Hey Pandas, What Is The Most Sexist, Racist, Or Homophobic Thing You’ve Seen Recently? (Closed)
Please share! By the way, this is for a school project.
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I took self defense class with only boys. I was the youngest and shortest One boy said, "why is there a girl here, girls can't hit". After he said that, I smacked him hard, it made a mark on his face
Yes! You go, queen. I too took selfdefense classes, and I do not regret it.
My uncle told a black person on Facebook to "go pick [him] some cotton". My dad called him out, and an argument ensued that hasn't been solved yet. It's been over a year and my family is starting to split into two factions.
Not fun.
Letting those comments/belief go unquestioned would have been worse
Woman being able to hit men with no consequences but if a man hits her back, the man is crucified and painted as a horrible person.
I will go first.I found out that Instagram thinks my mum is a boy BECAUSE SHE FOLLOWS WEIGHT LIFTERS!
In our country people "protest" against LGBTQ because they're "destroying the fabric of our society."
I'm a female chef. I've been harassed a lot in male-dominated kitchens.
My sister reunited with 7 girls at her school that have been sexually harassed by a teacher to report him. He got fired, but later one of the girls stepped back and denied everything she told to the staff (probably family influence), my father thought it was my sister’s fault for being too “nosy” and that she should have told only her part, threatened to take her out of school. Principal told to sister that “it was not a big deal”, sure, he didn’t rape one of them...yet. This is the problem, not yet.
The constant "not all men" when misogyny etc is discussed. And using blatant misandry to try to "make right" said misogyny is also just so wrong. These two points end up being all that is discussed, and so we all get nowhere, while the resentment builds
My best friend's husband who still says "That's Gay" to anything he deems "not manly". trash.
Seeing all the racism against Asians has been very disheartening. I am Chinese-American. Supposedly the racism is suddenly fueld by the pandemic, but just because it was discovered in China does not mean you can just point a finger at all of us and release all of your anger on us.
Yeah, that sucks and I'm sorry. I don't understand blaming every Asian person for the virus. They didn't create it and they didn't intentionally spread it... It just happened and it was nobody's fault. It breaks my heart to see people being verbally and physically attacked for something they had nothing to do with. It's not fair and I can't speak for everyone, but I am truly sorry for how y'all are being treated. It's just not right.
I work in commission based customer service. One of my coworkers is from the Dominican Republic. She speaks very good English but still has a bit of an accent and not by any means difficult to understand.
She started to help a customer and after 15 or so minutes they decided they didn't want to work with her any more because of her accent and just kind of left her hanging and came to talk to me.
I don't play that so I kept referring them back to her as friendly as possible but inside I was fuming. Super disrespectful
What about ableism? My sister said it was stupid to mandate masks because we're "just protecting the weak". She has rheumatoid arthritis. SMH
It wasn’t a sex, racist, or homophobic thing. But my boss had a fellow Christian friend working for him. I’m an atheist. I presented facts upon facts of dishonesty and poor work performance that was always disregarded. Recently found out the boss believed the Christian by his word, because he is a man of god. The boss didn’t think an atheist has morals, hence, I am the liar, even though I had reports of proof. Now, I am cleaning up months of work that didn’t get done.
Not recent but about 5 years ago.
I was working as a department lead at a sports store speaking with my African American female coworker about where to put freight.
And older white man walks up to us both. Coworker greets the gentleman and asks how she can help. He proceeds to disregard her and asks me for help with something. Without hesitation I advise him that she will help him and walk away.
Knowing my coworker she's a strong-willed woman and can handle herself otherwise I wouldn't have left her like that 😅
2020-2021 have been horrible years. So many hate crimes. So much death. ):
You should have seen the last few thousand years. Hate and violence had a beginning, but no end, not yet. My pessimist side is starting to think that it's embedded in our nature.
Just a few days ago, I was returning home from a job interview and I saw a bumper sticker on another person’s car that had a photo of a truck running over stick figures and it said “All Lives Splatter. I don’t care about your protest.”
