make a difference in the matter. And that's very all right, in this way!


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh, and I didn't think, that after your 40's you are no more interested in actual politics, because, you may very well. But, as I observed, after you reached your cca. half-life-time, you'll find better things more interesting, than stressing yourself about idiots elected for just 4 years. You are beginning to appreciate your only life.


    Got in an argument with someone who thinks that humans existed with dinosaurs WTF


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    Rob Eman
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Well... 1) some dinos are still here basically genetically unchanged. 2) some form of humans ancestors obviously did exist during that time (my understanding is it was something like a mouse). Sorry was I not supposed to argue? Lol

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    Trying to convince my narcissistic mother over the sensibility of my career choice at 17 years old, knowing full well she didn't had a problem with the career itself, she had a problem with me. Whatever choice I made had to be wrong and she would always force me to do the opposite of what I wanted just to have power and control over me. I thought I could at least reason with her. She responded with a week of silent treatment (a week of pure blessing for me) followed by a huge tantrum. Then she turned around and acted like she had always supported my choice. I didn't care anymore, I was just glad I got my way.


    See Also on Bored Panda

    Trying to correct someone trying to mansplain my bra size to me, he was certain that I, an owner of breasts did not know my own bra size. It ended with me buying one in the size he was certain I should be wearing to prove him wrong.


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    Dudeman 612
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    He was probably trying to get you to show him your breasts. Some guys are very crafty, and/or desperate.

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    In fifth grade with my friend over who is more mature. He has ADHD so he tends to act immature (not saying that’s what ADHD does he just gets hyper and acts immature sometimes) and I would keep bugging him saying I’m more mature. We eventually realized how dumb this was and stopped. And I realized how much I liked him especially with his quirks! Caring and fun like Pikachu!



    In a trance of stupidity, I argued with my Korean friend over how to pronounce Seoul 😳 (Of course she knocked me out of said trance on the spot 😂)


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    Arguing with someone who believes everything is a conspiracy or a false flag.


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    RK Barbo
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    But do your research. Cause I read it on the internet and it's a fact!! Plus, I barely graduated highschool, but I know more than Dr.s who've had years of advanced education. Oh, and education? It's merely indoctrination for the sheeples. Plus, I know someone who died from the jab. Well, they were hit by a car, but if they hadn't had the jab, they would have lived for sure. (I believe it was the jab that made them run into traffic) Also, they busted a pedophile ring with a 109 people, and two of them had worked for Disney. Therefore, Disney does nothing but employ groomers! And I can prove the earth is flat cause I had a friend who took a boat ride and disappeared cause he fell off the edge. DO YOUR RESEARCH!!!

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    Whether exploring space is a good idea and a good use of our Earthly resources. Blows my mind so many believe we should go extinct on this husk of a planet rather than save ourselves and as many other species from Earth as we can. But then trying to explain tipping points, and the escape velocity of a species vs sustainment of a massive population in a finite bubble... Oops, sorry, the one egg inside the one basket just cracked and it's too late now Pikachu!... Just don't look up!!!


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I think we have enough issues on earth but I agree about the development we get from exploring other planets.


    If asexuality is a phase. For context, my neighbors are homophobic and as per my username, I’m ace. They somehow found out and while I was helping them with their garden they went on this lecture that asexuality is a phase and that I’ll get over myself when I find a nice man. I argued with them for almost 3 years about this until my family moved, but now that I’m thinking about it, it was a waste of time anyway. They will always be homophobic, no matter how hard I try or how nicely I explain to them the concept of asexuality.


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    steadfast treacle
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I mean with the amount of scientific info available to everyone today, those who stay homophobic have likely made up their minds against all reason so yeah just ignoring them might be the best move. Where I come from, LGBT+ used to be considered a mental illness and then an social ill, but after a media campaign in the 2000s, a lot of people have come to understand it and let go of their prejudices. Old and young. Many parents were desperate when their kids came out but scientific information helped them move past it and embrace their children just as who they are. I'm glad to witness such huge changes. The whole process taught me that those who still choose to stay with their prejudices are really lost causes. Nothing we do can change it. Maybe we better let them be and just strengthen our solidarity to push back when they turn abusive.

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    My cousin and his roommate were arguing over who moved a toothbrush to a different spot on the bathroom sink. It nearly came to blows, and we had separate the two. I suspect that there were some deeper, unresolved issues playing through this silly argument.


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    Many with my father, he seems to take the opposite stance always. In one argument i
    I sarcastically said that is as stupid as the flat earth theory and he stared at me for a moment and said "but the earth is flat". I just gave up then and there. Pika pika


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    Pikachu. One of the most useless arguments I had was with my family. We were debating on if we came from monkeys. It got pretty heated. (Btw, we came from a common ancestor and it evolved into different species. http://humanorigins.si.edu/education/frequently-asked-questions)

    m.youtube.com Report

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    Not sure if this counts, but it's the only one I can think of.

    Last fall while I was out for a walk, I decided to stop in at this family own/run convenience store to buy a pack of cigarettes. I'd been in the store before, but only once in a blue moon.

    When it was my turn at the counter, I asked for the pack I wanted and the guy looked like he was sizing me up. Then he says, "Are you a cop?" I just kinda blinked and said, "No, not a cop. Why do you ask?" He replies, "I've never seen you in here before, you look like a cop."

    For reference, I was wearing an old ratty sweater with sweat pants and sneakers. Hair in a ponytail, no makeup, etc.

    He kept going on and on about how I had to be a cop because I was "new to him" in the store and that all of their tobacco taxes had been paid, he could show me the paperwork, etc. Needless to say, a line started to form behind me and everyone was listening in.

    I had no idea what to do! I just kept saying, "I'm not a cop! I'm just here to buy a pack of smokes!"

    I did manage to buy a pack and get out of there, but I still don't think the guy believed me for whatever reason.


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    RK Barbo
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I would have eventually said that I was indeed a cop just to see what he would have done.

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    Whether Janga Fett was a Mandalorian. Same with Boba Fett.
