Hey, fellow Pandas, do you have any paranormal and scary stories? Has anything creepy or unexplainable happened to you? Maybe you saw a ghost, perhaps it was an eerie dream or something out of the ordinary that didn't feel right?

Share your stories down below, and don't forget to upvote your favorite paranormal happenings.

Please be respectful and nice and don't read the stories before bed. Now, let's creep each other out!


I'll start. This might sound pretty weird, but I was haunted by orange peels and pistachio shells. Ok yeah, it's weird. But it started when I was like maybe 7 or 8. I saw some orange peels and a few steps later saw pistachio shells. I didn't think much of it, until, a day later, where I saw pistachio shells in a different spot, and a few steps later, orange peels. I found it weird, but still, didn't think too much of it. Then throughout the next two years, I would continue to find orange peels near pistachio shells, and it would follow me wherever I went. It stopped for a while, then 2 years later, I found some pistachio shells in a trail. I followed them and found orange peels at the end of the trail.



    ok so, not a scary story or paranormal experience, but can people stop giving other down-votes for sharing their story? it doesn't make any sense to me on why someone would do that for no reason.



    So a few things. So my house is haunted, my bedroom at my parents house is in the basement. First time: I was lying awake in the middle of the night in my bed, and I suddenly saw this glowing orb float from the door up to my vent. (My vent is right above my bed) I'm not joking. Then it disappeared through the vent. Second time: I was eating my breakfast and out of the corner of my eye I kept seeing a shadow. It looked so much like a human that at first I thought it was my step dad! Then the next time it happened, it was the same thing with the orb except it disappeared under a sponge (?). My mom was there and we started talking about it and we brought i up to my stepdad and he said that my dog had randomly been baking in the direction of the stairs. I was pretty creeped out. A few weeks later, my stepdad said that he saw a shadow of a head on the stairs and that my dog was barking at it and the (ghost) knocked over his backpack. Really freaky, right? One more thing, new years eve, (going into 2020) my mom and I were playing the game of life, and suddenly (it was almost midnight) my dog started barking at the corner. I've heard footsteps and other things when I was home alone but those were the main things. Also bonus, at my dad's house, that one is haunted too. At night, my stepmom once saw a girl running past her bedroom door. She thought it was me but I was sleeping. We've also heard someone running around upstairs while my brothers are taking their nap. It wasn't them. Thanks, for reading my story! : )


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I hope that y'all didn't assume that we were baking my dog at the top of the stairs. She was barking. Lol, sorry.

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    This involved my 17-year-old cat. Reagan was a good girl and had lived a long life. She was, unfortunately, suffering liver failure. She had been hospitalized and had received the best medical care, but our veterinarian said her chances were not good. We fixed her a soft bed on the sofa so she could look out and see birds. She was so weak and we knew it was just a matter of days until we had to help her cross over. That evening I was walking into the upstairs bedroom. When I opened the door, Reagan was sitting on the floor in front of me. I stepped aside so that she could run downstairs. I shouted to my husband that Reagan was coming down the stairs! I was so excited that she had the energy to run! My husband said no cat was coming down the stairs and that Reagan was asleep in her bed. I am a grown woman. I saw my cat and stepped out of her way as she ran. The next morning she was too weak to walk and we helped her to cross over. I will always believe it was her sweet spirit that I saw. It was getting ready to leave her body. I miss her so.


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    Raine Soo
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Your story made me tear up. Reagan sounds like a wonderful little friend. I have two kitties of my own, and I hope that when it is their time to leave, that they will cross over peacefully. Rest in peace, Reagan. You are loved.

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    There was one time where I was in the corner of the masters' bedroom with the lights off and I know that there are two scary faces on the marble of the bathroom in the masters' bedroom. (Probably just by coincidence but the faces were really realistic) I suddenly felt the need to turn around and I swear this was true, I saw a bright strange orb-like light float to me from the bathroom with the two faces. My heart was racing faster and faster the closer It got and I was so scared I just looked straight at it not knowing what to do. I was horrified that it was coming to me and I thought it was all over for me when it kept floating closer and closer but thank goodness when it was about five feet away from me it suddenly vanished. I did not speak of this to anyone until today. As I was writing this I was in the masters' bedroom and I couldn't stop looking behind my back😨


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    Sent From The Slytherin House
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You read my story, right? Yeah those orbs are really creepy, especially the one in the middle of the night!

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    When I was 10, I was home alone for the first time ever. I was watching TV, probably a Disney movie or something, and then the connection cuts out, which is really unusual for my family. in the silence that followed, I heard what sounded like crying coming from the other room. I was so scared at this point that I shut my eyes and started singing, not bothering to investigate. shortly after, about a minute or so, the crying got louder and then abruptly stopped, and the TV came back on. still terrifies me to this day.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Do you have siblings? Maybe one of them never had been through a power outage, and was scared. But that's terrifying!

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    Not me but my dad. He was once driving alone and wanted to pee. He parked at a gas station and went to the only bathroom there. He stood exactly in front of the door and waited for the guy inside to finish his business. A moment later he heard the flush. He heard him wash his hands. He waited for him to come out of the bathroom. And waited. And waited. He knocked on the door. No answer. He tried to open it. It wasn't locked. No one was inside.



    Ok I wasn't going to post this here as I'm getting interviewed for a podcast next month for this, but screw it here it goes. I'm going to try to condense the story because it's long. But basically, back in approximately 2012 my kids and I made a last minute trip up to Payson (Arizona) for a family reunion. They talked me into staying as they had rented a huge camp ground that is used by the girl scouts every season. This meant that in the back room of the cabin there were approximately 30 bunk beds. It was a long rectangular room with beds lined up on one wall and a few on the opposite wall. On the opposite wall there were beautiful picture windows over looking the mountains. I have three kids so we picked the last two bunk beds all the way to the right side of the room in the corner opposite of the windows. We pushed them together so we could have more "bed space" and we could share blankets and have body heat. This was about end of August beginning of September so although its still hot during the day it gets cold at night up there. Any how right next to the beds on the small wall was a door. I believe it was a utility room or something but it was creepy. My oldest daughter and me slept on the bottom and my youngest slept on top. I remember falling asleep and feeling that drifting feeling when all of a sudden I was standing and looking at my own body. At first this did not worry me because I had studied Astroplaning most of my adult life, and I was excited that I had finally done it. For those that don't know, astroplaning is where you leave your body and travel. Anyhow.... all of a sudden there was this huge shadow behind me, this thing had to be 7-8 ft tall. HUGE. He grabbed me from behind and started DRAGGING me towards the creepy door. I couldn't fight because he had me in a bear hug. I tried screaming but I couldn't push barley any air out. Suddenly I knew that if he got me through that door I would die, and the kids would find me like that in the morning. I was watching my body lay there and struggle for air. I tired one more time and yelled my daughter's name as loud as I could. In an instant She woke up and grabbed my arm and pulled (my real body) and simultaneously my spirit self slammed back in my body and I woke up gasping for air. She was about 8 or 9 at the time and is 18 now, she remembers this incident clearly. I can only assume a demon came for me that night. I had just gotten my Bachelor's degree in ministry. I can only assume satan was none too happy about my faith and my degree. It happened again about two years ago, but luckily I was prepared this time and was able to not even let it grab me. That was definitely the scariest thing ever.