To the person whose car that was on... do better.
This one isn't necessarily recent but a while back there was this kid in my class named cole, who stared forward into space a lot during class. Because a male kid sat in front of him, of course he was labeled as gay. I don't know if he was or not, the larger issue is that it meant no one would sit by him, everyone made fun of him, and they would freak out whenever he was remotely near. The thing that INFURIATES ME is that one of the kids who was bullying him HAD TWO MOMS and all of her friends were too. I have two moms as well, and ended up being LITERALLY THE ONLY KID WHO STOOD UP FOR COLE.
Some kids at my school were so bored and stupid they held a “Anti gay protest” at the gate
I’m not lgbtq but I would f*****g smack them into next week. People are people. Love is love. I honestly don’t get what there is to protest. Smh.
I'm a girl, and some people think that it is weird that I like the color red. I know that people think that girls should like pink, but pink is a lighter shade of red, so they don't know what they are talking about.
The reason why I like the color is because my family said that I looked good in it, and it's just a darker shade of pink (my previous favorite color) so there is not much of a difference.
i think ive shared this story before but last summer i was camping with my family and i walked past this family of 4 (mom, dad, 2 kids) having a fire and BURNING the pride flag with the oldest kid crying
That's horrible. I'm steaming right now. I just- I have no words for this.
Some time ago I got a job. The fist day a man told me: "Do your husband allows you to work?" I said I am not marry. I didn't got offended, but is curious some people still think woman have to get permission from a man to do do this kind of things.
This should be higher up. I rarely hear someone being this anachronistic. I would've said that "Actually, my husband beat me every day until I agreed to work and earn the money for my upkeep."
All lives matter. All lives don't matter until black ons do
people don't seem to get that black lives matter doesn't mean that only black lives matter, it means "WE CAN"T BELIEVE THAT WE STILL HAVE TO SAY THIS, BUT BLACK LIVES MATTER TOO. SOME PEOPLE SEEM TO FORGET."
One of my friends who goes to a different school was telling me about how at their school, a group if LGBTQ+ students had mud thrown at them by cis-het students. I'd like to say this wouldn't be tolerated at my school, but a student recently got away with making some homophobic, biphobic and Islamophobic comments.
Yesterday my 'aunt in law' came to our home (unanounced and bringing her aggressive dog but thats a different issue). she was talking to my partner about housing and said 'there, you know, where the black people live'. WTF?
As someone that is British that doesn't sound inherently racists, but here you wouldn't really say something like that, and if you did it wouldn't be a slur.
Boris Johnson.
let's not forget Hannity and Carlson. Every night on their show is a case in point of all this
I was on a queer community website just minding my business. Some kid claims their bi and that means they love all genders. Me, a pansexual, tried to explain that bi is attraction to men and women, and that there are more than two genders, but they refused to listen and said I was making stuff up. I am SICK of people telling me that I am not valid, when it’s clear they know nothing about it.
So at my school the boy’s dress code is very far different from the girl’s dress code, I understand that most every school has that but our school tends to sexualize shoulders and be like well shoulders can turn someone on. Like what?
Yeah I get it. At my school we can't wear things shorter than three inches above the knee. I don't think knees turn people on or anything. "Wow, look at those gorgeous knees."
In my HaSS class, there are a group of boys who sit at the table next to me and my friends, I have heard them multiple times make trans- or homophobic jokes. This really sucks because there are multiple posters about trans- and homophobia around the classroom, pride memorabilia, and a literal gay person sitting next to them, but they just don't care, and continue to be rude and disrespectful.
Overall media - Sexism and racism everywhere. Aimed towards all directions, being it white against black or vice versa or "fighting" against misogyny with misandry. Crazy stuff from and towards all sides on social media, books, games and movies.
