Hey Pandas, What Is The Most Rebellious Thing You Have Ever Tried?
I once took my teachers pencil, and lost it the next day.
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Joined Bored Panda, Quora, and Discord. Mom always thought I would post “My name is X and I live in Y!” Or post spicy photos if I got my hands on Social Media even tho she had no reason to.
I know like she thinks I'm gonna go "Hello my name is firstnamemiddlenamelastname and I live at address, city, state, country! Oh and my social security number is ****-**** and bonus I'm a minor but here's some nudes" like no XD
having an opinion on boredpanda
My mom told me to either sell my car or get the f*ck out of the house.
Guess what I did…..
Got your a*s or of her house and lived in your car as a caresident.
Mmmmm...... Dropped out of school at 16, became a loser punk , left home and moved 500 km away to live in a s****y little steel town in the Australian desert, and lost myself to drugs and alcohol for 5 years?
I once jaywalked across the street and played my Nintendo Wii without the safety strap 😎
I was really scared one day about my dad seeing my report card so I ran away. I walked up to the local Taco Bell and tried the doors on some cars until I found one unlocked. I climbed into the back and waited. When the guy came out from Taco Bell and got into his car I popped up from the backseat and asked him to drive me to the ferry so I could go to my grandparents house. He did. I probably scared the hell out of him.
i put the milk before the cereal……
Got a piercing when I was 14, that's very rebellious for my standards. (Back then it wasn't that common where I lived)
Have a different faith than like 90% of my family🙃
I once cut out a photo of a howler monkey and stuck it to my graphic teachers wall clock. I had great satisfaction during the lesson when he checked the time, did a double take and slowly approach the clock to be faced with the howling face of the ape. I was about 15 and still this childish today!
I once faked my death, ran away, took a raft down the Mississippi River, and helped Jim escape from slavery. My memory is not so good anymore, but I'm pretty sure it was me who did that.
I ran away from school when I was eight years old (and didn't come back for an hour). Yeah my parents did NOT like that.
Became a liberal in a family of staunch conservatives. I made the call in 8th grade, 1984
How bad was your family? On a scale from tax-cuts-for-the-rich to rabid Trumpers?
I punched a boy who had been sexually harassing me in the face. The counselor had already known about the situation, so all I got was a week of lunch detention. He got a week long suspension to ‘heal.’
good on you!! I wish I had been brave enough to do that to my ex, who was sexually harassing me
I ripped the tag off my mattress once.
I’m supposed to be “sleeping” as soon as the clock chimes for my curfew. For the past 5 years I’ve been staying up two hours longer every night and I have read 67 books that way! (:
My schools had uniforms last year, but we were allowed t wear shirts or hoodies promoting a college on them or spirit wear on Fridays. I had a few shirts that passed as college shirts at first glance but weren't once you actually read them. My favorite was one that said "Unathletic Department 1994"
I decided to cut my own bangs a couple of times when I was little, and (different time) I also wanted to "play" with my fishies, so I decided to take them out of the tank and hold them in my hands! they were not very happy, but I put them back very soon after so they were all fine lol
My whole existence is an act of rebellion. Doctors said my mother would never have kids. Well here I am b!tches.
Last summer I snuck my computer into my room and emailed my friend after bedtime. Didn't get caught!!! We stayed up until like 12:30 or 1 emailing. Hence the subject "Sleep Deprivation __.0." We're on the 4th one or so. The computer spends the night in the living room now.