    I was out walking my dog years ago a dog that has long since gone over the Rainbow Bridge. I had my headphones on and Penny my dog was running along in front of me. I couldn't hear anything but suddenly I heard my Nana's voice shout at me get Penny in to the side of the road. I yelled to Penny to come in and I got her in and safe just as some idiot sped around the corner at breakneck speed. If I hadn't got Penny in when I did she would have been hit. And I wouldn't have been aware of the car coming If I hadn't heard my Nana calling. And I heard her voice as clear as day. The only thing is though is this. When this happened, Nana had already been dead for 4 years.



    This happened when I was about 10-11. I went through a spooky phase. It wasn't bad, I just owned an ouija board and a porcelain doll that had defaced. Anyway, I was at a sleepover with my close friend Emma. We stayed up real late so we could play with the ouija board. So at about 1:00, we started to set up.
    We lay our fingers on the little planchette. (the lil triangle thingy) So we started to ask it questions.

    "Uhm, hi. What's your name?"
    C O R A
    "cool! are you a ghost"
    "are you an angel?"
    "are you a demon???"
    We looked at each other. Laughed and continued.
    "Do you like puppies"
    We laughed and said something along the lines of puppies are cute you meanie.
    "Are you dead"
    "Are you alive"
    "Are you a bad guy"
    M a y b e
    "hm, how about this, when will the world end."
    2 0 2 0
    "Yeah, ok but how?" It stopped moving completely
    We both thought that was kinda strange, but we both paid it no mind considering we thought the other person was moving the planchette. Even if she was, Emma might be a fortune teller. >W<



    No one in my family believed me about this, but one of the bathroom's in my school is haunted. In the mirror you always see odd figures, but when you turn they are gone. If you stay there too long, like about 5 minutes, you will feel a cold wind. Even if it is hot outside. One of the rooms is always janky, but the room always changes. I've seen people go in, and not come out.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Honestly, the "cold wind" is probably just the air conditioning.

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    I was around 11 or 12 and was lighting the fireplace (which we used as a heat source, it wasn't just decorative), and as usual used a little kerosene to help get it started (the wood was a little damp, so was hard to start otherwise, and we'd been using the kerosene for a long time and it worked well). Unbeknownst to me, my brother had accidentally put gasoline in the kerosene container when he refilled it and I didn't notice the difference in smell.

    So I leaned in with a match and lighted it and was rewarded with a huge fireball out of the fireplace. I panicked and froze, but my dad was in the room and I felt him grab me by the shoulder and yank me back to safety, and I suffered no serious injuries, just some singed hair. My shoulder was a little sore from being pulled back so hard, but I was thankful that he pulled me back so quickly.

    When we told mom what happened and I said that dad saved me he said "No I didn't, I was on the other side of the room so could only watch in horror".

    My grandfather had passed away a month prior, so to this day, I think it was him that saved me.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    awww! That cute and sweet and creepy all wrapped up in one unsettling gift!

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    Well, I've had more than a few my entire life but I'll post the top three.

    1) My dad moves into a brand new house and we still didn't have everything unpacked so we were sharing a mattress on the floor. I was about 9-10. This place felt weird from the get-go. Small nooses in the closet, weird porn and satanic photos posted along the border of the ceiling. All this strange shit left in the basement. Anyway, I wake up one night and there is this tall silhouette of a man just standing in the middle of the doorway. Pure black. I felt like he knew I was now awake and aware of him. He turned and walked down the hall where I couldn't see him but could hear him walking. Then paced back up to the door, stood there, and then repeated. This went on all night. I woke my dad up, he was drunk and didnt believe me. Just went back to sleep. I f*****g hated that house and he didn't last long there.

    2) Had a friend who was murdered (I live in a ghetto) I was about late teens, early twenties. Everyone knew who did it and he was not a good guy but my friend was (very respected and loved). The next morning I wake up to my bed violently shaking. Like, slamming against the wall. My cat was on the bed and just took off running like a bat out of hell. It stopped and no one was there. I called crime stoppers that day from a payphone. They told me I wasn't the only one. I wonder if he reached out to others as well.

    3) This one isn't scary but really cool. My dad passed away and I disappeared to China. Came home and mom had moved into a Condo. I'm 25 and fresh out of living abroad for a year and a half so she kept the spare room for me, and to paint it how I wanted. I'm doing so having a glass of wine, my dresser in the middle of the room. She's in the kitchen cooking. She comes to my doorframe to ask me something and we chat, as we do so I take a few sips of my wine and put it back on the dresser. She never enters, I never leave. Two minutes later she comes back and goes "____ where is your wine?" . I respond "It's right th--" but it was gone. She calmly replies "come here". Takes me to the living room and its sitting on a glass side table to the far side of the room we never use.... That was my daddy. I know it. Happy we were back together and saying he was fine. Please he was always mischievous. He's been by a few times since.


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    4 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    the second one could have been an earthquake...but I thought the first one was really disturbing and cool.

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    So I see things in the corner of my eye, which sounds dumb, but it's only when I'm alone so that's weird. It's usually just a shadow, but when I turn to look it's always gone. And when I say shadow, I mean like a floating orb of darkness. It's really weird. I was riding my bike one day, and I felt like somebody was following me, but there was nobody in sight. Like nobody. It was almost completely silent which was strange. I turned and I saw this 'shadow' of a person and I was freaked out, so I went home. About a month later, I went biking, and stopped to take a picture of the sunset. In the exact same place as before. It was quiet, but it felt like I was surrounded by people. Needless to say, I don't ride my bike there anymore.

    Also, I should mention that this place was actually an elementary school...