The media is pushing racism. I see reversed racism all the time, yet that is NEVER called out. Totally over it! We're all the same on the inside, stop seeing people for the color of their skin and start seeing them for WHO they are!
Oh yeah, after a girl at my school found out I’m transgender (I identify as a boy) she started calling me she-girl. How fun.
I feel bad for you. Like really bad. To make you feel better, Look at this photogenic sloth :) Screenshot...62548b.png
In management at a ‘man’s’ store. Had a guy come up to me in appliances wanting to purchase a dryer or something from the scratch and dent section. First he called me ‘girl’...I’m a 46 year old woman thank you! Then he tells me he wants to ‘Jew down the price’. Ummmm, excuse me, what did you say? ‘I want to Jew down this price’. So I responded that our company does not combine religion and business with my sweetest smile. He’s getting irritated now because he thinks I’m daft, wants to talk to the guy that’s usually here. Okie dokie. I go off to retrieve Tim. Told him what was going on and we return together. Guy turns to Tim repeats himself. What proceeds to happen is that every-time he asked about an appliance we state the sticker price. Every time he said something racist (Tim in no nonsense Africa American dude by the way) we up the price. He gets so mad he demanded to speak to a manager. “Sure! I’ll be right back.” I then walk around the aisle and return to a introduce myself and ask how I can help him. He’s so flustered looking back and forth between us. Throws up his arms with a string of profanity and left.
Don’t be disrespectful to sales associates. We have more power than you realize and we’ve already dealt with far too many jerks.
As a former manager in the retail world, I found a small slice of enjoyment when I got to shut down a rude customer for being blatantly rude to a member of my staff.
newsbreak articles. they are very racist. disgusting. I deleted the app.
Lol Robert shut up have u ever had a comment that wasn’t heavily downvoted
One of my classmates came out as trans... nobody was bothered by it, but after school, one of the students told her "You're not a girl because you were born as a guy" and she couldn't get in trouble with the school because she wasn't on school property.
Boris Johnson and Donald Trump
As a 13yr old wolf (from drinking water that Elmo gave me), I don't know who Boris Johnson is. Who is that person?
Some guys at my school recently made a tictok saying what girls look good in: dress-no, athletic clothes-no, bathing suit- no... etc and then it said the kitchen and that of course was the answer. I mean it’s just boys being boys and really not a massive deal, it’s just that we go to a Christian school and that is still very rude. :(
40 year old guy named Charles to my 14 year old daughter “you have a nice body.” Umm, gross.
My father was pride because my sister broke up with her mouslim boyfriend. He said she was waisting her life with him. She's only 22 and just wants to enjoy life and be happy, so she hooked back up with her boyfriend and they are still happy.
So I'm doing my GCSE and my mom had guests around so while I was revising my mom made me go and clean the kitchen, the conservatory, and garden. I had two exams the next day.
My brother was upstairs on the bed playing on his phone, he has no exams this week.
Yeah, this sounds familiar. It won't stop here, he is obviously her favorite...sorry
My wife's mother tells her that my income is to support the family, but my wife's is to "play with" and that if we use any of the money she earns to pay household expenses that I am not living up to my obligation as a husband. Thankfully, my wife considers this BS.
In the 21st century, cost of living so high, it just is not possible or maybe people have too high costly living requirements these days.
In my baseball league, there's one girl. I feel bad because the rest of the teams pick on her for, well, being a girl in an all boy league. I hope she line drives it into one of their faces next time she's at bat.
How about you stand up for her and be her friend??? Show the boys they can be friends with girls too!
today i came out to the class as pansexual and my teachers & freinds supported me but we got new students and one girl said "ew,nasty" annd other things about how i shouldnt be "gay' and other stuff and i have glossophobia and anxiety so this made it worse she got expelled and my principal is lesbian dating the vice principal some of my teachers are apart of lbgtq+ and she got what she deserved!
