Hey Pandas, What Is The Most Suspicious Thing You’ve Ever Heard Or Seen Someone Do?
Put the word pancakes in your answer if your reading this :)
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One day as a kid I filled three balloons with water and left them at the porch. Came back out, having my cat sitting next to the now only two waterbombs. He tried to look innocent. But his wet face told what has happened.
When I was younger, my childhood bedroom was next to the den. I kept waking up to electronic noises. This happened around 3-4 nights in a row. My dad told me I was dreaming and to ignore it when I asked him about it one morning. Turns out my parents had bought us ColecoVision (after Atari before Nintendo) for Christmas. Dad was taking the system out of the attic, hooking it up every night to try to beat Zaxxon, and then placing the system back in the attic before we got up.
He never beat the game but man, do I miss him terribly! RIP, Blets!
I was at this middle eastern market with my dad and he couldn't find the front parking lot so he parked in the back, away from the street and all the prying eyes. I noticed these guys that hopped out of a white van and started talking, and looking around. 99% sure that was a drug deal going down. Scared the c**p out of me since I was pretty young when it happened, I didn't understand that it was a drug deal I just knew that they were acting suspicious and thought they had a gun or something.
Screw you, I do what I want. Waffles.
We needed ingredients for pancakes so my family and I went to the grocery store. I was about 14f and I waited outside since I had my dog (blue merle mut) with me.
A large vehicle with two men pulled up. The passenger got out and opened the rear door and left it open. Driver stayed in the car with the engine running.
The one man approached me and greeted me really friendly. He started saying something more but it was weird because his arms were out like he was going to hug me.
Fortunately my dog sensed a bad vibe and attacked him. He ran back to the waiting vehicle and they drove away quickly.
I suspect that was a kidnapping attempt.
When I was maybe 12 me and my family went to Beavers bend in Oklahoma and we had our "foster" dog (full breed frenchie) and me and my younger sister went walking. We walked to the swimming area (about 50 feet from the nearest tents) with the dog and the water at the time was really cold so we couldn't swim but I could walk in the water though. After a while I saw this weird white truck pulled into the parking lot uphill and was just sitting there. Me trying not to go worst case scenario there figured they were just trying to find a way to a different area of the park but I had this vibe and little voice telling me something was not right. I looked again and noticed they were just staring at us. My sister didn't seem to even notice them after the first look of them pulling up and was just skipping rocks. I didn't want to freak her out but I knew it was not right. I told her "Hey, I think it is time to go.. Now" she ofc didn't want to but I began to explain the car above us was
Watched this guy in a hoodie walk around my neighbors house. He looked in the windows, looked around the door mat, scaled the fence to the back yard. At this point I called the police... It turned out to be their teen son who had forgotten his key and was trying to find another way in. Lol
From parents point of view, “did our son just wash his sheets by himself?” Pancakes
I saw a guy walking in front of a BBQ place, on a dead end, street with a bunch of restaurants, and he was in a white suit with a matching hat, and just totally looked like a Mafia boss. Very sus.
Oh, and that same day, I saw a guy with white contacts that made his eyes glow. But not just that's, he had the whole "laying low" look. All black outfit, hoodie with the good up, head down, hands on pockets, phone in his pocket with one earbud in, just the total look.
Pancakes 🥞
Teenage boy coming out what look like a house that is being remodeled and vacant. Followed by an older guy adjusting his pants and the kid took off walking down the street got the vibe they didn’t really know each other.
Not me, but my uncle once saw 3 men carry a wriggling sack. This sack was maybe 3 meters long. He told me that they were whispering and stuffed the sack in their cars trunk. Immediately my uncle called the police on them, but he told me he didn’t know what happened, until he saw on the news that 3 men were recently arrested by the local police. He told me that he can’t be sure they were the same men because that night it was dark, but it is good to hope.
My mom hiding a book about dealing with partners that have borderline personality in the bathroom underneath a towel.
I was gonna say something but it would have been a really bad joke...
my dad once came in with a huge Lego set and very quickly told me to go to my room and hid it once I started asking what it was, years later when I turned 10, they brought it out and said it was for my brother once I turned ten because it would be a big deal for me and didn't want him to be left out. the irony is, my tenth birthday was at the start of covid lockdown.
this happened today, actually.
so, this guy in a construction vest (or a vest that looked like a construction vest) was staring at my house for 5 minutes and when I had to take my dog out (alone) he moved. he didn't talk to me or anything when I walked the dog, but that was WEIRD.
I had a neighbor who literally stare out her window with binoculars into our window, really freaked me out.
Oh and pancakes
Probably put pancakes in their answer. It almost seems like a code of some sort, like they’re answering to someone 👁👄👁
Okay, I'm back with another one.
Me and my friend were walking around town, and we cut through an alley. We were both around 15 year old girls. Bad idea, I know. Anyway, these two shady men tep out, and it's obvious there is a drug deal happening. I took lead, grabbing my friends hand and getting out of there, but nevertheless it felt like a close call. We hid in Starbucks for ten minutes after that :]
I was reading, and I loooked up and saw my friend looking around. Then they saw me looking at them and said “you witnessed nothing.” Later, our math teacher opened her math book to see these adition problems, all done wrong (2+8=9, etc). We were in seventh grade advanced math. Everyone stared at the board and laughed.
PAINTINGS OF PANCAKES FLOATING IN THE SKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!🥞🥞🥞
Once in 7th grade I watched a kids hand disappear and when it came back he sniffed it (disappeared in the pantaloons) when I asked him he said he was itching :] oh well. pancakes.
This happened to me too in seventh grade! The teacher then asked him to pass out paper!
my siblings looking through my allowance. I was in that room for a minute, turned my back, and Mt sisters sprinting to my money. asked them what were you doing, they all said: getting this book. I laughed my a**e off that day.
I was sitting outside, working on homework. We were on vacation, and there was this tall fence around the front of the house, so you can't see anything. So, like I said, I'm sitting there, doing homework, and I hear a scream, and then (what sounds like) a little girl calling for her father. Then silence. I was around 14 at the time, female, and there was no way I was going to leave the fence. (We were staying in sketchy sort of neighbourhood, and my parents were grocery shopping) I still wonder what happened, and if I should have gone outside that fence.
Also, Pancakes
Seen a guy running down hill from trailers when I was about to go to work at 8 o'clock in the morning it was winter but it was a whole mask. And I shut the door and was like wtf.
Lick their pen in class like a lollipop. Like I just stared and I was like "what five minute craft hack is this!?!?"
I lived in a suburb of Boston well-known for being run by the mob. One evening, I went to my corner store to get some soda. There were three large men, all with noses that had been broken at some point in their lives, all wearing very shiny, new pinstripe suits, all flashing very large wads of money by the counter. The owner behind the counter looked more worried than I ever saw him look. I got the vibe immediately. I made my purchase and was polite to the gentlemen without looking them in their faces as I headed out to freedom. Living in a mobbed up neighborhood was certainly colorful!!!!
Some boys catcalled me
I am under 18
They were older than me
Pancakes 🥞
I was walking to my bus one day and a girl asked: “Are you dating?” I thought, “What idiot came up with that?” FYI I’m 11 and the reasons she asked was 1. She was a simp, and 2. She probably saw me and one of my friends (the one she asked about) talking.
Also, pancakes