    A long time ago I hung out with an odd bunch of people. Ken was one of them and he kind of acted as a big brother and watched out for me. But he was from another part of the country and he got word that his mom was sick so he packed up and left. Time passed. I lived in a house on a dead end that had 3 houses on it. One night I was coming home from work and pulled into the dead end street and saw Ken at the front door waiting for me. But when I pulled up, I couldn't find him. I walked all around the house; there just wasn't any place he could have gone. He didn't have a car anyway, but went I met up with the rest of my friends I asked if anyone had heard from Ken. He'd been at my house and I couldn't find him. Does anyone know if he's back and where he is? It got awkward; finally someone told me Ken was dead. He'd been in a car accident and didn't make it.


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    Raine Soo
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I've heard that the recently departed will not leave the physical world until they've finished up their business here. My guess is that Ken came back to visit the old neighbourhood. I'm a natural skeptic, but I admit that there is still so much we do not know about the supernatural and the human mind.

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    A few months ago, I had woken up at 2:00 am. I had woken up because I felt too hot, as my room does not have proper insulation. When my eyes adjusted to the dark, I froze. Something. Just standing there. Staring. I rubbed my eyes, hoping that I was just imagining it. Nope. It was still there. I wanted to scream. But I didn't. I was too scared. I slowly grabbed the covers and scooted under them, wheezing. (I had a sore throat.)

    When I woke up the next morning, everything was the same.

    I still see that... Thing sometimes. And yes, it was the same thing that I posted about in "What was the scariest dream you've ever had?".



    None of these happened to me personally, but to my family & extended family.
    1. My dad was driving down a highway at night with my uncle, when they saw a hooded figure suddenly materialize out of nowhere, and they drove right through it. Th e thing was still there when they looked in the mirror.

    2. My aunt was in a hotel room all alone when she heard the words, "let's get her." She checked, and no one was there...

    3. This one is a bit silly and is probably made up, but my uncle opened the door one night after everyone went to bed, and a blue monkey/gorilla thing was standing there. Don't know what went on there, but it's a fun story to tell.



    Ever heard of the longhorse? Yes it's basically a horse skeleton thing with an infinitely long neck and a horse skull with no jawbone. If you dream of it there will be disaster the next day (not caused by the long horse, but by something else, the long horse warns you).

    Well, I did dream of the long horse one night. The next day was actually disaster, there was a huge windstorm and a lot of power outages everywhere.

    I would count that as a disaster? I don't know about other people. It wasn't scary, necessarily, but it was really strange, you know?


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    Janet Bird
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Never heard of that before. I only know Binky, Death's horsie. :)

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    This isn't me, but is my friend. She was living in Arizona at the time, and lived in a small apartment with her husband. He used to have to go to work early in the morning, so my friend would sit on the window seat reading a little. That night she went to bed around 10:30, but slept fitfully. She woke up thinking that she needed to do something to be able to sleep. Their bathroom was tiny, barely enough room for a shower, sink, and a toilet. She decided to clean the bathroom, starting with the floor. (She is a stress cleaner.) She knelt in front of the door when she heard a noise in the room. She later told us she had thought her husband had gotten up. When a figure appeared that looked like a silhouette of a man, she thought it must be her husband. She got up, but the silhouette turned and went into the living room. She went into the bedroom, to see if her husband was in bed. As soon as she saw him in the bed, she got up and went to the living room; There was nothing there. The windows were closed and the door was locked from the inside. The next morning she called me and told be about it. Nothing like it has happened again after they moved to their bigger apartment.



    My wife has always found dimes in random places, she says it means her grandad is saying hello and that she’s “on the right path”. I’m not a superstitious person at all, but I definitely started to notice when it happens, and it’s fairly often, like at least every few weeks.

    Then it started to happen to me. I don’t notice any other coins on the ground, and even tried to keep an eye out because it sounds too coincidental.

    Then, we had just started looking for a new place to rent, and the first place was amazingly perfect. I wasn’t excited about the price but then I heard my wife make a gasp/screech type sound from the bedroom. There, on the hard wood floor, in an otherwise completely empty house, were two dimes. Rarely do things give me gooosebumps like that. We’ve now lived here for 3+ years.

    My wife has vowed that it wasn’t her doing.


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    Louise Stange-Wahl
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Works with pennies too---when we were deciding whether to buy our ranch or not, we walked over to one of the fields, looked down, and there were pennies in the dirt right by our feet. Freaked out my best friend who was our realtor. No other footprints but ours. Over 30 from all years that were just laying there. Of course, we bought it and have been here 20 years and love it!

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    When i was younger we rented out our extended garage to one of my parents friends who was having trouble finding a house, on super rainy days when he was the only one outside he would see a girl with super long orange hair, a white dress and no shoes swinging at our swing, he would ask her were her parents are and if she was cold she never said anything, and this went on every super rainy day for a year, he said she looked super pale and sad, . He has lots of other paranormal story's about something that happend to him too, and no one would ever see her but him. Hes not the type to lie for attention.



    This story takes place in 2018. So me and my friend were talking and then I had to go. The next day my friend told me that someone had given him a paper anonymously in his backpack. I recognized it as Firelight code and decoded it to say 'The swamp grows hungry. The swamp grows hungry. The swamp grown hungry. The swamp grows hungry' and so on, until the end of the backside of the 3rd paper. 1 week later, my friend goes missing. I'm still worried that I'm next...



    I had moved into a house with my wife, and dog Vegas who was a 4 year old Husky/Shepard cross. My wife, who is a nurse, was working night shifts so I came home to find Vegas at the top of the basement stairs growling. He NEVER growled or barked, ever. He was a nervous dog and was scared of most things. My basement at the time was undeveloped (no lights or anything) and I thought someone had broken into our house and was downstairs. I walked downstairs (as Vegas stayed at the top) with my phone light and when I got to the bottom so half a floating woman for about 3 seconds and then she disappeared. Once she disappeared, Vegas stopped growling and went and laid down.



    This is my first 'Ask Pandas" answer, so sorry if its cringey.

    My house has always been slightly haunted, no matter where we move. When we moved to Chicago when I was 2, a chandelier fell and almost hurt my parents. Moving to the suburbs our power would flicker on and off. Moving out of that house, we heard wolf and coyote howls for the first time during the month before we moved. Now we are beginning to pack again, and a light bulb socket and all, fell out of the ceiling yesterday. Right in front of my parents door- five feet away from where it used to be.