My high school history teacher chose to refer to slaves as n***ers. I went to the principal about it and he said “he was just letting you know what they were called”. To make it better, I’m a woman of mixed decent, he’s met my very black dad at parent teacher conferences. He is still employed at my old high school.
Sexist: A boy in my class was talking about how the men burning women for being smart and stealing there ideas were smart, and said it proved men were smarter.
Racist: The same boy as above (who is white) was defending the fact slave owners got reparation and not slaves and said it made sense.
Homophobic: I am a closeted lesbian, and I am trying to get my parents opinions on gays to see if it's safe to come out. I managed to bring it up by talking to my dad about his sister (who is also a lesbian). We are Christian, so I asked him why God would make being gay a sin (I don't think it is but they do) if being gay wasn't a choice. He said maybe it is a choice and they want us to think it isn't, which is probably the stupidest thing he's ever said, and he's said some stupid stuff.
Hey, parents should love and care for you no matter what. If they don't, well, MOTHER FRIDGE-ING HUBBARD.
my relative gave us a bag of clothes her granddaughter grew out of. and EVERYTHING is pink
I let my cousin borrow one of my favorite books. He comes back later and says "I really like (character's name). It's too bad they're a trash f*g." still mad.
Caitlin Jenner's ignorance about the trans community at large, and her tendency to side with the GOP rather than defend the community.
Caitlin Jenner is horrendous, she was woman of the year on some magazine cover, ridiculous.
I’m what most would consider a boyish lesbian. I don’t consider myself trans. I’m just a masculine female. I was in a local chain store and three men pass by me. One suddenly bumps me hard with his shoulder and I heard him say “she wants to be a man so I’ll treat her like one” which couldn’t be further from the truth. I love being a woman. Some people judge based on appearance. There’s so much more to me than just my sexuality. Just be kind folks.
When I was younger, my dad said if I ever dated a N-word, S-word or a C-word he would disown me
Again, these things cut off my answers! So we were white, Upper Middle class, and lived in a town of about 7,000 ppl. Two of my friends started dating really nice, hardworking, super smart guys-it just so happened to be that the girls were white cheerleaders, the guys were black football players. Both guys got full rides to colleges (one to Stanford for academics, the other to the freaking Air Force Academy-a school with one of the hardest admission requirements in the USA), yet my father could only focus on the fact that they were dating white girls. He tried to force me not to be friends with them anymore because they were "N-word Lovers", called it disgusting etc. We had an argument to end all arguments and I moved out 2 weeks later. Haven't seen or heard from him in years now.... except to hear that my mom FINALLY divorced his psycho ass. We're so much happier without him in our lives, but it's a bittersweet, hollow feeling, seeing good dads and knowing I never had that nor will I ever have it...🥺🤬🖕😣😥
Worked a shift with 2 male collegues at an investor fair, think shares and stock markets. Almost everybody approached them first an the grey-haired colleague was their favourite. Even if both of them were busy talking people waited for them instead of talking to me. Mind you, I am 40+ and look nothing like a hostess - but still everyone seems to have thought I was there to smile and wave. Unfortunately, my 2 colleagues weren‘t able to answer most of the questions as I am the expert (hence the reason I was there) and had to refer almost everyone to me. Then the queued up to talk to me.
Well I on more than one occasion told someone when I found out they were gay that I didn't care that they were gay I just didn't want them hitting on me. Did I think that getting hit on by a gay guy would turn me gay or something? I didn't realize I was being homophobic. This was in-between the time I was very anti gay because that's the way I was taught and now. I don't care what you are. If a gay man hit on me now I would be a little flattered but I would respectfully decline which is exactly what I would do if an attractive woman hit on me.
MIL said she wouldn’t order furniture from China because there would have been little yellow hands all over it.
I’m a brown girl. Someone, IN MY CLASS spat, on me in an effort to,” Wash away the brown-ness.”
I was at a supermarket and heard a mom tell her son “it’s Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve” 🤦🏼♀️
Oh my god I saw someone say this in a comment on a highly controversial post on Pinterest (it was three celebrity’s with I think a trans flag, a pride flag, and a bi flag saying someone about a holy trinity) and it was so obnoxious. However, someone said “don’t read so and so’s comments because you’d lose brain cells” and it made me laugh😂
This is not recent, but when we were younger my sister got called a "greasy haired N- word. The person who called her this was supposed to be her friend.
My grandma is one of those fake Christians. She is
- Racist
- Sexist
- Homophobic
- Genderphobic
- Transphobic
A couple things she's done:
- Refused to read a book about a transgender girl with me
- Refused to have her nails done by a man
- Said that my dog's collar is blue because he's a boy
- Told my mom (for the 100th time) that Star Wars is for boys
- Veered away from a house with a pride flag
Most recently? Told me that she had tried to get a t-shirt for me but there weren't any left in pink.
Wow. I just can’t believe that people would be that racist or homophobic. It’s stupid. Btw, what was that book called? Also Star Wars is for everyone. The Mandalorian is like one of my favorite shows
I live in South Africa. It is against the law (written in our constitution) to discriminate against anyone based on their race, sexual preference or gender. You can get into serious trouble if you cross this line!
I ordered some nails that were supposed to have rose decals and little pearl necklaces on them they were so bomb and almost vantablack BUT instead I got what I can only describe as African printed nails with CHAINS ON THEM. look I might have been jumping the gun but I was pissed and popped off on those people. If it feels racist then it is right?
Ex co worker I had was super racist. He is half PR. Acted like he was colored:gangster. Looked like a white kid. Blonde and blue eyes. Spoke mangled Spanish to the other PRs there (cousins) and used the N word almost every other word in a sentence.
One day I mentioned it was cold near my area an he said to me “N::::: ya don’t know how cold it gets” now I’m a white woman but I had had it with his crap using that word an I snapped. I never use it but I looked him in the eyes and said sternly “I wasn’t speaking to you and I’m not your N:::.” He just looked at me like wtf because he was never called out on using that word. He even called the boss that once. He was told to stop doing it but never did. Just hate how some people let stuff go instead of calling them out in it. The music the artists make, the people who feed into it buying it, the people listening to it an singing along and the little ones not being taught it’s a bad word stumps me. Equality mean equality. Not one side gets more or less. Treat everyone the way you want to be treated. No hate. NO RACE BUT THE HUMAN RACE. STOP HATE!!
Yes. Everyone should love and accept everyone and not be racist and homophobic
Recently on the Wattpad community, someone came on saying “No gays or trans allowed here: Straight couples only! Follow if you agree.” Needless to say, BASHED with the entire LGBTQ+ community and supporters.
Nice! Would you mind telling me where on Wattpad that is so I can go angrily comment at them?
So, the right wing stuff...I expect them to be insanely racist and they are. But the racism I see so rampant is from "woke" culture that is furthering the divide between ethnicities, cultures, classes, races, and genders. Instead of bringing us closer together, they are in fact, going the same exact thing the right does, just with a different tone. It's disheartening.
yes. pointing out how American policies are skewed against brown people in America is exactly the same as congratulating racists on storming the Captiol Building. Marching to protest a policeman mudering a man in his home is exactly the same as an off duty police officer bragging that they're gonna "shoot a n&^ger sometime soon" before they go to the wrong apartment and kill a man while he watches TV. Yeah, you're so right, these people demanding social change are just as bad as the right wingers in their Klan hoods
I got beat up by my class mates for being gender fluid also did I mention 2 ofthem were my pals
I work in the financial services industry, and I have been at my current job for eight years (and I love it) so I know a thing a or two about our products and how they work. A customer called in with a question and while I don't normally talk to customers, no one else was available so I took the call. I answered all of the customer's questions, sent all of the materials he requested and then he asked a question and he didn't like the answer that I gave him, which was a simple fact, not my opinion, he could have used Google and got the same answer (I was quoting a law), but he DEMANDED to speak to a man because "there is no way a woman could read the law like that and interpret it correctly."