    My friend and I were on a late-night ghost tour of the St. Augustine lighthouse. It’s said to be haunted by the young daughters of a former lighthouse keeper. They had died tragically by drowning. At the end of the tour, and after the guide had related the tale of how the little girls died, a woman approached me to say how well-behaved my daughter was. I stared in disbelief and answered, “I don’t have a daughter.” She persisted, “Well, there was a little girl quietly standing next to you through the whole talk.” There were no children on the tour and my friend had been standing beside me.
    The guide heard the conversation and produced an old photo of the keeper’s daughters. He asked the woman, “Did she look like any of these girls?” The woman’s eyes grew huge. She took a step back, grabbed her husband’s arm and stammered, “I think we need to leave.”
    I was so disappointed that I hadn’t seen the little girl myself!



    Every night, if I stay up long enough, I hear strange disembodied voices that seem to be comeing from the walls. I also always hear footsteps when nobody is home. It really creeps me out and I can't stand it. :(



    So it's not a real paranormal experience for me per se, my cousin loves to play with ouija boards and loves to prank me, bad choice. I was tired of her pranking me so I turned the fuse box on and off. When she was in complete darkness I threw things around the room. God her face was priceless, I still feel bad but it was so worth it.



    One Saturday night when I was a teenager, I had been at a friend's house and went home about 10 PM. When I got there no one else was home which I thought was odd, but I was sure they would be home soon. Time went by and they still were not home and I was getting nervous. I had never been home alone so late at night before. I looked out the kitchen window and at the end of the driveway under the street light a man stood looking toward our house. At first I thought it was our neighbor who walked his dog at all hours of the night. This was summer and the man was wearing an overcoat and a fedora. I then realized it was not the neighbor because he always wore shorts in the summer and he would not be wearing an overcoat. I had a border collie, named Elvis, of course, and he was very protective and had no fear of anything. The man started walking toward the back door , I could hear his footsteps as he walked on the gravel driveway. I must admit I was very scared! So I said to Elvis "Go get him" and let him out the back door. He went out the door like a shot, snarling and barking. Suddenly he got quiet and the next thing I knew, he started whining and whimpering and ran back into the house with his tail between his legs. I was terrified! I heard the footsteps continue toward the backdoor. Elvis and I ran out the front door and ran to my friends house and stayed there overnight. My family came home the next day. The had gone to a friends hunting camp and spent the night. My parents had no idea that I would be afraid to be home alone and didn't think to leave a note telling me they would not be home until the next day. When I told them about the man and how Elvis reacted they thought I was making it up because I was mad about being left alone.



    When I was about 7 or 8 I was in bed unable to sleep at the time and I didn't know why (at this time I left my door open while I was sleeping). I felt weird, like someone was looking or watching me. So I started looking around my room and I looked at the door and there was a dark silhouette of a women in what looked like a dress. I thought it was my mom making sure I was asleep, so I said "HI mom, I just can't sleep but I'll go to sleep", but she didn't answer. After a couple of minutes the shadow toke one step in my room then my parents door opened and it disappeared, from that day forward I never slept with my door open ever again. Sometimes I'll wake up with the same feeling that somebody was staring at me and when I'd look at the door the door would be open and that same silhouette was standing there, so I just turn over and pretend it's not there.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I heard that sometimes if you ask them to leave nicely they will go

    Paulina De La Loza Espiritu
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My mom said that one time her mom visit her while she was asleep she said that she didnt know if she should be scared or happy to see her and my grandma died in 2003

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    When I was in 3rd grade, at school my best friend went into the girls' bathroom alone. while she was in the stall, she thought she heard footsteps. she called out "charlie, charlie, are you there?" charlie was a girl in our class. she heard an eerie girl's voice say "no, nooo" and when she came out, there was a trail of red drops that looked like blood, leading to the full-size mirror. there was a big splash of blood on the mirror. she ran and got me and our other friend, Maya. she showed us the blood, and we went to get the janitor, but when we came back with him, the blood was gone. more people in third grade saw/heard her. she had long hair, but that was the only thing you could tell about her besides her blood-splattered floor-length white dress. I saw her. she was coming towards me saying "I want to live. give me your life" I ran, and eventually charlie, charlie became a Bloody Mary-like evil spirit. summons happened during lunchtime, daily, held by me, Maya, and my BF, with others. she was only seen in the top-level girls' bathroom. I am freaked out for life.


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    4 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    you've never heard of the charlie charlie thing? It's a game. I always played it during math class in middle school. I always blew on it though. :)

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    That's not really paranormal for me but it may be for some people. I grew up in this old house and when I had friends over some of them felt weird about ghosts or spirits. For me as a child, I didn't felt weird but I talked to "them", like "sorry to disturb you" when entering an unused room, "I hope that you like it" when adding some decorations... I knew that probably a lot of people died in this home since it's an old one and I didn't want to be disrespectful to them. I never felt weird in it even in the attic and the basement, and I'm still really attached to it, even though we moved out more than a decade ago. I will probably haunt it myself when I will pass out.


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    Sent From The Slytherin House
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sometimes I talk to mine. I sing or I'm just like "hi, how are you" or something like that.

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    I was sat with the headphones on playing my stereo late one night. I was sat on the sofa and the stereo unit was about 2 foot away from me. Suddenly, a figure in a purple jumper and dark jeans appeared to be sat between me and the unit. They hade dark, longish curlt hair and were sat with their arms around their raised knees. As they started to turn towards me they vanished and so did I, up the stiairs and into bed with the covers over me head! I never experienced anything like that again and, as far as I know, the house was not haunted. The only thing I can think of is that the evening before I hade done a legnthy stint of tarot card readings and it somehow opened up something in my mind that this person responded to.



    Once when I was about 6 or 7 I was in South Africa on a farm With a HUGE HOUSE and on the 2 night I WOKE UP AND MY DAD WAS ON THE ROOF WITGA KNIFE AND HIS HEAD TURNED ON BACKWARDS I LOOKED AT THE MOMS BED cuz I was in the same room as her AND MY DAD WAS NOT THERE then i stayed awake for 6 hours alone in a sleeping bad winpering finally my mom woke up and told me to come to her and I said but daddy’s up there and then she pointed to my dad sleeping after this we left the house we have never gone back scince


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    i used to be scared of my dad when he shaved his beard cause to me it was whole other identity

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    Just a few weeks before my 12th birthday, my grandma passed. It was my first experience with death (pets not included). I was at camp when she left and my parents told me when I came home. I was devistated and a week after her passing i was laying in bed crying, really upset. Then all of a sudden i became completely calm in a second, i saw/felt my grandma 'floating' above me as i heard her say: it's ok sweety, don't cry. Now I have to go, go see the rest of the family.
    If it wasn't for my emotions and breathing tot calm so fast, i would have thought that i'd made it all up, but i really believe it was my grandma checking in and saying goodbye.