Both sexist and racist. All attackers of Asian hate only attack young women or old women. It’s pathetic to prey on the innocent, and even more pathetic to prey on someone that’s not on a level to defend themselves. Pick a fight with someone your level, cowards.
my foster daughter is Chinese Australian. I've been waiting for her to tell me someone has tried to give her a hard time over her race. If she doesn't mess them up, Dad is gonna bury them
I used to have a friend on Facebook that would post racist BS and I would constantly call him out for it. He never had a response to me, until the day he posted a meme that asked why we didn't have a 'White History Month'. I responded by asking him if he'd ever heard of every single other month of the year.
He commented back with (his exact words) "I don't post these things for you to comment on, and if you love them so much why don't you go paint yourself brown."
I was responding with "Well, besides the fact that that would be very insulting to people of color, I would rather be associated with them than with bigots like you." but, unfortunately, he had apparently blocked me right after he responded to my post.
I have a transgender friend (ftm) and I told my friends at school about the change. One of my friends is a very strict Christian and refuses to use the correct pronouns and repeatedly uses my friends dead name we have all called him out on this and he refuses to back down and use the right pronouns. Also I recently came out as demiomnisexual and according to him I’m going to hell. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Once, in grade 2, when Pokémon was still popular I brought my book full of EXes to school. Someone tried to steal them from me and when caught said “hi et is don’t deserve to play Pokémon” I was furious and said “you don’t deserve to have a life”
Being expected to clean a whole house and look after other people’s children without even being asked simply because I’m a woman. My boyfriend’s mom left me alone in her house with 4 children without saying a word for 4 hours and had the audacity to complain that I didn’t even clean up after the kids and put them to bed. I was then told “cleaning and nurturing comes natural to a woman.”and “you would know that if You were a mother but as a woman you should simply know better.”
should have just asked her why her son hasn't built you a house with his bare hands then, as a mother she should have raised him better
I used to work at an Ivy League school in NH. A lot of the custodians there are sexist, racist, etc. One day a group of us were talking about Chinese food. Out of no where a guy goes “ those noodle f*****s”. This, among many other reasons is why I don’t work there anymore.
Almost any news story about politics or police abusing power has me triggered as a latina woman who like most of her life in southern US
A sexist thing I hear is it's okay for guys to have hair on legs, but if girls have hair on their legs its dsgusting.
I mean they have hair everywhere but I’m expected to shave even down there? F**k that.
Load More Replies...I called my mom last month. I don't talk to her often, but figured I would check in. She went on about the same negative crap. Then she started talking about my niece who had a baby 6 months ago. She is white, her BF is black, and the baby is a mix. She said she didn't want that 'n' baby near her. And the rest of the family has ostracized my niece and the baby and are making their lives difficult. All because the baby has 'n' blood. I pretty much disowned my family years ago because of racism, misogyny, and sexism. They don't talk to me now except my mom when I call her.
That is absolutely horrible. I don't understand racism, like, what is wrong with people with darker skin? I don't understand what's so weird about it?
Load More Replies...A sexist thing I hear is it's okay for guys to have hair on legs, but if girls have hair on their legs its dsgusting.
I mean they have hair everywhere but I’m expected to shave even down there? F**k that.
Load More Replies...I called my mom last month. I don't talk to her often, but figured I would check in. She went on about the same negative crap. Then she started talking about my niece who had a baby 6 months ago. She is white, her BF is black, and the baby is a mix. She said she didn't want that 'n' baby near her. And the rest of the family has ostracized my niece and the baby and are making their lives difficult. All because the baby has 'n' blood. I pretty much disowned my family years ago because of racism, misogyny, and sexism. They don't talk to me now except my mom when I call her.
That is absolutely horrible. I don't understand racism, like, what is wrong with people with darker skin? I don't understand what's so weird about it?
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