    For a short while was living in apartment where previous tenant died tragically in car accident (found out after moved in, otherwise i'd reconsider).
    I've seen some weird stuff before as a child and as teen, so thought myself not to be scared, moreover grandma was a superstitious woman and always used to say "do not fear dead, they can not hurt you, fear only alive ones".
    So there you go time to time there was some movement in the apartment... like sliding closet door used to open sometimes, or more regularly there was a noise from moving hangers in a closet (this noise of sliding steel hanger hook on steel railing), but nothing else. I took it lightheartedly and sometimes even used to exclaim jokingly "oh cut it out already, will you... boring tricks" and surprisingly it was getting quiet.
    Once was sleeping well into noon (taking advantage from day off) when i started waking up, but unfortunately fell into sleep paralysis (it is not usual thing to happen to me but few times happened before, so i had a research done and was aware of what is happening). So awake, see my surroundings but cannot freaking move. Starting to hear heavy men boots footsteps coming from hallway to my bedroom and next to my bed... transparent figure with no features, comes closer and starts to whisper fast nonsenses into my ear (sounded like young mans voice). I started moving fingers, then arms to wake myself up from this state asap. It worked.
    Got up, thought, it's just a freaking dream, i'm stressed and exhausted from work. Then after few moments I notice trashed car stereo under my tv set in the living room... i mean actual car part... CAR STEREO with some cords hanging from the back, like it would be ripped out from car by force.
    I still want to believe that someone didn't like me there so played bad trick on me. Otherwise... how???


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    Paulina De La Loza Espiritu
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My dad would say the same thing about the "do not fear dead, they can not hurt you, fear only alive ones"

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    My mom told me this story when I was little. I was about four years old, my mother and I lived in an apartment near a country club in SC. I didn't ever know my biological father. Anyway, so I would go to bed, and less than an hour later I would run across the hallway into my mother's bedroom and sit on her bed. My mom was okay with this, as most of the time she was downstairs watching a show on the TV. Then, one night I came running down the stairs. My mom asked me why I had come downstairs in such a rush and why I wasn't asleep. I told her that there was a man in a funny hat making noises at me. She asked what noises he made and I growled. She was shocked and upset. The explanation behind this is that the country club was on a road near a Union soldier cemetary. The man in my room was a Union soldier ghost. And he growled at me, probably to try to communicate.



    Ok so this is a funny and paranormal dream. I dreamed that one day while i was walkng inside a church and these nns just came out saying Jesus very loudly. IK, this might declare my religion. Then I dreamed of a pizza eating a pizza eating a pizza-eating a pizza. BFG blew me the wrong dream.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    i once had a dream where i was watching myself watch myself watch myself

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    Many years ago I joined the Peace Corps and as part of the training we were sent to Trinidad. While we were there a local resident whose family had owned, since the 17th century, a large plantation invited us all to spend the evening at his estate for a barbeque. It was extremely hot and I started to feel dizzy so a staff member took me to an unused bedroom so I could rest. As I was dozing off I suddenly became very cold and saw a little girl in a long dress standing at the foot of the bed. She gestured to me to follow her down a very long hallway and at the end there was a huge door which opened into a large room which opened out to a garden. There I saw a very very old woman playing the piano. She asked who I was and I told her everything that had just happened. I said I thought maybe I was sleepwalking or dreaming, Then she showed me a photo from the early part of the century of two little girls and I identified one as the child I had seen. She told me that the photo was of her and her sister who had been murdered when a rebellion broke out at the plantation and that every once in a while someone will see her. Her room was the one I had been resting in and she always wanted to lead the people staying there to her sister (the lady playing the piano). Her great grandson who had invited the Peace Corps trainees to his plantation came in and wanted to question me more as he was keeping a record of the sightings. I was so freaked out I asked to be taken back to where everyone else was eating and enjoying the festivities. I never mentioned it to anyone there and never kept in touch with the Trinidad grandson although he wrote to me for years. I am 75 years old now and I still get the chills when I think about it. I know no one ever believed me



    So I went to school with this guy, we were kind of friends for a while, but never really close. We lost touch immediately after school. Years later, he starts showing up in my dreams. Like, twice to three times a week I dream of him, out of the blue. One time I ask him, in my dream, what he's been up to, and guess that he is in IT, as he was good with computers back then. In my dream, he responds: well, I initially studied IT, but went on to my current field, economic management later.
    I continue dreaming of the guy and eventually google him. Guess what, I found his resume and he studied IT and moved on to economic management.
    Eventually I quit dreaming of him all the time. Haven't seen him since school.


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    so, in my house, there is a spot in the corner of my living room were pipes come through a corner of the room, and there is a hole from were the pipes are coming from and one night, i was watching tv and out of the whole i saw some bat-like abomination. i blinked and rubbed my eyes and i saw it duck back in the hole, i paused the movie and walked over to the hole and i saw it peek its head out and it looked a me then put its head back down and when it peeked its head out, i jumped back and saw that it was in fact NOT your average bat, it was slightly larger with a head half the size of its body a gremlin-like face and when i didn't see it for a while, i went back to the tv and kept watching, the whole time while i was watching, i kept seeing it pop out and look at me curiously and go back in, i finally just went to bed. it still creeps me out today, every 10 minutes at least i have to check that corner, i never saw the thing again.


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    I have 3 also. 1.) My uncle Dee died about a week before this. I was in bed, woke up and at the end of the bed was my uncle. He said " Don't worry, I'm happy." He then just disappeared. Freaked me right out.
    2.) My cat Baggy used to sit in the kitchen and stare at me when she wanted me to go to bed. She always slept right by my head. Well, I had to have her put to sleep, she had kidney disease, she'd been gone a bit and one night I was in the living room reading, looked up saw Baggy. I said "okay I'm coming." Thought wait a minute she's gone! Looked again and no Baggy. This stopped when I scattered her ashes. She used to knock stuff off high cupboards too.
    3.) My husband died in December of 2014. I found him in the kitchen kneeling on the floor with his body on a chair clutching the phone. Called 911 all that but he was gone, no bringing him back. I was watching a movie and it was dark in the house and raining out. I looked towards the kitchen and there is Charlie coming towards me, he looks really mad! I just said "Okay I see you, please stop scaring me." All my hair was up and I was freaked out! He disappeared and I've never seen him again. I miss him a lot and Baggy too. That trailer I now consider haunted. I've also heard lots of random odd noises and the cats will just stared at nothing for the longest of times. I know they are watching something. I always wonder who he was trying to call. There was a message from his mom on the answering machine. It was just to weird for words.


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    When I was 15 I had a nightmare of being in the woods during twilight and way off in the distance there was a figure stranding. He had his shoulders up but slouched forward and head down staring at me. You could feel the evilness oozing out of him. I have never been so petrified in my life. I woke up and I could still feel this dark, heavy, menacing spirit all around me. I prayed for light and safety and eventually the heaviness disappeared. Here’s where things get creepy because we all have bad dreams right? Fast forward a few years I don’t know how it came up but I told my dad I once had a dream of this evil person and he said, “Oh, he looked like this,” he hunched forward and stared at menacingly then went on to describe my nightmare. He said when he was 15 he had the same nightmare. Neither of us had it again.


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    Me and my friends played the cat scratch game i ended up having like 3 or 4 scratches appear across my back



    I was alone and my sister was somewhere else and I was in my room and I hear a scratch from under her bed but nothings there


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    This may not be scary to some people, but it really freaked me out at that time.
    So I was in my room,sitting on the bed. My bed had 4 pole like things surrounding it and keeping it from falling. There was a bit of wood sticking out. I put my full water bottle on it for easy reach. (bad idea since it could easily fall, nothing surrounding it) It then fell ( it landed upright.) No wind, no sound, no vibrations when that happened. But it could still be explained by science. I put my bottle back on there. It fell again, upright. I did it 2 more times and the same thing happened. in about 30 seconds afterwords, it would always fall upright. Freaked me out for a while. I know its not scary, but it was for me when I was little!


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    One time I was messing around with the mirror behind my couch. Then I looked to the left and a jacket fell off the shelf. Either telekinesis or ghosty.



    i swear on the one damn that i can give--i saw the dream man at night...


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    4 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is kind of creepy, but after I searched "this man" and all the internet on my computer froze. When it came back, all the images had red x's over them... I'm freaked out.

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    ok, so i actually have 2 stories.

    1) this one happened to my aunts.
    One of my aunts was redoing her living room.
    My other aunt asked (IN HER HEAD) what color she was going to paint the walls. She said red. My mom was there and agrees that my aunt said nothing aloud.

    2) I don't have any proof of this, and usually when i tell people they just laugh...
    I was in my room with one of my close friends, and we were determined to stay up all night. It was about 3 in the morning and i looked out of the window. I swear i saw a humanoid figure standing on our back porch looking up at the stars. I turned my head to tell my friend. when i turned it back the figure was gone.


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    I was in school in my chorus class. I noticed a instrument case in the direct center of the round table well later on in that class we were sitting away from it and all we hear is bang it fell nobody was near the table or even in that part of the room


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    I've never had anything directly happen to me, but some funky stuff had happened in my house. My dad lent a table up against a door, went to take a sh!t and it fell down. He swears that it was balanced so IT WOULDN'T fall. Another time he saw a silhouette of a man on a wall, got up to check if someone was there, and you guess it, no one was. another one is where we have a camera in a spare room and it tracks motion and sends him notifications every time it picks something up. He keeps getting notifications, checks the camera and nothing would be there. When all this happened, I'd just watched "The Conjuring" which didn't help.


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    About a decade ago, my friends grandmother died after a long illness. After her death, an alarm clock that was in the room that she died in, kept going off every night at the same time even though it did not always freaked me out.... Then one night, I was sleeping over at this friends house. I was sleeping on a mattress on her bedroom floor next to her bed. Suddenly the digital alarm clock radio next to her bed started playing the radio station at a very high volume. I jumped out of bed and went around to switch it off. I turned down the volume button but the volume would not go down. I pressed every button and turned off every switch on the thing but it would not stop playing the radio. I even tried changing the radio station but it continued to play the station it started on. Then I eventually switched it off at the wall and unplugged it completely but it still kept playing the radio. I checked to take out batteries but there were no batteries. My friend all the while was sleeping through this racket. Finally I got so scared I switched the bedroom light on and jumped back into bed and pulled the covers over my head. About 5 minutes later the radio stopped playing..... The next morning my friend did not believe me.


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    I dont know of this counts but I am sometimes able to control things with my mind. Like in gym if a ball is moving I will be able to tell exactly where it will go and I later realized that I was moving it or like idk its hard to explain but anybody else able to do that?


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    Emma Manning
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Telekinesis! That's really cool! I have pyrokinesis, which means I can control fire! Either that or you have a strong intuition. If you think it's telekinesis, you should work on developing it

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    I keep seeing black shadowy figures that dart out of view and hear random noises, like feet on the carpet.


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    Mark Karol-Chik
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Shadow people. I was in a very old cemetery in Cripple Creek, Co in about 1998. Out of the corner of my eye I watched as a dark figure raced just out of my vision and into the forest.

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    Hello Pandas
    I think I have a poltergeist on my case- every time I lay my hairbands and bobby pins somewhere, I can never find them later. I just have to keep on buying more!

    -52 Blue



    So, I'm a witch, and I do a cleansing of my home every week. I remember one time, I was smudging and burning incense, and I command all negative energies to leave my home. Suddenly, I here a clatter, and I see my hairbrush fell on the ground. I command again, and suddenly I see a dark shadow dart out and away, as if something was pushing it out. It lasted for a second but I thought I saw a flash of light. I think that my deities were there, protecting me. As a witch, that was one of my first experiences with paranormal activity.



    This is my mother's experience in which I shared a small part. I was 8-9 years old back then. My mother's aunt was hospitalised at that time and had shrunk due to illness, she was in no condition to recognise or talk to anybody. We visited her at the hospital and my mom dreamt this the same night. My mother had a dream where her sick aunt came to visit us. Now in our mythology it is said that when a spirit is nearby or in your house you either smell a fishy odour or a fleshy odour. When my mom was discussing the same with my uncle and nana, aunt entered the room and sat on the bed telling everyone that they were smelling fleshy odour. I was sleeping on the same bed where mom's aunt came and sat. When in my mother got scared she started screaming and chanting in her dreams. Aunt got up to the ceiling and fall back with teeth wide open on me. This jerked my mom off sleep. She noticed the clock and it was 1.40 midnight. Next day my mom called sick aunt's daughter and we came to know she died last night around 1.30. My mom says the dream is still fresh with her till date and she cannot explain it either why she saw this. I get goosebumps every time I share this story.



    I grew up in a haunted house, and took the ghosts for sister and I were about 7 or 8, and thought it was perfectly normal to ask the ghost to pull the shades up and down...and they did. I mentioned it to a teacher at school...a truly evil nun, who said we were lying and that there was no such thing, and she would whack me with her sticker (OH I wanted a weapon about this time). She actually called my parents in, and when she told them what we said, they backed us up 100%. We thought everyone had a ghost in their houses. LOL.



    okay sorry, but I'm posting another one, at my high school we have a ghost named Lily, she lives in the auditorium and while we are practicing for plays and musicals she would make "lightning" meaning she would turn the lights on and off. Apparently, she makes frequent bathroom breaks. At cheer yesterday everyone heard the hand dryer go off multiple times but no one went in there. the last time it went off I went into the bathroom and no one was in there... why do schools specifically have to be haunted


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I've worked at two different retail stores (same chain) and apparently both are haunted. At my first store, I was walking the length of the backroom and saw someone out of the corner of my eye keeping pace with me. (Yes, it was nighttime, no it was not my own shadow -- it was too far from me.) I looked over and no one was there; checked all the rooms back there but nothing. Throughout my time in that store, I would hear my name called a lot but no one was around, or no one looking for me. I also had a ghost in the seafood dept who would flicker the cooler light and stop when I asked it to. At my current store, I have one cashier who has seen two different "customers" come in at night but we never see them leave and we've searched the whole store. (I'd question it, but the first time had multiple witnesses.) We put a lot of energy into schools and work and leave a lot behind.

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    Have the ghost of Confederate soldier appears in one bedroom of my house. Smiles and is friendly to whoever sleeping there. Years ago found an old abandoned grave(what it appears to be) in the woods on my property line. Local law wanted nothing to do with it. I talked to the house told soldier I would open grave and try to get him home. I am in process of opening grave..soldier has not appeared since I talked to house. Hope to give one person peace after 150 years



    ive published about him before (a.k.a the black sillouette ive been seeing for a while) but um the past few days hes been speaking in tounge and last night he moved closer to my bed and i got a look at his face, hes missing an eye and has alot of scars on his face and i want to get rid of him but i know im gonna feel bad abt it


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    ask them to leave nicely or make conversation, i'd be terrified but give it a shot.


    after my great-grandfather had died I sat in his chair and then it and then he appeared and walked over to the chair with a book that he always read to me when I was in that chair I yelled and my parents came in they said it must have been a dream but then when I turned back the book was laying on the floor like someone had dropped it


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I had a dream maybe last year, after my grandpa died, that he was laying in his old stag wag that we keep at our cabin, in the backseat smiling. I was in the backseat too. I pointed to hime because my mom was outside the window, and she smiled sadly. Nothing about it was creepy, just sad and peaceful.


    This didn't happen to me, but to one of my friends. One time, me and him, and another one of my friends were playing in some mud by a river. then, all of a sudden, one of my friends feet got pulled into the mud. He said that it felt like a hand had grabbed his foot. It could have just been suction, but i like to believe that it was a hand.


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    When my cranky 25 year old cat slept on my lap



    The most paranormal thing that has ever happened to me was nearly 20 years ago. I was 19, still living at home. And going to bed quite early it would seem as this happened around 10 pm. I was asleep in bed and a creepy voice yelled in my ear, "Death!" I woke up with a start and looked around but there was no one there and so I went back to sleep. In the morning, I woke up and went to the lounge room to turn on the tv. The news was on. Some big crash. I didn't like watching the news so I changed the channel. The same news was on every channel. It was 9/11 coverage. I live in Australia, so when the creepy voice yelled at me at around 10 pm, it was around 10 am in New York.


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    Allan Breum
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    4 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    A psychic shockwave, perhaps? All that fear and pain concentrated in one spot, and the nation watching it happen in horror, is probably the equivalent of a psychic nuke.

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    Richardson’s is this farm thing in northern Illinois I went with Girl Scouts as an activity when I was 11. Everyone in our it was me 5 other Girl Scouts or troop leaders and one girls little siblings. We went into the corn maze at night around 8pm. After an hour our parents left the corn maze without us. We were there for a long time. Now here’s the creepy part Me and the girl who brought her siblings who I will call Claire for this story were about ten feet behind the group. We were by this corn stalk and then we saw some bright lights we pulled apart the corn to see if someone was behind it. Nothing. But we did hear something. It sounded like this very young girl was talking. She said hi (Friend name) and (My Name) enjoying your stay. We freaked out and ran nobody else believed us. It still scares me to this day. We also found a sign with a very creepy demonic chicken picture



    Let me state that I don't believe in ghosts/paranormal AT ALL. Not a bit. Yet some years ago I stayed at a friend's house one evening. He said that strange stuff sometimes happened but he was cool with it and I was like, yeah, whatever. There was a double door opposite the spare bedroom where I slept that led into a larger sitting room. Both of the double doors were open. It was winter so all windows were shut. No animals in the house, and just me and my friend. We were in the kitchen when we heard a bang. We went to check and one of the double doors had shut. Not only that, but there was a screwdriver wedged into the slot on the floor where the other door's bolt fitted. My friend said he had never seen that screwdriver before. Like I said, I don't believe in ghosts (still don't) but there's no way I can explain that, and I saw it with my own eyes.


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    So, one night, I saw my dead uncle. He was in the flesh, not some spirit. I was so happy, but when I reached out to touch him, he just disappeared. No flash of light, no little 'poof', nothing.


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    It all goes together! There is someone named Charlie who is working with Bloody Mary in the mirror realm. The only way they and the people they dragged into the mirror dimension can appear outside the reflective glass is in the form of a glowing orb, but their weakness is that they always leave some kind of trail, like the orange peels and pistachio shells, and animals can sense them better than we can, as the dog barking above shows. The centers of the Mirror Realm are the hungry swamp and carpets/beds/couches in random spots around the world. The disembodied voices belong to the orbs. Bloody Mary always leaves behind a trail of blood and short instances of dead people, both sucked into the mirror realm. C A R A is the nickname of Charlie, and an abbreviation of CHARA too. Chara is an evil character in Undertale, and Undertale is really a pixelated version of the Upside Down from Stranger Things. The Swamp is an underdramatization of the Demogorgon (Or, what I call the Upside Down Humantrap). And so, what I mean to say is, it all fits together.



    I had two prophetic dreams in my life. The first one was when I went to my aunt for vacation and the night before coming back home I dreamt about a coffee mug with a map of Cyprus on it, colored blue and orange. It felt a bit funny to dream about something so specific. We never owned anything like this. So guess what waiting for me when I got back home... Turned out a friend of my mother brought her almost identical coffee mug from her own vacation as a souvenir.... It was beyond creepy. Then there was this situation where people on Hawaii accidentally (or not) got an alarm message that they should seek shelter. The night before I dreamt of receiving such text on my mobile all the while living in a different country, on entirely different continent...


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    Sorry have to add one more..33 years ago when wife and I first married we rented a huge old house that had been HQ to a now defunct and gone with time Lumber mill. Moved in in mid-winter(Adirondack Mtns) and house was cold clear thru. 2 wood stoves and furnace going full blast to re-warm it. Upper story had 3 bedrooms then a huge 30 x 40 foot room that must have dormitory for workers. Dormitory sealed off by door with hook and eye lock on my side to save heat ..2nd or 3rd night there I only one home and I hear heavy footsteps coming across Dorm the lock on the door came unlocked and door came open I saw nothing. I said in a normal voice'at least you could close the door we trying to heat this place'footsteps came back other way ..door shut and LOCKED itself" no more problems with heat loss though footsteps continued intermittently



    One night when I was 16, I came home late after being out with friends. After coming inside and locking the door, I saw a man in my hallway that I initially thought was my dad. I reached for and turned on the light and there was no one there. That night started 5-6 nights of dreams with this man in it where I progressively learned more and more about him. In the dream, he told me his name was Gavin (an odder name back then, not one I had heard before, I think) and I was shown snippets of a horrible car crash in which he died. After waking up following the first night of dreams, I found I had lost my keys and wallet. I had them the night before, had driven home and let myself into the house with the keys. My family and I searched high and low during this whole 6 day period while I was having the dreams, and my parents had to let me use their spare key to my car to get to school and work.

    After the last dream, I was working at my first job in a small hardware store. There were very few customers, and a family walked in with a child about 3 years old. He stopped following his parents and stared at me dead-pan while I tried to engage him and encourage him to follow his parents. After a couple of minutes, his mom came up, grabbed his hand and scolded him, saying "Gavin! I told you to stay with us!" I was shocked, as the boy and the "ghost" had similar hair and features. When I left my shift that day, I found inside my (locked) car my keys and wallet, sitting right out in the open on top of my emergency brake between the front seats.

    I have thought so much about this over the years. I feel that there is a possibility that at some point I will make a choice that will either cause or prevent the crash that took Gavin's life. And I may never know unless I make the wrong choice and he dies. Based on my math and my best guesses at his age in the store and his approximate age in my dream, it could happen any time in the next 1-6 years or so, but I am not the best at guessing people's ages... :/


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    Idk Katniss Potter
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Wow, that is awesome, it have me shivers, hopefully you make the right choice 😊


    whenever I find and like something, whether it be a movie, game, show, etc, everyone on the internet knows about and likes it no more than a week later. not kidding. Ex: about 6 days after I started playing and loving AmongUs, I start seeing memes about it everywhere. These experiences have happened to me too many times.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Quite normal. It's like buying a new car. Suddenly you notice that a lot of people drive the same brand of car that you just bought. In fact those cars were around you all the time but you never noticed them because you had no connection to that brand.

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    Something my father told me. When he was a boy his grandfather owned a little farm in the south of the Netherlands. He had some cows and 2 horses. How it started no one knows, but the horses would be all sweaty and really tired when he went to feed them on the morning of Saturday the 14th. At first they thought that perhaps some drunk had been chasing them during the night. But after some time they noticed he pattern. If there was no Friday 13th, nothing happened. When there was a Friday 13th, the horses would be sweaty and tired the next morning. It didn't matter if they were left in the field or locked up in the barn. It lasted for nearly one year and suddenly it stopped.
    They found the body of an old woman who was trampled to death by horses a few days after the horses made their last run. No one knew who she was or where she came from.


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    Idk Katniss Potter
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Creepy... I have questions, as she was on your property trampled by presumably your horses, were you charged with something, or was it that nobody knew who she was. Sorry I’m curious.


    Years ago when I was in grad school I had a small dog. I would leave for the entire day, it was impossible to find a parking spot near my school so once I found one I didn’t leave for the day and she was old enough and calm enough to stay home alone.

    One day I’m at school and I get the weirdest feeling that I need to go home right now. I get to my car I drive home and I find my dog is hemorrhaging vaginally. The vet said if I hadn’t going home, she would have died.

    After many years and she did pass away, I got another dog and I kept saying to people that there was something wrong deep in her body with one of her organs. Everyone said I was just being sensitive because I had just lost my other dog to illness. Well, it turned out that this dog had heartworm disease. She was treated successfully and lived to be very old.And I know to never ever disregard that funny feeling.


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    Many years ago when I was in graduate school I had a little sheltie who was very sweet and calm and I would leave her all day when I had late classes, because there was never anywhere to park near my school, so I get to school and I’d stay. One day I had the strongest feelings that I needed to go home that minute and so I did and I found that she was hemorrhaging from her vagina. The vet said she would’ve died if I hadn’t gone home then.

    After she passed, I got a puppy and I kept telling everyone there was something wrong with the puppy deep down, something was wrong with one of her organs. Everyone told me I was just being sensitive, but it turned out that she had heartworm disease. She was treated successfully and lived a long life.
    I never ever ignore THAT feeling.



    This is too spooky!! The old owner of my house died in the house. My fam always makes jokes about her. "Ooh Esther's gonna haunt yoooouuu..." Well, seventh grade, the back of my locker was engraved with the name Esther.



    Ok so... this did not happen to me but it did to my step mom, so she’s had my step brother he was just a baby. So they were both alone downstairs suddenly my step mom heard something... BANG!!! It sounded like something hit a tile upstairs. She grabbed my brother and left the house, the next day they saw that there was nothing damaged.


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    My paranormal story: I don't remember this. but my mom told me it. My mom was washing our bathtub when I suddenly I came in "What are you doing?" I said, "cleaning" responded my mom. I tried to help her, but the she looked at me and heard the creepiest growl and saw my hair move. And no, there was not any open windows, or air vents, Just me standing still. I jumped in the bathtub WITH clothes on and socks (that was the worst part) and hugged her. Later that night, my mom said he was sleeping when something pulled her her hair. She turned around and saw a faint ghostly figure of a child, and as fast as it came, It vanished without a trace. She started to pray and all that stuff. And nothing happened after that but then my sister was born, so bada-bing bada-boo, The end.


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